Celebration of 40+ years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews, and comedy sets from standup comics... famous, and not so famous. All taped Live on my Comedy stage. The interviews will be with comics, old staff members, and Friends from the world of Comedy. Standup Sets by Dana Carvey, Jay Leno, Tom Dreesen, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry Miller, Mark Schiff, Bobcat Goldthwait, Paula Poundstone, Garry Shandling, Ray Ramano, Cathy Ladman, Willie Tyler & Lester, and MORE. My web site has many pictures, items for sale, and more information www.standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com
If you accumulate 12 penalty points or more you can apply for Exceptional Hardship to allow you to continue driving with the points on your licence. You cannot make the same application for 3 years.
We dont like to talk about death. We don't like to think about it. But what would happen if you couldn't run your business-and who do you wish to benefit from your estate? Time to talk.
Now that divorce is so much speedier as a person can apply without the other party's consent for a divorce many people are taking advantage of that and ending the marriage. However, until there is a court Order as to the Financial Settlement that issue remains live-even though you are divorced. Getting legal advice, especially about the Financial Settlement, could save you a fortune later on. www.emmersons-solicitors.co.uk enquiries@emmersons-solicitors.co.uk 01915676667 01912846989…
It is possible to make an application to Court if disqualification for "totting" (accumulating 12 penalty points or more) would cause you or an innocent third party Exceptional Hardship. www.emmersons-solicitors.co.uk enquiries@emmersons-solicitors.co.uk 01915676667 10192846989