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A Politize! é a maior plataforma de educação política do Brasil. Conteúdos totalmente gratuitos, nos mais diversos formatos, de forma objetiva e divertida, sem vinculações político-partidárias. Está esperando o que pra aprender e se tornar um cidadão mais consciente e engajado? Vem com a gente!
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O EducaCiências Podcast é uma realização do Projeto Interdisciplinar e Interdepartamental de Extensão EducaCiências, da Faculdade de Ciências da Unesp de Bauru, em parceria com o Jornal da Cidade de Bauru. Com episódios quinzenais, o objetivo principal é debater sobre temas que envolvem educação, sociedade e o papel da universidade pública, trazendo sempre um professor especialista como convidado.
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Brasil Educação

Revista Educação

Brasil Educação é um podcast da Revista Educação que aborda os principais assuntos da educação básica que todo(a) gestor, coordenador e educador precisam saber, como políticas públicas, inovações no setor, pedagogia e cultura.
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Planeta Educativo

Planeta Educativo

Tu dosis semanal con lo ultimo en investigación en Educación, Liderazgo, Mejoramiento y Perritos. Ideal para cualquier Líder que busca herramientas para transformar su unidad educativa.
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提供教育趨勢、學校資訊及文教新知等,不可不知的教育事! 師培、家長都必須掌握的教育資訊攏底家! 內容為社區大學資源利用,希望能將在臺灣設置推動將近25年、遍及各縣市超過80所,紮根在地與社區,以形塑公民社會、進行知識解放為辦學目標的終身學習教育場域之實踐經驗,邀請社區大學全國促進會與各地社大共同參與,讓社大的經驗、反思、成果,能再次成為台灣社會的養分,同時激發更多的創新與想像。 國中教育會考即將來臨,教育電臺在考前1個月特別企劃「技職新領航」系列節目,透過在技職教育中表現優異的學生說明學習歷程與各職類特色,讓學生獲得相關資訊決定自己的升學進路。 帶領聽眾認識台灣在地農產品、在地飲食文化與特色,並介紹各級學校及民間團體具特色之食農教育學習與體驗活動,培養聽眾食農素養,包括建立均衡飲食、實踐在地農產品消費、減少食物浪費、瞭解農業生產方法及農業科技與研發等。期望透過「產地到餐桌」讓每日飲食可以「吃出好健康」、「吃出好家庭」、「吃出好環境」。 ----- COVID-19疫 ...
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Everyday Educator

Classical Conversations Inc.

Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. We believe there are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian, and Community.
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FreedomProject Media

Katie Petrick and David Fiorazo are here to bring you the facts and provide answers to help protect the next generation of patriots. Stay Educated!
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Education Research Reading Room

Ollie Lovell: Teacher, author, podcaster, blogger, PhD candidate. @ollie_lovell

The most in-depth education podcast available. Each episode host Ollie Lovell takes a deep dive into an important area of education with an educational thought leader from around the world, from practicing teachers to university professors and everyone in-between. If you're looking to build deep knowledge about education and how learning happens, this is the podcast for you.
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EduCatalyst Africa

Nneka Otokwala

Educatalyst Africa explores the triumphs, challenges, and solutions within the educational landscape of Africa. We aim to spotlight transformative solutions that can stimulate Africa’s development through top-notch equitable and inclusive education. We will have deep conversations with some of the most brilliant minds in and outside of Africa. Hosted by Nneka Otokwala, a Nigerian lawyer and development enthusiast with a passion for building sustainable and equitable education systems in Afri ...
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Seatton Education

Seatton Education

Seatton Education aims to raise awareness and give confidence to parents around the world so that home education can be an achievable alternative to conventional schooling.
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Welcome to Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, the podcast that gives you a peek inside the minds of some truly inspirational primary teachers. Whether you're new to the profession or a school leader with tons of experience this podcast is a must listen. For references, links and extended cut video episodes head over to
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AI Education Podcast

