National Geographic photographer and conservationist Jaime Rojo has spent decades capturing the beauty and fragility of the monarch butterfly. Their epic migration is one of nature’s most breathtaking spectacles, but their survival is under threat. In this episode, Jaime shares how his passion for photography and conservation led him to document the monarchs’ journey. He and host Brian Lowery discuss the deeper story behind his award-winning images, one about resilience, connection, and the urgent need to protect our natural world. See Jaime's story on the monarch butterflies at his website: , and follow Brian Lowery at .…
1부 [JB TIMES] 명태균 녹취록 공개…김건희, 경남지사 선거 개입 의혹 명태균 특검법, 야당 주도로 국회 본회의 통과 검찰, ‘명태균 게이트’ 어떻게 수사할까 헌재, 마은혁 권한쟁의 심판 만장일치 인용 경찰청 승진 예정자에 용산 관련 인사 다수 포함 - 더 막내작가