This podcast is made available from Oasis Foursquare Church. Winchester, KY
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Healing Emotional Wounds From your Past Part 2
1:00:00Victory Over the Darkness Healing Emotional Wounds From Your Past Part 2 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Victory Over the Darkness - Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ Part 1
1:06:00Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ Part 1 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Consider Your CallingPastor Peter Banonno による
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Victory Over Darkness - God's Guidelines for the Walk of Faith
1:00:00God's Guidelines for the Walk of Faith Victory Over Darkness Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Victory Over Darkness - You Can't Live Beyond What You Believe
1:00:00Victory Over Darkness You Can't Live Beyond What You Believe Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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God Wants You to Be Part 1 Victory Over Darkness Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Victory Over Darkness Something Old, Something New Week #5 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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See Yourself For Who You Really Are Part 2 Week #4 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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See Yourself for Who You Really Are - Part 1
1:00:00Victory Over Darkness Week #3 See Yourself for Who You Really Are - Part 1 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Victory Over Darkness Week #2 The Whole Gospel Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Victory Over Darkness Week 1 Who Are You? Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Trusting God Pastor RennyOasis Foursquare Church による
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A Father's Footsteps Father's Day 2019 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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PentecostPastor Renny Ross による
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Love Each Other Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Mother's Day 2019 A Mother's Prayer Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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I AM the Vine Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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I AM The Way, Truth & Life Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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I AM The resurrection and the life Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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I AM I AM the Good Shepherd Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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I AM Pastor Renny Ross Week 3Pastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Rachel Ross God's Incredible Provision Kid's SundayPastor Rachel Ross による
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I AM Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Pastory Renny Ross Week #1 I AMPastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Acts 8 Learning from the Disciples Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Body of Christ Pastor Rachel RossPastor Rachel Ross による
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Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart Week #4 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart Week #2 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart Week #1 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Identity Week #4 - Our Status Luke 15:11-32Pastor Renny Ross による
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Identity Week #3 - Our Reflection 2 Corinthians 3:7-18Pastor Renny Ross による
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Identity Week #2 - Our Being Known Psalm 139:1-16Pastor Renny Ross による
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Identity Week #1 - Our Image Genesis 1:26-31Pastor Renny Ross による
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Lectio Divina - Hearing the Voice of GodOasis Foursquare Church による
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Trusting God when it didn't look like it made any earthly sencePastor Renny Ross による
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What Do You Want Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Kid's Gathering Pastor Rachel RossPastor Rachel Ross による
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Good Good Father Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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The Light of the Gospel Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Easter 2018 Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Choose Life in all You Do Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Renny Ross による
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Pastor Renny Ross による
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Give Thanks Week #1 Attitude and Gratitude Pastor Renny RossPastor Renny Ross による
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Your Value Chad McPhersonChad McPherson による
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