호주에서 일하시는 개발자 Andy Kim님을 모시고 미래 정부의 모습을 함께 고민해봤습니다. temi is the world’s first, truly intelligent, mobile, personal home robot, that places you at the center of technology. temi – the new way to connect Temi The Personal Robot – The New Way to Connect Naver 풍 vs Wiki풍 전자정부 Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support Information about our social payments and services. Centrelink – Australian Government Department of Human Services 심플이 혼선을 피하는 길. 정부 관련 일거리가 꿀잡. 프로젝트가 산으로 가도 모두 모여 함께 이야기했다면 그것이 순리. 턴불 총리의 선언 Australia’s newest Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has released details regarding a reshuffling of cabinet, one week after he announced to the… Malcom Turnbull announces “21st century government” after cabinet reshuffle Released: Australia 2030 Plan DTA라는 디지털 혁신국이 내놓는 가이드라인 Digital transformation is about changing how we all undertake our day-to-day operations and how we design online services to be simpler, clearer and faster for users. We have staff with unique and wide-ranging capabilities to successfully lead the government’s digital transformation efforts. Who we are “> The DTA wants to improve people’s experience of government services. This means improving skills in government and helping agencies create services that are simple, clear and fast. New building blocks for digital services 운전면허앱 The Bureau of Communications and Arts Research today released its assessment of the potential impacts of 5G on Australia’s productivity and growth. Impacts of 5G on productivity and economic growth 인터넷에 대한 집착 금융 강국 [뉴스비전e 이진구 기자] 4차 산업혁명에 따른 핀테크 산업 육성을 위해 각국 정부들이 분주히 움직이고 있다. 미국, 영국 등 선도국가들은 핀테… 핀테크 강국으로 도약하는 호주…정부의 발빠른 투자·정책, 경제 이끌 미래산업으로 성장시켜 – 뉴스비전e Australian Fintech Landscape | KPMG | AU 블록체인에 대한 자세 The cryptocurrency story is much more than the skyrocketing price of bitcoin; it’s a bet on the future of money. Bitcoin or a digital dollar: the battle for the future of money Australia, like many countries, provides overseas humanitarian assistance in times of humanitarian crises. As part of DFAT’s humanitarian strategy, Australia transfers money to Australian non-governmental organisations, international humanitarian agencies and UN agencies, which then provide supplies … Should Australia use blockchain in delivering humanitarian aid? | The Strategist 정부의 공공 데이터를 활용한 앱들 TripView creates trip plans for train, bus, ferry, light rail and coach services. Plan your trip based on stations, stops and wharves. For bus travel, you can search by route, suburb or stop. It will list all timetabled services with real-time data. TripView 금융 Open API 의무화 Consumers will be granted new rights over their banking data from July next year, with the government this week announcing it would implement the recommendations of the Review into Open Banking. Govt gives Open Banking regime the go ahead 미래의 IT 조달. The DTA is changing the way government buys ICT products and services. Have your say on our new procurement framework 미래 정부를 위한 조언 Voice UI…