Welcome to the podcast of sermon recordings from Grace Community Church - Richmond, MI. Find us online at www.migracechurch.com We exist to GLORIFY God, REACH people for Jesus Christ, CONNECT them with other believers, EQUIP them to Grow in their faith and SERVE Him.
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A show about migrant life in the United Kingdom. Hosts: @HonaAfrica & NyariClaire
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Podden om migrän – en av våra största folksjukdomar – och allting runt omkring. Leonora Mujkic och Malin Östblom pratar med varandra och intervjuar experter för att lära sig mer om denna neurologiska sjukdom som drabbar 1,5 miljoner svenskar och deras anhöriga. Alla avsnitt finns även som text på migränpodden.se.
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How are climate change and environmental degradation affecting human migration across borders and within countries? We explore with top experts in this Migration Policy Institute podcast.
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„Kroniki migrantki” to podcast dla osób mieszkających na emigracji w Niemczech. Pojawiają się w nim takie tematy, jak: życie w Niemczech, życie poza granicami Polski, emigracja, praktyczne porady i fakty o życiu w Niemczech oraz o życiu w Berlinie. W odcinkach podcastu „Kroniki migrantki” znajdziesz rozmowy z ekspert(k)ami, inspirujące pogadanki z emigrantkami i emigrantami oraz luźne wymiany myśli o emigracji i życiu w Niemczech. Chcesz oswoić emigrację i odnaleźć się w życiu zagranicą? Kon ...
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migration proposent du fact checking sur les enjeux migratoires.
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MPI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank dedicated to the study of the movement of people worldwide.
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Migration Conversations is a podcast that invites persons to share their migration stories. Hosted by Professor Jamie Liew, each episode is an in-depth conversation with people who have experienced the Canadian immigration system or other migration regimes up close. We talk to migrants, immigrants, lawyers, policy makers, advocates and experts. We hope that these conversations shed light on the challenges migrants face through their own voices. Please note this podcast is not legal advice.
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For several decades, researchers based at the University of Oxford have been addressing one of the most compelling human stories; why and how people move. Combining the expertise of the Centre on Migration Policy and Society, the Refugee Studies Centre, Border Criminologies in the Department of Law, the Transport Studies Unit in the School of Geography and the Environment, and scholars working on migration and mobility from across divisions and departments, the University has one the largest ...
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Die Debatten über Migration sind oft hitzig - in 20 Minuten bieten wir die wichtigsten Fakten und Einordnungen zusammen mit Fachleuten aus der Forschung.
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Are you a nurse or midwife, or even another skilled professional looking to migrate to Australia? Making Australian Migration Easy is your go-to podcast for navigating the complex world of visa pathways, nurse registration, and securing permanent residency. Hosted by Rhea Fawole, a leading Australian immigration lawyer and Founder of SOLVi Migration, this podcast delivers expert insights based on 12 years inside Australia’s Immigration Department. Each episode provides clear, practical guida ...
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Unwetter im Kopf ist der erste deutsche Migräne Podcast und er ist nicht nur ein Podcast für Menschen mit Migräne, sondern auch für Menschen, die im Umfeld Migränepatient*innen haben. Ich habe selbst seit Jahren Migräne und war inzwischen bei sehr vielen Ärzt*innen und alternativen Mediziner*innen. Ich habe unglaublich viele Maßnahmen ausprobiert, um meine Migräneattacken weniger werden zu lassen. Über die Jahre habe ich mir ein großes Migräne-Wissen angeeignet und dieses Wissen möchte ich m ...
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This series is specifically aimed at helping to change the current fear-ridden attitude of the wealthy world to migrants, as well as to grant the migrants themselves (be they refugees or economic and climate driven) a voice of self confidence and pride. We'll be talking to extraordinary people who are transforming themselves and their host countries, with courage and ingenuity.- If the title of the podcast is “Migrant Odyssey”, its spirit is certainly “Too big to contain”. Your podcast host ...
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Making Immigrants Great Again
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The field of migration and mobility studies is vast and has grown exponentially over the past decades. To make sense of the movement of people, this podcast explores migration and mobility research globally. Providing a platform for migration scholars to speak about their projects, ideas and insights, The IMISCOE Migration Podcast aims to publicize what happens inside universities around the world. This is a podcast by the research community for everyone interested in knowing more about acad ...
