We are Realife Student Ministries of Columbus GA. Reach Engage Advance Lead
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Realife had an incredible guest speaker, Pastor Grant Collins. The church is called out to be different. We are called to love deeply. This message is both challenging and healing at a deep level and you want to take a listen!
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Welcome to another incredible year at Realife Student Ministries! This is our identity series to kickoff the semester and we have been Reached by the Love of Jesus! This message will encourage you, and we hope to see you every Wednesday night at Realife Student Ministries!
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Did you know that Jesus is concerned about feeding you? He cares about what we consume! A key to having a happy summer is eating! This message is gonna help you have the right appetite to make it through your summer!
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Our Fine Arts Director, Cameron Richardson closed out our final week of our Aftermath series. We hope it blesses your life!
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We cannot fake the Power of God! The unity we have will unlock the power of the Holy Spirit and our obedience to Jesus.
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We can become stronger than we ever imagined simply by accepting the help that is available to us! There is supernatural Power available to us because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
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Our Realife Worship Pastor Jonah Mills brought the word to conclude our Easter Series. Take a listen as he explains through the cross of Jesus Christ that there are things in our lives that have to be "Killed" before our relationship with God can grow!
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Week two of our Easter series will help you understand that even when you feel "beaten" IT'S NOT OVER! The pain we go through in life has a purpose. Allow God's word to encourage you that IT'S NOT OVER! We love you @Realifecolumbus!
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There are situations in life that leave us feeling dropped. Dropped by friends, dropped by people we expect to support us, even dropped by God. This weeks podcast is a powerful expression how even if we feel dropped GOD is not done and our story is not over!
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This is the amazing conclusion to our Influence Series! Our Creative Director, Clayton Shirley, brings a profound and encouraging word from the Lord about the Hardest Person we will ever Influence. Take a listen as Clay inspires us to not waist our influence.
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Did you know that your persistence in your Faith in Jesus can earn the respect of even unbelievers? This weeks message will inspire you to see beyond the obstacles and become the positive change this world needs us to be!
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One of our Realife Staff Members, Miss Sarah Jane Kurtz preached a profound and powerful message. Love gets complicated and challenging because we are imperfect people, but we can be encouraged that Jesus has a Greater Love in store for our lives!
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We have a hard time expressing love to others in a healthy way because it is so difficult to Love Ourselves. This week the way to win at life's Love Games is to realize God loves you so you should love yourself!
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Happy Valentine's Day! God has a promise of an incredible future for all of us. Some of us will chose to sacrifice what is necessary to obtain that Love, others will sacrifice what is permanent for what is temporary. The Love month kicks off focusing on our relationships with significant others!
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In the Conclusion of our YOUR BEST LIFE Series, Pastor Justin Gaston gives a powerful message to leave a lasting legacy with our lives. God calls us to Fight, Run the Race, and Remain Faithful. Be inspired to live YOUR BEST LIFE through this message!
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You will not live YOUR BEST LIFE while living in fear. The reality is fear has no genuine power. In most situations most of the things that create anxiety and cause us to be afraid never actually happen. This Podcast will give you a boost of courage and empower you to live YOUR BEST LIFE!
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Week 2 of Your Best Life focuses on how when we have been forgiven of much, we have that much more to be grateful for. Not only do we need to forgive others, but God also is challenging us to forgive ourselves. Our prayer is that the forgiveness you find in Jesus leads you to living Your Best Life!
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Happy New Year from Realife Student Ministries! We kicked off 2019 with our new series "Your Best Life." For the next few weeks, this January series will equip you to live Your Best Life in 2019! This episode is the tool of Optimism. How we think is the foundation for how we live. Positive thinking can insure Your Best Life! We love you!…
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We all face difficult situations in this life. If we are not careful, those circumstances can effect the quality of our everyday life. This message emphasizes the reality that all of us deal with unbelief at some level. God is ok with our questions as long as we are asking him to help our unbelief.
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No one can Deny your personal experience with God! A man was healed by Jesus and was questioned, and he stuck with the story "I once was blind but now I See!" This Podcast includes 3 powerful stories of some of our own Realife Family Members. We believe their stories will give you hope and your story can give others hope as well!…
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The Best is YET to come in our lives! We have to have faith. This weeks message will encourage your heart that even if something seems impossible, God is not done YET.
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Have you ever been in an environment that you felt out of place or uninvited? This message will encourage your heart that Jesus has made a way for us to be in the very presence of a Holy God. God moved and 24 individuals followed the Lord in baptism! If you missed Refresh...this is your chance to be Refreshed in the presence of God!…
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God has called us to Advance in our Faith so that we can Lead others to Jesus! Growing in your relationship with Jesus won't happen by accident. If we are not growing we are slowly dying. This message will encourage you to fight for what is right.
