A place for discussion about LDS lifestyle
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I know that when you listen to the podcast, it will say February 16th. Even though it was uploaded on the 17th. This is due to a technical difficulty. I had to upload it on the 17th of February. Julie Behling was my guest today on the LDS Live Podcast. She wrote a book called Beneath Sheep’s Clothing. Julie served an LDS mission in Russia and event…
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On this episode of the LDS Life Podcast, I interviewed a person named David Sanders. He also calls himself The Mormon Renegade. His podcast is called The Mormon Renegade. We discussed how he converted to the LDS church in 1995. We then discussed his conversion to fundamental Mormonism. We talked about his marriage to his second wife and how it came…
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The church's position on The Respect For Marriage Act
34:45On this podcast I give my opinion concerning the churches statement regarding The Respect for Marriage act. I also explain the difference between church doctrine and policy and gave an example about going on my mission. At the end of the podcast, I gave another example about church doctrine. I also mention who the next guest will be on my next podc…
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This first segment of the updated episode is about Carl's conversion story.
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Here is the segment discussing Carl's missionary experiences.
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This segment is about Carl's dramatic life experience.
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How Carl got in to Radio and him meeting his wife Linda
23:13here is the segment discussing how Carl got in to radio and met his wife Linda.
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Here is how the sounds of Sunday was created.
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A Conversation with Carl Watkins and a Discussion about Sounds of Sunday
1:26:29I decided to redo the podcast with Carl Watkins. This is because we both felt the other podcast was off topic in some parts. I will also delete the other podcast and the segments we did for the podcast at a later time. We discussed Carl’s childhood, how he converted to the church, a dramatic story that occurred in his childhood. We then discussed s…
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I split the episode Carl Watkins Conversations and Sounds of Sunday in to segments. In this segment, we discussed Carl's conversion story. The next segment is called Carl's Life Experience, How Carl got interested in radio, Carl's Radio Career, and how Sounds of Sunday was created and syndicated. I also split a segment from the main episode a side …
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We discuss Carl's traumatic experience concerning how he was saved from drowning in the ocean.
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We discussed how Carl became interested in Radio.
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We discuss Carl's Radio Career.
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How Sounds of Sunday was created and how it became syndicated.
37:52We discuss how Sounds of Sunday was created and became syndicated.
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This is a side conversation Carl Watkins and I had about LDS Music the future of LDS music and our opinions about it.
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Carl Watkins Conversations and Sounds of Sunday
1:58:18I know it’s been a while sense I have done a podcast. I have been concentrating most of my podcast time on another podcast called Canning+7. Carl Watkins was my guest on this episode of the LDS Life Podcast. We discuss his childhood, how he converted to the church, his mission, a little bit of his radio career, and we also discussed a little bit ab…
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This is part one of Laree Westover. Remember you can listen to the whole episode by taping or clicking on Laree Westover Whole Podcast.
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This is Laree Westover Part2.
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On this episode of the LDS Life Podcast, I interviewed Laree Westover. Many of you about her daughter Tara Westover. Tara wrote a book called educated. Laree Tara’s mother wrote her story in a book called educating. If you are going to read Educated from Tara Westover. I would strongly suggest you get Laree’s book Educating to get her story. Laree …
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Bryan Hyde was the guest on this episode of the LDS Life Podcast. We discussed his favorite Christmas experience and how his prospective of Christmas changed after an experience he had during Christmas time of 1995. We also discussed other things that you will have to listen to the podcast to find out.…
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I have to pay a tribute to my oldest sister for this podcast. Janalee Tobias was my guest on this podcast. My sister told me that I should discuss Christmas traditions. After consulting a few people, I know and some who have listened to the podcast. I thought this would be a very good idea. Listen to see what some of our traditions were. I also men…
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Ammon Bundy Running for Governor of Idaho
1:10:19Today, I interviewed Ammon Bundy. Ammon is now a gubernatorial candidate for Idaho. We discussed eliminating the property and income tax and replacing it with a consumption tax. This is where a person would be taxed on the property they bought. We also discussed 61 to 64 percent of the land in Idaho being owned by the federal government and most of…
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Today I talked about how the LDS Life Podcast came to be. I also discussed why I started a new podcast and I talked about my mission.LDS Life Podcast による
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Today I interviewed Julia Cook. We discussed a conversation she had about not waring a mask with one of her professors. Julia then went to the Dean and after some discussion Julia and the Dean decided she didn’t have to ware the mask in class if she followed certain parameters such as social distancing. We … Continue reading Julia Cook…
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This is a 2-part episode of the LDS Live Podcast. On Part 1 we discuss how Steve Madsen got in to food storage and prepping. He attributed his wife Lisa for getting him started down this journey. We talked about freeze drying food. Then we got off on a tangent about a special kind of … Continue reading Steve Madsen Part 1…
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On part 2 of this episode, Steve Madsen and I discussed why a person would want to both can and freeze dry food. We also talked about why it may not be the best idea to store food in a vacuum back. I also asked him about storing food in Liquid Nitrogen and why it … Continue reading Steve Madsen Part 2…
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Clarifying my positian concerning the letter from the first presidency and other things.
