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Iz naših krajev

Radio Ognjišče

V oddaji Iz naših krajev spremljamo dogajanje po slovenskih občinah. V njej poročamo o različnih prireditvah, slovesnostih, običajih in drugih zanimivih dogodkih. Oddajo z izjavami oziroma sodelovanjem v krajših pogovorih posamezniki, ki delujejo v različnih družbeno-političnih sferah lokalnega okolja.
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This Is Nashville

WPLN News - Nashville Public Radio

This Is Nashville is a live one-hour daily show driven by community, for community. This flagship program of WPLN News will become your one-stop-shop for news in Nashville and Middle Tennessee, as we continue to show up each day.
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Resenha, corneta e futebol! Debates sobre as notícias diárias do futebol com humor, opinião e informação. Episódio novo aqui de segunda a sexta! Integrantes: @rodrigoadams @lelebortholacci @espinosapedro @lucianopotter @rafeldiverio @diorv @gomesraphael @oleooliveira
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Naš pogled

Radio Ognjišče

Naš pogled je kolumna, ki jo pišejo sodelavci Radia Ognjišče. Pogled je sicer rezerviran za oči. Kot takšen pozna več perspektiv. Ker je »naš«, se trudimo, da ima pogled na dogodke, ki se dotikajo vseh nas, tudi globino, še več, naša želja je, da se naš pogled sreča z vašim.
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Portret umetniške in življenjske poti ustvarjalca, glavnih postaj na njegovi poti, umetniških smernic in ciljev. Gostimo umetnike vseh zvrsti, tako s področja literature, scenskih umetnosti, filma, glasbe, arhitekture in vizualne umetnosti.
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Sami naši


Oddaja Sami naši je namenjena pripadnikom etničnih skupnosti s prostora bivše Jugoslavije in tudi vsem poslušalkam in poslušalcem, ki želijo širiti svoje vedenje o delovanju teh skupnosti in njihovih posebnostih. Polurna oddaja bo mozaično sestavljena iz novinarskih prispevkov, reportaž, informacij, intervjujev in glasbe.
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Nashville On The Rocks is a podcast/show that literally mixes ROCK-N-ROLL with cocktails and mocktails! Hosted by rock-n roller/bartender Lisa Karkos at her husband's D.A. Karkos's Underdog Studio in Nashville, TN, the show features deep-dive interviews with the talented faces that make up the ever-growing rock music scene in Nashville and beyond!
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Naš gost

Radio Ognjišče

Pogovorna oddaja „Naš gost“ prinaša pred poslušalce potret znane osebnosti. Navadno gostimo ljudi, ki so s svojimi znanji, uspehi na kulturnem, športnem, glasbenem, znanstvenem ali kakem drugem področju dosegli izstopajoče uspehe. Po drugi strani pa v teh oddajah prisluhnemo tudi osebam, ki so si tekom let pridobile veliko življenjskih izkušenj in modrosti. Oddaja Naš gost je vsekakor ena od kronskih oddaj našega sporeda, saj lahko poslušalcu predstavi zanimive ljudi, pa tudi življenjske oko ...
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A program dedicated to educating, helping, informing, and inspiring the general public to be better versions of themselves and enjoy an enhanced quality of life. The topics offered cover a variety of lifestyle areas such as social, cultural, health and wellness, business, civic programs and initiatives, provincial and federal programs which impact local Calgary life - all presented in a new, fresh and dynamic package which listeners will easily understand and identify with.
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Immanuel Nashville

Immanuel Church Nashville

The Podcast of Immanuel Nashville. Our mission is to make the real Jesus non-ignorable in our city and far beyond. Expect Sunday sermons, seminars and more! To support this ministry please visit
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Nashville Restaurant Radio

New Light Hospitality

This is a podcast made for and about the people of the Nashville Restaurant community. Our goal is to gain others perspectives and learn from their experiences. Listen for interviews with Chefs, Restauranteurs, authors, industry leaders, and much more! This is not a podcast where we talk about food, we talk about food people.
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Kliq This: The Kevin Nash Podcast

Podcast Heat | Cumulus Podcast Network

Kevin Nash, wrestling's six-time World Heavyweight Champion and twelve-time Tag Team Champion, is inviting YOU to become an insider in the most exclusive band of rebels in the Podcast sphere! Kevin and his crew grabbed the wrestling business by the sack in the 90's and never let go, making his Kliq the most powerful faction in the history of the business, both on camera and off. They spent countless hours together, riffing on the business, the lifestyle, and everything else under the sun, an ...
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The Nashville Wine Duo Podcast

