Podcast by Oasis Church Birmingham
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Advent 2024: The Light Is Coming - Alice Gray
Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, fa…
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Advent 2024: The Light Has Come - Rich Bowpitt
Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, fa…
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Advent 2024: Light in the Darkness - Adrian Hurst
Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, fa…
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10. Worship through Arts & Creativity - Jemma Mellor
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Guest Speaker Jemma Mellor from Churchcentral and Sputn…
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This week, the Oasis community joined together in the joy of celebrating baptisms! But what exactly is baptism? In this podcast, Adrian explores that very question under two headings: baptism is a sign, and baptism is a seal.Oasis Church Birmingham による
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9. Worship Through Justice & Mercy - Adrian Hurst & Friends
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Adrian (with the help of some friends), shares about ho…
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Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Mike explores worship in the workplace - how our vocati…
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7. Worship As Hospitality - Rich Bowpitt & Friends
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Rich explores how we can express worship through hospit…
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6. Worship As We Scatter: The How- Adrian Hurst
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Adrian continues to look at how we all called to worshi…
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5. Worship As We Scatter: The What - Adrian Hurst
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Adrian begins to look at how we all called to worship a…
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25th Birthday Commissioning - Adrian Hurst & Friends
On the 25th Birthday of Oasis Church, Adrian leads the community in a commissioning moment celebrating with thanksgiving all that God has done in the past and looking ahead to all He might want to do in the future. As part of this, he invites a number of friends to share what is on their hearts for the Oasis community.…
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4. Worshipping with Celebration - Andrew Gordon
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Andy explores how and why we are called to worship with…
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3. Worship Is All About Togetherness - Becca Blaber
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us. This week, Becca explores who worship connects us to one another a…
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2. Worship Is All About Our Hearts - Lucy Hurst
Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us.This week, Lucy Hurst continues the series off by looking at how wo…
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Everyone worships something, something that we put at the centre of our lives and orient ourselves around. In this series, we are exploring together as a community what it truly means to worship God - to put Him at the centre and allow Him to shape and transform everything about us.This week, Dave Harris kicks the series off by looking at how worsh…
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In 2024, Oasis is seeking to grow in living with a posture of thankfulness - recognising that this is a key foundation in living in a way that outlasts us. The Psalms provide some wonderful examples of how to do this, and over the summer, each week will explore a different one of these.This week, Adrian continues the series with Psalm 118:1 Give th…
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In 2024, Oasis is seeking to grow in living with a posture of thankfulness - recognising that this is a key foundation in living in a way that outlasts us. The Psalms provide some wonderful examples of how to do this, and over the summer, each week will explore a different one of these.This week, Rich continues the series with Psalm 138:I give you …
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In 2024, Oasis is seeking to grow in living with a posture of thankfulness - recognising that this is a key foundation in living in a way that outlasts us. The Psalms provide some wonderful examples of how to do this, and over the summer, each week will explore a different one of these.This week, Adrian continues the series with Psalm 92:It is good…
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In 2024, Oasis is seeking to grow in living with a posture of thankfulness - recognising that this is a key foundation in living in a way that outlasts us. The Psalms provide some wonderful examples of how to do this, and over the summer, each week will explore a different one of these.This week, Alice begins with Psalm 100:Shout with joy to the Lo…
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15. The Legacy of the Shepherd King - Rich Bowpitt
What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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This week, the community continues to explore the outworking of Pentecost, as Adrian looks at how we can increasingly grow the fruits of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) in our own lives.Oasis Church Birmingham による
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This week was Pentecost Sunday - the day when the Church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. Sarah shares about what that transformational event means for us today!Oasis Church Birmingham による
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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This week, Alice shares some reflections on her time working in Nepal. What's God been teaching her whilst she's out there, and why is Jesus good news for us too, whatever our circumstances or situations?Oasis Church Birmingham による
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On Resurrection Sunday, Jesus walked out of the tomb and changed everything, for everyone, everywhere.This week, Adrian explores a little more what that amazing truth means for each of us, for our community, and for our world!Oasis Church Birmingham による
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This week, on Palm Sunday, Mike explores Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and compares the shouts of 'Hosanna' celebrating his arrival with the shouts of 'Crucify!' demanding his death just a week later.Oasis Church Birmingham による
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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What does a good leader look like? This year, Oasis is exploring the life of King David - a leader in the Bible who was known as "a man after God's own heart". Ultimately, David's story is one which shows us that God is overflowing with kindness and generosity, that human frailty can’t derail his plans and his purposes, and that the one David’s lif…
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This week, the Oasis community joined together in the joy of celebrating baptisms! But what exactly is baptism? In this podcast, Adrian explores that very question under two headings: baptism is a sign, and baptism is a seal.Oasis Church Birmingham による
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House of Prayer - Adrian Hurst & Uduak Ayoade
Oasis has begun 2024 with a real focus on prayer; learning to lean into God with thanksgiving.This week, Adrian and Uduak encourage the community to continue to press into prayer, beginning with Jesus's desire for the temple to be a "house of prayer for all nations" and exploring what it looks like to draw close to god and pray with confidence and …
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Waiting On God - Charlene Frammingham (Guest Speaker)
Everyone faces times of waiting in their lives. So how we wait really matters - whether we wait begrudgingly or with anticipation, closed off to God's leading in those moments or open to what He wants to do in our lives.This week, Guest Speaker Charlene Frammingham, from the King's Arms Church in Bedford, explores how God meets with us in our waiti…
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In early 2024, the Oasis community is undertaking 25 days of prayer - beginning the year together by coming to God with thanksgiving and worship.This week, Sarah explores some of Jesus' most famous teaching on prayer - commonly known as Lord's Prayer - looking at how it is an invitation into the whole of Jesus' message of good news for a world that…
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This week was Vision Sunday - the point at the start of every new year where Oasis takes an opportunity to reflect on all that God has done amongst the community in the previous year, and to look ahead to all He might want to do in the year ahead and beyond.The focus passage this year is from Psalm 100:4-5, tying into the overall vision of 'Legacy:…
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In the first message of 2024, Adrian explores how to live centred on Jesus - introducing different FOUNDATIONS to live from, RHYTHMS to live with, and PRACTICES to live exploring.This year, Oasis has also launched a brand new weekly podcast called 'Living Centred', to help us learn from one another about how to live with Jesus at the centre. Find o…
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Advent 2023: The Joy of Future Hope - Mike Blaber
Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, fa…
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Advent 2023: Promise in the Present - Rich Bowpitt
Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, fa…
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Advent 2023: Grace Amidst Darkness - Alice Gray
Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, fa…
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Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus i…
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Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus i…
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