Karim Rissouli, accompagné de Laure Adler et Camille Diao, présente ce rendez-vous où les idées sont les vedettes, des idées qui éclairent l’actualité et la complexité du monde. « Débattre, c’est argumenter pour ne pas se battre », Étienne Klein, physicien et philosophe des sciences. Telles sont la philosophie générale et l’ambition de C ce soir.
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Celebrity Memoirs, Pop Culture, and Books! Join us as we book club female celebrity memoirs through a thoughtful lens.
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New York comedians Claire Parker and Ashley Hamilton are reading celebrity memoirs so you don't have to.
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Chaque jour un humoriste rejoint Matthieu Noël Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Os sucessos mais dançantes dos anos 70 e 80 com mixagens do DJ Flávio Wave e apresentação de Fabiano.
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Jacob and Drew review animated movies and TV shows and discuss what they appreciate about them.
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Curated Questions: Conversations Celebrating the Power of Questions Hosted by Ken Woodward, Curated Questions is a thought-provoking podcast that celebrates the art and science of asking profound questions. This podcast is for curious minds who understand that the right question can unlock new perspectives and drive personal growth. What to Expect Insightful Conversations: Experts from diverse fields share their journey in mastering the craft of inquiry, revealing how it has transformed thei ...
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Welcome to Celebration Church!
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The Celeb Savant show is a weekly entertainment show hosted by Barret Edelstein. Each week we will have long-form career retrospective type interviews with celebrities namely, singers, actors and industry experts. APVA Awards 2023 - nominated as The Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Podcast
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Celebration Center
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Aurora Tinajero y Patricia Vazquez presentan temas pro-vida. Descubre que significa ser pro-vida y como respetar y defender la vida. Llama al 1-800-701-0373 para ser parte de la conversación.
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Audio messages of Celebration Church Int'l
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„Aby ste sa mohli cítiť bezpečne, niekto musí mať poriadnu paranoju.“ Celé zle je vaša pravidelná dávka optimizmu a voľné pokračovanie podcastu Daj NATO!. Peter a Michal, sami dvaja, alebo s vyberanými hosťami, o bezpečnosti, dianí doma a vo svete a všetkom ostatnom. Pritrafí sa aj humor, ktorý občas končí smiechom. Naďalej platí: názory účinkujúcich sa nemusia zhodovať s názormi účinkujúcich. Podporte nás na www.patreon.com/celezle. Napíšte nám na [email protected]. Sledujte nás na IG cel ...
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Retrouve le dernier message des célébrations à ICF BULLE.
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Sharing the Good News with my friends, family and the world!
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Getting to sleep can be difficult sometimes. Now you can achieve that urgently needed rest by taking advantage of our most precious natural resource: celebrities. Each week on the slyly humorous and reassuring Sleeping with Celebrities, host John Moe talks with a different guest from the world of entertainment about something they know a lot about. The conversation is guaranteed to be just interesting enough to draw your attention away from your own swirling anxieties but never interesting e ...
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Stasera c’è Cattelan esplode e diventa Supernova, cioè un vivace e avvincente podcast di interviste a personaggi straordinari o – come preferisce definirlo il suo conduttore Alessandro Cattelan – l’ennesimo podcast. Lunghe conversazioni dirette e informali che spaziano dai più insignificanti dettagli della quotidianità alle riflessioni sul senso della vita.
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A regular talk show on being a marriage celebrant, the Australian marriage laws around celebrancy, and the art of running a celebrant business, hosted by the editors of the Celebrant Institute, Josh Withers and Sarah Aird
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Christian Visual Arts, Science and Communication Technologies
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l'humeur de Christophe Bourseiller Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Celebration Church will upload their sermons for you to listen to every week! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Celebrity memoirs aren’t like normal books—they’re fun! Join comedians Steven Phillips-Horst (@gossipbabies) & Lily Marotta (@lilyblueyez) as they rifle through the diaries of drug-addled starlets, oddly obsessive restaurateurs, brass-knuckled female realtors, and boring gay politicians’ even more boring gay husbands, finding fertile ground for searing cultural insights and juicy gossip. Martinis not included.
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Celebrating Southern Africans around the globe, their stories, journeys, projects, businesses and what makes them so special and unique.
