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The Trail Went Cold

The Trail Went Cold

The Trail Went Cold is a weekly true crime podcast which explores baffling unsolved mysteries and cold cases. On each episode, host Robin Warder examines a new murder or missing persons case, tackling a wide variety of mysteries from different countries and time periods.
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Sad Boom Media

What Went Wrong covers Hollywood’s most notoriously disastrous movie productions, digging into the behind the scenes insanity of everything from massive flops to record breaking blockbusters. Each episode, hosts Lizzie Bassett and Chris Winterbauer dive into a new film to explore the mind blowing (and sometimes numbing) reasons why making a movie is nearly impossible (especially a good one). Produced by David Boman. JOIN OUR PATREON FOR 'WWW' BONUS CONTENT!
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Wendy Bell is a Wife, Mom, a Proud American and a Radio Broadcast Host. She shares common sense, conservative values Monday through Friday. She provides Real Facts, the Stats, the Science and the Data. Everything you will need and want to make the best decisions for you and the ones you love.
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Produced by Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global, "How She Went Global" shares inspirational and informative stories about women entrepreneurs who have built their businesses in part by selling their products and services around the world.
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Wendy Borst - jouw online coach

Lifecoach en businesscoach Wendy Borst

Afleveringen over: mindset, zelfontwikkeling, wet van aantrekkingskracht, hoogbegaafdheid, hoogsensitiviteit, positief denken, bewust leven, alles uit jezelf halen, doelen bereiken, visualiseren, coaching, persoonlijke groei, ondernemen, relaties, communicatie, praktische spiritualiteit, hooggevoeligheid, emoties, zelf de regie nemen, jezelf kwijt zijn en hoe vind je jezelf weer, ontdekken wat je echt wilt in je leven, werk en relaties en hoe je dat dan doet. Heel veel gratis tips en trucs o ...
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The Visibly Fit with Wendie Pett podcast is a show that shares healthy insights and tips to assist in your best health in mind, body, and spirit. From whole-food plant-based nutrition, how to use your body as your gym, mindset renewal, how to glorify God through your daily choices, and more. The ripple effect of how you take care of your health matters. You were created with greatness in mind, it's time to live like it!
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Stefan Wenzel und Ruppert Bodmeier vereint viele Jahre in der digitalen Szene. In ihrem Podcast diskutieren sie gemeinsam Themen aus der digitalen Echokammer - fein-derb aus Hamburg. Alles darf, nichts muss. Nicht immer diplomatisch, nie ohne Prise Salz. Wer die beiden kennt, weiß, dass sich das Reinhören und Abonnieren lohnt – loved by K5!
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We Went Fast

We Went Fast

We Went Fast's mission is to improve the sport of motocross through stories. Because better stories = a better sport. If you love history, data and details, you'll enjoy We Went Fast.
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Liebe kann in unterschiedlicher Weise weh tun: Liebeskummer, Verlustangst, Fremdgehen, Verlust des Partners/ Kindes, fehlende Liebe der Eltern, Toxische Beziehungsmuster. Mein Podcast erzählt die traurigen Geschichten der Liebe, aber macht gleichzeitig Mut, schenkt Hoffnung und zeigt, dass es auch einen Weg raus gibt. Ich spreche mit Betroffenen, Experten, Autoren und Therapeuten und erzähle natürlich auch von mir und meinem persönlichen (Leidens-)Weg...
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The Path Went Chilly

Robin Jules Ashley TPWC

Welcome to The Path Went Chilly where Robin Warder from The Trail Went Cold will discuss his favorite cases with friends Dr. Jules from Riddle Me That! True Crime and Criminologist Dr. Ashley Wellman. This will be a deep dive and a fresh perspective, join us as we descend deeper down the rabbit hole & examine these unsolved cases with compassionate consideration towards the families left behind.
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Krijg een frisse blik op online leadgeneratie, marketing en ondernemen. Vol wake-up calls, behind the scenes stories en inspirerende interviews met Conscious Leaders die hun geheimen prijs geven over hoe zij nieuwe leads en klanten aantrekken. Abonneer je direct en mis geen aflevering. Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen zijn Ondernemen, Marketing Strategie, Leiderschap, Leadmarketing & Sales. Ik wil met deze podcast jou inspireren om je business en leven naar een hogere standaard te ...
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What School You Went?

