The "HOA - It's A True Story" podcast was created as an educational platform to spread knowledge and insights about the HOA and multifamily industries. It is presented by the team at G.B. Group Construction, who draw on their 35 years of experience in multifamily housing to share trending information. The podcast features guests who are industry experts, providing valuable perspectives on this specialized field, along with a few entertaining stories.
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Wieso gilt eine französische Wasserleiche aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zweihundert Jahre später als das meistgeküsste Mädchen der Welt? Welche verstörenden Ereignisse haben sich hinter den Mauern einer New Yorker Adoptionsagentur abgespielt? Und was steckt hinter dem paranoiden Verhalten einer braven kanadischen Vorstadtmutter? Wir stellen Euch in jeder Folge unseres Podcasts eine andere mysteriöse, emotionale oder kuriose Geschichte vor, die sich tatsächlich und wahrhaftig genau so zugetragen ha ...
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Podcast by DJ Wishbone & Niquil Cabinet
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A night of true tales told to friends. True Story publishes stories submitted by folks like you. People are throwing True Story parties in living rooms around the planet, coming together to share stories from their lives. All stories are true and performed live, without notes.
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Every town has its stories. Over the years, some of these tales have been embellished and exaggerated. Some are entirely urban legends, and some survive with only a trace of reality remaining within them. What is the truth behind our community’s history? “True Story” reveals the facts behind our town’s people, places, and historical events. Join us for a look back at Jackson’s storied past on the award-winning “True Story,” sponsored by Tripp’s Auto Shop and Collision Center.
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A true crime podcast designed like an anthology horror movie.
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Pulp: the Podcast Based on a True Story is a weekly podcast discussing movies and television shows based on true stories and the stories on which they are based. Your hosts Ashley Brandt and Johnny Flores are just film nerds talking about film and trying to turn this podcast into a paying gig. Enjoy.
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Paranormal Record: A True Ghost Story Podcast Rob Constantine hosts a talk show composed of accounts of witnessed paranormal activity. If you have an experience you would like to share please write into the show at
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NYC ButterFly Braids : Hair Story Podcast / SALON SEAT STORIES ( its funny cause it’s true )
ButterFly Braids : Hair Story
What is your hair story? celebrating 20 years as a professional celebrity hair stylist in nyc, I am the go to girl for protective styles. From goddess locs, faux locs, box braids, triangle braids, Senegalese twist, passion twist, kinky twist, Havana twist. You name it I slay it. Working with all hair types especially catering to type4 girls. being that I have 4chair myself and I am a black woman it’s so easy for me to be passionate about not only our hair and our hair story but our culture a ...
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The Turn Around Podcast: The True Life Basketball Story of Stewart "Squirt" Holley
Vanguard Podcast Network
The Turn Around Podcast captures the inspiring basketball journey of Bull City's own Stewart “Squirt” Holley. Squirt's raw storytelling offers both a cautionary tale and a hero’s odyssey, beginning on worn-out park courts and progressing to elite hardwood arenas where only the pros play. This podcast presents a true-life sports story of how a tall, skinny Black kid from rural North Carolina transformed into a prison yard baller, an international basketball star, and a hometown legend. Squirt ...
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Host Regan Brown and Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Dawn M. Bauman from the Community Associations Institute (CAI) to discuss the ongoing developments surrounding the Corporate Transparency Act. They explore its implications for compliance, legal challenges, data security concerns, and the vital role CAI pla…
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In the seventh episode of Season 6 of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror brings you tales of lovers who couldn't just go their separate ways, but instead chose to kill and dismember their significant other. Case #1: Wreck it Ralph - Ralph Cecil Feltrop was a 42 year old TV repairman who reported his girlfriend missing. It turns our Barbar…
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Rocky Warde New Orleans specter still receiving guests in his grand old house.
1:20:13Rob Constantine, Rocky Warde による
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Als Steve Pateman die alte Schuhfabrik seines Vaters übernommen hat, ahnte er noch nicht, dass er dort statt seriöser Herrenschuhe bald sexy Heels für Drag Queens, Transfrauen und andere queere Personen herstellen würde - und für welche riesige Aufregung er damit sorgen würde...
