Muendelezo wa mafundisho ya Neno la Mungu na nyimbo.
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Love. Light. Relationship.
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Willkommen bei "SiFa Talks", dem Podcast, der Sie in die Welt der Arbeitssicherheit und des umfassenden Risikomanagements entführt. Moderiert von Andreas Bedrunka, tauchen wir tief in die Themen Arbeitsschutz, SiGe-Koordination, Brandschutz, Energiemanagement, Umweltmanagement, Laborsicherheit, biologische Sicherheit, Medizinprodukte, Krankheitserreger, Explosionsschutz und Laserschutz ein. Jede Episode bietet Ihnen fundiertes Wissen, praktische Tipps und die neuesten Trends, die Ihnen helfe ...
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Recording some of the biggest names in podcasting has taken its toll on Katie Levine (Nerdist Podcast Network) and Logan Moy (Ten Minute Podcast, The Film Vault). Listen along as they take their seats on the other side of the microphone to discuss topics ranging from pop culture to the current state of our society.
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Un podcast que te hará descubrir el arte, las herramientas y las técnicas necesarias para componer tus mejores fotos. En cada episodio, descubrirás todos los secretos de la fotografía: técnicas, consejos, procesado e inspiración.
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Imani ni kitu muhimu sana katika maisha ya mtoto wa Mungu, Yesu mwenye kwa nyakati tofauti aliwafundisha wanafunzi wake ukiwa na imani ndogo unaweza kufanya mambo makubwa jamii ikashangaa. Karibu ungana nami leo, maana nimekuandalia na vitu vingine vingi.Emmanuel Tadayo による
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#3 Sicherheit von Anfang an: Arbeitsschutz und Versicherung in KiTas
Willkommen zu einer neuen Folge unseres Podcasts! In dieser Episode spricht SiFa-flex CEO Andreas Bedrunka mit Benjamin Heinritzi, Versicherungsmakler bei Heinritzi-Versicherungen. Gemeinsam beleuchten sie die essenziellen Themen rund um Versicherung und Arbeitsschutz in Kindertagesstätten. Benjamin erklärt, warum Versicherungsschutz für KiTas wich…
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#2 Alleinarbeiterschutzlösungen mit oscom Deutschland
In dieser Episode haben wir Nicolas Oszmer von oscom Deutschland zu Gast. Er gibt uns spannende Einblicke in die innovativen Alleinarbeiterschutzlösungen, die oscom auf dem deutschen Markt anbietet. Erfahren Sie, wie diese Lösungen dazu beitragen, die Sicherheit von Alleinarbeitern zu gewährleisten und welche Technologien dabei zum Einsatz kommen. …
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#1 Sicherheit neu gedacht: Die Zukunft mit SafetyPlanner und SiFa-flex
Willkommen bei "SiFa Talks", dem Podcast, der Sie in die Welt der Arbeitssicherheit und des umfassenden Risikomanagements entführt. Moderiert von Andreas Bedrunka, tauchen wir tief in die Themen Arbeitsschutz, SiGe-Koordination, Brandschutz, Energiemanagement, Umweltmanagement, Laborsicherheit, biologische Sicherheit, Medizinprodukte, Krankheitserr…
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The resources of the spirit are given to those that have a relationship with him. Listen in to learn more on the Holy Spirit and how to have a relationship with him.
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We tap into the things of God through a healthy heart. To heal our hearts, we need faith, hope and love.
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God intends for us to know him as a father so we can walk as God's. The result of prayer is knowledge. Listen in to learn more on knowledge.
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When you practice the word of God consistently, you bring yourself to a place of confidence to demand deliverance from the word.
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We only know that which is eternal by constantly engaging that which is eternal.
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There is a dormancy of energy in full measure inside every one of us known as Faith. In this episode we learn how to take steps to activate that energy.
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Righteousness is the accountable measure of faith. We learn to ask the what, why,who, when, where and how and we are thus able to document our journey of faith. Listen in to learn how to be discipled by faith.
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Evangelists bring good news. It has to be both good and news. No eye has seen, no ear has heard...In this episode we look at the role of an evangelist and what we will be doing as we go out to evangelize in Juja.
