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Grace Church Santee Sermons

Pastor Luis Garcia Grace Church Santee

Our mission is to bring people into a saving relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ so that they glorify Him in every area of life by knowing and obeying His Word. For more sermons or info about Grace Santee go to:
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Grace Church of DuPage Sermons

Grace Church of DuPage

Our Sunday morning corporate worship service is the central experience of our life together. A portion of that worship service includes the ministry of the Word through systematic exposition of whole books of the Bible, interspersed with occasional topical expositions. While online sermons are not capable of replacing participation in corporate worship, we believe making these resources available can further enhance our life together in fellowship with God and one another. 066336
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Grace Evangelical Church Sermons

Grace Evangelical Church

Sermons from Grace Evangelical Church in Germantown, TN USA (Memphis area). Please feel free to visit our web site at to find out more about us. The mission of Grace Evangelical Church is "reaching an unchurched world through maturing Christians". You may contact us regarding the podcasts at
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Sermons from Grace Cov Church

Grace Cov Church

Welcome to our podcast, where you can listen to our messages every week. A vibrant growing church of friends who are: Passionate about God, committed to each other, excited by His call to go to our neighbourhoods and the nations, who desire to challenge and change our world. Want to watch the message instead? You can find us on Youtube/GraceCovChurch
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Grace Baptist Church Sermons

Grace Baptist Church

Pastor Mark Tanious and Pastor Brady Wolcott dig deep into God's Word to give us practical teachings on living a life that is gospel-centered in this modern age. They discuss tough, contemporary issues like social inequality, sexuality, the credibility of the Bible, and healthy church practices. They also provide in-depth Bible studies of Old and New Testament books (chapter by chapter). Whatever the message is, it is a guarantee that EVERY sermon will point back to the gospel and our new li ...
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Redeeming Grace Baptist Church Sermons

Redeeming Grace Baptist Church

Redeeming Grace Baptist Church is a group of Christians that is committed to growing and changing according to the Scriptures. We believe that the call for believers is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. Because of this, all we do is focused on knowing Christ and discovering how satisfying He is.
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show series
Exodus 4:1-17 Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you.’” 2 The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.” 3 And he said, “Throw it on the ground.” So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent, and Moses ran from it. 4 But th…
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Speaker: Adam Godshall Series: Christmas in Micah Text: The Prophecy of Micah Theme: Christmas is the Gift of Rescue. Key elements of a rescue. One: Captives... Two: ...taken by an enemy... Three: ...that is raided... Four: a hero.. Five: ...with success... He will save his people from their sins ~ Matthew 1:21…
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Thanks for joining us online! Feel free to share this sermon with friends and family. Grace Baptist Church of Brandon, FL, led by Pastor John Jupp, is a dynamic church that will enrich your daily life. Whether you are just curious about church and God or you are a committed follower of Jesus Christ, you are welcome to join us here at Grace! If you …
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Big Idea: A painful path in this life leads to our glorious future in the next. The Great Tribulation = a time of outpouring of God’s wrath on all the earth that will mark the end of history. 5 Markers of the Great Tribulation Growing numbers of Spiritual Imposters (:5-6, 21-22) Increasing Global Calamities (:7-8) Unparalleled defections and betray…
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Главная мысль: Болезненный путь в этой жизни ведет к нашему славному будущему в следующей. Великая скорбь = время излияния гнева Божьего на всю землю, которое станет концом истории. 5 признаков Великой скорби Увеличение числа духовных обманщиков (стихи 5-6, 21-22) Усиление глобальных бедствий (стихи 7-8) Беспрецедентные отступления и предательства …
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Matthew 2:1-12 Well known in contemporary culture as three wise men or three kings, the Bible’s account of the visiting magi is quite different. Pastor Rod Bunton walks us through the story of the wise men who sought to worship the rightful king of the Jews, born in Bethlehem. The post The Visit of the Magi appeared first on Grace Church of Tallaha…
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