This episode dives into the significant political question posed by Ronald Reagan during the closing moments of his 1980 presidential debate with Jimmy Carter: 'Are you better off than you were four years ago?' Ken Woodward explores the context of the 1980 political climate, marked by economic difficulties, high inflation, unemployment, and international issues such as the Iran hostage crisis and concerns about U.S. global standing and nuclear threats. Reagan's question, which became iconic in U.S. political discourse, was noted for its simplicity, personal relevance, emotional resonance, and strategic timing. The question invited voters to reflect on their circumstances rather than abstract policies, ultimately contributing to Reagan's landslide victory. The episode details six crucial lessons for crafting influential questions, emphasizing audience perspective, engagement, simplicity, timing, self-reflection, and a call to action. Listeners are encouraged to consider how such questions have shaped their decisions and to apply these insights in personal and professional contexts. This Curated Questions episode can be found on all major platforms and at . Keep questioning! Episode Notes [01:58] Setting the Stage: The 1980 Presidential Debate [04:24] Reagan's Memorable Question [06:01] Impact and Aftermath of the Debate [06:45] Analyzing the Rhetorical Question [13:06] Lessons from Reagan's Question [16:05] Modern Applications and Reflections [18:04] Conclusion and Call to Action Resources Mentioned Ronald Reagan Jimmy Carter Beauty Pill Producer Ben Ford Questions Asked Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? Where do you feel it in your body? What emotions come to the surface? What pictures race through your mind? Would it kill you to stop chewing your food with your mouth open? What is your number seven? What comes to mind? Did you feel the knee-jerk need to answer right away when your politician asked? Did you actually do the homework to determine what factors were most important to you, then look at data vice depending on emotion? Is it any easier to see why someone in a different circumstance may answer differently than you? How did the question affect your answer when the opposing politician asked it? Did you use the same metric for the candidates or give your preferred candidate extra leeway? What famous questions continue to pop up in your world?…