19:06I wanted to clarify some things I said on the last podcast. I am referring you to the last podcast if you haven’t listened to it. This podcast is short and cleared up my position concerning the letter from the first presidency. I also made it clear that there is a different between policy and … Continue reading Clarifying my positian concerning the…
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A Discussion About Jeffrey R. Holland’s Talk at BYU, Sam Bushman’s new Venture with Brighteon TV, with Sheriff Richard Mack Covid and A Letter from the First Presidency
1:05:23On this episode of The LDS Life Podcast, Sam Bushman and I discussed Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk he gave at BUY on August 30 of this year at the Brigham Young University campus. We also discussed Sam’s new venture with Sheriff Richard Mack on Brighteon TV. We also discussed the Covid Vaccine, other treatments, Sam’s … Continue reading A Discussion Ab…
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Nathan Ogden was my guest on this episode of the LDs Life Podcast. He has been a guest back in October 2016. We discussed how he felt when his Wheelchair was stollen, what made him and his wife Heather start a charity called Chair the Hope. We also conversed about a bike ride he took … Continue reading Nathan Ogden Part 2…
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Phil Lyman was my guest on this episode of the LDS Life Podcast. Phil had a major issue to deal with pertaining with the BLM (Bureau of Land Management). In 2014. He was told he and others could ride their ATVs along a county road in Blanding. He did get the approval from the BLM … Continue reading Phil Lyman…
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On todays podcast I interviewed Eric Moutsos. He is the owner and founder of Utah Business Revival. He also put on the Collin Ray concert in protest of the covid restrictions in Utah and many parts of the country. We also discussed why he resigned from the Utah Police Department. We conversed about what inspired … Continue reading Eric Moutsos…
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On Part 2 of Dave Bresnahan. We talked about his conversion story. We also discussed a book he wrote for missionaries to teach investigators how to quit smoking. In fact, you might have used it to teach investigators how to stop smoking. Then we discussed his role in acting on murders among the Mormons. We … Continue reading Dave Bresnahan Part 2…
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This podcast has been broken in to 2 parts. Part one consists of a conversation with Dave Bresnahan concerning his involvement in politics, owning a radio station, and also being an investigative journalist. We discuss his acting specifically him creating the movie Grandpa’s Crazy. If you want to know more about Dave Bresnahan, Visit, www.IMDb.me/D…
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How to Treat Singles, BYU TV, and Natasha Helfer
46:35On Todays Podcast, I discussed the article that was published in the Liahona Magazine on how to treat singles written by a single adult male named Jacob Call. I mentioned BYU TV working with the LGBT community and having LGBT Characters on some of there shows while working in partnership with Marble Media. I also … Continue reading How to Treat Sin…
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My Vacation, Conference Talks and Mark Hoffman
1:36:08On this podcast it does say “It is Saturday.” That is because I recorded it yesterday. But I didn’t have time to edit the podcast until today. I discussed what happened to me on my Vacation in Idaho and how it led to my discission to keep my Facebook account in spite of some … Continue reading My Vacation, Conference Talks and Mark Hoffman…
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More of my Thoughts on the Honor Code, President Uchtdorf donating to Joe Biden, and Glenn Beck
31:27LDS Life Podcast による
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The Honor Code, Lighting up the Y and other things
44:15This podcast was recorded yesterday even though it was published today. That’s why I say it is Thursday April first. I discussed the BYU honor code, light up the Y, and my thoughts about it all. I also discussed President Uchtdorf donating money to Joe Bidens Campaign or at least a family member of his … Continue reading The Honor Code, Lighting up…
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Today I interviewed Marshal and Michelle Moore. They are the new owners of the LDS Film Festival. We discussed Marshal’s conversion story to the LDS church. We also discussed a little bit of Michelle Moore’s childhood. We then talked how the Moore’s got accounted with Stephanie and Kels Goodman the former owners of the LDS … Continue reading Marsha…