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Hosted by Lisa Flahant of Celebrant in Cornwall, The Wedding Celebrant Show brings you insights, tips and even a confession or two about life as a former registrar and busy celebrant, as well as conversation with some of the UK's top wedding professionals. Perfect for couples planning a wedding, professional wedding celebrants, or those craving some behind the scenes gossip! Enjoy!
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Celebration Church is located in Nowra on the south coast of NSW. We exist to “Celebrate God, people, and life, locally, nationally and globally.
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Celebration Church Orlando
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Garrett, and special guests give you EXCLUSIVE entertainment news and headlines.
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Your Connection to the Stars
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Celebration Church - Phoenix, AZ
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This is a podcast that shares life change stories, courage, hope and leadership wisdom, centered around the Celebrate Recovery principles. Come along for the journey.
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Celebratenstien hungry. Celebratenstien eat.
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This podcast is a deep dive into the life, times. works. and influences of Edgar Allan Poe - "America's Shakespeare." Mr. Poe comes to life in this weekly podcast!
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce na tattaunawa da likitoci da mahukunta a game da kiyon lafiyar jama’a, sanin sabbin magunguna da binciken kimiya ya samar. Ana gabatar da shirin a ranar Littinin da hantsi, tare da maimaici a ranar Jumma'a da safe.
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Welcome to the Celebration Church Podcast. The podcast will have the weekly sermons from our Pastors! To learn more visit us at CelebrationEdmonton.com. At Celebration Church, you can come as you are. We are not here to judge you or your past; we’re here to share the biblical truth of Jesus Christ with you and how this message changes everything.
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A podcast for the love of cinema! For more info check out our website: https://celebratingcinema.com. As always, we want to hear from you so please get in touch at [email protected]
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Welcome to Celebrate Arkansas, where we delve into the dynamic intersection of business impact and community vibrancy in the heart of Arkansas. Join us as we spotlight the voices of visionary leaders and passionate members of our state that are shaping local landscapes and explore the pulse of Arkansas' ever-evolving economic and social landscape.
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Even the best job in the world has its fair shares of struggles, so don't struggle alone! Let's dig deep together and shoulder the daily challenges of celebrant life together. Hosted by, Claire Bradford and Natasha Johnson, the co-directors of awesomeness at the Celebrants Collective, each episode is bursting at the seams with useful tips and advice on everything from running your celebrant business to growing in confidence as a professional celebrant. Subscribe, listen, enjoy and review!
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Listen, Learn, and Earn CE Hours with Elite Learning. Elite Learning is among the first to bring you nursing podcasts that are part of an accredited continuing education activity. With real-world examples, interviews with subject matter experts, practical insights, and the opportunity to earn nursing CE hours- we’re taking learning to the next level. Subscribe and never miss a chance to listen, learn, and earn nursing CE. Learn more at elitelearning.com/podcast
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Celebrate Your Story dives into the journeys of individuals from all walks of life who strive to make a difference, big or small. Through conversations with everyday heroes, changemakers, and those who uplift, we uncover the stories behind their personal growth and positive impact. Each episode celebrates triumphs, navigates challenges, and highlights the power of connection. Join us to be inspired by transformative paths that lead to purposeful living.
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Each week Singing Harpist Sam Hickman tells you all about her week, her work and her life. You will learn what it takes to be a free-lance musician in the gig economy.
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If you could meet any celebrity in the world, who would it be? Face it: we all have that one celeb we’re obsessed with and would love to meet. This is the game show that makes superfans’ dreams come true. Comedian Taylor Tomlinson hosts an epic showdown between superstar and super-fan, filled with obscure (and often hilarious) questions. Each week, Taylor will introduce a musician, influencer, actor, or personality to someone who has always wanted to meet them, and they will face off. Along ...
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The BIPOC Coach Collective is proud to present Elevate and Celebrate. This podcast highlights our amazing global community with a platform to elevate our voices in the coaching profession. Every month we celebrate our successes in this brave and authentic space. Learn more about us at https://www.bipoccc.org
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This is the weekly message from Celebration Church in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Celebration Church works to be a vehicle for God's redemptive purpose in our world today, as well as, a family of faith that experiences, follows and celebrates Jesus.