一年多没说话,最近想重来,直接开麦。就当作我的播客刷新起点。 这是我第一,也是我最后一期没有任何制作的节目。 欢迎反馈。留评论或者发 . ----- 然后,OK我笑死了。我这个播客host平台 (Captivate)新出了AI转文字+show notes功能。Captivate是英国的公司,全是英文,所以我本来怀疑它能不能搞中文内容。结果,它一部分生成的东西还是很完美,一部分就乱了。我就把它的Takeaways(收获)和它的transcript贴在这里。 ----- Takeaways: The speaker expresses a desire to rename their podcast to better reflect its purpose and themes of understanding. They emphasize the importance of high-quality production, including sound quality and engaging music in their podcast. The speaker values organic conversations over strict scripting, allowing for more natural interactions with guests. They share personal anecdotes about their experiences in different cultures, aiming to bridge understanding between diverse backgrounds. Exploring interesting topics, such as language and local culture, is a priority for the speaker's podcast. The speaker contemplates the balance between humor and serious content, aiming for an engaging yet informative listening experience. Transcript: 我现在就很纠结我想重新搞然后我在纠结是不是改个名字。当然还有很多问题模式方法目标。我现在想法就是把这个播客的名字改成了解,不知道是了解还是了解你。我就想了解,然后希望也可以顺便了解我。虽然这个就总体整个节目的方向感没有那么的明确,但是所有其他的元素明确也挺好。就是说质量高音质制作音乐思考放松幽默,就是了解。我想了解昨天这个也不能发了,算了算了算了。我想说昨天有一个故事在我的工作,但是我不能说了算了。因为那个太个人的,不是我个人,是一个同事。算了算了算了算了算了。但是我想分享,我不说了。嗯,对,我想继续找歌,我想跟歌手交流,然后分享他们的歌。之前做的那个《 等我音乐 》,我其实很喜欢,我觉得很好。虽然那个时候我特别年轻,在博客这个生活上特别年轻,所以现在重新做的话肯定会,我就相信会好很多。 嗯,不过就不是说就是内容。当时的内容就是找的那些四个朋友歌手我觉得很丰富。嗯,对,就是我自己做播客就是随便做,所以我想有音乐在这。我想有音乐,音乐真的好,声音真的好。就是有音乐,就是自己的,他们自己的作品就好。然后另外我当然就是加自己的声音,加嗯其他的bgm,加一些我不喜欢说特效,但是也就是特效吧,音效。嗯,然后之前也是跟那个啥,跟灯光音乐同时做的。也有《 南腔北调 》,那个南腔北调也太好了,尤其是Vicky,我的搭档,她真的太棒了。我找她找得太对了,然后这个想法真的太好了。我想干嘛?那就是也是对语言感兴趣的中国的方言。但是一个方言就是一个地方,地方也有它自己的文化。也可以说有什么特产,有什么吃的玩的,也就是那边的人。我就想了解,所以我才想的是这个节目可以叫了解。但是知道这个节目名字也太模糊,但是不知道加一个subtitle。我就是想搞到完美,就是想找一个最好的。 对,音乐一个,然后那个地方方言语言,就是人呐,就是人呐,就是沟通。哎那同时我也想就是我随时我想采访一个人,我就想采访他。不管,就不想被一个一个节目的那个规模就限制的。我就想这个人好,我就采访他,或者我不当他,我不懂他,我采访他,或者是他让我思考,我就思考,我就跟他一起思考,我采访他。或者我觉得他好玩啊,我就想跟他笑啊,可以吗?然后还有别的东西想了解。当时的那个井底之蛙的核心就是指甲剪,就是emoji,就是傻。就想了解东西呀,叠被子。这是一个话题,我很喜欢,我觉得有趣,我觉得值得去了解一些新的东西呀。我今天早上在玩那个NewYorkTimescrossword,然后有一个提示是什么BurrowingRodent,就是一个会挖地下挖坑叫什么挖坑挖挖到的一个老鼠Rodent叫什么。我都不知道就是什么比老鼠更大的那个叫什么。我不知道,反正我就以为是mole,因为是四个字母ole开头肯定是m。我一直就很肯定就是mole。我后来才发现它其实不是。它有一个动物叫volvolevol,啥没听过这个。而且反正那个设计这个猜单词的这个人,他肯定是故意的,他想骗你,他知道你肯定会想到mole。所以其实是要一个VVOL。然后我就去搜索一下这个VOL是啥。反正就是一个可爱的老鼠,但是我就真的不知道这个。我想讲啊,我想跟大家分享啊。当然你不想听,那你就别听了。但是我就觉得有时候你就学一点冷知识关于这个世界,关于人类,关于生物,关于地理科技挺好的。 但是我就干嘛非要那么严肃啊。很多播客很多内容都是他要么就是傻要么就是严肃。能不能都是也都不是啊。这OK,傻就傻傻也好。我支持所有人想搞傻就搞吧。这不是本身他没有问题啊。但是就是傻也可以带质量吗。不行吗。难道有质量的傻可以吗?然后就那么多严肃,那么科学什么AI科技啊那些。