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Interview with Don Buck Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient, Steve Weil #204
31:33Host Regan Brown, along with Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting welcome back Steve Weil, founding partner of Berding Weil Law Firm. They discuss the evolution of HOA law, the challenges faced by homeowner associations, and the importance of effective communication and public speaking in the legal field. Steve shares insights f…
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Host Regan Brown welcomes back Michael Kennedy, Partner at Berding Weil Law Firm, and Melissa Ward, Partner at Adams Stirling Law Firm, to dive into the impact of SB 326 on California HOAs. They break down the legal responsibilities of associations, the potential risks of non-compliance, and what homeowners need to know about their rights under the…
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Host Regan Brown, along with Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, welcome back Leslie Alvarez, author and community manager, to discuss her new book, Hot Mess Express. Leslie opens up about her journey through loss, its impact on her professional life, and how she learned t…
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Von seinen Eltern mit 16 aus dem Haus geworfen, weil er zu großen Hunger hatte, musste sich Tarrare allein durchkämpfen. Schnell schloss er sich einer Show-Truppe an, bei der er das Publikum begeisterte, indem er riesige Mengen zu sich nahm. Doch es dauerte nicht lange, bis sein unstillbarer Appetit komplett außer Kontrolle geriet...…
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The Aftermath of California’s Wildfires on HOAs: Part 2 | Insurance Claims #201
40:17Host Regan Brown and Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Demetrius Xanthos, President of SAX Insurance, to break down the complexities of insurance claims for HOAs in the wake of California wildfires. They discuss the claims process, the challenges of claim denials, and the importance of thorough documentation be…
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The Aftermath of California's Wildfires on HOAs #200
35:46Host Regan Brown and Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, tackle the challenges California HOAs face with the rising frequency and intensity of wildfires. They are joined by Matt Meadors, COO of HOA Organizers, to discuss the impact of wildfires on communities, the importance of effective communication and thorough documentatio…
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Als 6 Jugendliche von der Insel Tonga nachts aus ihrer Schule abhauen und mit einem gestohlenen Schiff aufs Meer hinaus fahren, ahnen sie nicht, was für ein unglaubliches Abenteuer sie erwarten wird... Alle Fotos zur Folge findet ihr auf Instagram: @erwartetunerwartet Unseren Gast Timon findet ihr auf Instagram: @klengantv YouTube: Klengan Besagte …
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Host Regan Brown welcomes back Melissa Ramsey to share her journey with Mosaic Community Consulting and her insights as President of the CAI Board of Trustees. Together, they delve into the vital role of emotional intelligence, self-care, and mental health awareness in community management.The G.B. Group Construction & Painting による
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Host Regan Brown sits down with Brian Butler, President of FirstService Residential Illinois, to explore the growing trend of deconversions and how it's reshaping the landscape of homeowner associations (HOAs) in Illinois.The G.B. Group Construction & Painting による
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Am 2. Weihnachtstag 2004 löst ein gigantisches Erdbeben im indischen Ozean einen Tsunami aus, der 230.000 Menschen das Leben kostet und Chaos und Verwüstung hinterlässt. Fast wäre auch die Deutsche Ines Reller in der Katatstrophe ums Leben gekommen - doch durch einen geradezu unglaublichen Zufall kann sie sich und ihren Mann retten... Alle Bilder z…
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Host Regan Brown and Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, to discuss the recent Vantaca conference, which centered on HOA management software and the integration of AI tools. Kelly provides valuable insights into the conference highlights, including the educationa…
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#49 Once upon a crime (feat. wellshesassy)
1:19:32Obwohl sie aus ärmlichsten Verhältnissen kam, hat sich die Chinesin Zheng Yi Sao zur erfolgreichsten Piratin der Welt hochgearbeitet. Bis ihr Leben in der großen Schlacht am Tigermaul eine unglaubliche Wendung nehmen sollte... Alle Bilder zur Folge gibt's auf Instagram oder TikTok Ida findet ihr unter: @wellshesassy Den Podcast mit Video gibt's auf…
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Dear Managers: 'When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Tamales' - A Conversation with Leslie Alvarez #196
34:44Regan Brown, host, and Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Leslie Alvarez, President & Founder of Community Association Consulting Experts, Inc. Leslie shares her inspiring journey from overcoming challenges in the HOA industry to becoming a successful community manager and author. She discusses the motivation be…
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Elevator Sales, Service, and Code Compliance #195
25:18Host Regan Brown sits down with Mike Blaszczyk, President of Northern California Metro Elevator Service and Sales, to explore the often-overlooked world of elevators. Mike shares his unique path into the industry, discusses advancements in elevator technology, and highlights the importance of safety and regular maintenance.…
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#48 Inglourious Buchnerds (feat. Liza Grimm)
1:23:03Während die Autorin Mary Shelley an ihrem riesigen Erfolg „Frankenstein“ arbeitet, ist der Tod auch in ihrem eigenen Leben ihr ständiger Begleiter. Nach 6 grausamen Todesfällen, holt sich das Schicksal auch ihren viel zu jungen Ehemann – dessen Andenken Mary auf geradezu unglaubliche Weise in Erinnerung behalten wird... Alle Fotos zur Folge gibt's …
