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x i t h i n k i t ' s d a r k a n d i t l o o k s l i k e c a m e xthe gang is back once again to talk about music and make jokes about semen.this time they're going through every studio album by the cure. they are going album by album, track by track, no stone is left upturned. join in and hear all the stories about their love of robert smith and …
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Episode Thirty Five of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!new cinema, new enemado to zach forgetting to press record on streamyard again--the first 20 or so min of this episode can only be heard on the audio only version bb! here: - i n t r o 0:05:40 - r e c e…
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a f t e r a l l s i x h a v e r i s e n .t h e c a m e g a n g w i l l c o m m i t s u i c i d e . i n a v i d e o g a m e .t h e k i n g s o f c a m e a r e b a c k w i t h t h a t a r o n h u b a r d f u c k e rthis time they're teaming up to hit you with the latest review of the much anticipated third jokers card in the juggalo extended universe…
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The return of the btm crew is amongst us ladies and gentlemen!This is a reboot for an all new generation if you will!This time the crew is teaming up with the gang and they're tackling a movie that they've tackled tree times before but it doesn't even matter because its a reboot tho.#3Ninjas #Podcast #movie ————————Please help spread the word and l…
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after completing the last episode of came gang where our heroes were ranking the afi records, they decided that they were still way too full of emo sad boii energy to just pack it up and go home. No, they had to continue with the follow up that anyone who is anyone knew had to happen eventually.: : r e l e a s e t h e m c c r a c k e n : : c a xm e…
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:: n e w y e a r x s a m e c a m e ::the boiis are back with their gratuitous assault of c a m e o n c a m e v i o l e n c e . this time they're talking about one of the bands they discovered around the high school years: affie . formed by gravy havok and the other dudes from affie that aren't him. f o r e v e r c a xm e#afi #ranked #music————————P…
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Episode Thirty Four of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!team enema is back to talk about some more forgotten steven kino after discovering how much they liked the last pick..#stephenking #doloresclaiborne #podcast-------Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow the Official Re…
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. . based halloween episode . .————————Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow the Official Revival House feed for all of our shows in one place.————————#podcast #movie #killerklownsfromouterspace Music"Save The World"Written & Performed by: David CapperTwitter - https…
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#HalloweenEnds #podcast #movie————————Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow the Official Revival House feed for all of our shows in one place.————————SUPPORT US:►►►…
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The BTM crew is ready to get spooky with the October vibes with the brand new take on Clive Barker's 1987 horror classic where a young woman struggling with addiction comes into possession of an ancient puzzle box, unaware that its purpose is to summon the Cenobites.#hellraiser #podcast #horror————————Please help spread the word and leave us rating…
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Episode Thirty Three of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!An all new Cinema Enema is ready to be devoured by all you hungry children that have been waiting to be fed by the loving Cinema Enema mother bird's who are ready, willing, and able to unload mouthfuls of puke from their mouth to yours.#stephenking #aptpupil #podcast-------Please help spread the wo…
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the gang is back to revisit one of their favorite album special edition dvd's!the c a m e c l o u d k i d s are on that return type beat with a great big new adventure that is guaranteed to s u c k t h e c u m o u t o f y o u r b o d y ! ! !join in with ya boii l . d . l o v e c r a f t and m i c r o s o f t m y e r s as they see what aaron gillesp…
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Airborne (1993) Commentary | Feat. Riverman || BTM PodcastThe World's Only Rock 'N' Rollerblade Movie!!Mitchell's life was a California Dream...until he woke up in CincinnatiTo AIR isn't just human. It's necessary. There are two kinds of people: those who get AIRBORNE...and those who don't. Mitchell Became The Most Popular Guy On Earth...Once He To…
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the k i n g s o f c u m are back to get based and blink pilled with this brand new episode!!join ya boiis as they make their way through the entire discography of the band that got them into making music all together. blink - 182 deserve to be killed in a video game for this fact . . f o r e v e r c a m e . caxme#blink182 #ranked #podcast————————Pl…
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Episode Thirty Two of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!Aaron and Zach are back again again to talk about even more MOVIES!! MOVIES!!! MOVIES!!!!Listen to Aaron make the most embarrassing mistake ever while watching Dear Zachary -- mistaking it as a comedy. Why? Because of his co host. Why else?-------Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and r…
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Episode Thirty One of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!Aaron and Zach are back again to talk about some movies they've been watching recently including the new Beavis and Butt head movie and plenty more including the main feature of the episode Dog Pound!#-------Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher…
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a b r a n d n e w e r a j u s t d r o p p e d mac and zach are back with the man himself aaron to watch and react to some of the gangs favorite old and new music videos, all in honer of the brand new beavis and butt-head movie that just came out!!c a m e i s f a m i l yc a m e i s f o r e v e r#CAMEGANG#musicvideo #reaction y o m a z s l a p s…