我才不想听一个什么专门天天每周每天讲AI的播客。太严肃了。你是什么专家OK好,那你别人想听我不想听。但是也是可以,就是听专家,或者就是要分享的信息也不要假的,要真的而且要有用的科学的。但是我又不想严肃做博客,也从来没有。我不想完全写出来我的台词啊,然后采访一个人就提前把所有的问题给他发了,让他提前准备好所有的答案干干净净的完美的。 我的博客设计方法我的风格就是提前开会啊,对啊开会讨论,让人家提前有很多思考。他也知道你要,他大概知道你要问什么,也会知道一些细节一些具体的,因为一个节目上他就可以提前准备好一些很好的一个一些内容。没错啊,对啊。但是同时我就是我的方法就是自然聊天,就因为要听啊,要听人家,不是说你全部铺好了然后就让他陪你就好就干干净净的正常的。我不会表达,就是按照一个很严格的计划去搞,然后就没了,这个也没意思。所以我就要自然。我所有的那些播客全部都是自然。真的,但是同时你也不要就没有人没有任何人也想听,也不是没有任何人,但是不太多的人会想真的去听你的垃圾,你的很多废话,你的很多太多的结巴。我会结巴,我经常结巴,但是我就剪掉啊,就是因为原来就很真实的。但是你同时你要考虑一个听节目的体验。所以也不能太菜了呢。 还有什么还有还想了解什么。就是书太多的书太多的故事我就想分享啊,可以吗?了解不一定不一定叫了解。我不想我现在不能直接定下来。就井底之蛙也好,或者就是名字嘛浩哲,或者我的那些用户名就叫叫我好者吧。这个的来源是什么呢?就我在中国不是讨厌,但是确实一个不理想的事情是他们叫我老外。或者这个就是街头不认识的陌生人是叫我老外,或者了解我的人就知道啊哇你去过中国那么多地方哦你的中文挺好的啊啊你还能听懂南京话青海话哇你去过啊你你真是中国通啊。 这个我也不喜欢这个标签啊。我不是老外,虽然我是。我不是什么老美,虽然也是。我的护照是美国的。我不是什么中国通。什么叫中国通,我哪在乎这个标签。但是好,我也有不少的。我是一个来自别的国家的人类,然后我在中国有很多经历。OK,但是我不是中国通。我是浩哲。所以我才一直以来都有机会,甚至把井底之蛙就说,就给他一个标签,一个subtitle。叫什么老美跟老中一起聊文化差别什么的。我不想强调这些。但是我可以,我也不是避免他们,不是逃避,不是否认它的存在。我们的个人背景不同,不是这个意思。不是说,对吧,那些人可能不知道,你知不知道,就是在美国那个提到民族歧视偏见。有的人说我看不到,我看不到皮色。OK,你看到好不好,我们都看到了。而且你如果听他们自己说,很多黑人朋友他们都会说,你这样说OK,你的意思你以为你是在说我们都是一样的,其实我们不一样。我们的经验不一样。你别说我们都一样,我们不一样。 所以我不是这个意思,说我真的完全是跟一个在山东济南长大的一个女士。我不是跟她一模一样。我是华盛顿人,我是白人。但是同时这些事也很影响我们的个人背景,很影响。所以我才想了解。但是我是浩哲。这是我。我不是那个啥,什么东西,什么人。我就是我。有时候要搞得严肃,对,尤其是关于心理啊,心理学心理,就是了解。大家所有的人都有自己的事情,这个我觉得很重要。这也是我的一个目标,就正能量嘛,安慰陪伴同情。然后搞这些的同时,就是要玩啊要玩啊,轻松。 因为这是我。我太菜了,我太差了。我的缺点太多。我的我的才能,我的优点,我的精力,我的拥有的东西也太少了。我真的没有觉得我好,我没有觉得自己好,真的。但是我知道我会去同情,我会去了解。我的中文还好,也没那么好,所以我一直会要搭档,最好是有搭档做博客的时候。But anyway,我会,我可以讲话,但是我更是可以采访。因为我OK,我刚不是批评自己,我也可以承认我会听,我会真的会听。 然后我比较有创意,或者是思维,就我可以突然想到一些人家根本就没想到我要问他的问题,或者是从他的话里面去感受到这个话背后的有事情。我没有说我就懂,我全部了解你。但是我知道有更多,所以我可以去挖。所以对这种事情啊,就而且我不是就每个人不一样。但是我可以玩。我觉得我的有时候还有一点幽默什么的。就反正跟你一起放松,就突破你的一些坏习惯,或者是刻板印象,或者就是一些默认。 差不多了差不多,我说完了。我就是开个麦录个音。但是确实因为我刚刚是在想着嘛,想着想着打开我的什么博客管理平台啊,什么打出来一些潜在节目名字什么的,有点不太那个好,就效果也没那么好。或者是哦,我也有诱惑说,就打开一个GBT跟他讲讲我的我的思想,我的想法,然后让他帮我陪我头脑风暴什么。这有时候我会,就是一些工作上,或者是,这不是没有用。但是这个时候我不想。我就想。所以我发现我打开这个麦讲讲,就像个,我就不说,就像一个,我就在这儿讲话。 好的,我讲完了。我就看看吧。但是我觉得我没错,我特别关心你,我特别在乎你。但是我也不管你。我这个是给自己录了一个音。想了解,希望你你能了解我好,但是也很难,所以不太严格要求。但是能多进一步的了解你,我也很开心,就这样好了。我听了。…
浩哲自己来给大家说重要的事: 今天是世界讨厌香菜日!今天是世界讨厌香菜日!今天是世界讨厌香菜日! (不就是要说三遍么?) ------------------------- 节目怎么样?有什么想说的么? 点一下给我们留个语音呗 ! 说不定节目上就能听到自己的声音! ------------------------- "不要放香菜" ไม่ใส่ผักชี Mị̀ s̄ı̀ p̄hạkchī (泰语) Don't put any cilantro(美式英语)/coriander(英式英语) não coloque coentro(葡萄牙语) no pongas cilantro(西班牙语) ha dhigin koryander(撒玛利语) နံနံမထည့်ပါနဲ့။ nan nan m htany par nae(缅甸语) ekki setja kóríander (冰岛语) 友台: Lìng谈-语言学 | 小宇宙 研究资源 Cilantro: Health Benefits, Nutrients, Serving Suggestions, and More ( Kitchen Window: Cilantro, The Controversial Herb : NPR Coriander - Wikipedia Google Translate 链接啥的 订阅井底之挖! Mianbao.FM 官网; 关注MianbaoFM的 FB 关注主播微博: @叫我浩哲吧 互动/评论/吐槽/分享anything:…
