With an estimated 100,000 tourists heading to New Orleans for Super Bowl LIX, we’re exploring a classic American pastime: the tailgate. Most people think of tailgating as a time for sharing beers and team spirit. But in this episode, we find out why tailgating motivates so many people to travel — and get to the heart of its culture. Learn about your ad choices: dovetail.prx.org/ad-choices…
We exist to see people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The church is so much more than a building. It is a body of believers called by our Lord Jesus Christ to share the Gospel with those who do not yet know who Jesus is. As the church, we gather together regularly through Sunday Morning Worship, activities, groups, and much more. SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES 9:00AM & 10:30 PM 630 Appian Ave Napoleon, OH 43545 419.592.1586 office@napnaz.org
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The Gospel of John | His Finest Hour - Week 3
45:02Pastor Ben continues to teach from John chapter 13. We look at Judas' betrayal and see how Jesus can empathize with us first hand on the hurt that comes when a friend betrays us. But yet, Jesus still commands his disciples to love one another as I have loved you. By this "agape love" will the world know that we are His disciples. Even through disag…
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The Gospel of John | His Finest Hour - Week 2
39:45Pastor Dave teaches from John 13, where Jesus washes the disciples feet. There is so much to unpack by this humble act. Listen in and allow the Holy Spirit to impact your heart today as we hear God's truth for our lives.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We return with our series through the Gospel of John, picking up in chapter 12. Pastor Ben shares a brief description of where we have been so far through the book of John, coming to a turning point in chapter 12 where Jesus sheds light on His mission to the cross. He speaks about the importance of "losing your life" in order to bear fruit. To not …
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Pastor Ben teaches on the second half of the Lord's Prayer as we dive into week two of our series, "Pray First". As we look at the progression of how Jesus taught the disciples to pray, we can see that it shows that God is over our past, present, and future. And when we end in agreement with "Yours is the kingdom, the power, the glory, forever and …
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We are in our third week into the "Pray First" series, learning about the Armor of God. Pastor Dave teaches on what it looks like to be ready to take on spiritual warfare, clothing ourselves with the Armor of God found in Ephesians 6.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We start our 21 days of prayer journey together as body of believers; renewing our hearts and minds back on Christ as we start the new year. Pastor Ben starts the week preaching on the first part of the Lord's Prayer and how Christ modeled to the disciples how to pray.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Our last Sunday of Advent, Pastor Dave teaches on peace. We take a look at Luke 1:46-56, "Mary's Song" and see the joy and peace in Mary's heart as she glorifies the Lord and sets her eyes upon God.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Pastor Dave teaches from Matthew 2 about the Magi who traveled to worship Jesus. We don't always think about the details behind this story. The Magi would have participated in pagan practices, yet God still broke through and led them to Himself. God can call anyone and everyone to Himself and even use whatever means He wants to break through. What …
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Pastor Ben teaches on "Joy" in our Advent series, "Changed in the Waiting". We look into Isaiah 12 and see that joy is not circumstantial, but rooted in our salvation through Jesus Christ. The joy we have in the Lord then becomes our strength in troubled times. We experience joy as we spend time in His presence, as a gift from the Holy Spirit; that…
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We are in week two of our Advent series, "Changed in the waiting", where we take a look at the story of Zechariah. He gives praise to God for the love He had bestowed upon them through giving them a son, John the Baptist, who would be the forerunner for the greater gift of all; Jesus! It's a wonderful reminder for us that even in the waiting, He is…
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Have you ever had to wait? It can be so difficult to be patient in the process of waiting as we hold out for the hope to come. But when we think about HOPE as not mere optimism for something; but rather as, the confident expectation rooted in the something: like God's promises, our perspective changes in the waiting. We can look at Psalm 25:1-10 an…
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Pastor Ben ends out series, "Rooted in Relationship", with the commission to go and be light and salt to the world. He teaches from Matthew 5, where Jesus is calling us to be a light that shines in the darkness so others will see and glorify God. It's not a task but a life to be lived. We are all called to share the gospel. It's part of our identit…
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Rooted in Relationship _ week 6 _Friendships_
38:21Pastor Dave teaches on the topic of friendship and how we were created to have fellowship and accountability. We look at John 15 how Christ calls us love one another. Jesus was a true teacher and model of what godly friendship is supposed to look and the intentionality and vulnerability it takes to grow deep rooted relationships.…
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Rooted in Relationship _ Week 5 _Households of Holiness_
38:10Week 5 of our "Rooted in Relationship Series", started with a morning filled with baptisms from people of all ages, declaring their new life in Jesus! Have you given your life to Jesus?Pastor Ben then gave us the Word from Deuteronomy 6 about how to have households of holiness. It starts with our own hearts as parents to be diligent in the Word of …