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the btm crew // c a m e g a n g is about to talk for nearly 3 straight hours about vidyaa games!!! b t m + c a m e g a n g 4 e v e r #podcast #top100 #videogames ————————Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow the Official Revival House feed for all of our shows in one…
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the btm crew are based and drag pilled will a brand new episode featuring robin williams’ staring role that made us all wish he was our mommy.that scene where ms doubtfire’s big milkies catch fire tho 🔥 s o m u c h c a m ei m m e l t i n g i n m y s h o r t s r i g h t n o w j u s t t h i n k i n g a b o u t m s d o u b t f i r e ‘ s b i g m i l k …
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the btm crew is bringing some kino cuisine-o this week with possibly one of the most iconic films ever made!!t h e w i z a r d o f o z join in with ya boiis and remember all the good times as they talk about their earliest memories and of course touch on all the crazy behind the scenes stories surrounding the movie.j u s t f o l l o w t h e b r i c…
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[ the stream of unconscious ]the c o v e r e d i n c a m e g a n g is back with hank aaron (how was school today hank?) to talk about the second jokers card!but will it be as fresh as the juggalos say?!?!?j o i n t h e c a m e g a n g a n d s e e f o r y o u r s e l f[DISCLAIMER]this is now the second review, and after all six have dropped, the end…
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t h e . c o v e r e d . i n . c a m e . g a n g . i s . b a c k .the boys are back to dust off another childhood classic with jennifer aniston's leprechaun.join in as mac tells us why this is his favorite leprechaun film in the franchise even tho it's kind of boring! he boys also channel their empathic abilities to summon the chi of jennifer anisto…
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Episode Thirty of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!the sultans of semen are back to talk about the new ti west joint about a group of young filmmakers in 1979 who set out to make an adult film in rural texas, but when their reclusive, elderly hosts catch them in the act, the cast find themselves fighting for their lives.the gang also are here to talk abo…
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Episode Twenty Nine of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!aaron and the c a m e g a n g immediately sell out to big energy within the first 2 seconds of this episode.x s o m u c h c a m e ! ! ! t h e r e ' s s o m u c h c a m e ! ! ! x___Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow…
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"Who will survive and what will be left of them? "a brand new texas chainsaw massacre film is upon us and so the boys decided to take the opportunity to invite long time friend Josh from @THE R-RATED SHOW to join in and re watch the original classic that started it all.SUPPORT JOSH & R-RATED►…
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t h e h i t a b a b y w i t h a b r i c k b r i g a d e are back with some straight state of the art f u c k i n g k i n o staring one sir Tomas Green from the great white north!!Join in for a special episode featuring btm podcast's own aaron lipshits aka q-a-ron as they watch one of the most easily forgotten films of all time!! a true in one ear, …
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Episode Twenty Eighth of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!The :: k i n g s o f k i n o :: are back with a brand new episode and this time they're talking about the latest film in the scream series!!Twenty-five years after the original series of murders in Woodsboro, a new Ghostface emerges, and Sidney Prescott must return to uncover the truth.#Scream #Po…
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"New decade. New rules."the sultans of semen are back to continue their trip through the scream franchise with what would go on to become wes cravens final film!#Scream #Scream4 #Podcast————————Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow the Official Revival House feed for…
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"Look who's stalking!."The boys are back and this time they decided to make December the month of Chucky!This time, the boys continue with one of the most misunderstood entries in the Child's play series or ANY SERIES KNOWN TO MAN!! Gaayron is about to get k i n o p i l l e d by the :: cumbackkids :: themselves!! Join in with us as we watch Chucky …
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The boys are back and this time they decided to make December the month of Chucky!in honor of the new television series, hang out and watch the classic that started it all about a single mother who is big Stacey that decides to give her son a much sought-after doll for his birthday..only to discover that it is possessed by the soul of a serial kill…
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"His whole life was a million-to-one shot."The ;; b t m c r e w ;; is back for a special thanksgiving celebration. Rocky is totally a thanksgiving movie because of that one scene when pauly throws adrian's turkey outside..————————Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow…
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the j i s m j i h a d i s are back again with another dank hit to make you do a b i g c u m !!gather round the table with your family and listen to the special thanksgiving episode where the c u m s o c k k i d s watch the classic multi oscar winning, pauly shore film that changed the game completely when it comes to film making and art!!it danks b…
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mazstw present "the stream of unconscious"!! aka a way to talk about stuff other than the usual movie focused talk..This Episode of Mac & Zach Save the World has very special guest Violent J of the Insane Clown Posse!! Just kidding, its Aaron of the BTM Podcast and many other shows on to talk about the album that started it all!! Insane Clown Posse…
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Episode Twenty Seven of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!T E A M E N E M A is back for the October month with an all out HALLOWEEN bash!Aaron, Zach, and Mac (MAZSTW) are here to give their thought on the brand new entry in the Halloween franchise, along with their thoughts on more recent watches.___Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and rev…