井底之挖冬眠结束啦!本期节目主题:名字。语言学家Ted再次做客,来探讨各种不同文化中命名的方式和文化含义。一起听听有趣的故事和趣闻,探索名字背后隐藏的宝藏吧! ------------------------- 节目怎么样?有什么想说的么? 点一下给我们留个语音呗 ! 说不定节目上就能听到自己的声音! ------------------------- 本期提到的友台 Lìng谈-语言学 说咱东北话 - VOL.14 到底啥是“精神东北人”?! Asian Answers 佐治亚小帅|北美华人故事访谈 - 小宇宙 ; 其他平台 时间轴 03:40 - 回民街喊“帅哥”的回头率 05:41 - 只有人类是通过名字来区分彼此的吗? 11:23 - 语言学家Ted带来的全球独特起名文化的101课程 13:51 - 葡萄牙,你能把C罗的名字说全乎了吗? 17:23 - 西班牙,伊比利亚半岛上的另外一个起名字文化 19:34 - 索马里,有姓无名的个性化取名方式 20:32 - 缅甸,独特起名方式造成的尴尬 24:34 - 冰岛,终于知道冰岛男足那么多“松”是咋来的了 33:31 - 高阶英语bonus: 罗密欧与朱丽叶 - 何为吾名 What's in a name? 35:20 - 名字的作用大分解 46:38 - 指环王:以恩特(树人)之名的故事 01:01:25 - 😂你有朋友叫“王刚”吗? 01:06:36 - 说咱东北话节目预告 ! Super 长墨西哥人的名字: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso ( 来源 ) 莎士比亚原文: 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself. Romeo and Juliet, 2.2.38-49 研究资源: Krulwich Wonders : Can It Be? Parrots Name Their Children, And Those Names, Like Ours, Stick For Life - Robert Krulwich, NPR These Animals Use Personal Names, But Never Gossip - Jane C. Hu, Nautilus 指环王的趣历史13:聊聊中土世界的神奇生物——树人(Ents恩特) - 跃马酒馆小招待 Shakespeare Quotes: What's in a name? - Schmoop 链接啥的 订阅井底之挖! Mianbao.FM 官网; 关注MianbaoFM的 FB 关注主播微博: @叫我浩哲吧 互动/评论/吐槽/分享anything:…
本期我们和 美中不足 的主播一哥一起探讨了一下你的意识和大脑和你开的玩笑。话题是关于“似曾相识”的现象。其实也有很多类似的思维幻觉,比如似曾相“闻”,似曾相“感”。是不是看的有点晕了,那就快来听本期的报告吧! 链接啥的 订阅井底之挖! Mianbao.FM 官网; 关注MianbaoFM的 FB 关注主播微博: @叫我浩哲吧 互动/评论/吐槽/分享anything: ------------------------- 节目怎么样?有什么想说的么? 点一下给我们留个语音呗 ! 说不定节目上就能听到自己的声音! ------------------------- 00:50 Deja Vu也许是个似曾相识的节目 01:30 Deja Vu的定义 02:30 Deja Vu定义2.0 04:20 一哥的分享 (一哥的节目: 美中不足 ) 05:35 笛卡尔关于梦的理论 08:00 你的认知和你开了个玩笑 11:30 认知玩笑家族成员一号:似曾相梦 12:16 认知玩笑家族成员二号:似未相识 14:50 认知玩笑家族成员三号:突然忘词 15:35 认知玩笑家族成员四号:似曾相访 18:30 认知玩笑家族成员五号:似曾相感 (争论内容在下面) ----- Déjà senti is the phenomenon of having “already felt” something. This is exclusively a mental phenomenon and seldom remains in your memory afterwards. In the words of a person having experienced it: “What is occupying the attention is what has occupied it before, and indeed has been familiar, but has been forgotten for a time, and now is recovered with a slight sense of satisfaction as if it had been sought for. The recollection is always started by another