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The Michigan Liberation podcast is a new podcast and/or TV show where staff members of Michigan Liberation, sponsors, partners and their guests have open-minded, real, and transparent discussions on various topics centered around ending the criminalization of Black families and communities of color in Michigan.
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The Erotic Liberation Podcast Conversations to share and celebrate our erotic selves so we can activate, reclaim, and heal erotic power as a pathway to aliveness and personal transformation. Brought to you by the Body Electric School
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The Chasing Liberation podcast is hosted by Marvin Toliver, LCSW and focuses on mental health, social justice, and helping folks get closer to their authentic selves. He'll be joined by various guests to connect, share knowledge, and enjoy space together.
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Intuition Unleashed: A Revolution in Personal Liberation Podcast is your go-to resource for combining guidance with mental health and spirituality and solving your questions about why you can’t seem to catch a break and find true happiness. Are you looking for ways to flip your life from having unsatisfying relationships to having deeper connections with others. Do you need help understanding more about how to connect with your own intuition and find deeper and more satisfying connections wi ...
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閒置中 Liber Podcast by 本土研究社

本土研究社 Liber Research Community

《閒置中 Liber Podcast》係由本土研究社嘅一班研究員製作。平時攰攰地個陣,停一停將平日關注嘅唔同議題沈澱同累積,研究以外同大家深度講解研究背後嘅心路歷程,破除迷思同發掘新諗法,提著亂世之中唔好閒置自己,仍然關注香港身邊事物嘅朋友記著follow我哋,想聽啲咩都歡迎PM同我哋講! 研究員:劍青、Brian、Stewart 、Sunny、Cody、Emily、Elise and more Facebook: IG: YT: 支持本土研究社: #閒置中 #本土研究社 #本研Podcast #LiberPodcast
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Liberation is Lit Podcast

Tayler Simon

Welcome to the Liberation is Lit podcast, where the power of storytelling meets the force of social change! In this podcast, we believe in the profound impact of stories – stories that amplify voices, challenge norms, and foster understanding. Whether you're a literature enthusiast, an advocate for social justice, or simply someone who believes in the transformative power of stories, you're in the right place. Tune in, and let's embark on a journey together – one where every story has the po ...
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Liberation Now Podcast

Liberation Lab: University of Illinois

Liberation Now is a podcast about research, practice and activism around healing and liberation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. We share inspirational content and stories to provide hope and possibilities for a more liberated future.
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Into Liberation is a production of VISIONS, Inc, a non-profit organization that offers effective tools to help individuals and organizations communicate across differences and forge connections that drive collective success. Since 1984, we’ve offered research-based, time-tested approaches to cross-cultural learning that invite participants to engage in equity and inclusion work, starting at the personal and interpersonal levels and expanding to include changes toward institutional and cultur ...
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Your Liberation Nation host, Joel Portman, wants to liberate every man, woman, and child to live their best life. Over 200 years ago we were given the right to the pursuit of happiness, but are we really exercising that right? Joel shares real-life experiences that will help free you from the confines of everything from other people’s opinions and beliefs to social norms and expectations. Keeping in mind that all actions have consequences that we must be ready to accept, we should all be pur ...
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Welcome to Liberation, a podcast for those taking their work deeper and higher by thriving not just surviving. I’m your host, Autumn Bensette. At home, I’m a mom and when I’m here with you, I’m a Trauma-Certified Coach, Speaker, Teacher & Facilitator of Safe Space for women, mothers, service based business owners, online coaches and thought leaders who desire to return back to their heart, remember their wholeness and become their own source of validation so that the life and businesses they ...
