An honest look at Catholic discipleship in the modern world. Got something to say? Email us at POP Culture is a ministry intiative of Prince of Peace Catholic Community
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Sefanit's got an idea for evangelization at POP, but Tom's just focused on his flan. See? Even our hosts are at various stages in their journey toward discipleship. Tom will get there one day...Novena to the HS: Podcast による
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So we decided to weigh in on this conversation. Matt, Sefanit, and Tom discuss their opinions of the newest Netflix series. **There is some graphic content in this episode**0:00 Intro2:01 The Show and Our Thoughts22:18 Resolution and Course of ActionResources:…
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We made a whoopsie. In our last episode on the Zookeeper's Wife, we might have made it sound like the ends justify the means. They don't. We're making distinctions and covering our bases in this episode.CCC 1759 - Look it up. Read the section.Bishops on Morality -…
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Sefanit and Tom review the timely movie "The Zookeeper's Wife" and dissect its moral message. When it comes to helping the homeless, the migrant, and the oppressed, if we all just do something in Jesus's name--one little thing--we can make a world of difference. SPOILERS!Sister Azezet - Migration and…
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Catholics live Lent REAALLLY well. We give stuff up (and brag about it), pray a bit more, and give alms just like we're asked to. But why don't we have an established rule of life for the 50-day Easter season? Tom and Sefanit toss around a few ideas about what Easter Living should look like. What do you think?popculture@pophouston.org0:00 - Intro3:…
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The bigger our parish gets, the smaller and more intentional our faith-sharing has to get.Operating on this principle, Matt Regitz and Youth Evangelization Ministry developed a consistent small group ministry model that lets young people share their faith and get to know one another. What if POP developed ADULT small group ministry? Sefanit, Tom, a…
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