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The Migraine Miracle Moment is a podcast for migraine sufferers who want to find their path to migraine freedom without drugs. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Josh Turknett, a neurologist, migraine sufferer, and author of the book The Migraine Miracle. ** This podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. ...
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Selon le dernier bilan de l'ONU, 244 millions de personnes vivaient à l'étranger en 2015, dont près de 20 millions de réfugiés. Au-delà d'une actualité brûlante, révélatrice de tensions majeures dans nos sociétés, la question des migrations internationales doit être abordée par le biais de méthodes sérieuses prenant en compte la diversité des phénomènes migratoires et des questions qu'ils soulèvent. Dans ce domaine, plus que dans tout autre, les idées reçues circulent, parfois imperméables a ...
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O MIGRACAST é o podcast do GTARI, Grupo de Trabalho em Apoio a Refugiados e Imigrantes e a sua fonte de informações e debate sobre a temática migratória.
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Ob Integration, Rassismus oder Willkommenskultur – kaum eine öffentliche Debatte ist so kontrovers und facettenreich wie die zum Thema Migration. Unser Podcast „MigraTon“ will tiefere Einblicke und neue Erkenntnisse an Politikinteressierte – mit und ohne Migrationsgeschichte – vermitteln.
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Escucha Migrante es un proyecto sonoro que reúne creadores, artistas, investigadores y activistas que tienen a la cultura, el arte y el desplazamiento, que implica la migración, como punto de encuentro. Desde España creamos Escucha Migrante: voces que hablan en muchos acentos, con ciudadanía universal, sin necesidad de traducción ni permiso. Desde el Sur Global nos hemos movido al Norte para buscar una vida mejor. Aquí vivimos y dialogamos con otras migraciones, actuales e históricas, como u ...
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MeltingPod - Migration im Dialog: der Podcast des Nachwuchsnetzwerkes des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Die Corona-Pandemie hat uns auf die Idee gebracht, einen Podcast zu starten, um eine Plattform für Netzwerkarbeit, zur Verbreitung von Forschungsergebnissen und dem Wissenschafts-Praxis-Transfer im Bereich der interdisziplinären Migrationsforschung zu bieten. Wir sprechen hierbei als Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen m ...
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Cloud, data and related technologies empower today's businesses. Listen, discuss and find out your path to strategic technology transformation.
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Programa de Entrevista a grandes artistas del genero regional mexicano.
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The Making it in Melbourne podcast series brings you conversations with Melbourne migrant entrepreneurs who are reshaping our city’s business landscape. In this series, five Melbourne (Australia) startup founders share how their cultural backgrounds have shaped their entrepreneurial journeys, offering insights, lessons, and tips for aspiring entrepreneurs. From creative and social innovations, artificial intelligence, mental health, and people changing careers, these are the stories of peopl ...
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We want to take you on your own sonic migration across continents, filling your ears with immersive audio from across the world whilst telling the stories of the adventures that allowed us to capture them, and how through these recordings we then can create music and art that brings us closer to nature and landscape. A collaboration between Sounding Wild and Soundquake, Sonic Migrations is a place where hosts Axel Drioli and Jake Lee-Savage explore nature, narrative and art whilst travelling ...
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Conversations about the reasons humans migrate & how it effects our identity.
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Nahezu die Hälfte aller Menschen, die in Mannheim leben, haben einen Migrationshintergrund. Damit liegt die Stadt deutlich über dem Bundesdurchschnitt. Wir wollen hinter die Statistik blicken: Was haben Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung in Mannheim erlebt? Was bewegt Gastarbeiterkinder und Geflüchtete? In "Migrationsstadt Mannheim" erzählt Joschka Moravek ihre Geschichten. Jeden Donnerstag eine neue Folge.
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As principais causas das migrações e as consequências para os migrantes.
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This podcast is to describe the cruelty our country is developing
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Migrapreneur stories is an initiative by Catalysr, where we interview world class migrant and refugee entrepreneurs or migrapreneurs to learn about their stories, grit, perseverance and how they have fought against all odds to be incredible at what they do. Catalysr is a startup incubator in Australia, helping exceptional migrants and refugees start their own startups and create Australia 2.0!