person’s voice, or by my own verbalized thought, or by what I am reading and mentally verbalize; and I think that during the abnormal state I generally verbalize some such phrase of simple recognition as ‘Oh yes—I see’, ‘Of course—I remember’, etc., but a minute or two later I can recollect neither the words nor the verbalized thought which gave rise to the recollection. I only find strongly that they resemble what I have felt before under similar abnormal conditions.” You could think of it as the feeling of having just spoken, but realizing that you, in fact, didn’t utter a word. 翻译: 是“已经感觉到”某物的现象。这完全是一种心理现象,之后很少会留在你的记忆中。用一个经历过它的人的话来说:“占据注意力的是以前占据它的东西,确实已经熟悉了,但已经被遗忘了一段时间,现在带着轻微的满足感恢复过来,就好像它被寻求一样。回忆总是由另一个人的声音开始,或者由我自己语言化的想法开始,或者由我正在阅读和心理上语言化的东西开始;我认为,在异常状态下,我通常会用语言表达一些简单的认知短语,比如“哦,是的,我明白了”,“当然——我记得”等等,但是一两分钟后,我既不能回忆起那些单词,也不能回忆起引起回忆的言语化的想法。我只是强烈地发现它们类似于我以前在类似异常条件下的感觉。 你可以把它想象成刚刚说话的感觉,但意识到你实际上没有说一句话。 资源: < > 其他研究资源: Science Focus Discover Magazine Mind Body Green Deja Experience David一哥的大学笔记本😂…
浩哲给佳琛准备了一期惊喜节目。他偷偷采访了佳琛的老婆Liz和他的双胞胎姐姐。如果你喜欢人类,你肯定会喜欢通过这一期特别节目来进一步的了解佳琛和所爱他的一些人。 ------------------------- 节目怎么样?有什么想说的么? 点一下给我们留个语音呗 ! 说不定节目上就能听到自己的声音! ------------------------- 链接啥的 订阅井底之挖! Mianbao.FM 官网; 关注MianbaoFM的 FB 关注主播微博: @叫我浩哲吧 互动/评论/吐槽/分享anything: 时间轴 01:39 - 给佳琛热身一下 04:04 - 惊喜#1:看看佳琛的老婆Liz有多了解他 11:21 - 惊喜#2:Liz用中文讲他们第一次约会的故事 (原文+翻译都在下面,感谢谷歌翻译🙏) 20:10 - 惊喜#3:游戏来了!佳琛有多了解Liz呢? 31:09 - 惊喜#4:双胞胎姐姐爆料佳琛小时候啥样 Jason & Liz的第一次约会故事: 中文版: 关于佳琛,你们要知道一些事情。佳琛非常擅长做计划和组织旅行。他也很甜美体贴,凡事都把我放在第一位。所以在计划我们的第一次约会时,他首先问我想做什么,然后他想办法让这件事实现成最理想的结果。 当时我们住在盐湖城,我对这个地区有点陌生。我想做一些有趣又独特的事情。所以我打开了该地区的 facebook 活动页面,看看有什么有趣的东西。我发现盐湖城北边有一个农场正在举办“婴儿羊驼日”活动,在那里你可以去看羊驼,跟它们玩并了解有关它们的知识。还有一些展览介绍如何使用羊驼毛,还有礼品店。 我喜欢看动物,特别是小动物,所以我就跟他说这是我可能想做的事情。我不知道他会怎么想,因为这有点独特,但他想做我想做的事情,所以他答应让这件事实现。他不知道羊驼是什么,我们查到的中文翻译感觉有点奇怪,但他能感觉到我很想去,所以他还是表示很兴奋。 所以,当日去羊驼农场的时候,我玩的开心死了,对所有那些动物特比好奇。这对他来说是一个很好的经验,他的收获很大,因为他了解到了,当我对一个东西特别感兴趣的时候,我会跟小孩子一样兴奋起来。幸运的是,佳琛认为我这样很可爱而不是很奇怪。我们结婚后,有一天我特别难过,他说:“我知道我们需要做什么。”然后他带我去了动物园。所以这次羊驼事件可能是他了解我的基础。 回到第一次约会那天,我们最后离开农场回家,然后他在我的公寓那儿给我做了中国菜。我记得他做了三道菜,具体是什么我忘了。还在做的时候,他拿出了一个西红柿,我不得不跳过去解释说我对西红柿过敏了,然后他改变了计划,以避用西红柿。他再也没有忘记关于我的这件事情。 然后,我们一起在我的沙发上看了一部电影: Cloud Atlas。这是我最喜欢的电影之一,但有点长。我记得佳琛表示喜欢这部电影,但并没有被它迷住。他只是对我很感兴趣,想更多地了解我喜欢什么。 他在约会结束时给我亲了一个,说晚安,然后我们自从那一时刻,到现在,到永远,都爱上了彼此。佳琛一直都喜欢我所喜欢的东西,也因我的奇怪性格或习惯或收藏的东西而更欣赏我。 