"Casual discussions of casual Magic," says it all. We love playing Magic, and we love talking about it. Topics include draft, sealed, Commander, 100-card Singleton, flavour rulings, custom cards, and cracking open weird old booster packs.
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The aggregate feed for all the LRR podcasts. If you just want one feed, or simple love everything we do, this is your feed. Podcasts include (but are not limited to) The LRRcast, TapTapConcede, Corrector's Commentary and Temple of the Lava Bears.
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The Loadstar's podcasts help shippers and their logistics partners make sense of the container and air cargo supply chains. www.theloadstar.com
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A conversational podcast about PlayStation, Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, gaming, comics, movies and overall geeky stuff.
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North 100 is a Magic: The Gathering podcast focused on Canadian Highlander, a "constructed cube" singleton format for fans of powerful Magic.
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A podcast where people share their personal journey with video games! Hosted by Jose Eusebio. New episodes twice a month! Check out our website at loadsavegame.com
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"Get A Load Of This" is Russ Salzberg telling it like it is. No BS. Whether it’s sports, politics, entertainment, it doesn’t matter. Russ won’t be pulling any punches. If you want it straight, you won’t want to miss Get A Load Of This!
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Join Colm and Justin as they alternate between a Video Game discussion show and a Features show. Get involved by contacting the show at lastsaveloaded@gmail.com
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Leah Nicole and Daniel Laurent are WEDLocked N Loaded Podcast. Join them each week as they discuss marriage, love, sex, finance, health, parenting, pop culture and all points in between. Each and every Wednesday at 8am!
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Du kriegt den Kopf nicht frei, weil du viel zu viele To-dos auf der Liste hast? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Herzlich willkommen in der Mental-Load-Sprechstunde. Dein ganz persönlicher Familienorganisations-Support mit Sound.
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A show about video games, video game culture and video game history. New episodes every Sunday at 7PM EST.
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Access the back catalog, become a paid subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lizgetsloaded/subscribe I have money and anxiety and juggling them both is fun. Short, conversational episodes about the way money messes with our head. Find me on Instagram @lizgetsloaded
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It's the Load-In! A show encapsulating all things going on in and around the UNITED Theatre in Westerly, RI. Host Lee Metzger has the scoop on upcoming shows, movies, concerts, live comedy, author talks and many others. Listen in on interviews with local and visiting artists, musicians, comedians and more! Make sure to subscribe to be the first to know what's going on at the U!
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Pushing aside the steady stream of MisInformation concerning guns,their use, and the 2nd Amendment. Lock N Load is syndicated nationwide by Genesis Communications Network. Recently awarded the Defender of Liberty from the Second Amendment Foundation, Lock N Load enters its 2nd decade on the air in 2022.
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Welcome to the Prime & Load Podcast! This podcast is dedicated to exploring the pivotal wars, battles, strategies, and figures that shaped the 18th century. From the rise of powerful empires to the dramatic shifts in military tactics, we delve into the stories behind the soldiers, commanders, and innovations that altered the course of history. Whether you’re a military history buff or just curious about this transformative period, we’ll guide you through the battles, conflicts, and the evolu ...
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Um podcast sobre games, tecnologia, cinema e claro, uma pancada de assuntos aleatórios. Sejam bem vindos ao LoadingCast! Carregando....
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One host loves a movie, the other has never seen it. They watch. They discuss. Why do we call it a Load Bearing Beam? Because it's a movie you love so much that it holds up the foundation of the very structure that is you. Laci Roth and Matt Stokes are a married couple that needs to find stuff to watch together. On this show, they take a look at movies loved by one but unseen, disliked, or forgotten by the other. With open hearts but exhausted and cynical minds, they will get to the bottom o ...
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Marvelous & Jay tackle Faith, Fatherhood, and sports. They’re pretty funny too.
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The Panalysts are here to solve the very real and not at all inconsequential problems of the world... by arguing about them on a British-style panel show.
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Dice Friends is the home for our tabletop RPG gameplay. From long-form campaigns to one-shots, join us while we roll for initiative.
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Talking about mental health and the digital commons.
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Need quick answers to IT’s common challenges without getting too heavy? Loadbalancer Loaddown brings you short, entertaining monthly debates on key topics, with shrewd assessment and time-saving truths. Subscribe to our podcast so you don't miss an episode!
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Sei kein Opfer! Lerne nützliche Tipps um Selbstbewusst und Angstfrei durchs Leben zu gehen.
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We are loaded - a 420 friendly, comedy podcast based on weed and it's recreational/medicinal benefits.
