There is a growing understanding that companies do not exist in a vacuum. They live in communities, affect the lives of their consumers, suppliers, and employees in deep and meaningful ways. Sometimes this is positive, sometimes this is a disaster, but how they communicate about these interactions is often subpar compared the products they create. This podcast attempts to demystify and put into plain language the CSR reports almost every major company produces and almost every consumer ignores.
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Starbucks: 2018 Global Social Impact Report CEO: Kevin Johnson Founded: March 31, 1971, Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA 2018 Revenue: $24.72 Billion The report can be found here: --- Send in a voice message:…
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In this episode, we review Wells Fargo. This longstanding financial institution has had some brushes with less than traditional values in their more recent history. Does the report put out by their CSR department clear the air or get that stagecoach stuck in the mud? Established on Mach 18, 1851 Revenue in 2018: $86.41B Report Link: https://www.wel…
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2018 Nintentdo CSR report: Recorded March 2019 Nintendo: $9.95 Billion in revenue 2018. Established 1889 Employees: 5501 --- Send in a voice message:
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