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Okkei Japanese Podcast

Okkei Japanese

Learn natural Japanese at your own pace. I cover a range of topics, from language learning to daily life in Japan, helping you pick up authentic Japanese naturally. Transcripts with furigana are available on my Patreon to support your learning. 自然な日本語のポッドキャスト。楽しみながら聞いて、すこしずつ日本語が上手くなっていきます。スクリプトはPatreonにあります。楽しみましょう! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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show series
1-hour simple Japanese: relax and enjoy, or use it to practice your listening and shadowing. 1時間の日本語。気軽に聞いてくださいね。 東京の街の勝手なイメージ、新宿の道で年越し、シェアハウスの友達からの電話、20代でバンドに入った話。いろいろ雑談しています。 Random impressions of Tokyo streets, spending New Year's in the sketchy streets of Shinjuku, a phone call from a friend in my share house, and joining a band in my twenties.…
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やりたい事をやる人の話 54.Learn Japanese Podcast いつものカフェのママさんの話。 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram YouTube TikTok http…
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外国語を話すと、性格が変わる?変わらない?Does your personality change when you speak Japanese? This video podcast is for Japanese listening practice and immersion. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram https://…
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I went to visit my foreign friend who lives in the countryside. Living in the countryside, the decreasing population—what do you think about these things? 田舎に住む外国人の友達に会ってきました。田舎に住む事、人が減ること。あなたはどう思いますか? 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learni…
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応援します。あなたの日本語を。リスニングやシャドウィングの練習にどうぞ Japanese listening practice. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram YouTube …
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変わることもあるし、変わらないこともある。 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram YouTube TikTok…
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Intermediate Japanese Podcast | Is Spring Coming? 49 春の話、あと僕の友達はもちろん!という言葉が好きらしい。なんで?リスニングやシャドウィングの練習にどうぞ Japanese listening practice. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram https://www.insta…
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旅行の予定をいれすぎて失敗した話。リスニングやシャドウィングの練習にどうぞ Japanese listening practice. 陸(りくorおか)マイラーだったわたくし。 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram YouTube…
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👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram YouTube TikTok Linktree https://lin…
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Today's podcast is about a night out with friends. Two surprises, a birthday, and a karaoke bar. Feel free to use it for listening practice or shadowing practice. Podcast 46. 今日のポッドキャストはある一夜のこと。サプライズが2回ある誕生日など、、カラオケバー、リスニングやシャドウィングの練習にどうぞ 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm h…
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今日のポッドキャストでは、虫歯と歯医者のお話。高いよ、、リスニングやシャドウィングの練習にどうぞ My teeth hurts.It was very pricy but I had no choice! Japanese listening practice. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram https://www.instagra…
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Why do they not ask friends out? なぜ友達を誘わない人が増えているのか?というお話 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram YouTube TikTok …
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Friends from abroad and me going out in Shibuya. 海外の友達と渋谷で遊んだ夜。 There is also a video podcast on YouTube. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram YouTub…
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In this episode, you’ll learn 8 practical ways to stay motivated with your Japanese studies. Discover how to make learning a part of your daily routine, track your progress, and focus effectively, even with limited time. You’ll also find tips on using Japanese in real-life situations and staying inspired by your own reasons for learning. By the end…
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今日のポッドキャストでは、私が20代の頃に東京で体験した、ちょっと怖いアパートでの出来事をお話しします。割れたガラスや隣人からの不思議な手紙…。いったい何があったのか? 物語を通して、ゆっくり日本語を学びながら楽しんでくださいね In today's podcast, I'll share a slightly spooky story about an experience I had in my twenties while living in an apartment in Tokyo. Broken glass, mysterious letters from a neighbor... What exactly happened? Enjoy learning Japanese a…
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This podcast is all about speaking clear Japanese, making it easier for you to understand🇯🇵 タイガーバームを友人からもらったエピソードと、実際に使い始めた体験について語ります。 言語交流会での初めてのスペイン語挑戦や緊張の中での気づきをシェアします。 日本語や言語学習に役立つ視点をお届けします。気軽に楽しんでくださいね! I share a story about receiving Tiger Balm from a friend and my experience of finally trying it. I talk about my first attempt at using Spanis…