PBS Hawaiʻi

A PBS Hawai‘i podcast that explores Hawaiʻi's local cultures, communities and relationships – that help shape our identity. PBS Hawaiʻi President and CEO Ron Mizutani hosts a weekly conversation with unique and colorful individuals from across the state. From rubbah slippahs to unsolved local mysteries, Ron and guests examine and shed light on the real deal of what makes Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi.
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Are you a sensitive, intuitive, empath or mystic looking to understand more about how you experience life? Listen as Wendy takes you on a deep dive through topics including intuitive energy healing, spirituality, living a deep inner connection, meditation, personal growth, spiritual growth, mindfulness and more!
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Der Journalist Manuel Stark ist Autist. Mit Comedy und Humor hat er ein echtes Problem. Die feinen Linien zur Ironie oder zum Sarkasmus stellen ihn vor eine echte Herausforderung. Mit Humor kann Manuel Stark daher nicht viel anfangen, weil er ihn meistens einfach nicht versteht. Das wollte er ändern – und hat sich die witzigsten Menschen des Landes eingeladen: Comedians. In „nicht witzig“ spricht der Autist mit den Fachleuten für den feinen und auch groben Humor darüber, was eigentlich witzi ...
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Sorry you went viral

Tim Gatt and Hannah Vaughan Jones

The show that's all about the stories everyone’s sharing on social media and in messages with their friends - and find out what’s it really like to go viral with a guest at the centre of it all, each week. Hosted by Hannah Vaughan Jones and Tim Gatt. Get in touch: search for 'Sorry you went viral' on your socials, or email us at sorryyouwentviral@gmail.com
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Wer hierzulande ein Unternehmen gegen die Wand fährt, wird schnell als Verlierer oder Verliererin abgestempelt. Dabei ist Scheitern keineswegs ein Makel – es ist eine große Chance. Im Flopcast beschreiben Selbstständige, wie sie mit ihrem Unternehmen gescheitert und wieder mit einem neuen Traum durchgestartet sind. Hier sprechen sie über große und kleine Fehler, über Lehren für die Zukunft und über die Verwirklichung ihrer neuen Träume. Der "Flopcast" ist euer Podcast für Unternehmerinnen un ...
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Wendie + Wendy = Wendyienator! Wij delen ons ondernemersavontuur ter inspiratie en vermaak! voor onszelf :-) en als jij er ook wat aan hebt is dat mooi meegenomen. This is a dutch podcast of 2 girls (Wendy & Wendie) who are working there way through live and online business. They share their adventures weekly.
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New Episodes Every Sunday! Solara has never understood people. These days, she’s in a constant state of frustration and contempt for her life and most of those around her. Only her children, and her bubbly bestie, Betty, bring her joy, give her hope for the future. But she is beginning to question the path she is on and feeling like she’s barreling toward a brick wall.
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My show takes a fun, real life look at life through the eyes of mom‘s, divorcees, married, single, whatever your status may be, I'm so glad you’ve landed here. I love talking to people who have overcome obstacles, and all kinds of creative types. If you like to laugh and have fun, as well as be inspired, you’ve come to the right place.
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Wie kann man Kinder motivieren? Welche Erziehungsansätze sind gut erforscht und funktionieren wirklich? Wie führt man eine Klasse? In diesem Podcast erfahren Eltern, Lehrer und Erziehende - auf leicht verständliche Weise - die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse aus den Bereichen Pädagogische Psychologie, Erziehungspsychologie, Klassenführung und Motivationspsychologie. Für jeden, der das viele Schreien und Schimpfen leid ist. :) Mehr Informationen finden Sie im Buch "Was tun, wenn Kinder nicht hö ...
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Die Energiewende, die Mobilitäts- und Rohstoffwende – der Wandel hin zu einem nachhaltigen Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstil ist in vollem Gange. Er muss zügig und konsequent erfolgen, wollen wir die natürliche Tragfähigkeit unserer planetaren Grenzen nicht gefährden. Im Podcast „Wenden bitte!“ des Öko-Instituts beschreiben wir für solche „Wenden“ und weitere drängende Umweltthemen, wie gangbare Wege beschritten werden können. Wir interviewen Wissenschaftler*innen des Öko-Instituts und fragen, wo ...
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show series
They say politics is a dirty game, but it shouldn't involve elected leaders refusing to tell the people they work for THE TRUTH. In this first hour, I reveal a personal story that forced me to address lies and deceit at a young age, and how that experience led to this very program's dedication to facts and truth. Listen as Merrick Garland refuses t…
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Michael Cohen gets caught in a pivotal lie that obliterates the hush money case and forces CNN to admit the prosecution has been badly damaged. After 4 years of lies, Tony Fauci's NIH admits that YES, it did use taxpayer money to fund the bat lady's fiddling with and creation of the Covid-19 virus that killed millions of people. And January 6 hosta…
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National security expert and former FBI agent John Guandolo joins us to discuss what he says America is not prepared for: A very SERIOUS and deadly Islamic jihad. Listen as John describes the way in which violent Muslim extremists infiltrate the highest echelons of our government and even woo conservatives like Dennis Prager. PLUS the Harrison Butk…
