S1: E3 - Part 9: What does financial abuse in leasehold look like – Personal Experiences Contd.
Manage episode 436571336 series 3554183
- Background and history - Part 6 - one particular freehold/ leasehold framework we know of - a continuation in respect of:
- Where are the funds?
- An apology - 17 terms used (not 16!) to describe only 4 funds...
- Would the FTT Judge expect a "competent managing agent" to
behave in such a way?
- Apparently it's an operational 'Roof Works' budget? Not what we were
told...but oh-so-apologetic for the 'confusion' caused if we'd believed
it was collected as a long-term roof works 'fund'.
- Deceit surrounding cross-utilisation of the various funds that do exist.
- Is another 'Roof Works' fund of £55-65,000 really needed?
- Imagine calling your bank to check on your savings account however
nothing is in there...
- Are these RA Directors stupid?
- Are these RA Directors single-handedly responsible for trashing our
"capital values"?
....a trailer for the next episode, and more on these RA Directors - AKA 'Bad Cop'/'Good Cop'.
Frédéric Bastiat: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over time they create for themselves a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that glorifies it.”
Podcast author:
“An abuser's biggest fear is the fear of being found out.”
"There's a code of honour among thieves until there's no honour among thieves."
"Just because you can't prove something, it doesn't mean it's not happening."
"Relationships are founded on connections; energy, therefore connections, and therefore relationships, are all that exist in this universe."
"There is no such thing as 'Conspiracy Theory' , there's only the understanding of human motivation"
"Abuse, is abuse, is abuse."
... and "Government Gaslighting" (to coin a phrase).
Comments, Opinions, Feedback: Reach out at [email protected] (An entirely anonymous feedback channel.)
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