Liz写的原文: So some things you should know about Jiachen. Jiachen is super good at planning things and organizing trips. He is also very sweet and considerate, and in all things he puts me first. So in planning our first date, he asked me first what I wanted to do and then he looked for ways to make that the best possible thing. We were living in Salt Lake City at the time, and I was sort of new to the area. I wanted to do something fun but unique. So I opened up the facebook events page for the area and looked for anything that might be interesting. There was this farm just north of Salt Lake that was putting on a ‘Baby Alpaca Days’ event where you could go and see the alpacas and meet them and learn stuff about them. There were little presentations about how to use alpaca fur and a gift shop at the end. I love going to look at animals and baby animals is just like the top of animal viewing possibilities, so I suggested that this was something I might like to do. I didn’t know what he’d think about that, since it was a little unique, but he wanted to do whatever I wanted to do so he promised to make it happen. He didn’t know what an alpaca was and the Chinese word isn’t great, but since I seemed very excited about this idea he was for it. So we went to the alpaca farm during the day and I was super excited about all the animals. It was a good demonstration for him about how I respond to things I am excited about, because I basically devolve into a small child. Luckily, Jiachen thinks that is cute instead of weird. One time after we were married, I was having a hard time and he said, “I know what we need to do.” and then he took me to the zoo. So this Alpaca event was probably foundational in his understanding of me. Then we went home, and he cooked Chinese food at my apartment. He cooked three dishes but I can’t actually remember what they were. I remember he pulled out a tomato and I had to jump in and explain that I was allergic and then he shifted his plans to avoid the tomato. He never forgot that information again. Then after, we watched Cloud Atlas on my couch together. This is one of my favorite movies but it’s kind of long. I remember he liked it but wasn’t enthralled by it. He just was very interested in me and wanting to know more about what I liked. He kissed me goodnight at the end of the date and then we were basically in love forever. He considered all my quirks and collections to be endearing.…
