RRethinking Alzheimer's Disease Podcast1 Ep 1: What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? 16:0350 weeks前16:03 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った16:03 Learn about the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia, and how Alzheimer's disease progresses. We talk about why catching the disease early can make a big difference. Dr. Sharon Cohen and Dr. Yaakov Stern walk us through the stages of Alzheimer's disease, from when there are no symptoms to when memory issues start to show. They explain the stages of Alzheimer’s and how it develops over time. We also hear from Kelly, who explains her personal experiences and concerns about developing Alzheimer’s, and what she does about it. For links to resources and information covered in this series, visit our website at HealthUnmuted.com/resources What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit healthunmuted.com/feedback to let us know! Rethinking Alzheimer’s Disease was made possible with support from Eisai Inc. [00:00:00] Introduction [00:03:10] What's the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia? [00:07:04] When does Alzheimer’s begin to develop? [00:09:08] What is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)? [00:10:36] What is subjective cognitive decline? [00:11:59] What is preclinical Alzheimer's disease? [00:13:13] Why is it important to detect Alzheimer’s disease early? Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by this podcast or its guests is solely at your own risk. ©2024 Mission Based Media Ltd • April 2024 • AD-M2059…
RRethinking Alzheimer's Disease Podcast1 Ep 1: What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? 16:0350 weeks前16:03 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った16:03 Learn about the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia, and how Alzheimer's disease progresses. We talk about why catching the disease early can make a big difference. Dr. Sharon Cohen and Dr. Yaakov Stern walk us through the stages of Alzheimer's disease, from when there are no symptoms to when memory issues start to show. They explain the stages of Alzheimer’s and how it develops over time. We also hear from Kelly, who explains her personal experiences and concerns about developing Alzheimer’s, and what she does about it. For links to resources and information covered in this series, visit our website at HealthUnmuted.com/resources What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit healthunmuted.com/feedback to let us know! Rethinking Alzheimer’s Disease was made possible with support from Eisai Inc. [00:00:00] Introduction [00:03:10] What's the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia? [00:07:04] When does Alzheimer’s begin to develop? [00:09:08] What is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)? [00:10:36] What is subjective cognitive decline? [00:11:59] What is preclinical Alzheimer's disease? [00:13:13] Why is it important to detect Alzheimer’s disease early? Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by this podcast or its guests is solely at your own risk. ©2024 Mission Based Media Ltd • April 2024 • AD-M2059…
1 236.くたばれ確定申告 7:56約 14 日前7:56 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った7:56 確定申告終わったら気分が晴れやかになった。サラリーマンが花見で浮かれるのが分かるわ
1 232.インフルA型感染で寝正月。チャンネル登録1万人! 10:1811 weeks前10:18 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った10:18 苦しさと喜びのウエイブ
1 228.iPhone修理行ったら新品交換してくれた(2回目) 15:5823 weeks前15:58 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った15:58 みんなも行ってみてね
1 225.ニンテンドーストアとポケモンセンターに行ってきたよ。 4:5135 weeks前4:51 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った4:51 暑すぎる夏休み。毎日子供にイベントを用意する 約束をした父親の戦い。
1 223.おすすめ腹筋運動。こんなに簡単に腹筋バキバキになるって知らなかった。 9:3140 weeks前9:31 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った9:31 体幹って大事だわ
1 222.人生初の内視鏡検査を予約するよ!Twitterでフォローしてる人に偶然会いました。 7:5242 weeks前7:52 「あとで再生する」 「あとで再生する」 リスト 気に入り 気に入った7:52 麻酔とか内視鏡とか、初めてだらけだよ