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From 'Pack's What She Said' (subscribe here): Maggie Loney and Perri Goldstein shoutout to the NFL social media teams for their schedule release content and discuss the Packers' primetime schedule. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit http…
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Wat als angst je leven beheerst? Je niet vanuit onbevangenheid en zorgeloosheid kunt leven?Je snel zorgen maakt?Elke keer de negatieve kanten ziet van iets dat positief zou moeten voelen?Je uitgeput raakt door paniekaanvallen en angst krijgt voor deze paniekaanvallen?Wat als je niet goed kunt genieten van het leven omdat de angst en zorgen de boven…
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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What has happened to our country? Pro-terror protests and hunger strikes. Body mutilations for 12 year olds. Alien invaders given plea deals after assaulting our police. Full term abortion. Forced medical mandates. Hyper-sexualizing everything. AMERICA NEEDS A RETURN TO FAMILY VALUES... and that requires a complete reboot. Listen to the voices of t…
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Joe Biden challenges Donald Trump to two debates, but only on his terms. Of course Trump agrees. Why the terms of the arrangement will benefit Trump and how the media are spinning tall tales to make Biden seem strong. A panel of Black voters in Georgia gives MSNBC quite a surprise and Wyoming Rep. Harriet Hageman takes a torch to Dan Goldman's clea…
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Only Joe Biden could make National Police Week about himself, as officer murders reach their highest level in 20 years and assaults hit a 10 year high. So ask yourself: Why did 148 House Democrats vote AGAINST a bill that would deport illegals accused of assaulting a police officer? PLUS the unraveling of the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping hoax speeds…
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May 14, 1991. Vidor, Texas. 34-year old Kathy Page is found dead inside her car after an apparent crash into a drainage ditch just over 100 yards from her residence. While the scene resembles an accident, the evidence shows that Kathy was actually strangled to death before the crash was staged. Since Kathy’s marriage to her estranged husband, Steve…
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Wat is het bij jou? Krijg inzicht met De Drempel via www.wendyborst.nl/drempelKen je dat gevoel? Je voelt dat er meer in je zit, je kunt meer, er is meer uit je leven te halen maar er is iets dat je tegenhoudt. Je houdt jezelf onbedoeld klein, blijft een beetje hangen in je comfortzone en saboteert zo je eigen geluk. Diep van binnen voel je dat er …
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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Wenden bitte! Der Podcast zu Wissenschaft und nachhaltigen Transformationen Wir fragen Dr. Melanie Mbah: Warum ist öffentliche Beteiligung wichtig für die nachhaltige Transformation? Wie kann sie dazu beitragen, Ängste zu nehmen und Menschen für Veränderungen zu motivieren? Wer kann bei welchen Prozessen partizipieren und welche Beteiligungsformate…
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If you want to check out what our respective Patreon pages have in store for you, here is a bonus episode on the disappearance of Maureen Fields that we released months ago on Patreon:) Patreon.com/thetrailwentcold Patreon.comjulesandashley February 14, 2006. Pahrump, Nevada. While working her shift at a bank, 41-year old Maureen Fields expresses c…
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Criminal court cases involve prosecutors, defendants, and CRIME. What is President Trump's crime in the hush money case? What's the law he broke when he estimated the value of his properties to banks he sought loans from? What illegal act did he commit when he asked Georgia to investigate allegations of election fraud? And how did he break the law …
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Rep. Dan Goldman admits to consulting with Michael Cohen and helping him prepare for his testimony in the crimeless "hush money" trial in Manhattan. How is the leading prosecutor in the first Trump impeachment trial now working with Alvin Bragg's office and its alleged witnesses? Hoq is that not witness tampering? And is it true that these "meeting…
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Mothers gear up to play a major role in the 2024 election, and with the largest voting bloc in the country, they seem eager to make America safe and de-sexualized again for CHILDREN. Another monster restaurant chain falls victim to Bidenomics as a key climate change hoax unravels beneath the hooves of America's cattle. Why cows aren't the great cre…
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From 'Curd & Long' (subscribe here): Ryan Horvat of BetMGM Tonight and Steve "Sparky" Fifer of 1250amthefan.com discuss the potential size of an extension for Packers QB Jordan Love. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoi…
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Send us a Text Message. Are kei trucks just the latest auto trend in Hawai‘i, or are they here to stay? Slater Robinson, the man who helped kickstart the craze, weighs in. Support the Show. WHAT SCHOOL YOU WENT? is available anywhere you get your podcasts. Follow us on: YouTube Instagram TikTok Facebook…
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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August 24, 1991. Widnes, England. After receiving a phone call from an unknown person, 42-year old Vera Anderson asks a neighbour to watch over her son while she steps out, but even though Vera says she will only be gone for ten minutes, she never returns. Hours later, Vera’s body is discovered inside her parked car at the Old Tannery Complex in Pe…