你的一天是从铺床叠被开始的吗?反正Jason不是,Brad(有时候)是。铺床这件事,从小时候老妈的督促和唠叨慢慢变成了我们对生活中细节的态度。不同的文化和生活习惯也影响着我们铺床的方式。本期节目就和主播一起深挖我们关于铺床的那些文化和生活上的故事吧。 ------------------------- 节目怎么样?有什么想说的么? 点一下给我们留个语音呗 ! 说不定节目上就能听到自己的声音! ------------------------- 链接啥的 订阅井底之挖! Mianbao.FM 官网; 关注MianbaoFM的 FB 关注主播微博: @叫我浩哲吧 互动/评论/吐槽/分享anything: 时间轴 [01:38] Brad美国的铺床的故事 [02:30] Brad爸妈的疯狂铺床技巧 [05:25] 佳琛美国铺床初体验 [07:07] 让Brad长见识的中国铺床方式 [11:30] 世界其他地方的一些独特的铺床习惯 [14:25] 军训叠被子如何作弊 [15:30] 纪律部队的内务标准 [17:45] 关于铺不铺床的一些看法 [20:04] 佳琛酒店铺床教学 [25:48] 听众语音分享 [30:50] 结尾摇篮曲 (晚安!) 我们的朋友对于铺床的看法: 问了一下FB上的朋友们的看法,以下是她么自己说的+佳琛的高水平翻译。 Liz H. Making the bed is stupid. I spend so much effort making the perfect cocoon of blankets and then if you make the bed you ruin all that effort. 铺床是很愚蠢的。我好不容易才把我的被子塑造成一个完美的可以包裹我身体的茧,一铺床就白费了。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonathan B. Growing up in the states, I always grew up with a mattress on a bed frame, mattress topper and fitted sheet on the mattress, then another flat sheet, topped by a blanket or blankets as the season required. One pillow of the standard American variety. I moved to Germany for a few years in college and in every apartment I saw there, young people slept almost the same, except there was no flat sheet or blankets on the bed, but a duvet in its own envelope-like sheet (zipped up along one side). Pillow was the same as in the states. On moving to Japan, I became acquainted with traditional Japanese sleeping practices— a futon bed with a flat sheet on top 我在美国长大,从小我的床就是有一个床垫,在床垫上有床垫套子和床笠,然后还有一张床单还有几床毯子。还有一个标准的枕头。 我大学去德国念书,在我见过的公寓,年轻人的床品基本上都是一样的,除了没有床单和毯子之外。但是穿上会有棉被,枕头差不多和美国是一样的。 我后来搬到日本生活,我开始习惯传统的日式睡眠习惯-----一个蒲团床和一张床单,然后就是一床厚厚的棉被。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiffany F. I once lived in a dorm at Xi'An Jiao Da. There was a long list of things you weren't allowed to bring in from the outside. Most things were logical, like electrical devices that might start a fire. However, you also were also not allowed to bring in bedding. That year there was a problem with the heating, and they didn't turn it on on time. It was also the coldest winter I ever experienced in Xi'An. A friend helped me smuggle the blanket in. I got caught later, but the doormen and janitors all turned a blind eye. 我曾经在西安交大的宿舍住过。交大有一个宿舍违禁品的单子。多数在单子上的违禁品都是合理的,比如说一些可能造成火灾的电子产品。但是,你也不允许自己带床品去宿舍。我在交大的那一年学校的暖气除了故障,没有及时开。那是我在西安感受到的最冷的日子。一个朋友帮助我偷偷带了一个毯子。但是后来被发现了,但是宿管和保洁睁一只眼闭一只眼,没有管。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betsabe R.H. One of my ultimate favorite feelings in the world is climbing into bed to clean, fresh, smell-good sheets. It has always been like this since little. and I mean little. So I always knew to wash your sheets, since I was a kid. 