Dan Bowen and Ray Fleming

Dan Bowen and Ray Fleming are experienced education renegades who have worked in many various educational institutions and educational companies across the world. They talk about Artificial Intelligence in Education - what it is, how it works, and the different ways it is being used. It's not too serious, or too technical, and is intended to be a good conversation. Please note the views on the podcast are our own or those of our guests, and not of our respective employers (unless we say othe ...
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An Incomplete Education combines, podcasts, blogs, courses, quizzes and crosswords as part of a fun, trivia based learning experience. The brain needs exercise, so either use it or lose it. Our goal is not to be experts in all fields or any field. We run courses, quizzes, podcasts and crosswords for fun, to help you gain a little knowledge to explore more.
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Laboratorul de educație media. Un #podcastCJI

Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent

Decantăm narațiuni, adăugăm opinii pertinente și ne antrenăm curiozitatea și gândirea critică pentru a lua decizii mai bune și pentru a nu fi manipulați. Podcastul face parte din Programul de Educație Media demarat de Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent în parteneriat cu Romanian American Foundation și este susținut prin proiectul BROD – Observatorul Bulgaro-Român de Media Digitală.
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Join the PA Education Association’s CEO Dr. Sara Fletcher as she chats with leading experts in PA education, discussing trends, philosophies, programs, and issues directly impacting our profession. This conversational podcast offers a relaxed journey into the professional, and sometimes personal lives of those that focus on PA education.
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Visions of Education