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Podcast by Dbl
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The LoadingReadyRun crew sits down, talks about whatever they feel like, and answers your questions! Upcoming announcements, our inner-most thoughts, or just responding to YOUR inner-most thoughts... The LRRcast is everything we want it to be.
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Podcast by Loading Bar(s)
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Actor DJ Qualls and Best friend Kelly Blackheart spill the tea on Hollywood and anything else they care to share.DJ Qualls grew up in the small city of Manchester in Tennessee, USA, one of five children. After studying in the UK at King's College, University of London, he returned to Tennessee where he began acting in a local theatre. During that time, he was discovered by photographers David La Chappelle and Steve Klein, which led to modeling work for Prada, as well as other advertising cam ...
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LOAD Podcast Listen Wherever And Renew Your iman WEBSITE : audiodakwahh.blogspot.com
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A Canadian based group of gamers that just want to watch the world burn. "It's all downhill from here."
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Hæng ud med en gruppe teenagere, når vi taler om alle de udfordringer, der følger med at træffe beslutninger. Vi diskuterer livsforandrende emner og giver vores bud på, hvordan du kan håndtere ungdomslivets mange valgsituationer. Lyt med for: your future is loading… ⌛💜
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A seasonal series where Tristan Jung and Raza Retiwala explore the various fields of video games.
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world #1 best podcast #1 in the world
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Everyday Loadout is a podcast about people who CARE about the firearm industry, the community and the CULTURE. We promote open, honest conversation with everyone to truly understand were we are as a group and how we can better promote firearm education, safety, and culture.
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In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um eine bewusste, gesunde und reflektierte Lebensweise. Leute die sich vernetzen wollen und am Erfahrungsschatz von anderen wachsen wollen, sich austauschen möchten, sind hier genau richtig.
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Official Podcast for the Pixel Loadout blog and youtube channel. We talk about the latest news in gaming, along with reviews and other related commentary!
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Welcome to Load Jane, where amazing things happen.
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Bases Loaded ist der Podcast für alle Baseball-Fans im deutsprachigen Raum. Jede Woche wird über die Baseball-Bundesliga und die Major League Baseball gesprochen. Sascha Staat und Thomas Rademacher begrüßen regelmäßig interessante Gesprächspartner aus der Baseball-Welt.
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Living Fully Loaded is the raw and genuine stories of highly driven individuals living their lives fully. Unapologetically American and no holds barred.
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Featuring WoW news, a weekly discussion topic, and a story! With your hosts, Plaggy, Yuromaru, and Turarts! Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/yKECVE
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This Podcast is a breath of fresh air for real men living in a fake world.
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Join the Loaded Pants staff, Hugo Seijas, Wrecktify, and Daniel Lopez, as they break down video games, video game culture, and the local gaming scene.
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'Fully Loaded', a bi-weekly podcast where Focus & Malcolm discuss culture, politics, news, music & more -- adding their comedic insight and sentiment. Each episode is loaded with remorseless honesty, laughs, some brotherly bickering & maybe a few sips of brown water.
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2A Tuesday Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun School https://mgs.edu…
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Russ says pitchers from today can't match the pitchers from yesterday because of the way they're being trained.Russ Salzberg による
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151. The Devil’s Rejects (with Austin Proctor)
1:43:14Austin Proctor of the Frightmares podcast joins Laci and Matt to go through The Devil’s Rejects, the second film from director Robert “Robbie” Zombie. A family of demented devil freaks is running roughshod over Jimmy Carter’s America, and the only thing standing in their way is a demented devil sheriff who just might be even more evil. Who will win…
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It's the Load-In! This week Lee is talking with Emma Sills about Windies and the 1926 Trattoria Pop-Up taking place in the 1926 Club on March 15 for the premiere of Westerly's Gold: Sweet Spicy and Full of Tradition. The Trattoria will be stocked with wonderful items that celebrate Calabrian Italian culture and heritage, while also featuring local …
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Stay connected with us. Patreon: patreon.com/noloadtime, Email: noloadtimeatgmail.com Audio version on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Castbox, TuneIn and SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/noloadtime Facebook: facebook.com/noloadtime Twitter: twitter.com/noloadtime Instagram: instagram.com/noloadtime Twitch: twitch.tv/nolo…
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LSG 018: Chris Wu talks playing Aidan Chen in Dead Space, attending the Opera in Final Fantasy VI, and getting his extra lives taken by his brother in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1:49:32Welcome to Episode 18 of Load Save Game, a podcast where I talk to people about their personal journey with video games. I am your host Jose Eusebio. My guest today is my wonderful friend Chris Wu. Chris is an actor and has recurring roles as Noah Yang in The UpShaws on Netflix, Officer Williams in 9-1-1, and very relevant to this podcast, played t…