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Aquí conocerás un proyecto enfocado en la crítica del fenómeno social de la xenofobia por ello comenzarás a reflexionar sobre cómo llegan los prejuicios en la cognición social del humano.
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Tο SolidarityNow και η Ύπατη Αρμοστία του Ο.Η.Ε σε συνεργασία με το pod.gr, δίνουν τις απαντήσεις που χρειάζονται οι πρόσφυγες & οι μετανάστες που ζουν ανάμεσά μας σε 5 γλώσσες.
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Welcome to the Primeira Onda Migratória Brasileira podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Entrevistas íntimas a Migrantes Argentinos Hablamos de su vida, su historia personal, que fue lo que los llevo a migrar y un poco de su país de residencia actual Seguime en IG: @PodcastMigrantes Podcast Migrantes
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Der Begriff Heimat wird häufig politisch genutzt, auch zum Nachteil jener, die eine Migrationsgeschichte haben. Und das ist in Deutschland jede:r Vierte. Was ist für diese Menschen Heimat, wer oder was prägt ihre Identität?
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Podcast by UBC Migration
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My mother’s migration story. Cover art photo provided by Brett Zeck on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@iambrettzeck
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“Migration Unpacked” is a podcast miniseries from the International Organization for Migration in Germany, in celebration of International Migrants Day. We’ll explore the main drivers, impacts and benefits of migration according to IOM experts and Germany-based migration actors.
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How the United States has made the Honduran migrants into a marginalize group Cover art photo provided by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@edgarraw
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Migrant.e. Ce tout petit mot couvre de multiples expériences de migration. Découvrez en six épisodes les parcours de celles et ceux qui quittent leur pays, racontés par des chercheur.ses en devenir. Produit par la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les dynamiques migratoires mondiales et CKIA
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Migración en Ciudad Juárez
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Podcast ภาษาไทย เกี่ยวกับวีซ่าของประเทศออสเตรเลีย
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This podcast is about how we can help monarch during and thought there migration
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Your Guide To Success In A New World
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Migrant Diaries is a podcast for engagement and conversation about various issues that affect individuals, as migrants, moving across the globe. The intersections of culture, outlooks on life, their experiences and other things that help them to navigate the world of migration. Sit back and listen.
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A Seismic Change in International Law and Ardi Imseis
52:02Meet Ardi Imseis, law professor and lawyer who represented Palestine before the International Court of Justice in the Advisory Opinion on Israel's Illegal Presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Professor Imseis is also the author of The United Nations and the Question of Palestine. He talks about the advisory opinion and what it means for …
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Send us a textstephen barden による
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What does migration sound like? Migration Sounds features 120 sounds of migration across 51 countries from Argentina to Australia, with personal stories from diaspora communities and people who have migrated all over the world. Note: The sound at the beginning may seem like static, but it's intentional - don’t adjust your headphones!In this special…
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La palabra escrita ha sido una gran compañera en los procesos migratorios. En este episodio nos adentramos en la producción literaria realizada en la diáspora: en las migraturas le hemos llamado. Una literatura migrante desde la perspectiva de escritores y editoriales en movimiento ubicadas en España. Para ello hemos invitado a Plataforma Placa y E…
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Mind the wet patch With @HonaAfrica & @NyariClare Make sure to tell others about this show. Yeah? Please share your experiences via Instagram @20YearsAMigrant
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March 23, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control Confidence rises when we believe that the LORD reigns... over all kings and kingdoms. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MImigracechurch - Richmond, MI. による
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Folge 195 - Schnelle Frage - Schnelle Antwort - Was ist Atogepant?
