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Arquitectura Sen Fronteiras Galicia

Habitando é o podcast de Arquitectura Sen Fronteiras Galicia. Con Habitando pretendemos facerte chegar o día a dí­a da nosa organización, os proxectos que estamos a desenvolver, e sobre todo educar e sensibilizar no Dereito ao Hábitat.
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Interviews with architects from around the world about inspirational homes that they have designed. Another Architecture Podcast is hosted by architect, George Bradley, founder of London based studio Bradley Van Der Straeten. George’s genuine passion for his industry and the storytelling format of the podcast, make it accessible for everyone.Each episode, George talks to architects in depth about how they created incredible houses from first concept to completion. By focusing on one project ...
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Artigo9tech é un grupo de investigación que ten creado unha rede de profesorado das tres universidades e a sociedade civil de Galicia, co obxectivo de fomentar a colaboración e iniciativas que teñan que ver con tecnoloxía aplicada a proxectos de cooperación. Dende 2021 desenvolve xunto a Enxeñería Sen Fronteiras un proxecto para o fomento das tecno…
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Hoxe 3 de decembro celébrase o Día Mundial das Persoas con Discapacidade. Nós queremos celebralo falando de atención á diversidade con Sonia Seijas. Sonia traballa dende o seu inicio, hai xa 19 anos, na Unidade de Atención á Diversidade da Universidade da Coruña, na que ten establecido unha rede de traballo con persoas das distintas facultades e es…
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Desde 2020 Farmamundi desenvolve xunto á Universidade de Santiago de Compostela un proxecto de Educación para a Cidadanía Global en Santiago, un proxecto que xa está na súa fase catro. Traballa diferentes aspectos do Dereito á Saúde entendéndoo desde unha perspectiva holística, e coa colaboración de varios graos e mestrado da USC que aplicaa a apre…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Ty Tikari, who founded the London studio Tikari Works with his wife Nicola. We talk about Pocket House, a small home designed on what was formerly a double garage and located on a typical Victorian street in London. I really like solution-based projects, and this is a classic example of solving, what was…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect and builder Horacio Cherniavsky, one of the founders of the Paraguayan studio Equipo De Arquitectura. We talk about La Casa Intermedia, a single storey, one bedroom home in the city of Asunción. The home as been built on a narrow plot and is characterised by distinct vaulted brick roofs that cover a sequ…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Tom Kundig of the Seattle based studio Olson Kundig. We talk about two of their projects, the Costa Rica Treehouse and Rio House. Costa Rica Treehouse is a property built entirely of locally harvested teak wood. It is inspired by the jungle of its densely forested site on the Pacific Coast and rises abov…
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Para este Habitando 41, o último de 2022, tivemos a honra de contar con Julián Salas. Julián ten a Cátedra UNESCO de Habitabilidad Básica da ETSAM. É todo un referente neste eido a nivel mundial. Achegouse á Coruña para impartir na Escola de Arquitectura a lección Construindo con recursos escasos. Contra a fame de vivenda en África, así que aprovei…
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Contamos neste episodio con Cristina Botana, que ven de publicar, o ano pasado, a súa tese doutoral Os asentamentos precarios en Galicia: dende os conxuntos autoconstruidos ata a infravivenda de produción institucional como expresións do urbanismo segregativo. Cristina é arquitecta e durante moitos anos compañeira nosa como voluntaria en varios gru…
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Falamos novamente de Cartografías Sociais explorando o seu valor como soporte de Narrativas Dixitais. E o facemos a través das experiencias de Ruth Sousa, xestora cultural integrante da Cooperativa Almeiro e Ben Curiosa, e Nuria García, terapeuta ocupacional do Hospital de día de Psiquiatría de Ferrol. Compartiron connosco o seu achegamento e posta…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Simon Pendal. We talk about his project Beaconsfield House. The home is an extension and renovation of a 1940’s workers cottage, located in the suburbs of the Australian city of Perth. The scheme retains the original cottage fronting onto the street and extends it to the rear with a new extension to crea…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Metin Van Zijl of the Dutch architecture practice, Studioninedots. We talk about Villa Fifty-Fifty Located on the site of a former Phillips factory, in the city of Eindhoven, this project was shortlisted by Dezeen as one of the best houses in the world in 2021. The home breaks the typical mould of house …
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Matt Loader of Loader Monteith Architects. We talk about their latest project, The Makers’ House. The home is designed for an architect and a ceramicist and is an extension to a Victorian Villa that had previously been subdivided into flats. As designers themselves, the project was a close collaboration …
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Sarah Wigglesworth, and we talk about her latest project, Haycroft Gardens. This is the first one-off house to be designed by Sarah Wigglesworth architects since Stock Orchard Street, the ground-breaking home and office, a project known by some as Straw Bale house and completed over 20 years ago. Haycrof…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Vinu Daniel, founder of Wallmakers. We discuss Pirouette House, a stunning family home in Kerala, India. The studio is devoted to the cause of using mud and waste to create architecture. This project was designed as a tribute to the British born Indian architect, Laurie Baker, a pioneer of sustainable an…
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Varias persoas do grupo de Educación de ASF levamos tempo seguindo e aprendendo da traxectoria profesional de Jorge Raedó. Do seu Zaragoza natal ata Colombia onde actualmente reside, pasando por Barcelona e Finlandia entre outros sitios. Nunha choiva de ideas para describilo xurdiron as palabras curiosidade, xenerosidade, interconexión, actividade,…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Clinton Cole, founder of CplusC. We discuss Welcome to the Jungle, a home for Clinton and his family, in Sydney Australia Described by Clinton as a direct response to the climate emergency facing our planet, the project wears its principles on its sleeve. A whole wall facing the street is made from solar…