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Pastor Dave Dooley teaches on God's blueprint for marriage in the 4th week of our series, "Rooted in Relationship". Whether you are currently walking in marriage, single, divorced, widowed; this message is for everyone, as we look at scripture to see God's design of the healthy boundaries He has laid for us. And while we may have gone outside those…
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Week three's teaching of our series, Rooted in Relationship, comes out of Acts chapter 2; spiritual community, or being the body of Christ. What does it look like to have all things in common as a church? How can we develop deep, lasting relationships as brothers and sisters that encourage us and strengthen us together as the Kingdom of God? Listen…
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Rooted in Relationship | Week 2 "Forgiveness"
51:26In week two of our "Rooted in Relationship" series, we dive into Matthew 18, where Peter asks Jesus about forgiveness. Pastor Ben walks us through Jesus' response and this kingdom ethic. Forgiveness reflects God's mercy and grace, frees us from bitterness, and opens the door to reconciliation. Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling. Are there rel…
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Welcome to our new series "Rooted in Relationship", where we dive into scripture to see God's blueprint for community. Pastor Dave and Britni Dooley teach us the foundations of relationships that stem right from creation. We were created in the image of God and designed to be relational just as we see in the relation of our Triune God. Listen in an…
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Pastor Ben introduces a panel of local congregants to share their testimonies and insights on discipleship as we finish out the series, No Accidental Saints. Listen in and be encouraged to take that step to "Do As He Did"; intentionally disciplining others.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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This week, Pastor Ben teaches about how to be like Jesus. To become like Him is to be people of love who walk in the light and obey the Holy Spirit. There are three areas we look at when moving to become more like Jesus and that is through teaching, practices, and community; all empowered by the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Which areas are prev…
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Pastor Dave opens up our new series, "No Accidental Saints", teaching from Matthew 4:18-22. Jesus is inviting us into an "apprenticeship" with the simple words of "Come Follow Me." We are all a disciple of something or someone. Look at your own life; are you answering the invitation to follow after Jesus?…
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Pastor Ben casts vision for our NapNaz congregation; leading us through where we have been in last year and how moving forward, we can continue to live into our core values of: Worship, Connect, and Serve.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Happy Labor Day!! Pastor Ben takes this holiday weekend to teach on the importance of having proper rest in Christ. He walks us through Matthew 11:28-30 and talks about how we can find rhythms of rest when we accept Christ's invitation to come to Him.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We well guest speaker, Pastor Jeff Stark to NapNaz this morning. He teaches on what it looks like to share the good news of the gospel, using the story from John 4 about the woman at the well. We are challenged to pray about where our "Samaria" is and how we can proclaim the good news to those around us.…
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Pastor Dave Dooley teaches from John 11; the very familiar story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Listen in as pastor Dave shows us through God's Word the importance of having the right perspective.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Pastor Britni leads us into the second part of John chapter 10; as Jesus shows us that He is the Good Shepherd. We are challenged in this passage to be the sheep that listen to our Shepherd (Jesus) and FOLLOW Him. How are you actively responding the voice of the Lord?Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We continue walking through our sermon series The Gospel of John; where Pastor Ben teaches through John 9:1-41, where he talks about the blind man who was healed by Jesus. We learn about the power of testimony, and how through his recognition of our condition, he heals us, creating a testimony to share with others. What is your testimony?…
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The Gospel of John | Week 23 by Napoleon Church of the NazareneNapoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Join us as Pastor Dave takes us through John 8:12-20 to see how light leads the way, exposes the darkness, and reveals the truth.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We are in week 20 of our sermon series through the Gospel Of John. Pastor Britni teaches through John 8: 1-11; where she teaches on the adulterous woman and the grace that was shown to her. She reminds us to do the same throughout the week.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We are in week 19 of our sermon series through the Gospel of John. We read through John 7:37-52 and are encouraged to receive the gospel invitation and don’t miss what God intends to do, through you, right where you’re at.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We are in week 18 of our series through the book of John. Pastor Ben walks us though John 7:25-38, where he gives us warnings found in God's word of..... Do you know God or just of God?......Are you actively seeking Jesus?...... And what is your response to all of these?Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We are in week 17 of our series through the Gospel of John. Pastor Dave teaches through John 7:14-24. He encourages us to walk in obedience, prompting us to examine our hearts with these three questions; 1) is God the object of my desire, 2) Am I seeking to respond in obedience, and 3) is God the recipient of my praise.…