4:52Seit 1. März 2025 ist Atogepant als erster oraler CGRP-Rezeptorantagonist zur Migräneprophylaxe in Deutschland auf dem Markt. In dieser Podcastfolge beantworte ich kurz und knapp einige Fragen. Viel Freude beim Zuhören : ) Alle Links zur Folge: Prof. Dr. Dagny Holle-Lee auf Instagram: @migraene_doc Schmerzklinik Kiel auf Instagram: @schmerzklinik_k…
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Mastering the OSCE & NCLEX: A Guide for Internationally Qualified Nurses
29:16Hey nurses! If you're an internationally qualified nurse looking to migrate to Australia, you may have heard about the OSCE and NCLEX exams. For some of you, these are essential steps to securing your AHPRA registration and starting your nursing career in Australia. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! I’m Rhea Fawole, CEO and Principal Lawyer o…
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Samtal med psykolog Linnéa Engman – om Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
57:11I avsnitt 28 av Migränpodden träffar vi Linnéa Engman, psykolog och forskare verksam vid Karolinska Institutet och smärtkliniken på S:t Görans sjukhus i Stockholm. Vi pratar om de centrala delarna i ACT, som acceptans, psykologisk flexibilitet och värderad riktning, och funderar över hur det är hjälpsamt för oss som lever med smärta. Detta är först…
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migrations proposent du fact-checking sur les enjeux migratoires.Le réseau Désinfox Migrations による
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51: Badanie MPU w Niemczech | Rozmowa z Joanną Małolepszą-Mitko
41:30W tym odcinku rozmawiam z Joanną Małolepszą-Mitko o badaniu MPU – niemieckim teście psychologicznym dla kierowców, którzy utracili prawo jazdy. Dowiesz się m.in.: czym dokładnie jest badanie MPU i dlaczego jest obowiązkowe w Niemczech, jakie sytuacje najczęściej prowadzą do konieczności jego zdania, dlaczego tak wiele osób uważa MPU za trudne i jak…
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Changing Climate, Changing Migration: Climate Change, Migration & Conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan
22:24Floods, drought, extreme temperatures, and other climate events have devastated parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Repercussions of climate change come on top of years of conflict, which have left countless numbers of people unable to adapt to changing conditions. In response, many have fled, either in short-term displacement or permanent migration…
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Climate Change, Migration & Conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan
22:24Floods, drought, extreme temperatures, and other climate events have devastated parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Repercussions of climate change come on top of years of conflict, which have left countless numbers of people unable to adapt to changing conditions. In response, many have fled, either in short-term displacement or permanent migration…
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March 16, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control Six characteristics of the leader that God loves to use. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MImigracechurch - Richmond, MI. による
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Try your best to not be sick. Make sure to tell others about this show. Yeah? Thanks Please share your experiences via Instagram @20YearsAMigrant
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50: Praca w Niemczech jako technik dentystyczny – wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć!
39:10W tym odcinku rozmawiam z Sarą, technikiem dentystycznym pracującym w Niemczech. Jeśli interesuje cię praca w Niemczech w tym zawodzie, to ten odcinek jest właśnie dla ciebie! Z naszej rozmowy dowiesz się m.in.: jak wygląda praca technika dentystycznego w Niemczech, jakie kwalifikacje są potrzebne, aby podjąć pracę w tym zawodzie, czy polskie wyksz…
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March 9, 2025 - Daniel: God is in Control A timeless reminder from Belshazzar's "Mardi Gras". Grace Community Church - Richmond, MImigracechurch - Richmond, MI. による
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Folge 194 - Lesung meiner Lieblingskapitel aus meinem Buch
15:06In dieser Podcastfolge lese ich 3 meiner Lieblingskapitel aus meinem Buch "Unwetter im Kopf - mein Leben mit Migräne" vor. Viel Freude beim Zuhören : ) Hier kannst du mein Buch bestellen: https://amzn.to/41umLkl Hier kommst zu zum Entspannungstraining für Menschen mit Migräne auf YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@unwetterimkopf/videos Meine Links: …
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Ep2(S5) How can film and digital storytelling be used in migration research?
24:37It’s an exciting time for qualitative research methods these days. Migration scholars are pushing the boundaries of traditional interview techniques, with the aim to amplify the voices of marginalized groups as well as to influence policy and reach wider audiences. In this episode you’ll hear Silindile Mlilo interview two researchers who are using …
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Science-Based Solutions for Boosting Mitochondrial Function
17:08Click here to sign up for our newsletter and get the "Essential Nutrients and Supplements for Migraine Protection" Guide (and video).