Visions of Education

Visions of Education is an education podcast where education professor Dan Krutka and high school social studies teacher Michael Milton have conversations with educators to discuss their big ideas in education. VoE also partners with the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and associated groups to provide the latest from classroom teachers, education, professors, and researchers on social studies education.
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show series
Curious about homeschooling and socialization / socialisation? In this episode of the Seatton Education Podcast, host Victoria interviews Justin McGeary, a university professor from the United States who was homeschooled and plans to homeschool his own children. Discover Justin’s inspiring journey from being home educated to excelling in academia, …
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Dr. Leigh Montejo used Taboo AI to create an engaging, interactive, and effective online learning environment for students. Gaming supports active learning and increases learner engagement. Learn more about Taboo AI in this podcast and Article and how to use it in your course.
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The need for learners to engage in deep learning and develop a spirit of inquiry to lead change requires RN to BSN programs to create new models to prepare learners for new or expanded practice roles. In this podcast with Ms. LaNeigh Harkness, Dr. Ellarene Duis Sanders, and Dr. Patricia Francis-Johnson, you will learn how the faculty reinvigorated …
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A diverse nursing faculty is critical to recruiting, educating, and supporting a diverse nursing workforce. Dr. Kumhee Ro and Dr. Joshua Villarreal present their BOLD Framework, which was derived from a series of qualitative semistructured interviews from nursing Faculty of Color (FOC). The BOLD framework begins with an assessment of the institutio…
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Becoming a more equitable librarian is an ongoing process. In the face of the last decade’s events and increased public awareness of issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA), library workers in music libraries can do things to create the space in our teaching for optimal creativity and connection by and with our library user…
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留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 社區People眺 EP1| 全國唯一的噶瑪蘭族小學,花蓮縣立新社國小,正式轉型為「Paterugan巴特虹岸實驗學校」,並於今(19)日舉行揭牌典禮,未來,除了噶瑪蘭族,也兼顧在地阿美族、布農族等特色,是花蓮第一所「多族群文化實驗學校」。 過去,噶瑪蘭族從宜蘭遷徙後,一部份族人來到花蓮縣豐濱鄉,成立新社部落,新社國小從以前就是噶瑪蘭族文化重點學校,不過,學區內還有阿美族與布農族人,校長余光臨說,只有3堂「族語課」,根本無法將文化課程系統性地傳授下去。 為了提供更完整、系統化的課程,新社國小轉型為「Paterugan巴特虹岸實驗學校」…
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「生態雙和 — 城市一片綠」是倡議的目標,還不是成果,雖然有些進展,但仍要持續努力。 雙和(新北市中、永和區)是居住密度非常高的城市,尤其是永和。在這麼擁擠的城市裡,如何找回原來應有的生態景觀及生活美學,我們就從現在僅有的藍綠基盤公共設施改善開始做起。且我們不是僅要求政府做,我們邀請市民一起來做,從學校們:兩所社大、高中及國中小開始,先談願景,再討論策略,我們提出行動計畫,目標從每個市民僅有一張報紙大的綠地推到城市一片綠。 #每周三四更新 #更多教育現場請鎖定教育非知不可官方臉書 ----- 主持人:周聖心 邀訪來賓:新中和社區大學講師 劉柏宏 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:Education聽教育 ----- …
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The homeschooling journey make look different for every family; it may indeed be like a kaleidoscope, changing the view as you “change the filter”! Sometimes it helps to hear from others on the same path. This episode introduces you to Charity Brown and Delise Germond, two homeschool moms on different ends of the journey. Listen, and be encouraged.…
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In episode seven of Designing Education, Tim Knowles, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, joins Dr. Robert Balfanz for a thought-provoking discussion about the evolving role of American high schools. This episode examines the urgent need to redesign high school education to meet the demands of today’s world, focusi…
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En la conmemoración de sus 30 años de trabajo, Servicios para una Educación Alternativa EDUCA Oaxaca ha forjado una sociedad civil viva y actuante vinculada a la causa de los pueblos indígenas, los movimientos de mujeres, la iglesia progresista, las juventudes y las minorías. Qué tal querido auditorio, les saluda Daniel Nizcub y es un honor para mí…
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In the fourth and final installment of our series with PowerSchool, Michael chats with Jesse Roy, Director of Education Strategy at PowerSchool, and Steven Anderson, Director of Solutions Engineering at PowerSchool. Together, they discuss PowerSchool’s 2024 Education Focus Report, focusing on the report’s findings related to the connection between …
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Professor Jonathan Sharples from the Education Endowment Foundation shares insights and practical advice regarding how to help educational programs and initiatives to have maximum impact in your school or organisation. Full show notes at
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In this episode, Tyler welcomes Dr. Mark Williams, an internationally recognized neuroscience expert and bestselling author of The Connected Species. Dr. Williams shares his inspiring journey from a challenging youth to becoming a leader in neuroscience research and education. Discover actionable insights on collaboration, overcoming adversity, and…
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A trans-identifying lawyer heads to Washington, as a far-left group tries to convince the Supreme Court that parents should be allowed to chemically castrate their children and much more if they think they are confused.Katie Petrick , Dr. Jake Jacobs による