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There is a difference between evangelism and soul winning. The work of soul winning is that of a believer. So, what is the work of an evangelism. In this series, we look into that.
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In order to deal with the gross darkness over the people, we need to deal with the darkness over the earth.
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In this episode, we look into righteousness, focus being it's application to all areas of life.
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In this episode we look at the life of David from when he was annointed King by Samuel to when he actually became King.
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We don't beg for newness. We allow ourselves to be taken captive by the spirit in order to access the things that have already been freely given to us.
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The tenancy of God in a man's life is restricted to his spirit. Building pathways is what gives him room to affect all other faculties of you.
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The pathways you build determines how much comes to you. How well constructed they are determines whvat comes to you. We need to build pathways enough to take care of our lives and impact the environment around us.
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You only graduate into sonship when you have been held by the spirit of understanding. Understanding is what makes you a son.The whole purpose of being transfigured is to continually walk in the place of understanding.
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The power of the Holy Spirit is directed through your mind. Focus is what allows the mind to bring forth that which has already been birthed in your spirit. The mind manifests through the body. In this episode we talk about the relationship between the spirit, the mind and the body.
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To behold is to completely stare or gaze. Whatever you behold, you will be transfigured into that image. We are thus being transformed into the glory of God.
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A man who has not encountered transfiguration cannot hear the voice of God. The voice of God does, when he begins to speak it is creation and moulding that happens.
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The heart is the centre of man. It is what we constantly submit to God. It opens us up to the infinite nature of the possibilities of the spirit.So why guard your heart? How do you guard your heart? This and more in this episode.
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It is through faith that you begin to understand love, though love is the foundation of all things.The journey of salvation is the journey of becoming love.The only way to see God is to love. This and more about love is covered in this episode.
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Love suffers long. It does not parade itself. It is kind. Love brings perfection to that which we know.
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Faith is a product of sight. Faith in God is dependent on sight. It is what attracts God, it is the only way to please him. In this episode we learn about the prayer of faith.
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Today we talk about the sacrifice of faith.
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Enemies are met at the gate. They are not allowed to enter then fought from the inside. Gates are where permission is given or denied. Let's learn more about gate keeping on this episode.
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Situations vs seasons. When a season is set in motion, everything around it begins to prepare itself for a harvest. We need to understand seasons so that we can manipulate time in order to always have harvest in store. Catch this and more in this episode.
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Seasons, the one word that you will commonly hear among Christian circles that are used with little to no understanding. Seasons have a purpose, an elaborate entry and an eventful ending. In this episode, we get to understand deeper what seasons are, in order to work appropriately in them.
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The Prophetic Word Part 3. 22nd February 2021. You have to discern the difference between the Word of God and the word that comes from the Man of God.
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The Prophetic Word Part 2. February 15th 2021.
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The Prophetic Word. February 8th 2021. 7 pm.
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What you see is what you achieve or manifest, what is the bigger picture. What's whole perspective of the gospel.
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Stirring the heart for the move of God.
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Most of us have never learned to Receive, we are even guilty to ask for what is our partly because of some teaching on giving. Receiving is divine just as giving is.
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We ha e been graced with the power of conviction, we learn how to carry conviction. The difference between convincing and conviction.
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A continuation of TODAY WE FEAST
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We explore different things in this sermon, some related and others not quite related.
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We emphasize on the importance of self drive in seeking the things of the kingdom.
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How important it is for us to have dignity in our lives so as to be effective.
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The difference in a man's life when they embody the presence of God.
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Our duty is not just to preach the gospel but to make the kingdoms of this world be part of the kingdom of our God. Total domination.
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What does the word say about the administrative structure of the church, what is in the heart of God about the structure of the body.
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We talk about the importance of knowledge and working the spiritual realm. How grace enables labor/work but does not eliminate it.
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We talk about the importance of knowledge and working the spiritual realm. How grace enables labor/work but does not eliminate it. (NB: the audio is not very clear at some point)
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Prophetic insight into the times we are living in and looking into how we should conduct ourselves in the year 2021.
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Anything that was begun by something must be maintained by what began it. Part 2
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Reunion with the Holy Spirit. Part two.
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