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We are back with our sermon series through the Gospel of John, with Pastor Ben reading from John 7:1-13. Pastor Ben taught us about Jesus' Word, Jesus' Works, and His life, leading us to respond with communion. How will you respond to the Word of the Lord today?Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We welcome Bailey Sonnenberg, our summer staff member, to give us the word this morning from John 6:25-71. This portion of scripture was quite controversial and hard to grasp in it's context back in that time, as Jesus explains that He is the bread of life. Bailey graciously led us through how Jesus is the bread of life and in that, revealed our ne…
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We are excited to have our very own Youth Ministry led worship service! We welcome Landin and Brayden, two young men who have been called to pursue ministry, to give our message today from John 6:16-24. Listen in as they teach and encourage us through the account of Jesus walking on the water.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We welcome Pastor Britni to preach this week's sermon, coming from John 6, where Jesus performs the miracle of feeding the 5,000. Britni brings about three highlighted areas in this portion of scripture; the crowd, the passover, and the distribution. We all can relate to these three areas in some way, but all point to Jesus. Listen in and discover …
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Pastor Dave picks up from last week with part two of John 5:18-47, talking about the authority of Jesus. Jesus explains how He is one with the Father and that by only through believing in Him, you may have eternal life. Have you placed your hope and trust in Jesus?Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Pastor Dave preaches the first part of our two part sermon from John 5:18-47; talking about the authority of Jesus. Is He Lord over your life or are we just following the religion and traditions of men?Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Week 10 through the Gospel of John brings us to chapter 5; where Jesus heals the man at the pool of Bethesda. We see the Jewish leaders completely overlook this miracle and start questioning Jesus on breaking man's Sabbath laws. Through this, we take a hard look at our hearts in the area of control. Are we wielding or yielding control to work of th…
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We are in week 9 going through the gospel of John. Pastor Ben teaches on the royal official who asked Jesus to heal his son. At Jesus' very word the boy was healed and official believed. Through this time, Jesus told the crowd, unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe. We are challenged to re-examine our faith; is it dictated by circum…
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We reach John chapter 4 in week 8 through the Gospel of John. Pastor Dave teaches on Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well. We see Jesus go beyond comfort and the norm to reach the lost. Are we willing to say "yes" to where Jesus is calling us to go?Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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Happy Resurrection Day! We are in week 7 of our series through the Gospel of John. Pastor Ben teaches from John chapter 3 where we are introduced to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Jesus revealed the truth that you must be born again to see the kingdom of heaven. As we end the service with brothers and sisters getting baptized and testifying to the new…
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Pastor Dave teaches week 6 of our series in John on Palm Sunday. He teaches on the last part of John chapter 2 where Jesus clears out the temple of the money changers. Pastor Dave brings into prospective the matters of the heart and asks if we are allowing Jesus to clear out our temple; us. We are God's temple. Will we give Jesus the authority to p…
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Pastor Dave Dooley takes us through chapter 2 of John, talking about the wedding at Cana where Jesus turns the water into wine. We take a look at deeper spiritual implications throughout this miracle and are left with the question, "what do you need to surrender to Jesus, so He can fill you up?"Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We welcome back one of our veteran pastors, Joe Proudfoot, to bring the word this morning. We are in week 4 going through the gospel of John. We are introduced to some of the first encounters that Jesus has with His disciples. Through these encounters, we see an invitation to follow Him, that He is relational, transformational, and directs us to be…
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Pastor Ben takes us thought week 3 of our series through the Gospel of John. We learn about John the Baptist and how he lived out the calling on his life; to lead people to Jesus. John's only goal was to lead people to repentance and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, our Messiah. This makes us think about our own lives and callings. Will o…
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We welcome guest speaker, Dwayne Mills, to share an update on his mission organization. Dwayne is the director of ARO, Appalachia Reach Out, an organization that meets the needs of the impoverished, while being the hands and feet of Jesus; sharing the gospel message. He shares amazing testimonies of what God is doing and challenges us as a church t…
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We are diving in to the Gospel of John, as Pastor Dave walks us through John 1:1-18. We see that Jesus is the Light and Life and makes His dwelling among us. For us who have received Him, are we willing to share Him with others?Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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We start a new sermon series going through the Gospel of John. Pastor Ben gives an overview of John's account of the life and ministry of Jesus.Napoleon Church of the Nazarene による
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