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There is no question that we stand stronger when we do not stand alone. God has called us as a ministry to Engage in Christian Community. You don't have to face the fires of life alone. We are here to be a family and a support system that helps you get through anything! Be encouraged to Engage in the Realife Family with this message.…
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Welcome back to School! This is our identity series for our Student Ministry. We have been Reached by the Love of Jesus. That is one of our Core Values. The Love of Jesus actually targets those who are in the middle a dark season in their lives. Jesus came to heal the sick and seek the lost. This message will encourage you that Jesus does not love …
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Sometimes things are not always as they seem. As summer goes on, sometimes the things that can trip us up the most can come in attractive packages. This message will help you see from God's perspective.
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There are multiple stages before your dream future becomes a reality. You have a dream, and then there is the in between where all the hard work gets done. Pastor Kevin Johnson came to encourage us to Keep Going and we will see our dreams come true!
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DREAMSTATE: Things Are Not Always How They Appear
35:43Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. God has a Vision for your life...do you see it? Jesus can give you new vision for your life if you will see things from HIS perspective!
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Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count! We are almost to the finish line of an incredible semester. Close to finishing is not finishing. Success that is not your best is not really success! Let this message encourage you to have a never give up mindset!
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Nothing destroys the unity of the body of Christ more than unforgiveness. Unfortunately the world we live in does not make it easy to forgive. This message will inspire everybody to realize life becomes a lot easier when you learn to accept an apology that you never get!
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Our Everybody series is an intentional effort to gain some unity as a student ministry because we are all better together! One person can make a big difference if we are ALL moving in the right direction. This week will show us how there is Power in One person's decisions and actions that can really effect EVERYBODY.…
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Mrs. Jubilee had the opportunity to speak at the Church at the Groves in Albany GA. This message will encourage anyone who is going through difficult times. Many times God allows us to face things to give us opportunities to be obedient even when we don't see immediate results. Be strong and courageous because Victory is coming if you hold on!…
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Baptism is a powerful outward expression of an inward change. Our love for Jesus should compel us to visibly express that love to the world around us. This message will inspire us to practice 3 baptisms found in Gods word...The baptism of repentance, baptism in water, and baptism in the Holy Spirit!
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The most important part of Christmas is not getting stuff. The best part is being able to give. We many times don't understand the gifts we have been given, and this message will help us understand the first Christmas presents ever given!
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HISTORY (OR THE PAST) HELPS DEFINE OUR PRESENT. THE DECISIONS WE MAKE IN OUR PRESENT WILL DETERMINE OUR FUTURE. Christmas Past, Present, Future This is the real Christmas Past. Its the Story of Jesus and it can change the world forever!
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Truly Iconic people are those who influence others. Who are you influencing? Pastor Justin Gaston is our guest speaker this week!
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There is Pressure. There is Regret. There is Hope. God wants you to experience Healing! Healing is a process. God allows us to play an important part in that process.
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Everyone has regret but Jesus came so we did not have to live under it. This sermon will help you realize You can never change your past, but you can stop living in regret and start living for your future!
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Every decision we make has a consequence...and that creates a lot of pressure in our lives. This message will encourage you to stop buckling under the pressure of the broken world we live in!
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One person can make a difference in this world! Sometimes God will lead you to do things you may not be comfortable with. The Story of Jonah can encourage us that even when we run from God's purpose, God can and wants to still use us to make a difference!
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Difficult situations should not discourage us from making a difference. Struggles should help us feel for the problems others are going through. Jesus wants to do the miraculous in our lives but he also wants us to be a miracle for others! Partnering with Jesus and growing in Compassion for others is the key to being the miracle!…
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As a church and as a student ministry, we want to be know by what we are for more so than what we are against. This Podcast will help us feel the needs that surround us on a regular basis. At Realife Columbus we are For The Valley...we won't walk by on the other side and do nothing.
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Realife exists to help you add depth to a shallow lifestyle! A key to not living a shallow life is to be intentionally connected and engaged in Christian Community. This is an encouraging message! Get plugged into what God is doing at Realife Columbus!
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New Seasons of life can be confusing. Knowing you are loved by God does not necessarily prevent confusion in life. God is at work in your life even when things get Confusing or frustrating. Let this message encourage you to see God at work in the unseen areas of your life!
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If we are not fighting for something we are surrendering to everything. This week will motivate you to get in the fight for your faith because Good things in life are worth fighting for!
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Jesus said there is no greater expression of Love, than to lay down your life for your friends. One of the best ways you can Live More, is by Loving others the way God wants us to.
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A big reason we do not get more out of life, is because we allow fear to control us. God can turn impossible pain into tremendous power! God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!
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We are so grateful that God is a God who offers us second chances. If you are in a place in life where you need a second chance, this message is for you! Get ready to be encouraged to start over with the second chance only Jesus can offer us!
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How we respond to the storms of life will determine if we Live More or not. The last thing the enemy of our soul wants is for us to Live More. Stepping above our storms is possible! Step out in faith and Live More!
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