我在这个世界上最享受的感觉就是爬进干净,清新的床单里。我从很小的时候就这样做。我从小就会经常洗我的床单。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dani E. Funnyish story I guess while in dongbei for spring Festival this year we stayed in the town house instead of village so it has very toasty central heating. But ma and ba still had their electric Kang on and ma was very concerned we weren't turning on the electric pad on our bed at night. I was already waking up sweating some nights under the giant quilts on the bed so the thought of turning on another heat source was 0% desirable and luckily James agreed. but every night it was the same battle to turn on the heated pad. 今年在东北过年的时候发生了一件有趣的事,我们今年过年没有住在农村,而是住在城里的房子,就是有集中供暖的房子。我的婆婆还是把她的电褥子带来了,而且她还很担心我们没有在晚上用我们的电褥子。我每天晚上都会被电褥子热的满身汗,我们已经有一床很厚的被子,所以真的没必要再有其他的取暖方式。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew S I never thought about washing my sheets until I was 22. 我22岁以前都不知道要洗床单这件事。…
比宇宙更广阔的,是深海?尽管深海就在我们地球上,但人类对深海的探索却一点也不必我们对宇宙了解的多。沉寂的深海往往更像深渊,随之而来的是深海恐惧。不管怎么样,对其的未知和不解带给我们的总是孤独和压力。而往返于深海和浅滩之间的哺乳动物抹香鲸是不是有不同的深海印象呢?她,向上往浅滩寻求一大口清新,向下则深入孤寂和宁静,寻求食物。路上也会有带着灯笼的安康鱼点亮生活。本期呢我们跟着抹香鲸Paco的视角,从海底三千米到浅滩世界,一路所见,追光而出,深海好像也没有那么深沉忧郁啦! ------------------------- 节目怎么样?有什么想说的么? 点一下给我们留个语音呗 ! 说不定节目上就能听到自己的声音! ------------------------- 链接啥的 订阅井底之挖! Mianbao.FM 官网; 关注MianbaoFM的 FB 关注主播微博: @叫我浩哲吧 互动/评论/吐槽/分享anything: 时间轴 [00:36] 开场白 [00:58] 深海体验 [02:01] 深海直观印象 [04:10] 分享 deep sea experience website [05:38] 开启 超级抹香鲸 Paco的深海视角 [08:06] 海底3000m的深海环境 [08:23] 冰点 [09:10] 海底的压力 [10:01] Paco 上潜 [11:26] 安康鱼 Anglerfish and生物发光bioluminescence [14:18] Paco的食物来源 [17:00] 海底1000m [17:55] 暮光之层 twilight zone [19:29] Paco的深海恐惧 [22:09] 深海体验again [23:29] Brad 的口误以及片尾 深海分层: THE TWILIGHT ZONE(200m) THE MIDNIGHT ZONE(1000m) No sunlight is able to reach this deep. Many deep-sea creatures cope by creating light themselves - also known as bioluminescence. 安康鱼 Anglerfish 大王乌贼Colossal Squid 抹香鲸Sperm Whale (4000m-1000m) THE ABYSSAL ZONE(4000m) The temperature here is near freezing and very few animals can survive the extreme pressure. THE HADAL ZONE(6000m) More people have been to the Moon than the Hadal Zone. Most of the Hadal Zone takes place in deep sea trenches. 小彩蛋? Brad 提到詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)去过马里亚纳海沟(Mariana Trench,位于11°20′N,142°11.5′E,即菲律宾东北,有着10000m左右的海拔深度),正是知名导演,执导过我们前面提到《泰坦尼克号》,他真正深挖了深海。…