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show series
What does it mean to embrace a multicultural, democratic society in a nation scarred by Apartheid? Join us for the second part of our interview with Dr. Julian Sonn, who has spent the last thirty years working towards transformational change in South Africa. From the exuberance of the first democratic elections in 1994 to the ongoing quest for incl…
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Sawyer Cole, author and memoirist, shares their journey of writing a memoir about their experiences as a queer person in the South. They discuss the process of writing, the impact it had on their understanding of their own identity, and the challenges they faced. Sawyer hopes that their memoir will provide support and community for queer individual…
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Ms Marjon talks with Daniel Eichinger a former Appeals and Trial Attorney in Pittsburgh, PA about the injustices in the criminal justice system in indigent (poor) communities Topics Discussed: Injustices of the criminal system How the System Disproportionately Impacts People of Color? Advocating Criminal Legal Reforms…
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Join us for another VISIONS elder story as we sit down with Dr. Julian Sonn, who has been with VISIONS, quite literally, since its inception. This is another in our series of elder story podcasts that we’re doing in honor of our 40th anniversary, which we'll be celebrating in Boston on September 27, 2024. Dr. Sonn is a psychologist and academic, an…
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In this episode, Shannon Ivey shares her journey into storytelling activism and coaching. She discusses the power of stories in amplifying voices, challenging norms, and fostering understanding. Shannon emphasizes the importance of representation and the need for diverse protagonists in storytelling. She also highlights the intersectionality betwee…
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In this episode, host Tayler Simon interviews filmmaker and creator Catherine Joy White about her journey as a creator and storyteller. They discuss Catherine's book, Threads of Gold, which explores the interconnected stories of Black women throughout history. They also talk about the power of storytelling in activism and the importance of represen…
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When you think about writing and the power of storytelling what comes to mind? Well, for KB Brookins we were able to take a deep dive into their mind in this interview. We discuss social change, focus on marginalized communities and how it all ties into the world of writing. We also take a chance to look into the challenges we face as writers/poets…
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大家有無試過去錯地方,或者目的地同我哋腦海嘅記憶有出入呢? 有時地名會連帶回憶,例如深水埗會聯想價格相宜嘅舖頭,有特色嘅電子零售業、布業、皮革業等。 但我哋嘅認知可能會畀市區重建項目同地產界逐漸「改造」深水埗。我哋今次同大家討論地產文學究竟點樣扭曲大家對深水埗嘅記憶同邊界,令買家因為代理語言藝術墮入美麗嘅誤會之中。會唔會有一日「深水埗」將會消失於地圖之中? 今集閒置中,我哋有研究員分享日常觀察及研究心得。 研究員:劍青、Sunny、Echo #本土研究社 #LiberResearchCommunity
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This episode of Into Liberation features a conversation with the extraordinary Dr. Cassandra Joubert, who shares her story of growing up in racially segregated Houston and becoming a passionate advocate for maternal and child health. Dr. Joubert talks about how her early life experiences and her time at Howard University in the early 1970s (amid th…