The Nashville Wine Duo

A husband and wife team that live in Nashville, TN that love wine and work at Trader Joe’s! We review and give wine recommendations based on any budget, talk about our favorite Trader Joe’s products. We also share about our fave Nashville hot spots and interview people that love to drink wine.
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Kasia Chrobak i Agnieszka Szczepanek spotykają się co dwa tygodnie. Są feministkami, jak każdy rozsądny człowiek. Gadają o tym wszystkim, też o tym co dla nich znaczy być feministką, bo cały czas sobie to definiują. Trzy odcinki podcastu opowiadające o historii feminizmu są lekturą i wstępem do kursu „Płeć, seksualność, polityka /Gender, sexuality, politics/” na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Portal Vogule Poland określił podcast jako jeden z ich „najukochańszych polskich podcastów. Uwielbiam mądroś ...
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My name is Tim Nash, and I’m on a mission to help a million people put their money where their values are. Over the last 15 years, I’ve helped thousands of people build a new relationship with money and take practical steps to align it with their values. Listen, managing your finances can feel icky, with lots of negative emotions like guilt and shame. But it doesn’t have to! There’s a whole amazing world of social finance and cooperative banking that puts people and planet above profit and I ...
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Snippets from the one-hour weekly variety show airing on AM1320CHMB Vancouver and CHLY 101.7FM in Nanaimo. Recipes, book reviews, current affairs, historical trivia, proverbs, interviews and other spoken word elements. Find the full episodes (with music) now on MixCloud. Support the show on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Nashville SportsRadio

Nashville Sports Radio - WNSR

Nashville's Sports Radio is the ORIGINAL sports station in Middle Tennessee. 560AM / 959FM / 1079FM. The best in local and national sports coverage, featuring Infinity Sports Network, The Bill King Show 6-9am. JB & The General Show with Jon Burton and Patton Cook from 9am-11am. Jim Rome 11-2pm, The McFarland Show with Darren & Justin - 2pm-4pm. Nashville's home of the Atlanta Braves, Memphis Grizzlies, Western Kentucky Football.
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Leandro Trajano é administrador, autor de seis livros, palestrante, consultor, colunista de jornal, sites, rádio e TV. Viveu em outros oito países além do Brasil e, desde 2013, trabalha com Planejamento, Educação Financeira, Finanças Pessoais e para casais. @personalfinanceiro
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New City Church is a small, non-denominational church in Nashville, TN, practicing the way of Jesus together for the flourishing of our city. Here you can find our latest messages. For more info on who we are, what we do, and how to support what God is doing here, check out
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Unlock Nashville Podcast

Dennifer Reliford

Unlock Nashville is not just a Real Estate brand, it is now a PODCAST TOO !!! Dennifer and various guests will sit down bi-weekly and discuss topics including: Real Estate, Business, Fashion, Interior Design, Social Media, living life in Nashville and everything in between. You will hear from Top Lenders, Agents, Socialite's, Designers, TV personailties and more. Plus, Dennifer will offer real time Real Estate market updates, answer your burning questions about the hottest area to buy in Nas ...
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show series
Sinéad O’Connor” - ikona, bohaterka, artystka totalna, który wymykała się na wielu poziomach. Allyson McCabe w swoim przejmującym reportażu (wyd. Filtry) opisuje walkę jednej z najbardziej wpływowych piosenkarek naszych czasów o to, by w show-biznesie pozostać sobą. To książka, która punktuje mizoginię przemysłu muzycznego i w jego kontekście umiej…
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Na predvečer 3. adventne nedelje je bil z nami aktivni član Društva jasličarjev Slovenije, sicer oče, pisec, mizar in še kaj Drago Kozinc iz Radeč. Z njim se bomo pogovarjali med drugim tudi o jaslicah, ki so od leta 2021 vpisane v register nesnovne kulturne dediščine pri UNECSU. Duhovno ga je sicer oblikovalo gibanje Pot, ki ga je ustanovil duhovn…
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Je rebranding Jaguaru jen dokonalým marketingem? Bude se Papež točit na místě ve svém novém Géčku? A jak funguje Land Cruiser 250 v těžkém terénu? To a mnohem více máme v plánu objasnit v tomto novém podcastu Michala a Ondry! による
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Todo mundo quer pagar menos na conta de luz, e para isso muita gente está investindo em energia solar.No nosso país, já foram feitas mais de dois milhões e trezentas mil instalações de painéis solares, segundo a Associação Brasileira de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica. Mas será que é só vantagem? Como funciona?Nosso personal financeiro, Leandro Trajano,…
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Jake Lyman and Turron Davenport take you into a huge weekend of football ahead of the holidays, starting with a look at Brian Callahan's response to his team being called "soft". They also preview the Titans and Colts match-up this weekend and the first weekend of the College Football Playoff.102.5 The Game による
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On this episode, Jeff Adler from Gallo Wine joins us. Gallo Wine is the largest wine producer in the world and Jeff Adler is the Business Development Manager of Georgia for Gallo On Premise Wine. Jeff has been in the wine business for decades and shares his passion and knowledge for the category in this podcast. Check out for more inf…
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Amy Norton is the Co-founder of GiANT Southeast, a company empowering professionals to lead themselves through coaching, teaching, and consulting. She works with individuals and businesses in industries including financial services, multifamily housing, military, technology, construction, and nonprofits. Before GiANT Southeast, Amy was a key leader…
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Today, Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell joins us to take your calls. You can dial (615) 760-2000 to participate. Plus, Niche to Meet You podcast producer and host Leslie Eiler Thompson joins us to talk about the history of Santa, the personal stories of some of the real-life Santas she’s met, and how for these folks, being Santa is more than just …
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Sometimes joy feels like this goal that is always just out of reach. As soon as you feel "joyful," you find that it's gone. In this Christmas message, we talk about biblical joy, looking at the story in Luke 2:1-20 and Caesar Augustus, the birth of Jesus, the announcement of angels, and the excitement of the shepherds. Let us know what stands out t…
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