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Welcome to the weekly audio Podcast from Celebration Church Toronto (www.ticc.ca). Founded by Peter Youngren in 2000, Celebration Church is a vibrant and diverse church in the heart of Toronto, Canada.Celebration Church Torontowww.celebrationchurchtoronto.ca 190 Railside Road, Toronto, ON
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Adesso ci trovate a questo indirizzo: https://www.spreaker.com/show/la-biblioteca-che-non-ce Oppure su Spotify qui: https://open.spotify.com/show/1rTvVLyk5AOCoXsBljMpMD Seguici anche su Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig Per donazioni - https://ko-fi.com/bibliotecachenon Per abbonamenti - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig/join
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Weekly Sermons & more from Celebration Church in Akron, OH.
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Wins and losses we all take! Black Excellence Music Beauty Filthy Gossip
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En direct sur France 5, après le feu vert des 27 pays de l’Union européenne pour la mise en place du grand plan de réarmement de l’Europe à 800 milliards d’euros… Nous allons en débattre avec nos invités : ce vote, à l’unanimité, signe-t-il le réveil militaire et stratégique de l’Europe après le grand revirement des Américains ? Ces milliards vont-…
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Yann Marguet imite super bien Pumbaa du Roi Lion
4:09durée : 00:04:09 - La chronique de Yann Marguet - par : Yann MARGUET -Yann MARGUET による
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Com'è la vita di Damiano David oggi? Come trascorre le sue giornate a Los Angeles? Come sta andando il progetto solista? Queste e altre risposte in un episodio "sanremese" di Supernova, in cui si scoprono, tra l'altro, anche la sua passione per l'ordine e per Baldur's Gate. Colonna sonora di questa puntata secondo noi: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction…
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Rashin kulawa ta sanya wasu asibitoci a jihar Kano komawa Kufai
9:49Shirin ''Lafiya Jari Ce'' tare da Azima Bashir Aminu a wannan makon, ya kai ziyara wasu asibitocin yankunan karkara a arewacin Najeriya, inda sashen Hausa na RFI ya ganewa idonsa tarin matsalolin da suka dabaibaye irin waɗannan asibitoci da bisa al’ada ke matsayin masu kula da lafiya a matakin farko. Tarin asibitocin yankunan karkarar jihar Kano na…
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durée : 00:04:29 - Ce monde me rend fou - par : Christophe Bourseiller - Christophe Bourseiller a lu le livre de Roger-Pol Droit et Yves Agid, "Je marche donc je pense, le philosophe et le neurologue" (Albin Michel).Christophe Bourseiller による
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La casa in collina - quarta parte - Cesare Pavese
25:12La casa in collina - quarta parte - Cesare PaveseLa Biblioteca che non c'è による
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This is episode 2 of the series: Treating Substance Use Disorder Substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex and pervasive issue affecting millions of individuals and their families. Understanding and effectively treating SUD is crucial for healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes, reduce the burden on healthcare systems, and support long…
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Dorian Uys is an angel! She works in Johannesburg to support (mostly) the elderly with visits, tasks, appointments, shopping and as a contact with their family and friends who may not be around. There are often tasks that family from afar can't help with, so Dorian is able to step in. If you need someone to care for your loved ones, please get in t…
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TGIF! Reminder—the only way to hear CBC now is on http://patreon.com/cbcthepod On today's ep—Oscars recap, Anora discourse, Meghan Markle's new show, Hilaria and Alec Baldwin's new show, and HBO's John Wilson joins us to talk the Ridgewood restaurant scene. Join us at patreon.com/cbcthepod xoxo Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/cbcthepod Se…
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celebratejesusministry による
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The Meghan (Markle) Sussex Rebrand and AI Boyfriends > Men on Love Is Blind?
1:00:07Chelsea and Kristina dive into this month’s crumbs, starting with Meghan (Markle) Sussex’s rebrand with her Netflix series, “With Love.” Then they break down Candace Owens’ new lifestyle platform and whether it's leading women down a rabbit hole to the right. And they discuss why this season of “Love Is Blind” is so bad it’s making them wonder if M…
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Send us a text Welcome to Celebrate Poe - Episode 341 - Liz in Court Well, today’s episode continues an examination of Elizabeth Nadasdy and what might be called her torture trial - probably full of half-truths and political lies. First, the belief that Count Ferenc Nádasdy played a role in introducing his wife, Elizabeth Báthory to acts of violenc…
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celebratejesusministry による
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Tricia Duffy discusses imposter syndrome and comfort zones
31:26Tricia Duffy - a British singer-songwriter, podcaster, and media consultant - joins us on this episode of Celeb Savant. Tricia discusses her multi-faceted career in the industry - which includes her music project ‘Little Lore’, her podcast 'In Ten Years Time’, and the reasons for taking different paths based on life experiences. We also discuss imp…
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Do two Robert Pattinsons make Mickey 17 twice the fun?