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有關元朗流浮山呢個地方,新啲印象可能係電影緣路山旮旯既一幕,舊啲既印象可能係「小桃園飯局」,但近日都係因北部都會區,令呢個香港咁遍遠既地方即將變天。 而最新公佈既流浮山發展大計講緊啲乜,會為地區規劃、土地分配、社區影響、生態環境帶來咩影響? 計劃中會由數碼港用「片區模式」發展創科用地,同埋推廣「生態旅遊」,又係一件乜回事? 今集閒置中我地有研究員,連同來自香港大西北既資深地區工作者 Terence,黎分享多年黎流浮山既研究分析,同埋所見所聞。 研究員:劍青、Elise 嘉賓講者:Terence (資深地區工作者) #流浮山 #本土研究社
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Ms. Marjon talks with author and therapist, Demarra West about mental health as it pertains to Trauma Topics Discussed: Herstory: Demarra's Story Demarra's New Book (Me Too: A Therapist’s Journey to Heal, Find Liberation, & Joy) Trauma: The Impact on Individuals and the Community Support System and Healing Modalities…
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Ms. Marjon talks with the Program Coordinator, Tore Price from MI-CEMI. Tore shares his personal mental health story. Topics Discussed: Mental Health as a Formerly Incarcerated Individual Dealing with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Moving Forward with Mental IllnessMichigan Liberation による
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大家最近一次去公共圖書館是什麼時候?近年借書量下降又是否代表閱讀或者逛圖書館這件事已經失去魅力?今集研究員將分享下以前浸在圖書館的書蟲生活,亦都會提及較早前搜羅的各適各樣的專題圖書館,旨在透過研究拋磚引玉,等大家一齊補漏拾遺搵下各類型嘅藏書地標,亦都重新關心閱讀的公共空間。研究員:Elise、劍青、Stewart 💪🏻支持我們:❤️關注我們:本土研究社 #LiberResearchCommunity
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年頭食環公佈上年度總滅鼠量接近十萬隻,睇返歷年嘅數字,捕鼠量一年比一年多,而投訴數字又係咁升,咁究竟捉得愈多老鼠係咪代表鼠患問題就緩和咗?定係因為多咗老鼠所以多咗老鼠畀人捉到?老鼠嘅出現同城市空間、環境衛生、全球暖化又有咩關係?城市老鼠愈嚟愈多又有乜啟示?今集閒置中,三位研究員Emily、Brian、劍青同深入淺出講老鼠。 💪🏻支持我們: ❤️關注我們: #本土研究社 #LiberResearchCommunity
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Annie Sprinkle has lived a remarkable life as a performance artist, adult-film star, and eco-erotic educator. She also contributed to the early days of the work of Body Electric. In this intimate conversation, Annie offers her memories about the founding of Body Electric, her life-long friendship with BE founder Joseph Kramer, and her work as a per…
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Katrina Bos has written several books about Tantra, including Tantric Intimacy and Divine Union of the Masculine and Feminine. Katrina and Erotic Liberation Podcast host Craig Cullinane explore how Katrina found Tantra and the impact it has had in her life and about her work as a teacher and guide. You can find out more about Katrina's work at http…
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Liberation theology constitutes not only a rupture from Church tradition but also a creative development of this tradition. David investigates the ways that Latin American liberation theologians draw support from, and sometimes critique, the Church Fathers. Resources: Mysterium liberationis La …
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Join us as we sit down with Vincent Johnson, as he recounts his trajectory from being a 'third culture kid' to becoming the Director of Equity and Inclusive Excellence at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Growing up as the child of a serviceman who was stationed in Okinawa and Taiwan, as well as Washington, DC, Vincent's immersion in diff…
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深水埗正做緊全區重建研究,十幾條街一次過研究點樣大改造,預計將會對市區基層社區帶黎巨大影響,各種平民、小店、文青、不同種族及興趣社群都可能會因而改頭換面。 今集《閒置中》搵到跟進市區重建議題多年既舊區街坊自主促進組Kelvin 同Ken,講下佢地近月做左份有關深水埗重建既民間調查報告,想了解: - 除左又話重建起多啲豪宅、商場同天橋,其實真正喺深水埗生活既人對重建有乜諗法? - 對現今深水埗士紳化既城市形態有乜觀察? - 重建深水埗呢類市區重建議題究竟重有冇人關注? 《閒置中》淺入深出, 一齊深入探討深水埗重建最前線。 研究員:劍 分享嘉賓 Ken、Kelvin (舊區街坊自主促進組)