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Host Regan Brown sits down with Louie Brown, Partner at Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP, to discuss the impact of the recent elections on the HOA industry, covering key topics such as legislative updates, insurance challenges, and the Corporate Transparency Act. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Overview of the HOA Industry 01:48 Impact of Recent Election…
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Nachdem die Tochter von Pfarrer Samuel Parris extrem ungewöhnliches Verhalten zeigt, sind sich alle sicher: Es gibt Hexen in Salem. Es beginnt eine grausamen Hexenjagd, die erst Jahrhunderte später mit einem geradezu unglaublichen Freispruch endet... Alle Fotos zur Folge gibt's auf Instagram oder TikTok Unsere Zusatzfolgen hören und uns gleichzeiti…
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Navigating the Corporate Transparency Act for HOAs #193
23:36Host Regan Brown sits down with Dawn M. Bauman from the Community Associations Institute (CAI) to dive into the Corporate Transparency Act and its impact on homeowners associations (HOAs). They discuss what the act entails, the obligations it places on community associations, and CAI's ongoing efforts to secure exemptions for HOAs. Chapters 00:00 I…
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Neben seinem Beruf als weltweit gefeierter Illusionist, machte es sich Harry Houdini zur Lebensaufgabe, auf geradezu unglaubliche Art zu beweisen, dass Menschen keinen Kontakt mit Geistern haben können... Alle Fotos zur Folge gibt's auf Instagram: @erwartetunerwartet Hier kommt ihr zum Premiumteil auf Patreon Hier kommt ihr zum Premiumteil auf Spot…
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Community Security: Technology, Crime Prevention, and Liability #192
34:33Host Regan Brown and Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Sandra Gottlieb, Attorney at Swedelson & Gottlieb, to discuss pressing issues facing homeowners associations (HOAs), focusing on liability, risk management, and cybersecurity. They explore the evolving landscape of cyber threats, including ransomware, and e…
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Complexities of Managing an Active Adult Community #191
34:50Host Regan Brown and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, sit down with Geoffrey Browne, Executive Director at Sun City Roseville Community Association, Inc. and an expert in managing active adult communities. Together, they explore the unique dynamics of these communities, the shift from management companies to on-site leadership, an…
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Neben dramatischen Liebschaften mit vielen Frauen war die große Leidenschaft von Anne Lister ihr Tagebuch zu führen. Das unglaubliche Geheimnis, das sie in ihrem Tagebuch versteckt hatte, kam allerdings erst Jahrhunderte nach ihrem Tod ans Licht... Alle Fotos zur Folge gibt's auf Instagram: @erwartetunerwartet Meik auf Instagram: @meikgudermann Que…
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Regan Brown, host, and Bill Mann, President of GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Sajid Shabber, Executive President of Association Inspector. Together, they explore the complexities of HOA elections, focusing on the evolving election processes, the critical role of third-party inspectors, compliance with civil codes, and the latest vo…
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Host Regan Brown and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, interview Jennifer Wada, principal owner of Wada Government Relations and a lobbyist specializing in HOA legislation. They discuss key bills, including AB 2114 on balcony inspections, AB 2159 enabling electronic voting, and SB 900 addressing repair and maintenance. The conversa…
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Als der Junge Nicholas Barclay mit 13 Jahren spurlos verschwindet, ahnt niemand, dass er Jahre später auf unglaubliche Weise am anderen Ende der Welt wieder auftaucht.Alle Fotos zur Folge gibt's auf Instagram: @erwartetunerwartetMeik bei Instagram: @meikgudermannVideo zum Fall Nicholas Barclay
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Regan Brown, host, and Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with consultant and former executive Kirk Watilo to explore the importance of strategic planning for homeowner associations. Kirk draws on his extensive career experience to highlight why a clear, collaborative plan is essential for guiding associations to…
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EPISODE #187: How to Avoid the Emotional Crossfire in Community Management
25:56Regan Brown, host, and Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, interview Francis Serrano, Director of Operations at CitiScape and Realtor at Vanguard Properties. Together, they discuss the emotional challenges of property management, exploring accountability, the importance of professional detachment, and strategies to help ne…
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Host Regan Brown and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, sit down with Maegan Woytek, President of ACAM and Director of Community Engagement at Vantaca. They discuss the role of ACAM, a unique association group that unites management company owners, operators, and business partners to share best practices and promote industry collabo…
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Regan Brown, host, is joined by Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, as they interview Alex Noland of Noland Law PC. Together, they discuss the Corporate Transparency Act and its impact on HOAs. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Overview 01:16 Understanding the Transparen…
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EPISODE#184: Reserve Study Accuracy - How Do You Know?