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The Australian government has just announced that it will ban all young people under the age of 16 from using social media. Dr. Clare Southerton explains the background to this ‘ban’ and what it might mean for students and schools. Recommended reading >>> Lisa Given (2024). Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will…
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Michael Groß ist Olympiasieger, Professor für Organisation, Führung und digitale Transformation, Berater für Change- und Talent Management & Autor. Im Podcast berichtet er über die Parallelen zwischen Profisport und Wirtschaft. Wir erörtern, welche Attribute erfolgreicher Sportler in der Geschäftswelt nützlich sein können und welche Erfahrungen für…
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O cenário de contas apertadas, justo em um momento em que os juros no Brasil estão altos e com chances de subir mais, pode gerar preocupações financeiras e até um desânimo na hora de traçar novas metas para essa área da vida na virada de ano. Porém, o país conta com boas oportunidades de investimentos a partir de valores baixos e acessíveis que pod…
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As we begin this new podcasting unit of healthy boundaries for Kingdom Educators, I've invited Jill Miller from Teacher Be Still to join us as she has a wealth of experience on the topic as an educator, blended family mama, and business woman. She also offers professional development on this topic (see below for her contact info). During Part 1 Jil…
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From their founding, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) educated as many as 90 percent of Black college students in the United States. Although many are aware of the significance of HBCUs in expanding Black Americans' educational opportunities, much less attention has been paid to the vital role that they have played in enhancing …
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Si pones liderazgo en Google, podrías tirarte toda tu vida leyendo los resultados de tu búsqueda y no te daría tiempo a leerlos todos. Y es que no solo es uno de los temas que más se ha estudiado desde las ciencias sociales, sino que hubo un tiempo en el que estuvo bastante de moda en el mundo de los negocios y de las empresas que querían estar a l…
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Episode 206: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, I’m joined by Chris Such and Zach Groshell, teacher, researcher, and advocate for evidence-based teaching. Together, we delve into explicit and direct instruction its foundations, its misconceptions, and its future in education. In this episode, we discuss: Zach’s journey into expli…
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Kinross Gold Corp. board chair Catherine McLeod-Seltzer explains how to profitably master the mining cycle in this MSE episode. She shares firsthand insights and success stories from her illustrious career in the junior mining sector.Ms. McLeod-Seltzer has been the Non-Executive Chair and a director of Bear Creek Mining since 2003 and was the Non-E…
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Expand your knowledge and learn new skills in Organized by: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas A production by UFM Studios Follow us on social media Facebook @ufmvideos Twitter @newmediaufm Facebook @FCEUFM Twitter @FCEUFM
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Inspirados en el trabajo fundacional de Padilla, Hogan, y (NOT AXEL) Kaiser (Padilla et al., 2007), cerramos la Saga del liderazgo toxico que nos acompañado todo el año. Mientras nos preparamos para los vientos de la primavera (best referencia o best referencia) del 2025, miramos por última vez los 3 ingredientes claves de la toxicidad: un líder pé…
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Sobre a necessidade de compreender o funcionamento da IA generativa, desmistificando o conceito de "alucinações" e reconhecendo a importância crucial da engenharia de prompts. A ênfase na qualidade dos prompts e dos dados de treino destaca a necessidade de uma abordagem crítica e informada ao utilizar ferramentas de IA.…
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A palestra no YouTube apresenta uma conferência do Dr. Daniel Cassany sobre o "arte de dar aulas". Cassany discute a sua experiência de 30 anos como professor, partilhando conselhos práticos e reflexões sobre a gestão da sala de aula, incluindo a interação com os alunos, o trabalho em equipa, o uso de tecnologias digitais e a gestão de conflitos. A…
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A saga de Hans, um jovem que, apesar da tragédia familiar e da proibição paterna, persegue o sonho de ser marinheiro, fugindo para o mar e construindo uma vida próspera como comerciante. Apesar do sucesso, a nostalgia pela sua ilha natal, Vig, e a reconciliação com o pai permanecem como temas centrais, resolvidos simbolicamente após a sua morte com…
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A vida e a obra de Gil Vicente, o primeiro grande dramaturgo português. Uma fonte apresenta excertos de sua peça "Auto da Barca do Inferno", mostrando o seu estilo satírico e crítico da sociedade portuguesa do século XVI. Outras fontes oferecem informação biográfica, contextualizando-o historicamente no período de transição entre a Idade Média e o …
