Happy Valentine’s Day! You know what that means: We have a brand new season of Love Is Blind to devour. Courtney Revolution (The Circle) joins host Chris Burns to delight in all of the pod romances and love triangles. Plus, Meg joins the podcast to debrief the Madison-Mason-Meg love triangle. Leave us a voice message at www.speakpipe.com/WeHaveTheReceipts Text us at (929) 487-3621 DM Chris @FatCarrieBradshaw on Instagram Follow We Have The Receipts wherever you listen, so you never miss an episode. Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts.…
Join the New Mexico Wildlife Podcast, the official podcast of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, for coverage on all things outdoors in the land of enchantment! From hunting and fishing to bird watching and wildlife photography, we have got you covered!
Join the New Mexico Wildlife Podcast, the official podcast of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, for coverage on all things outdoors in the land of enchantment! From hunting and fishing to bird watching and wildlife photography, we have got you covered!
New Mexico is an amazing place to enjoy your off-highway vehicle (OHV). The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish OHV program provides off-highway motor vehicle recreation that recognizes the importance of New Mexico’s cultural, historic and resource values while also ensuring public safety. New Mexico has requirements for off-highway motor vehicles designed to protect the safety of all OHV users and ensure responsible and culturally sensitive OHV use. The law requires each OHV user to register or obtain a permit for their OHV if it is used on public land. Join us as we talk with the team behind the OHV Program, and learn what riding off road in New Mexico is all about! https://ridenm.dgf.nm.gov/…
The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation have a long-standing partnership dedicated to preserving and enhancing elk populations in the Land of Enchantment. Together, they’ve spearheaded habitat restoration projects that ensure sustainable, high-quality elk herds across the state. Join us as we discuss the importance of elk conservation, habitat management, and the power of collaboration with Josh McDonald of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and NMDGF’s elk biologist, Travis Zaffarano.…
Operation Game Thief is a New Mexico Department of Game and Fish program, which pays rewards to citizens who turn in poachers. Begun in 1977 here in New Mexico, Operation Game Thief or a similar program has now been adopted by nearly every other state. In short, Operation Game Thief is crime-stoppers for wildlife. Join us as we talk with Colonel Tim Cimbal and Captain Jeremy Smith on all things OGT. https://wildlife.dgf.nm.gov/enforcement/operation-game-thief-overview/…
The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has a long history of protecting our state's game species. But did you know they're also working tirelessly to conserve countless other creatures? From rare fish to elusive amphibians, the Department's efforts are crucial to maintaining New Mexico's incredible biodiversity. Join us as we explore the "Saving Our Species" campaign and learn about the incredible work being done to ensure future generations can enjoy the same natural wonders we do. We'll hear from experts like Ginny Seamster, who will discuss Species of Greatest Conservation Need and the revision of the State Wildlife Action Plan. We'll also hear from Leland Peirce on Gila Monsters in New Mexico, Grant Beauprez on the Lesser Prairie Chicken in southeastern New Mexico, and John Bulger on the elusive Ptarmigan. https://nmswap.org/…
The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has a long history of protecting our state's game species, but did you know they're also working tirelessly to conserve countless other creatures? From rare fish to elusive amphibians, the Department's efforts are crucial to maintaining the incredible biodiversity of our beautiful state. Join us as we explore the 'Saving Our Species' campaign and learn about the incredible work being done to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same natural wonders we do Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of New Mexico’s Fisheries, talking with a few of our Native Fish biologists on two of the states non-game fish species, the Rio Grande Chub and Rio Grande Sucker.…
Join us for an inside look at the life as New Mexico Game and Fish Warden. Discover what it takes to protect our state's diverse wildlife, enforce conservation laws, and educate the public about responsible outdoor recreation. From patrolling remote wilderness areas to handling wildlife encounters, we'll explore the challenges and rewards of this exciting career. We will be hearing from the Field Operation Recruitment Lieutenant, Andrew Armendariz, as he gives us insight on the, the day-to-day responsibilities of a Fish and Game Warden, the skills and qualifications needed for the job, application process, and the importance of wildlife conservation in New Mexico. Current application deadline is October 18, 2024. Apply Today! https://wildlife.dgf.nm.gov/enforcement/career-advancement/ https://careers.share.nm.gov/psc/hprdcg/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_SCHJOB_FL&FOCUS=Applicant…
Join us for an in-depth conversation with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Land Management Team. Learn about the incredible Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) our state has to offer and the diverse activities they support. From hunting and fishing to hiking and wildlife viewing, WMAs provide countless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. Get the inside scoop on everything you need to know to make the most of your next visit to a New Mexico WMA.…
In this episode, we dive into the world of archery in New Mexico schools with Bruce Atencio, the state's NASP coordinator. Learn how the National Archery in the Schools Program is fostering a love for the outdoors and improving student focus while developing essential life skills. Discover the impact of NASP on New Mexico's youth and how it's shaping the future of archery in the state.…
In this episode of the New Mexico Wildlife Podcast, we dive into the fascinating world of beaver dam analogs with Carrie Parris and Art Anaya. Learn about their work restoring riparian ecosystems and how these man-made structures are bringing back nature's engineers, the beaver. Discover the positive impacts on water conservation, wildlife habitat, and overall ecosystem health https://lowtechpbr.restoration.usu.edu/ https://www.amazon.com/Let-Water-Work-Meandering-Restoring/dp/1603585699…
Explore the wild side of New Mexico with the New Mexico Wildlife Podcast! This official podcast from the New Mexico Department of Game and Whether you're a hunting or fishing enthusiast, a birdwatcher, or simply a nature lover, this podcast has something for you. Get inspired to get outside and experience the wonders of New Mexico's wildlife firsthand.…
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Carnivore and Small Mammal Program Manager Nick Forman sits down with Communications Director Darren Vaughan to discuss the science and statistics behind the Department's proposal for the new bear and cougar hunting rule, set to be presented at the Aug. 25, 2023 State Game Commission Meeting in Raton.…