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新界西北濕地鳥語花香將成絕響?新田科技城計劃將填平近百公頃重要魚塘濕地,其環境影響評估已光速獲通過,如此快速不難想像錯漏百出,今集podcast請來香港觀鳥會嘅雪媚同大家分析下,呢份史上最差環評報告做得如何粗疏,以及失去新田的代價又是什麼。 研究完:劍、Brian 嘉賓:香港觀鳥會高級保育主任 黃雪媚
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近年香港商鋪執笠或空置情況並不罕見,但當執笠潮出現在公共屋邨商場時,除了商鋪選擇變少,還有甚麼影響?到底從何時開始,屋邨商場的店鋪,都變成由連鎖大集團所經營?事實上房委會作為屋邨商場的業主,為基層市民提供各類型消費理應向當邨公共服務,在現今的市道下,能否讓空置的店鋪,重新成為當區居民營生與聚腳的地方呢?今集研究員將會分享最近考察新舊屋邨商場的見聞,以及房委會屋邨商場連鎖化的調查數據,一同探討房委會及屋邨商場應有的角色。研究完:Brian、Stewart、Elise💪🏻支持我們:❤️關注我們: #公共屋邨 #屋邨 #商場 #連鎖店 #執笠 #空置 #基層…
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Ron Stewart is a sexological bodyworker and somatic sex educator living on Vancouver Island. In this episode of the Erotic Liberation podcast, Ron shares about his personal journey as a professional dancer for 20 years and about his pathway to training in sexological bodywork. We dive into topics like the connection between creativity and eroticism…
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Pono Stewart is a connoisseur of self-pleasure and in the episode of the Erotic Liberation Podcast we get into the DETAILS about the mechanics of Self-Pleasure. We discuss the differences between ejaculation and orgasm, what happens over time if we have a committed self-pleasure practice, and other wonderful exercises to try. Pono also shares about…
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旺角花墟重建將即移除附近部分公園起樓及重建花墟核心地段,消息已令區內居民商戶人心惶惶,亦引來學者及前官員的關注與批評。 有上百年歷史的花墟作為香港城市僅存獨特環境,活生生既城市經濟,聽到呢個消息第一時間既反應係點? 花墟重建剛剛發佈具體規劃方案,又有什麼關鍵細節值得留意? 花墟重建打開左油旺全區重建既第一炮,究竟未來區內會唔會有更多佔用公園及公家地既發展? 剛剛有研究員已跟區內街坊花街巡遊左一轉,今集《閒置中》會淺入深出同大家傾下係咪花墟is over。歡迎在Podcast俾個評價我地啦。 研究員:Emily、劍、Brian
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Ms. Marjon continues her talk with the CEO/President of H.O.P.E. Ministries, Rev. Spruill, and Executive Director of Wayne County Jail Outreach Ministry, Elder Orlando Gregory, about H.O.P.E. Ministries Topics Discussed: - Elder Orlando's testimony - In-depth look into H.O.P.E. Ministries - The Impact of mass incarceration on the family For more in…
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Ms. Marjon talks with the CEO/President of H.O.P.E. Ministries Rev. Spruill, and Executive Director of Wayne County Jail Outreach Ministry, Elder Orlando Gregory, about the Prison Ministry (Shadow Step) at Macomb Prison Topics Discussed: - Overview and History of the Prison Mentorship program - In-Depth look into the program - Ways To Get Involved …
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Join us as we celebrate Body Electric's 40th Anniversary with the person who started it all - Body Electric Founder Joseph Kramer. Erotic Liberation Podcast host Craig Cullinane welcomes Joseph into a deep dive about the beginnings of Body Electric, the development of Sacred Intimacy, and his current passion: Erotic Savoring. Hear about where it al…
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近年,香港與飲食相關的議題日益成為焦點。從雙餸飯到酸菜魚,選擇貌似多左口味濃左。有預估顯示未來可能有3000家餐館面臨倒閉,同時也見到堅持使用本地新鮮食材的餐廳仍在不懈努力。香港享用一餐,都有愈來愈多值得思考的課題。 香港這個美食天堂迅速衰落的原因,究竟是受到外部環境競爭的影響,還是有其他內部因素? 本地食材餐廳之所以未能廣泛普及,是因為本地食材的供應不足,還是實際上高質量消費者的數量有限? 一個城市的生活品質重要指標之一,是飲食的質量。除了需要保護能夠生產新鮮食材的本地農地之外,我們還應該如何珍惜香港獨特的多元味道? 今集《閒置中》研究員搵埋《味緣香港》作者呂家俊,淺入深出同大家傾下有關我們城市的味覺正如何變化。 研究員:劍、Elise、Stewart 嘉賓:呂家俊 《味緣香港》作者 🎬最…