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A Beginners Guide to 18th Century Warfare, Part 1
1:07:29Send us a text In this episode, we take some time to contextualize our time period. In part 1 we'll be exploring some of the social aspects of 18th century armies. Who are the men and officers? How are historic conflicts different from modern ones? How do these aspects differ between countries? If you are looking to learn more about the men who fou…
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Safe-Space-Strategien für Mütter: Interview mit Psychologin Isabel Huttarsch
38:46Heute spreche ich mit Isabel, sie ist Psychologin, Mama von 3 Kindern & Expertin für Bedürfnisorientierung. Sie begleitet Mütter auf unterschiedlichen Wegen in einen entspannteren Alltag, und das bedeutet auch, den Fokus mehr auf sich … Der Beitrag Safe-Space-Strategien für Mütter: Interview mit Psychologin Isabel Huttarsch erschien zuerst auf .…
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Episode 140: Women are Mirrors & Multipliers
1:09:42On this episode, Leah and Daniel discuss a clip where it is stated that women are simply mirrors for the men that they are encountering and multiply that said energy. Have you ever dated for potential? Also, why are marriage licenses the only license to not expire? WEDLock in with us!! #potential #multipliers #marriagelicense #expiration…
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Hey Guys, In this very special first ever zoom episode, DJ (having just freshly lazered his face in Canada) and Kelly talk about: Mexican Drugs, Being late, DJ doesn't want to see your Xrays, Dj is a nervous flyer, Kelly plays a clip from Temptation Island Spain, and much much more. Join the conversation by calling us at 323-232-3908…
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Welcome to another episode of the Last Save Loaded podcast with Colm Sheridan and Justin Smith. Join us for the next hour as we catch up and talk about the games we're playing. On the podcast this week, Colm gets a visit from his grandchildren. Justin runs a tournament and gets called a cheat. Colm marks some exams. Justin gets a case for his 3D pr…
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I thought this was going to be a quick like 9 minute episode but somehow I managed to talk about how I feel about making returns for 20 minutes. Thanks for hanging out!
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Hip bag ,Sling Pack, Backpack, RuckSack. Which should you have ready to go with Paul Markel from Student of the Gun. Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun Sch…
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In the last grasps of winter only one thing will keep us warm... your Magic: The Gathering related Questions! Join Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron on this weeks TapTapConcede as they answer your questions! This podcast is sponsored by Card Kingdom. Ordering from Card Kingdom? Tell them “LRR sent me, button please!” for a one inch button with a Magic …
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In the last grasps of winter only one thing will keep us warm... your Magic: The Gathering related Questions! Join Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron on this weeks TapTapConcede as they answer your questions! This podcast is sponsored by Card Kingdom. Ordering from Card Kingdom? Tell them “LRR sent me, button please!” for a one inch button with a Magic …
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Still Loading #346: Paper Mario w/ Nerdbomber and Techtic
1:43:04Looks like it's time to dust off my origami skills because this week's episode is all about Paper Mario, specifically the first Paper Mario game for the N64. Joining me to make some paper airplanes are returning friends to the show Nerdbomber and Techtic from the Online Warriors Podcast. For all of us, this was our first experience with the Paper M…
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News in Brief Podcast | Week 10 | TPM25, Hutchison Ports and tariff impacts
19:45In this jam-packed episode of The Loadstar’s News in Brief Podcast, host and news reporter Charlotte Goldstone recaps last week’s supply chain news, including her thoughts from TPM25. After recapping tariffs and CMA CGM’s recent investment, Ms Goldstone concludes the episode with a preview of stories that might appear on The Loadstar this week. She…
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Defensive gun uses with Writer Rob Morse. Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun School https:/…
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TPM25 under Trump's cloud: When it rains shipping news, it pours
49:34Recorded live at TPM25 in Long Beach by host Mike King and including additional reaction as the trading landscape further evolved, this episode of the Loadstar Podcast brings you the latest breaking news while also explaining how politics is reshaping global trade. From President Trump's flip-flopping on tariffs to the $19 billion MSC/BlackRock/Hut…
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Hey Guys, Hipster bars, DJ and Kelly Plan a Vegas Trip, Kelly's Olympian Portland, Making friends in bars, Love Island, Bad Lip Reading and who is allowed to DM you videos. Call us with your questions and comments 323-272-3908Bleav + DJ Qualls + Kelly Blackheart による
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On this episode, Leah and Daniel explore the recent clip of Neyo discussing his relationship and being open about it to his children. There is also a clip that is explored that discusses the dangers of a man discussing his relationship with another woman. This clip discussion leads to a few other spicy topics including why it is so hard for women t…