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migrations proposent du fact-checking sur les enjeux migratoires.Le réseau Désinfox Migrations による
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Zu Zahlen & Recherche: Link Mehr zum Podcast: Link Unsere neue Recherche zu Vielfalt im neuen Bundestag zeigt: 11,6 Prozent der 630 Abgeordneten haben Migrationshintergrund. Immer noch vergleichsweise wenig im Vergleich zur Bevölkerung. Je nach Partei gibt es deutliche Unterschiede. Am wenigsten sind es in der AfD. Warum? Interview mit dem Parteien…
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Séminaire - Religions et migrations : L'État et les religions
1:40:34François Héran Migrations et sociétés Collège de France Année 2024-2025 Colonisation et migration Séminaire - Religions et migrations : L'État et les religions Intervenants : Philippe Portier : « États et religions en Europe : le poids de l'histoire » Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez : « Portée et limites de la laïcité dans le droit effectif »…
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March 2, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control The LORD humbles the proud and exalts the humble. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MImigracechurch - Richmond, MI. による
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Ahmad Jaafil shares his story of extraordinary and persistent willpower, He talks matter of factly about his severe and rare eye disease and the horrendous struggle to try and save his sight- in Lebanon and then the USA. If you want to know, in painful detail, what it's like for a family to do everything and more to heal their young son, this episo…
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The 3 Factors That Determine Your Migraine Resilience
16:20Click here to sign up for our newsletter and get the "Essential Nutrients and Supplements for Migraine Protection" Guide (and video).
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Over 2.6 million people are locked out of the welfare state in the UK and now subject to ‘no recourse to public funds’ (NRPF), an immigration policy restricting access to social security. How can local government respond? How can local government improve the safety net for vulnerable people locked out of the welfare system due to their immigration …
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Los Derechos Culturales desde una perspectiva migrante
38:50La Declaración de Friburgo sobre Derechos Culturales de 2007 puso sobre la mesa la necesidad de hablar sobre estos derechos para promoverlos y garantizarlos. En 2024 el Ministerio de Cultura de España empezó la elaboración de un Plan de Derechos Culturales que se presentará a mediados de 2025. Si bien las declaraciones y los planes son clave para p…
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February 23, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control God's people will overcome by holding firmly to the truth. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MImigracechurch - Richmond, MI. による
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In dieser Folge geht es um das Thema Selbsthilfe bei Migräne. Ich gehe auf die Fragen ein, was Selbsthilfe ist und wie dir Selbsthilfe im Umgang mit Migräne helfen kann. Viel Freude beim Zuhören : ) Mein Buch auf Amazon: https://amzn.to/4gYzDF8 [Empfehlungslink] Alle Links zur Folge: Sponsor der Sendung - Migravent: https://orthoexpert.de/migravent…
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Sounds Across Continents: Liberia And Beyond!
1:19:58After a brief hiatus we are back, joining Axel who has just entered Liberia!And excitingly we are joined by a new member of the crew who will be travelling with us as we venture further into Africa! Insects crawling into ears, road rage and house martins are all stuff we chat about, plus we bring a very interesting mystery recording to you, enjoy! …
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Why Nurses Need to Prepare NOW for Australia’s 2025 Registration Changes
9:58Are you an internationally qualified nurse looking to migrate to Australia? Big changes are coming to AHPRA’s nurse registration process in 2025, and while they sound promising, there’s more to the story than what’s in the headlines. If you wait until April 2025 to act, you might find yourself stuck in delays and backlogs. Join host Rhea Fawole, CE…
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migrations proposent du fact-checking sur les enjeux migratoires.Le réseau Désinfox Migrations による
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February 16, 2025 — Guest Speaker: Doug Long Four truths about the unfailing love of God. https://migracechurch.com/ https://harvesttraversecity.org/migracechurch - Richmond, MI. による
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What happens when traditional career paths don’t quite fit? Diletta Legowo, founder of Small and Scale, shares her journey from creative beginnings to building a social innovation consultancy that helps governments, NGOs, and think tanks design better solutions. In this episode, host Jeanette Cheah and Diletta discuss the challenges of finding mean…
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How do you build a business that thrives between two worlds? Hung Huynh, founder of Intelligence 4 Start, shares his journey from Vietnam to Switzerland, France, and finally Melbourne—where he’s helping businesses expand between Australia and Vietnam. Host Jeanette Cheah dives into Hung’s experience of cultural adaptation, the power of speaking the…