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位處新田科技城及落馬洲口岸傍的下灣村,將成為其中一條北部都會區下被開發的非原居民村。 今集會從研究員實地考察過近來舉辦的土地誕出發,探討行村這回事,究竟是一種怎樣的體驗 ?一般以為新界鄉村文化就只得原居民村,原來非原居民村的文化節誕都曾經是區域性的盛事?新田科技城開發在即,未來各條非原居民村又會上樓定有得搬村? 今集《閒置中》有3位鐘意周圍行村的研究員,淺入深出同大家傾下,記得去Podcast訂閱同畀個回應我哋呀! 研究員:Elise、Stewart、劍 另見: 🎬最新!Youtube版: 延伸閱讀: EP154 漁乾中:新田科技城滅鄉事件簿 新田科技城彙整…
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當財赤已不是新聞,大眾的注意點轉移至政府的理財新方針-以發債當收入,借貸度日,期望喺經濟低谷後再靠土地還債還息兼發大財,係咪真係Work 先?大家唔使睇晒全份財「赤」預算案,研究員已為大家精煉報告重點,同大家分享下狀況有多壞! 研究完:劍、Brian 另見:🎬最新!Youtube版: 延伸閱讀: EP184 見紅中-政府庫房大穿窿? 回顧明日大嶼的一生(2018-2024?) #地租經濟 #財赤 #赤字預算 #財政預算案 #公共財政 #取消消費券 #撤辣 #陳茂波 #發債 #入不敷支 #明日大嶼玩完 #赤字 #香港財政 #政策研究 #財政研究 #…
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Cam Fraser is a Professional Sex Coach, certified with the World Association of Sex Coaches. He joins the Erotic Liberation Podcast for a deep dive into his work with (mostly) straight, cis-gendered men and how he supports their erotic healing. Cam shares his own healing journey and his explorations with various modalities, including sexology and s…
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Emaya Shaw was a lead facilitator of Body Electric's women's and all-genders workshops for more than two decades. She joins Craig Cullinane and Sarah Belzile for a deep, thoughtful conversation about her journey with Body Electric, her own personal healing, and the power of the erotic to offer nourishment to the world. You can find out about Craig'…
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政府即將公佈《財政預算案》,赤字嚴重已路人皆知,但政府覺得係大家悲觀啫,過幾年實會有返盈餘嘅!政府點解會咁樂觀?呢種睇法又幾唔可靠?係加稅、「減辣」、停派消費券背後,今集《閒置中》就等研究員同大家分析下政府用咗咩手段整靚盤數,同埋長遠財政情況如何不容樂觀… 研究完:劍、Brian 延伸閱讀:【無工而還】20年地價收入先供得起的明日大嶼? 【房不勝防】香港財赤基建未減 減基層出租公屋供應? #財赤 #赤字預算 #財政預算案 #公共財政 #消費券 #撤辣 #陳茂波 #入不敷支 #房屋儲備金 #赤字 #財政赤字 #香港財政 #政策研究 #財政研究 #政策研究 #B…
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今年1月沙頭角解禁,禁區陸續對公眾開放。沙頭角昔日作為禁區的存在,令到闖入沙頭角的行為本身有種探險的感覺,然而開放中的沙頭角有甚麼吸引之處?對比其他鄉郊旅遊發展,沙頭角又有甚麼分別?除了目前的十大景色、十大文化、十大美食,沙頭角又有沒有潛力去創造其他好玩又反映地方特色的體驗? 研究員早前遊覽沙頭角,一嘗禁區體驗,今集《閒置中》就和大家一探究竟沙頭角的旅遊價值,開拓大家對禁區的想象。 研究未完:劍、Brian、Stewart、Emily 延伸閱讀: 沙頭角大解禁:疑似套丁盈利以億計 研究手記:寫於大鵬灣風雲變色之前 #禁區開放…
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Ms. Marjon talks with the Director of Policy & Advocacy, Chicago Appleseed Briana Payton, about how cash bail ended in the state of Illinois. Topics Discussed: - Cash Bail & Bail Reform - Process and Strategy of Ending Cash Bail in Illinois - Lessons Learned: Ending Cash BailMichigan Liberation による
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早前美斯齋坐唔落場,重創香港「盛事之都」的形象。政府近年經常提及盛事盛事,究竟所為何事呢?今集有我們三位研究員,首先同大家一起討論究竟邀請美斯來港作賽,在政策層面上有甚麼前因後果,再認真談談究竟節目多多的香港,是否真的能夠挽救香港當下的頹勢,而政府積極宣傳接下來半年的其他盛事,究竟是甚麼普天同慶的活動,是慶祝的「慶」,還是令人扯火的「㷫」呢?多姿多彩、節慶連連的城市想像,又有幾值得我們追求?閒置中,淺入深出地跟大家傾下。 研究未完:劍、Brian、Sunny 延伸閱讀: 【盛極Messi】「盛事之都」是否浪得虛名? #盛事之都 #盛事經濟 #香港旅遊業 #美斯 #Tatler #國際邁亞密 #打卡點 #香港盛事年表 #國際放射技師學會世界大會 #…
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Welcome to Sovereign Truth, podcast series hosted by Autumn Bensette & Alexandra Covucci, two friends, colleagues, and coaches who've walked a long road back to their own sovereign truths, and have fallin in love time and again with the process of coming back home to themselves. This series is a place where you’re invited to explore the edges of yo…
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大坑西邨重建到今日進入白熱化階段,係近年少數居民爭取基本居住權嘅事件。香港咁多大大小小重建,大坑西邨除咗經常被形容為「平民豪宅」,有乜咁獨特值得關注?今集搵嚟持續關注社區嘅學者、前線工作者以及街坊代表一齊嚟傾下大坑西邨公屋重建嘅過去、現在同未來。 研究未完:劍、Elise 嘉賓:歐陽潔珍、郭偉誠@大坑西邨居民權益關注組主席、義務幹事、梁志遠博士(阿虫)@理大應用社會科學系專任導師 延伸閱讀:【見步行步】大坑西邨實地考察 【考察後記】大坑西邨爭議白熱化 【首置地簡史】首置樓唔使再靠發展商?…