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This podcast is all about speaking clear and slow Japanese, making it easier for you to understand🇯🇵 このエピソードでは、最近行ったそば屋で出会った外国の旅行者の話をします。その方が緊張しながらも「ごちそうさまでした」と言った瞬間、心が温かくなりました。完璧な日本語でなくても、話そうとするその気持ちが素晴らしいなと思いました。 また、首の痛みを感じて整骨院に行った話もします。電気治療とマッサージで痛みが和らぎ、適切な治療を見つける大切さや、運動やマインドフルネスが心身に与える効果を再認識しました。皆さんの体調管理法や、実践している健康法があれば教えてくださいね。 In this episode…
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This podcast is all about speaking clear and slow Japanese, making it easier for learners to understand. このポッドキャストでは音楽について話します。最近、NPRのTiny Deskでアルゼンチンの音楽グループ「CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso」の演奏を見て感動し、思わず涙が出ました。また、韓国のバンド「ADG7(アクダンガンチル)」も素晴らしいです、韓国の伝統音楽と現代音楽を融合させた演奏。ライブ映像っていいですね〜 In this podcast, I talk about music. Recently, I watched a performance by the Ar…
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Welcome to Okkei Japanese! This podcast is all about speaking clear and slow Japanese, making it easier for learners to understand. In today’s episode, I’m diving into the world of art, specifically one of my favorite painters: Vincent van Gogh. I’ll talk about why his life and work are so fascinating, especially to many Japanese people. We’ll expl…
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このポッドキャストでは、シンプルな日本語で自然な会話をお届けしています。共感やコミュニケーションの大切さについて、また、友達作りの難しさや、日常の中で出会った人とのエピソードもご紹介しています。 In this podcast, I share natural conversations in simple Japanese. Starting with a topic about the weather, we talked about the importance of empathy and communication. I also shared the challenges of making friends and stories about encounters in ever…
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Intermediate Japanese listening. 今回は慣用句を10個お話しします。会話形式の例文もそれぞれ話しています。I will talk about 10 idioms with conversational examples. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram…
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リラックスして日本語リスニング。 青春。いつでも青春はくるという話。オンラインの日本語会話について。 I’ll be speaking naturally and relaxed in Japanese about topics about youth / the spring of time, online chat meeting and so on. The topics will be displayed on the screen, so please use them as a reference. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from O…
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リラックスして日本語リスニング。都会とベッドタウン、どちらに住みたい?実家に帰って家族に会いました。 I’ll be speaking naturally and relaxed in Japanese about topics about a city and a bedtown, spending time with family and so on. The topics will be displayed on the screen, so please use them as a reference. 👉Get the transcripts on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from O…
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Intermediate Japanese listening. 得意じゃない事をする時は、緊張しますね。When you have to do something you are not good at, it makes your nervous. 👉Support & transcripts with furigana on Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instagram https://w…
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Intermediate Japanese listening. 音楽のジャンルと、聞いている人の僕の勝手なイメージについて。Music and my personal views on each genre. 🗒Transcript with furigana available on Patreon page. 👉Get the transcripts Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect Instag…
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Relaxed Japanese listening video. Ways I tried to be good at talking to others when I was younger. 人と話すことに慣れるために、昔に試した事。 🗒Transcript with furigana available on Patreon page. 👉Get the transcripts Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. …
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In the quiet train, an alarm went off. The people around began to take actions. 静かな電車の中。アラームがなった。その時周りの人は動いた。 🗒Transcript with furigana available on Patreon page. 👉Get the transcripts Patreon 🔘Hi. I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese. I'm here to help with your Japanese learning wth simple & natural audio. 👉Connect In…
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リラックスして日本語リスニング。Natural speed podcast for Japanese Listening. 近くにお気に入りのカフェを見つけた。そこでお店の人に言われた話。などなど。Conversation at my go-to cafe. 🌱You can show subtitles by pressing the subtitle button. ✅Transcripts with furigana on my Patreon page 📻Learn Japanese through daily topics. 🔘 I’m Okkei from Okkei Japanese, and I lo…
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中級、上級のあなたにおすすめ。リラックスして日本語をリスニング。スポーツ、部活の話、部活の人の性格のイメージなどなど。 I’ll be speaking naturally and relaxed in Japanese about topics about sports, school clubs, popular sports and so on. The topics will be displayed on the screen, so please use them as a reference. 🗒Transcript with furigana available on Patreon page. 🔘H…
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