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2A Tuesday Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun School https://mgs.edu…
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A petite rant
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Carrying a secondary and what happens after a shooting with Paul Markel from Student of the Gun. Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun School …
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The crew came back from MagicCon Chicago with 20+ packs of Magic cards from our wonderful viewers. Rather than all 20+ packs going into the drawer for possible years, we picked 3 to open right away, when the packs are fresh! Tune in as Graham, Nelson, and Wheeler crack some packs! This podcast is sponsored by Card Kingdom. Ordering from Card Kingdo…
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The crew came back from MagicCon Chicago with 20+ packs of Magic cards from our wonderful viewers. Rather than all 20+ packs going into the drawer for possible years, we picked 3 to open right away, when the packs are fresh! Tune in as Graham, Nelson, and Wheeler crack some packs! This podcast is sponsored by Card Kingdom. Ordering from Card Kingdo…
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Still Loading #345: Super Mario RPG w/ Matt Storm and Eric Gess
2:28:54MARIO MONTH IS BACK! This year's theme is all RPGs! For the next 5 weeks I will be diving into a different Mario RPG game and of course I had to start off the the original Mario RPG game, Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars. Joining me to explore Mario's first foray into the RPG genre are friends of the show Matt Storm from Fun and Games…
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Carrying a second gun and dealing with a DGU after the hostilities with Super Dave Harrington from Combat Speed LLC Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun School …
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News in Brief Podcast | Week 9 | Sanctions, executive orders and rates
12:31In this episode of The Loadstar’s News in Brief Podcast, host and news reporter Charlotte Goldstone recaps last week’s supply chain news, including logjams at ports and rail terminals and updates to executive orders from the US. Ms Goldstone concludes the episode with a preview of stories that might appear on The Loadstar this week. She is helped b…
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Russ talks about the sad state of affairs in college sports. Student athletes are now student mercenaries.Russ Salzberg による
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Send us a text Our premier episode! In this episode, we meet our hosts, Alex, Andrew, and Lee, and talk about the amazing time period we'll be focusing on. Whether you're a longtime military history buff or just getting into it, we're thrilled to have you with us. So grab your headphones, sit back, and join us as we explore the military history, st…
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Yes, this is a five-hour episode. Luckily, we have time stamps available for you so you can hop around to hear about the Oscar categories you find most interesting. With Laci out on assignment, Matt interviews a handful of friends and past guests of the show to preview Hollywood's Biggest Night™. With the Academy Awards ceremony looming in two days…
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Air Cargo Podcast: De minimis, tariffs, and TIACA’s outlook for 2025
1:00:462025 has kicked off with unprecedented disruption across global freight, and air cargo is at the centre of the storm. In this episode, co-hosts Mike King and Alex Lennane unpack the biggest stories shaping the industry, from shifting U.S. trade policies to the evolving role of e-commerce in air freight demand. In our exclusive interview with The In…
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2A Tuesday Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun School https://mgs.edu…
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HEY GUYS, In this episode we cover: Mega Con, Faking Accents, Mac N Cheese, How to Pronounce La Croix, and Dicks around the world - Join the conversation by calling our hotline 323-272-3908Bleav + DJ Qualls + Kelly Blackheart による
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Welcome to another episode of the Last Save Loaded podcast with Justin Smith and Colm Sheridan. We had some technical issues recording this show, but hopefully it will appear seemless. On the show this week Colm's students take an exam. Justin has his 3-month review. Colm renews his PS Plus and Justin calls him a cheapskate. Colm has family birthda…
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10.3 My truly unpopular opinion about not keeping up with the Joneses
14:46It's not necessarily bad advice but I don't think it's helpful advice
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5.56 Vs 7.62 with Paul Markel from Student of the Gun. Lock N Load is presented by; Common Sense Retirement Planning https://www.csrp.info/ Modern Gun School https:…
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Still Loading #344: Portal w/ Andrew Kinsey and Pilisa Mackey
1:52:38Portal is a triumph of a game and many a note has been written on it's huge success. Ok enough of that. We are here this week to talk about Portal! The legendary first person puzzle game from Valve. I'm joined by returning guest to the show Andrew Kinsey from The EXP Point but we are ALSO joined by Pilisa Mackey, another EXP Point member and it is …
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News in Brief Podcast | Week 8 | Schiphol tariffs, Canadian weather and Asia- Europe Capacity
14:18In this episode of The Loadstar’s News in Brief Podcast, host and news reporter Charlotte Goldstone recaps last week’s supply chain news, including how weather is affecting Canadian shippers. She also offers a preview of stories that might appear on The Loadstar this week! She is helped by The Loadstar publisher Alex Lennane, who explains why propo…
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