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Ms. Marjon talks with Detroit Justice Center Attorney Rubina Mustafa and Bailout Client Kendra Harrell about the cash bail system in Michigan (Kendra shares her personal bailout story Topics Discussed: - Cash Bail Discussion - Kendra's Bailout Story - Negative Impact of Cash Bail - Life After Bailout - Lessons Learned: Cash Bail…
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今集Podcast 帶大家衝出香港返「鄉下」。研究員啱啱去咗日本大阪,考察咗當地惡名昭彰嘅人工島—夢洲同咲洲,個島填好後經營數十年搞極都搞唔起。當地政府為救島不斷再度倒錢落海起基建,令政府負債纍纍,成為聞名全日嘅「負遺產」之島。普遍來講日本社會發展軌跡比香港走前十數年,當地人工島失敗經驗對明日大嶼有何啟示? 研究未完:劍、Brian、Elise 延伸閱讀: 【衝出香港】睇日本失敗人工島 人稱「負遺產」之島的大阪夢洲 #負遺產 #另類旅遊 #明日大嶼 #夢洲 #舞洲 #咲洲 #關西機場 #人工島 #填海 #大阪 #日本旅行 #日本旅遊 #閒置中 #本土研究社 #香港 #本研Podcast #LiberP…
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What do feelings and emotions have to do with anti-oppression work? Join me as I welcome longtime VISIONS consultant and counselor Felipe Garcia, who specializes in Transactional Analysis, the liberatory psychology framework at the core of our model. Felipe is the author of several articles, including one you may have read if you’ve been part of a …
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Ms. Marjon talks with Michigan Liberation Organizers Booker T & Meech about their life before and after serving time in prison. Topics Discussed: Life After Lock Up Series - Booker & Meech's Stories - Life in Prison - Life after Prison (Ending Cash Bail in Michigan) - Call to ActionMichigan Liberation による
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Welcome to Sovereign Truth, podcast series hosted by Autumn Bensette & Alexandra Covucci, two friends, colleagues, and coaches who've walked a long road back to their own sovereign truths, and have fallin in love time and again with the process of coming back home to themselves. This series is a place where you’re invited to explore the edges of yo…
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Join Craig Cullinane and Sarah Belzile as we welcome guest Dr. Jane Fleishman to the Erotic Liberation Podcast. Jane is an educator and activist in the field of sexuality for older adults. In addition to being a guest on our show, Jane co-hosts her own podcast, Our Better Half, about sex in the second half of life. One of her recent guests was our …
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In Episode 37 of the Erotic Liberation Podcast, hosts Craig Cullinane and Sarah Belzile talk with Chris Maxwell Rose and Charlotte Mia Rose, founders of Pleasure Mechanics. The Pleasure Mechanics are dedicated to offering effective, compassionate resources so you can experience a more fulfilling sex life, on your own terms. In this episode, Chris a…
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垃圾徵費在全城笑聲中押後,初始發現原來管理垃圾都不是一件簡單容易的事。物業管理、三無大廈、鄉郊、老人院先後帶出未有處理的問題,是否想清楚的人就會清楚,還是陷入了一種深層次的環境管治危機? 研究未完:劍青、Brian、Stewart #垃圾徵費 #指定垃圾袋 #謝展寰 #環境災難 #公關災難 #物管 #安老院 #政策研究 #如果你想唔清楚幾時都係唔清楚 #閒置中 #本土研究社 #香港 #本研Podcast #LiberPodcast
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Ms. Marjon talks with Entrepreneur Aref Nagi and Criminal Justice Consultant Anthony Boyd about their life before and after serving time in prison. Topics Discussed: Life After Lock Up Series - Aref & Anthony's Stories - Life in Prison - Life after Prison - The impact on their familiesMichigan Liberation による
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