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Phantila Phataraprasit, CEO and co-founder of Sabai Design, a female-founded company that's setting a new standard for earth-friendly, affordable, and design-forward furniture, discusses what motivated her to start her business in the U.S. after immigrating from Thailand, how she practices the circular economy, why Sabai Design is B Corp certified,…
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Nach einer geflopten Karriere als Modedesignerin macht sich Leni Bolt als Social-Media-Managerin selbstständig. Doch mit dem Erfolg kommt auch immer mehr Arbeit und Leni bekommt ein Burnout. Auf Mallorca findet sie ihre Work-Life-Balance und gibt ihr Wissen jetzt weiter. Der „Flopcast“ ist euer Podcast für Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer. Eine Koo…
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A blistering New York Times poll spells DOOM for Joe Biden in key battleground states and among key voters he needs to stay relevant. Listen as the media lose their spin and admit - it's Advantage: Trump. How do we know Democrats are unraveling? Because they've floated the idea of a VIRTUAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. It seems the young militant protest…
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In their never-ending obsession with 2020. and attacking anyone who questions Joe Biden's victory, a dark money group connected to high level Democrats is going after more than 100 attorneys who filed legal motions disputing the results of the 2020 election. It all sounds very desperate as the Left scrambles to continue covering up their 2020 setup…
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WHAT? The feds are involved in the coverup up Covid-19 being made in a lab? Like, as a bioweapon? GET OUT. The spoils of a freedom of information act request illuminate the dirty bureau that knew gain of function research IN A LAB left no "signatures of human manipulation." Plus - what's up with the Democrats' "threats to democracy" crap? It's grea…
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The "Growing Up Italian " IG page/podcast comes through with social media personality Lil Mo. Follow on Instagram: @SomethingWentWrongPod , @vinnyguadagnino, @siennahubertross Give us a 5 star rating!Vinny Guadagnino による
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In dieser Podcastreihe teil ich mit dir die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus dem Bestseller Buch "Liebe als Leid - Warum Männer Frauen hassen und Frauen diese Männer lieben". Dieses Buch ist von der Psychotherapeutin Susan Forward, die etliche toxische Beziehungen analysiert und Lösungsansätze beschrieben hat. Lustigerweise spricht sie auch 1989 schon …
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Herken je dat? Dat je niet goed kunt ontspannen of genieten? Of dat je ergens naar uitgekeken hebt maar op het moment zelf kun je er niet van genieten zoals je dat wilde? Je zit teveel in je hoofd, maakt je zorgen, voelt je angstig, gaat piekeren of je innerlijke pusher of criticus maakt dat je je te gejaagd voelt of de neiging hebt om nuttige ding…
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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This is an archived interview - edited and updated to remove copyright material. Purpose for the refresh? To provide an alternative representation, counter to that of Sasquatch as portrayed in the recent film Sasquatch Sunset, with a truly extraordinary vision presented in the film Letters from the Big Man. The latter film characterizes Sasquatch m…
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Truth and honesty are the focus today as we dive into a simple story the media and Progressive Suck Left want to cover up, lie about and misrepresent: Donald Trump's monster weekend rally in New Jersey. Why are they so desperate to obfuscate the facts? Because it doesn't jibe with their narrative - and the clear popularity Trump enjoys wherever he …
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How many of us really know all the details behind the classified documents trial involving President Trump? Probably not that many, but that changes TODAY. We walk you through a remarkable and illuminating timeline of who did what with whom and when... and how all the deceitful yuck led to the raid of Mar-a-Lago. (*HINT They're looking for the Cros…
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A dig into the FBI's fourth quarter 2023 crime report reveals data that is unreliable at best, deceptive at worst. We walk through the deceptive crime reporting practices that involve 30% of the country's 18,000 police departments providing NO crime data to the feds, and how that props up various news headlines claiming murder is "plummeting" and v…
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In this episode, my guest, Jodi Scott, co-founder of Green Goo, a plant-based first aid and skincare company, shares her journey of becoming plant-based and how it influenced the creation of Green Goo. She discusses the process of formulating their products and the importance of using clean and sustainable ingredients. Jodi also highlights the holi…
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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This week, Faye Dunaway and Roman Polanski square off in one of the messiest on set feuds of all time. ‘Chinatown’ may be one of the greatest movies ever made, but between hair plucking, tv throwing, and alleged urine tossing, the production was an absolute disaster. Special guest Paul Scheer joins the pod to discuss the insane making of the 1974 J…
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