36:30In our latest review round-up, Bong Joon-ho’s Mickey 17 has Laura and Hugo at odds, Mike Leigh’s Hard Truths steals their hearts, and Brazilian awards darling I’m Still Here sparks a heated debate between our two hosts—is it Oscar bait or a worthy contender? Tune in and have your say on this month’s biggest releases! Book tickets to Mickey 17 @ LAB…
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En direct sur France 5, après l’allocution d’Emmanuel MACRON, qui a revêtu ce soir ses habits de chef de guerre… Jamais le président n’avait été aussi clair sur la menace russe, une menace pour la France, l’entrée dans une nouvelle ère” qui entraîne “des changements irréversibles”... Alors cette prise de parole aura-t-elle permis à la fois de rassu…
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I Will Fix The Hobo Suit | The Incredibles | REWIND
2:39:49Jacob and Drew return to The Incredibles for their first Rewind episode of 2025. Plus The Batman The Animated Series Episodes The Clock King, and Appointment in Crime Alley. Linktree Links coming soon.thecelcast による
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durée : 00:03:39 - La chronique de Tania Dutel - par : Tania DUTEL -Tania DUTEL による
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Send us a text Welcome to Celebrate Poe - Episode 340 - Teaching Torture Techniques? Elizabeth Bathory is certainly a fascinating figure. I guess that ultimately we will never know exactly what she did or did not do, but the reaction to her alleged crimes tells us a great deal about the times in which she lived - especially attitudes towards the su…
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celebratejesusministry による
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Just Picking Up Some Stuff at the Drugstore with Samantha Irby
47:27Samantha Irby, best-selling author of several hilarious books of essays, is one of the funniest and most delightful people you’re likely to come across. In this episode, we talk about all the things she likes to buy as well as the things she avoids on a routine trip to her local drugstore. We even comb through some of the newspaper circulars for he…
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Quand Donald TRUMP passe des paroles aux actes… Après la volonté d’humiliation de ZELENSKY dans le bureau ovale vendredi dernier, la Maison Blanche met ses menaces à exécution en annonçant une suspension des livraisons d’armes et de munitions à l’Ukraine… Nous allons continuer à en débattre ce soir : Jusqu’où TRUMP ira-t-il dans son abandon de l’Uk…
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Este programa fue emitido por primera vez el Martes 4 de marzoGuadalupe Radio Network による
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This week we start a new series "Miracles", going through the Bible and looking at just some of the many miracles performed throughout the Scriptures. We start by looking at the miracle of manna, the provision provided by the Lord that the Israelites had in the wilderness before the promised land. With this miracle, we learn that God's miracles hap…
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Apollin de Malbeuh reçoit Michel Hazanavicius le pro-Ukraine
3:53durée : 00:03:53 - La chronique de Benjamin Tranié - par : Benjamin TRANIé - Michel Hazanavicius est allé sur le front en Ukraine et il est revenu avec un livre qui s’appelle “Carnets d’Ukraine”. La cause est noble mais Apollin de Malbeuh a tout de même un mot à lui dire.Benjamin TRANIé による
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durée : 00:03:43 - La chronique de Rosa Bursztein - par : Rosa BURSZTEIN -Rosa BURSZTEIN による
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I’ve said it once and I’ll say it one billion times. Teen stars should write more poems. Avan Jogia, of Nickelodeon’s Victorious, opens up about what it was like to be a teenage hearthrob and how he’s continued to discover himself as an artist. I think. WE’RE BACK ON TOUR April 4: Toronto April 10: Philadelphia April 11: Washington DC April 24: San…
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The podcast episode about the email about the regulations recorded on a school night
35:41You probably got that email sent to all celebrants about the Marriage Regulations legislation and the "new" requirement in the code of practice regarding "reasonable and timely responses" to requests from marrying couples. This episode of the Celebrant Talk Show podcast also covers service contracts in regards to tropical cyclones approaching Brisb…
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celebratejesusministry による
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Nick Keynes - a British music and creative entrepreneur, and the co-founder of Tileyard - joins us on this episode of Celeb Savant. Nick tells us how his career started as the bassist for the '90s pop band Ultra, we discuss all the behind-the-scenes aspects of the industry - including the Tileyard journey - the highs and lows, and more. Website - w…
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Ione Skye’s Memoir Say Everything (with Chelsea Davison)
2:07:16Chelsea and Podstruck co-host Chelsea Davison dive into “Say Everything: A Memoir,” Ione Skye’s new book (out today), which is packed with jaw-dropping moments. They explore Ione’s career-turning role in "Say Anything," her relationship with Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Anthony Kiedis, her marriage to Beastie Boys’ Adam Horovitz, and why her story feels …
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Europe - États-unis : l’heure de la rupture ?