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Senator Mitt Romney resigning and other topics
1:13:39Janalee Tobias was my guest on this episode of the LDS Life Podcast. We discussed how she once again created controversy on Valentines day of this year by sharing an on-line petition to have Senator Mit Romney of Utah resign. We also referred to a devotional President Benson gave at BYU on April 12, 1977. … Continue reading Senator Mitt Romney resi…
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I paid a tribute to Rush Limbaugh. I discussed where I was when I first heard the Rush Limbaugh show. I talked about how I use to listen to Rush Limbaugh when I was 12 years old. Then I stopped listening to him for a long time after a while because he was nothing but … Continue reading A Tribote to Rush Limbaugh…
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I have been trying to publish this podcast sense Yesterday. Due to technical glitches, I wasn’t able to get it up yesterday. Now things have been resolved. Finely, it is here. Rod Meldrum was my guest on this episode of the LDS Life Podcast. I interviewed Rod Meldrum. He is the founder of Book of … Continue reading Book of Mormon Evidence…
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On this episode of the LDS Life Podcast, I interviewed Jeanette Finicum. I have been waiting to do this episode for a little under a year. I finely got ahold of her and we set a time up for today. We talked her childhood, how her and Lavoy met, Jeanette and Lavoy being foster parents, … Continue reading Jeanette Finicum…
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On this episode of the LDS Live Podcast. I interviewed Lucy Shirisia. We discussed the difference between race and culture. We then discussed how she converted to the church. We also talked about her thoughts about living in Logan as a black female. Then we discussed her thoughts about Brigham Young and Blacks and the … Continue reading Lucy Shiris…
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On this episode of the LDS Life Podcast, I interviewed a person named Eric Bailey. I interviewed his wife Heather a few episodes ago. Eric Heathers husband wrote a book called Master of persuasion. In ...
1:27:48LDS Life Podcast による
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS6fhyIbFNI&t=366s Today I discussed the Christmas devotional from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Every first Sunday they have a first Presidency devotional to get us in the Christmas spirit. I mentioned 2 talks that stud out to me. Becky Craven and President Nelson. I also incorporated an experienc…
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Today I talked about President Nelson’s speech he gave to us on November 20, 2020. I then mentioned the Liahona to be distributed worldwide, not just through certain countries. I also discussed some of the features that I am excited pertaining to the Liahona. I then discussed the virtual tour of the Christmas lights … Continue reading Gratitude…
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I interviewed a person named Heather Bailey. We talked about the 6 stages of depression and what to do in each stage. We also discussed some personal experiences I have had with depression. For example, when there is an abrupt change in the weather from hot to cold. I have been known to fill depressed … Continue reading Heather Bailey…
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I talked to a person named Steven Fife. We discussed Dallin H Oakes’s devotional he gave at BYU on October 27, b2020. We gave out those on the topics such as racism, COVID-19 19, and how he started his talk discussing his daughter Jenny who was 8 years old at the time. Steven also talked … Continue reading Steven Fife…
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My Experience with Cliven Bundy. What I Thought of President Dallin H Oakes talk and 2 other speeches.
1:00:45I relayed to you my experience with Cliven Bundy. I met him on September 10, 2019. I briefly mentioned the conversation we had about The Homestead act and The Turner Grazing Act. I also referred you to a conversation Ammon Bundy and I had about what happened on the Bundy Ranch on the first podcast … Continue reading My Experience with Cliven Bundy.…
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Mindy was my guest on LDS Life Podcast. We discussed the law suit she and 8 others are filing against Utah governor Gary Herbert. Governor Herbert has violated the amount of time he can have an executive order declaring Utah as a state of emergency. He signed an executive order on March 6th. Then in … Continue reading Mindy Kropf…
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