34:20Regan Brown, host, along with Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, interview Rich Adams, Senior Reserve Analyst at Barrera and Company. They discuss the accuracy of reserve studies for HOAs, exploring the process of setting up a reserve study and ensuring accurate numbe…
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EPISODE #183: Navigating HOA Collections & Payment Plans
30:48Host Regan Brown and Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Reale Edgerton, an Account Executive at Axela Technologies, to discuss the critical role of collections in HOAs. They explore the importance of having a solid collection policy and the benefits of offering payment plans to homeowners who fall behind on …
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Regan Brown, Host, and Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, sit down with Jeff Reger, President of ACT2EV. In this episode, they discuss the history of ACT2EV, the ins and outs of installing EV charging stations, the associated costs and maintenance, available grants and incentives for HOAs, the importance of unified chargi…
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Regan Brown, Host, and Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, interview Adam Balkcom, CEO of CAM Leadership Institute, shares his journey into the community association management industry and the founding of CLI. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 09:21 The Power of CEO Groups 17:05 Diversifying Revenue Streams 23:31…
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Brittany saw a Doppleganger, in her house... pretending to be her Mom....
1:09:12Brittany, a new friend of mine,and fellow Black Crowes fan stops by and tells us all about her paranormal experiences. Growing up the women in her family have always been a "spooky bunch of gals". Hooray for us SPPPPOOOKY Folk! You don't wanna miss this one.Rob Constantine による
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Regan Brown, Host, and Bill Mann, President of The GB Group Construction & Painting, interview Kelly Richardson, a partner at Richardson|Ober LLP. In this episode, they discuss the challenges of dealing with negative people in community associations. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction 02:30 Dealing with Negative People in Community…
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EPISODE #179: How to Prevent Burnout and Stay Motivated
37:57Regan Brown, Host, interviews Dillon Graber, Senior Community Manager at Seabreeze Management, who shares tips and tricks on preventing burnout and staying motivated in the HOA industry. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Career Path 02:59 The Importance of Flexibility and Clear Expectations 05:47 Prioritizing Tasks and Focusing on the Bigger Picture …
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Regan Brown, Host, and Bill Mann, President of The G.B. Group Construction & Painting, interview Travis Stokes, President of Action Asphalt Paving and Maintenance, Inc., about asphalt projects and maintenance for HOAs. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 02:37 Best Practices for Asphalt Projects 06:31 Scheduling and Phasing Asphalt Projects …
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EPISODE#177: Acquisitions and Mergers in the HOA Industry
34:35Regan Brown, Host, and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, interview Matt Kraft, Chief Operating Officer of Communitas. They explore the topic of acquisitions and mergers in the HOA industry. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 04:05 The Increase in Acquisitions and Mergers 07:16 The Benefits of Technology in HOA Management 09…
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EPISODE#176: Proactive Planning for Storm and Fire Safety
29:47Regan Brown, Host, and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, interview Donald Disbro of Standpoint Construction to discuss storm restoration management and the steps associations can take to prepare for storms and fires.The G.B. Group Construction & Painting による
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EPISODE #175: Ethics and Fiduciary Duty for HOA Boards
42:24Regan Brown, Host; Bill Mann, President of The G.B. Group Construction & Painting; and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, interview John Gill, Partner at Hughes Gill Cochrane Tinetti, P.C., about ethics and fiduciary responsibilities within the HOA industry. They discuss core ethical duties of HOA board members, handling conflicts o…
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EPISODE#174: Pool Safety Requirements for HOAs
31:20Regan Brown, Host, and Bill Mann, President of The G.B. Group Construction & Painting, interview Laura Otto, Senior Editor of Digital Content with CAI National, discussing pool rules and etiquette in HOAs. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 01:41 Pool Rules and Specifics 03:47 Common Problems and Enforcement 06:22 Changing Pool Policies 08:…
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EPISODE#173: Building Champions in the Workplace
37:57Regan Brown, Host, and Bill Mann, President of The G.B. Group Construction & Painting, interview Tasha Parmelee, President of Next Step Community Management. They discuss the role of technology in customer service and the importance of maintaining human interaction in the HOA industry. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 04:05 Prompt for Wri…
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EPISODE#172: Essentials of Teaching Leadership
26:14Regan Brown, Host; Bill Mann, President of The G.B. Group Construction & Painting; and Kelly Zibell, Senior Vice President of Communitas, interview Doreen Tejeda, Senior Vice President of Operations for Gordian Business Solutions, as she discusses essential leadership skills. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 02:47 The Four Key Traits of E…
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Regan Brown, Host, interviews Joe Rocky of Elite Business Conversations about the concept of absentee ownership and its benefits for business owners, especially those looking to retire or transition their businesses to the next generation. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Overview 03:00 The Benefits of Absentee Ownership 08:49 Implementing Absentee …
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"You are not a prophet now go to your room!" April Schwartz Part II
2:29:19April Schwartz' life of being sensitive to ghost's and the paranormal and her troubled young adulthood continues. April has propetic visions she cannot control, the arguments continue as she alone fights the fear involved with her newfound powers and then gets sent first to church, and then second to her room, and told that she must pray the demons…
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