1:05:49C’est une question d’heure… Quelle heure est-il en Europe en ce début mars 2025 ? “Minuit moins le quart”, selon Emmanuel MACRON, pour qui il est donc encore temps d’éviter le pire après l’altercation historique entre TRUMP et ZELENSKY dans le bureau ovale, mais à condition de se dépêcher… Une Europe qui se retrouve au pied du mur, au bord du gouff…
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Points Build a Longer Table, Not a Higher Fence Redefine what "Enough" Means Practice Generosity as an Act of Freedom
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Colossians: Jesus Over Everything - Why We Exist - Pastor Louis Clemente - March 2, 2025
46:17Pastor Louis preaches about why we exist! Make sure you're ready to listen and take notes. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Faith-Filled Family | Part 5: God’s Design for Support, Connection and Legacy | Pastor Leslie Varty
32:54Family is God’s design for support, connection, and legacy—but what happens when family isn’t always there? Pastor Leslie Varty shares valuable lessons through a personal story about an unexpected ‘Olympic-level’ tumble and how family, both biological and church, showed up in the hardest season. Join us as we explore how God created family—both in …
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Garrett and Rob give all their hot takes on the Oscars from the opening performance to some of the misses! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Elvis Duran Podcast Network and iHeartPodcasts による
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celebratejesusministry による
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This step is perhaps one of the scariest parts of the recovery journey. It can honestly feel like too much to face on our own. So, why should we practice Step 8 and Principle 6 in the recovery journey? Is it really worth it? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will give us reasons why we should carry out …
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Episode 26 - How to Redefine Work: Embrace Your Worth-Ethic Revolution
40:58Dr. Rònké A. Òké stops by to share her 20+ years as a leader, advocate, speaker, and community builder. If you are a high-achieving woman of color yet have felt the pressure to always be at your best to excel, Dr. Rònké knows exactly what you’re going through and drops many gems on how her journey propelled her to support others in the same positio…
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Chaque lundi, dans un nouveau "Face Cam", retrouvez une interview de Camille Diao face à face avec un ou une invité(e). Cette semaine, c'est Bertrand Monnet,. un spécialiste de l’économie du crime. Un homme qui, pour les besoins de ses recherches, a tissé des liens avec la Camorra, avec les Yakuzas, avec le Cartel de Sinaloa. Bertrand Monnet est Pr…
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What really matters in your life? If you made a list called Things that matter, what would be at the top? Now if you made that same list but put it in God’s perspective, what would be at the top? Today we will look at two passages and see two types of people that God specifically “looks” for, and why they matter so much to Him and His purposes.…
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Celebration Church - Phoenix, AZPastor David Drew による
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The Nomadic - an Australian singer and songwriter - joins us on this episode of Celeb Savant. We hear what inspired his stage name, about his journey of working with the United Nations in numerous countries, to focusing his attention on his music career. Website - www,wearethenomadic.com Instagram - @thenomadicband Facebook - @thenomadicband Twitte…
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Série : Disconnect // AdrienICF Bulle による
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The Joy of the Lord. He emphasized the importance of protecting our joy, and while we may face situations that trigger anger or sadness beyond our control, we can always control our response. People may hurt us, but we must take ownership of our reactions and safeguard our joy. (Nehemiah 6:3) 6 Things to Know About Biblical Joy; 📌 Joy is a possessi…
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Ps Charlie launches Miracle March and shares on the power of miracles by looking at Jesus' life and example. She challenges us with the question: "What do you have Faith for?"
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The post discusses the history and significance of elongated pennies featuring the Lord's Prayer. Originating from the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, these coins have evolved from manual machines to self-serve versions in the 1970s. The collection showcases various denominations with an emphasis on their scarce nature and biblical themes. If yo…
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