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t h e b a b y b a t t e r b o i i s are back again for another movie from their childhood for to watch and make c u m jokes ovER11.Spend HALLOWEEN 2021 with the c u m s o c k k i d s and watch some cucky!! A story of a young boy named Andy and his possessed doll who hang out and vibe together until finally, one day the doll starts pressuring Andy t…
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"Say it once... Say it twice... But we dare you to say it THREE TIMES"The gang is back with Mac of 'Mac and Zach Save the World' for another October favorite..This time T E A M : C U M is doing one of the greatest live action cartoons ever produced with Beetlejuice!! The classic coming of death story about the spirits of a deceased couple that are …
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the based buds are back once again to eat ice cream and watch dank films! this time, they've finally gotten around to doing pinnacle and very legacy of charles band's career!!the boys are doing the classic movie based on L.D. lovecraft's "herbert West–reanimator" short story about a med student and his stacy ass girlfriend who become involved in bi…
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"Some stories just won't stay dead."The gang's all here tonight for a special second edition of Pet Sematary IITonight Aaron is joined with T H E O G H I M S E L F Riverman, and then they got two random stoners they ran into on the street when they were heading to recording studio to hang out and talk about everyone's least favorite Steven King ada…
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The based buds are here to kickoff October with a Halloween classic!!This time the BTM boys enlisted fellow chad and friend of the show, not to mention long time member of the b i g c u m army; The Goat (Movie Graveyard) to hang out and watch a cheesy little gem about a group of teenagers who spend their Halloween night partying at an abandoned fun…
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Episode Twenty Six of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!This week, the crew are vibeing to a sad boii type beat when they discuss depression-porn classic 'Grave of the Fireflies' about a brother and his little sister's struggle to survive in Japan during World War II. but, first they gotta talk about recent news and their recent watches.___Please help spr…
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Episode Twenty Five of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!This week the boys catch up on recent news as well as recent film/television watches including the brand new James Wan flick currently streaming on HBOMax, and then, a quick rundown of what Aaron thought of the new Netflix original "Kate" as well.After the break, Zach starts his mission of Charley K…
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"We've been waiting... we've always been waiting."The BTM Crew is back with a what Zach refers to as Rob Zombie's underrated magnum opus and Aaron refers to as the hardest movies hes ever sat through about a radio DJ who is sent a box containing a record dubbed "a gift from the Lords". She then discoverers that the sounds within the grooves trigger…
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The c o c k c o u s i n s are here and this time they're queer! apparently..Widely known as the "gay" nightmare on elm street movie, Nightmare 2 was universally panned by critics and audiences upon its release for odd reasons. but is it deserved?Hang out with K I D C O V I D and microphone myers as they take you through a journey of self discovery …
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"When the going gets tough... the tough take the law into their own hands."Forced by the imminent foreclosure of their friend's bar, two lifelong buddies will decide to rob a bank's armored car, not knowing that its cargo is not money but a new street drug.. after doing so, they realized how similar it was to the 1991 film 'Harley Davidson and the …
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"tasty waves, cool buzz"The BTM boiis are back in town for a trip down mammary lane with one of the biggest high school comedies of all time. A b o r t i o n i s H I L A R I O U S !So, grab a sock and some lotion and do a x b i g c u m x for Phoebe and the anthrax guy!!————————Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, …
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Episode Twenty Four of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!Aaron and Zach are teaming up with Riverman aka the O.G. to talk about recent news, and talk about some recent watches, as well as react to the new trailer for the new SyFy original series based on George Romero's Day Of The Dead..They also decided to look back at Romero's LAND OF THE DEAD which was…
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"They're mean, green and on the screen "Aaron and Zach are bring in the help of fellow C U M S O C K K I D Mac of Mac & Zach Save the World to talk about a childhood favorite! Join in and listen to 3 grown men do b i g c u m 's over a movie about gigantic mutated turtles that fight crime!!————————Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and…
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T H E C O C K C O L L E C T I V E is back to bring you another hour and a half of pure unconsecrated based and cum pilled takes to make you a more enlightened human being!!This time they're switching things up and watching a movie that they did NOT like in their childhood but one that they came to appreciate later in life, HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF …
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"The Muppets, Scotland Yard, and jewel thieves lead to high adventure in London."Red Rocket and K I D C O V I D are back again to watch and talk about the second film in the Muppets film series!! In this one, Kermit, Gonzo, and Fozzie are reporters who travel to Britain to interview a rich victim of jewel thieves and help her along with her secreta…
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Episode Twenty Three of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast!The Enema boiis are back again to talk about all things film, including current news, the stuff they've been watching and finally the Zach's pick for the episode: The Truman Show from 1998. A classic staring Jim Carrey in his first dramatic roll about a man who discovers his life isn't exactly what…
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