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Hoxe temos connosco a Iago Carro, integrante de Ergosfera dende a súa fundación. Ergosfera naceu en 2006 como asociación de estudantes de arquitectura. Tras varias fases neste momento é unha cooperativa que traballa en propostas urbanísticas e no estudo das formas de uso e urbanización do territorio contemporáneo. A súa perspectiva alónxase da prac…
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Christine Lara Hoff, director of the Berlin based practice Hoff Architects. We discuss No Mans Land, a 19th Century traditional farmhouse, located in former East Germany, that has been given a new lease of life. Designed in collaboration with Sierra Boaz Cobb, the project is described by Christine as an …
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In this episode I am joined by the architect Jay Gort, director of the British practice Gort Scott. We discuss The Rock, a home they have designed for a family of five, overlooking Alta Lake in Whistler, Canada. The home is conceived as a form, which belongs to the rocky outcrop that it sits on, emerging from it, surrounding it, celebrating it. The…
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In this episode I am joined by Jennifer Kudlats, founder of Canadian practice Studio A/C. We discuss the Shallmar Residence in Toronto, designed for a family of five, with a serious art collection. The practice describes the project as a house ‘disguised as an art gallery’ They took inspiration from the artists Agnes Martin and Donald Judd when des…
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O pasado 30 de abril inaugurouse no Museo Centro Gaiás da Cidade da Cultura en Santiago de Compostela unha exposición conmemorativa do vixésimo aniversario do Proxecto Terra. Unha mostra que comprende máis de 35 proxectos elaborados en diversos centros educativos galegos ao longo destes 20 anos. Trátase dunha homenaxe a todo o traballo do profesora…
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In this episode I am joined by the recipient of the 2021 Emerging Architect Award at the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada awards, I talk to Anya Moryoussef about her Craven Road Micro House project in Toronto. ‘I don’t need a lot of space, I’m not worried about resale, I just want a house for me’ , this was the simple brief given to Anya by …
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In this episode I am joined by Alex Michaelis, one of the co-founders of Michaelis Boyd architects. we talk about their project, Arijuju, located in Kenya. This house has been referred to as the most beautiful bush house in Africa. It is located on the Boranan Lewa Conservancy, a 90,000 acre conservation area in Kenya, and is situated next to a wat…
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In this episode I am joined by Andrew Brown of the Scottish architecture studio Brown and Brown, that he co-founded with his wife just over 10 years ago. We discuss their most recent project, Lower Tullochgrue. The project is an extension and refurbishment of an historic house in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland, with amazing v…
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In this episode I am joined by John Choi, one of the co-founders of Chrofi architects. We talk about their project, Lune De Sang, located in New South Wales, Australia. The project is a former dairy farm bought by a couple, who are now ambitiously re-wilding the land with native hardwoods that will take between 50 and 300 years to mature. Chrofi ha…
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In this episode I am joined by Alicia Casals, one of the co-founders of Nomo Studio. We talk about their project, Villa Patio, located on the Spanish island of Minorca. It is a private residence that is very sculptural in form, the entire villa appears to be carved out of a block of white stone. The design concept is underlined by complex geometric…
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In this episode I am joined by Siri Zanelli, one of the co-founders of the London based studio Collective Works. We talk about her own home, UpSideDown House, which was completed last year. It is a refurbishment of a typical Victorian terrace house in London, which has been extended outwards into the garden, upwards into the roof, and downwards int…
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To celebrate one year of the podcast, we have a special treat. I discuss the house recently named at the Don’t Move improve awards as London’s best new home improvement project. My guest is the architect Ben Allen, founder of Studio Ben Allen and we discuss House Recast. The project is a reinterpretation and extension of a typical home from the Vic…
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In this episode, I talk to the architect Anais Blehaut, one of the founders of Daab Design about their latest project Guild. The project is a transformation of a beautiful 18th Century Georgian townhouse in central London. Daab have restored the 5 floor property, which, in its latest incarnation, was being used as a mix of office space and apartmen…
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In this episode, I talk to the architect Gianni Botsford about House in a Garden. The project is an incredible solution to creating a home on a small, overshadowed and overlooked back garden plot in central London. On his website he describes the project as ‘a house that is a roof and a hole in the ground’. Others have described it as being like an…
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In this episode, I talk to the Sri Lankan architect Palinda Kannangara about Studio Dwelling, the home and office he has designed for himself in Sri Lanka’s capital city Colombo. The building sits at the perimeter of wild marshland, on the outskirts of the city, and has been designed as a sequence of dramatic spaces that concentrate the eye on view…
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In this episode, I talk to the architect Cade Hayes, co founder of US architecture studio DUST. We discuss their project Tucson Mountain Retreat, a home constructed of Rammed Earth and located in the heart of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. The single storey home is relatively simple in form, with spaces opening out on to the dry and arid surroundin…