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Sangeeta Mulchandani, Founder of Jumpstart Studios
26:32What does it take to walk away from a comfortable corporate career to start your own business? Sangeeta Mulchandani, founder of Jumpstart Studios, shares her path from banking to entrepreneurship, helping others make the transition from employment to business ownership. Host Jeanette Cheah and Sangeeta explore the mindset shifts required for succes…
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What does it take to move from an international student to the CEO of an AI company? Yifei Wang, founder of AI Build, shares his journey from Shanghai to Melbourne, building a successful tech company and becoming a leader in the AI space. Host Jeanette Cheah and Yifei explore the challenges and triumphs of building a network in a new country, the i…
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What does it take to change the conversation around mental health in Asian communities? In this episode, host Jeanette Cheah sits down with Asami Koike, founder of Shapes and Sounds, a social enterprise dedicated to destigmatising mental health for Asian Australians. Born in Japan and living most of her life in Australia, Asami shares her journey f…
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Folge 192 - Einblicke in mein Buch "Unwetter im Kopf - mein Leben mit Migräne"
13:25In dieser Podcastfolge gebe ich dir exklusive Einblicke in mein Buch "Unwetter im Kopf - mein Leben mit Migräne", das am 19. Februar 2025 im Goldmann Verlag erscheint. Viel Freude beim Zuhören <3 Zur Vorbestellungsaktion: https://sabrinawolf.de/buchvorbestellung/ Meine Links: Instagram: @unwetterimkopf Facebook Gruppe: Unwetter im Kopf - der Migrän…
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Ep.1(S5):Dublin, solidarity and age. How do these factors matter in the EU asylum system?
28:03Welcome back! You’re listening to the first episode of the 5th season of IMISCOE’s Migration Podcast. If you’re listening for the first time: IMISCOE is the largest European network of scholars in the area of migration and integration, with 69 member institutes and over 1400 scholars from all over the world. And this is the network’s podcast, where…
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Yannis Wong on the special case of Hong Kong migrants in the UK
36:29Another episode in English – another important topic. With Yannis Wong, PhD student at the Department of Anglophone Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen, we discuss his research and delve into the complex world of British immigration policy, focusing on the British National Overseas (BNO) Visa Scheme for Hong Kong residents. Yannis explains …
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Gendered Aspects of Ukraine’s Displacement Crisis
36:25With war comes displacement. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine has forced millions to flee homes and rebuild elsewhere. What role does a women's agency play in navigating the complexities of displacement and building resilience? With the full-scale invasion of Ukraine disastrously continuing into 2025, what has become of the many millions forced t…
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The Making it in Melbourne podcast series brings you conversations with Melbourne migrant entrepreneurs who are reshaping our city’s business landscape. In this series, five Melbourne (Australia) startup founders share how their cultural backgrounds have shaped their entrepreneurial journeys, offering insights, lessons, and tips for aspiring entrep…
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Why Do Some People Get Migraines While Others Don't?
10:54Click here to sign up for our newsletter and get the "Essential Nutrients and Supplements for Migraine Protection" Guide (and video).
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February 9, 2025 — Five Distinctives at Grace What does John want us to believe about the Word? The Word is God. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MImigracechurch - Richmond, MI. による
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Séminaire - Religions et migrations : Prosélytisme et conversions
1:51:46François Héran Migrations et sociétés Collège de France Année 2024-2025 Colonisation et migration Séminaire - Religions et migrations : Radicalisations Intervenants : Juliette Galonnier Professeure assistante au Centre de recherches internationales, Science Po Paris Sébastien Fath Chargé de recherche au CNRS, Groupe Sociétés Religions Laïcités (EPH…
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Baisse des franchissements irréguliers d'après Frontex
2:45Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migrations proposent du fact-checking sur les enjeux migratoires.Le réseau Désinfox Migrations による
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Séminaire - Religions et migrations : Radicalisations
1:23:54François Héran Migrations et sociétés Collège de France Année 2024-2025 Colonisation et migration Séminaire - Religions et migrations : Radicalisations Intervenants : Elyamine Settoul Maitre de conférences au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers Nadia Fadil Professeure en anthropologie sociale et culturelle, université de Leuven Elyamine Sett…
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