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This week's episode discussed the new AI toolkit for generative AI strategies from Australia's Higher Education regulator, TEQSA The full toolkit is available here: During the episode we referenced some of the p…
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Expand your knowledge and learn new skills in Organized by: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas A production by UFM Studios Follow us on social media Facebook @ufmvideos Twitter @newmediaufm Facebook @FCEUFM Twitter @FCEUFM
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On this episode of the Top 200 drugs podcast from Real Life Pharmacology, I cover medications 131-135 which include enoxaparin, methylphenidate, rosuvastatin, denosumab, and dabigatran. Enoxaparin is an injectable anticoagulant that can cause heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Methylphenidate is a stimulant medication that can be used to treat ADHD.…
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„Dezinformarea asta face - va lovi la temelia democrației, va lovi cumva în societatea noastră și noi vom ajunge din ce în ce mai, să zicem, polarizați. Vom ajunge să nu mai avem încredere în sursele noastre de informații.” Matei Vrabie este fact checker și project manager la Funky Citizens. Discută cu Julia Nagy despre dezinformarea cu care ne înt…
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UFM Reform Watch se creó con el propósito de dar seguimiento a las reformas y terapias de shock implementadas por reformadores en todo el mundo. Creemos que es valioso estudiar, analizar y destacar los métodos y contenidos de las reformas de libre mercado para inspirar reformas similares en otros países. El primer proyecto de UFM Reform Watch consi…
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Inspírate, crea nuevos proyectos y expande tu conocimiento en Organizado por: Centro Henry Hazlitt Facebook @UFM.CHH Una producción de UFM Studios
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Andy discusses the things to take into consideration when trying to decide whether to own or rent a home in retirement Tenon Financial monthly e-newsletter - Retirement Planning Insights Facebook group - Retirement Planning Education (formerly Taxes in Retirement) YouTube channel - Retirement Planning Education (formerly Retirement Planning Demysti…
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Gianni Kovacevic reveals the speculative “must-buy” battery metal and explains why uranium demand is overestimated in this MSE episode. Gianni Kovacevic is a renowned expert on incumbent energy systems and a sought-after strategist in the divestment movement. He has invested over 20,000 hours of research and experience in the analysis of the natura…
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Are you considering homeschooling but unsure where to start? In this inspiring episode of the Seatton Education Podcast, host Victoria interviews Rachel McGregor, a former primary school teacher and headteacher who made the life-changing decision to quit teaching to home educate her children. Having trained at the University of Cambridge and having…
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Move over Harvard and Yale, a new college dedicated to real education, not political indoctrination, has launched in Texas and some of the smartest minds in the country are attending. 📲 Watch More | FreedomProject Media App © FreedomProject 2024Katie Petrick , Dr. Jake Jacobs による
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位在台北市大安區的芳和實驗中學,受到少子化與周邊學校影響,一度面臨廢校, 105年罕見地由學校老師發起一場教育革命,轉型實驗教育,不僅成功翻轉學校命運,國中部的招生熱門到要抽籤,更將實驗教育延伸到高中,今年,第一屆的高中畢業生透過特殊選才進入大學的成績更是亮眼, 校長黃琬茹初任校長就接下帶領芳和實中轉型的任務,即便沒有前例可循,她卻認為能夠不被框架束縛,發揮的空間更多,她說,實驗教育不是把孩子當白老鼠,反而是一場對家長與老師的試驗。 姜庭歡老師當初選擇留下來是因為一份對學校的珍惜,也想給孩子更多的學習機會,她認為,實驗教育難免有撞牆期,即便到如今已經走了多年,仍然會撞牆,只是比較不怕痛罷了,而且不斷衝撞框架才能找到突破點。 今天的亮點,我們與芳和實中的師生一起踏上實驗教育的旅程,實驗教育究竟…
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一條充滿畜牧廢水的斷頭河,社大如何倡議東螺溪水質改善? 擾動社區參與感之後影響地方政府關注,進而到中央資源挹注,影響中水局集集攔河堰【給水】農水署有效管控【水閘門】讓水進入東螺溪, 盤點整合從社大發起跨平台整合,讓政府資源可以有效運用在水質改善, 【農畜作伙拼,東螺溪水清】社區大學如何讓公民運動發揮跨平台整合的功能進而達到我們倡議的目標,社大不是開課推動終身學習,而是可以有目標的推動公民事務,達到民眾支持的環境改造⋯等議題!彰化縣母親之河東螺溪的水清不在是夢想,注入的活水也注入居民親水的期待! #每周三更新 #更多教育現場請鎖定教育非知不可官方臉書 👍意見調查: ----- 主持人:周聖心 邀訪來賓: ----- Apple…
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Send us a text Welcome to the latest episode of Animal Education Podcast with James "Petey" Pino... this episode is all about CARIBOU! What is a caribou - and what do caribou have to do with Santa? Let us know in the comments if we didn't touch on any interesting facts about Caribou or other types of deer... and have a wonderful holiday season! Sup…
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Looking for a great family read aloud this Advent season? Or a family-friendly movie to take in? Listen in to this review of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! A favorite read for years, a new version of the movie is in theaters now. A few faithful fans (and CC moms!) have some heartfelt reasons to recommend it to your family! Kick off the Christmas …
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Turning lemons into lemonade, @AKajamaa track disruptions in patient care processes to outline how repair efforts yield sources of stability, learning and change in hospital care. Read the accompanying article here: Education による
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Huang et al. document discourses surrounding the use of electronic health records in medical education to advance understanding of their impact on training. Read the accompanying article here: Education による
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