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In this episode, I talk to the architect Amos Goldreich, founder of London based studio Amos Goldreich Architecture. We discuss his latest project, a house for a gardener. A renovation of a typical London Victorian terraced property, designed for a couple and, what Amos describes as, the third client… their plants. At the heart of this home is a co…
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In this episode, I talk to the architect Carl Gerges about his first project Villa Chams, a private residence located in the arid landscape of Lebanon. Based in Beirut, Carl runs his own architecture studio, but he is also well known as a member of the band Mashrou' Leila, which he formed with fellow architecture students at the University of Beiru…
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In this episode, I talk to the architect Mat Barnes, founder of London studio Can Architecture. We talk about the home he has designed for himself and his family, Mountain View. It is a renovation and extension of an Edwardian terrace house. Like many renovated houses of this type It has been extended at the rear, with lightweight glass doors openi…
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In this episode I talk to Aleksi Hautamäki who together with his partner Milla has built a remote, off-grid house on a private island in Finland’s Archipelago National Park. The house comprises two separate, long rectangular cabins containing living quarters, a workshop and a sauna. What is so beautiful about this home is how it nestles naturally i…
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In this episode I talk to Neil Dusheiko, who runs his studio Neil Dusheiko Architects in London. We talk about his recently completed project Sun Slice House. The home is located in Cambridge, in the UK and is a renovation and extension of an existing semi-detached Victorian property. It was designed for a family to work from home and to home schoo…
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In this episode I talk to Hector Barroso, founder of the Mexican architecture studio, Taller Hector Barroso. We talk about his recently completed project Entre Pinos. The name literally translates as ‘between pines’ which describes the setting of the five identical dwellings that have been designed near the town of Valle de Bravo in Mexico. Each ho…
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Estamos de aniversario. A iniciativa dun grupo de estudantes de arquitectura, o 3 de novembro de 1995 quedou legalmente constituida Arquitectura Sen Fronteiras Galicia. Arquitectos Sen Fronteiras daquela, que o cambio de nome chegaría máis adiante. Literalmente manifestaban: Esta asociación gallega surge desde la Escuela de Arquitectura de A Coruña…
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In this episode I talk to Fiona Dunin, founder of the Melbourne based architecture studio, FMD Architects. We talk about her recently completed project CLT House. The project is a reconfiguration of an existing building to create a multigenerational home. It takes its name from the material used for its construction, Cross Laminated Timber, which h…
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Os pasados 14, 22 e 29 de novembro celebramos a VI edición do Seminario Hábitat a Escala Humana. O seu lema axeitado a este 2020: espazos e tempos para a vida e a educación entre paradigmas. Experiencias sobre educación, os espazos e tempos para ela, os coidados, o hábitat digno e a vida digna… Sempre…, Na nosa canle de Youtube e na nosa web atopar…
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In this episode I talk to Tristan Wigfall, one of the co-founders of the London based architecture studio, Almanac. We talk about their recently completed project House Within A House. The project looks like a new house that has been inserted into a Victorian terrace, but it is in fact a renovation of what used to be a rather ugly 1950’s property. …
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In this episode I talk to Oliver Schütte, co-founder and director of the interdisciplinary office for design and development A-01 (A Company / A Foundation). We talk about his recently completed project, No Footprint House, which is located in Ojochal, Costa Rica. The house has received international recognition and numerous awards, including being…
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In this episode I talk to Aaron Peters, one half of the Australian architect duo Vokes and Peters. As a company they have designed numerous award winning houses in and around Brisbane. We talk about the recently completed project, Teneriffe House. The project can be described as a kind of greatest hits of their work so far, as it embodies so many o…
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In this episode I talk to Juan Luis of the Mexican architecture practice Palma, about their project the, Litibu Bungalow. A simple holiday home on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, the bungalow is essentially two rooms constructed out of concrete and separated by a covered courtyard. Each of the two concrete rooms are topped by what can be described as …
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In this special Bonus episode of the podcast for Open House, regular host George Bradley switches places and becomes the interviewee for a change, as his co-director Ewald Van Der Straeten does a takeover. Ewald interviews George about their recent project, Two and a Half Storey house. The house is located in London and was extended to provide an a…
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In this special episode for London Open-House 2020 I talk to the architect Sophie Goldhill of London based studio Liddicoat Goldhill about their project, Makers House. The project was a hit for the 2018 Open House event and received thousands of visitors over one weekend. It received an RIBA award in the same year, was shortlisted for the RIBA home…
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In this episode I talk to the Australian architect Nic Brunsdon about his award winning (and, soon to be featured on Grand Designs Australia) project, North Perth House. The project is a two storey home built on an in-fill block in the city of Perth. The design of the house is based on a very simple structural arrangement of concrete pre-cast panel…
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