Brand new podcast from Lazara Canton who is a Mentor/Guide to Senior Leaders & Influential Change Makers. I am here to explore the connection between personal development and spiritual growth. The joining point where the human experience of growth meets soul evolution. Pushing ourselves to be the best version of us. Coming in to our true essence and power. Lazara Canton.
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A Mass Effect Podcast, discussing the lore, opinions and theory. With your Hosts TakesToKnowGaming, ThatCerberberusguy and Ploppy54 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Hackers, North Korea and billions of dollars. Lazarus returns – in fact, the criminals never went away. Season 2 begins at an ATM, possibly near you. With Jean Lee and Geoff White. Investigators claim a secretive, elite North Korean hacking ring, nicknamed the Lazarus Group, is responsible for the theft of billions of dollars around the globe. Pyongyang denies having anything to do with cybercrimes, saying the United States is making these allegations to try to tarnish its image. Season 1 to ...
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Historia de lazarillo inventada
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Speak softly but truthfully. Sing loudly and obnoxiously.
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Fitness, Health & Wealth
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Deino, Speed és Tomi osztják a híreket, meg néha egymást.
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Encontré otro método para expresar un montón de ideas que estan mi cabeza y compartirlas.
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Discussing The touchy subjects . No topic is off limits.
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Welcome to Otilia Lazar, where amazing things happen.
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Nuevo episodio lazarillo de tormes
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Lazarus zoekt naar nieuwe woorden en manieren om te geloven. Kijk ook op ons online platform
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Welcome to the Lazatin Pabia Joseph podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Vivencias en casa Lázaro como así historias de vida.
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Для разносторонних людей. Подкаст про жизнь, развитие человека, интернет-маркетинг и технологии. Бухчу один и беседую с нескучными людьми. Как правило, мейкерами — теми, кто что-либо создает. Оставляйте оценки и комментарии там, где они есть. Больше людей смогут услышать подкаст из-за этого. Пошерьте с друзьями в сториз/посте. Подпишитесь в Телеграме Читайте также Контакты ...
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Reviews on games, news, updates and more to come! Cover art photo provided by Ben Neale on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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The podcast is a discussion of the Junction of faith and Recovery
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A COVID kezdetekor, 2020-ban indult útjára a csatorna. Hirtelen sok szabadidőm lett, mert a klienseim 80%-a nem kért az online terápiából. Ekkor jött a podcast ötlete... És honnan merítek? 2001 óta pszichológusként, 2007 óta családterapeutaként, majd pszichoterapeuta szakorvosként dolgozom. Számos populációval foglalkozhattam: pl. GYESről visszatérő hölgyekkel, kórházi ellátásban (rehabilitáció, majd pszichiátria), a gyermekvédelem által érintett családokkal, hajléktalanokkal, iskolapszichol ...
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Beszélgetünk technológiáról, gazdaságról, pénzügyről és mindenről, ami ezekről eszünkbe jut, szigorúan közvetlen stílusban. Bármit mondunk, az csak a magánvéleményünk, és nem minősül befektetési tanácsnak. Sőt, semmilyen tanácsnak nem minősül. Csak szólunk, nehogy baj legyen.
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Unlocking the Middle East: Explore, Learn, and Challenge with Neil Lazarus Welcome to the captivating world of Middle East commentary and key insights with Neil Lazarus, your trusted guide to the heart of the region. Join us as we journey through the complexities of Israel and the Middle East, uncovering the truth behind the myths, and gaining a deeper understanding of this fascinating part of the world. About Neil Lazarus Neil Lazarus is not your typical commentator; he is a seasoned keynot ...
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Welcome to the David Sandoval Lazaro podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Lázaro Reis cantor e compositor, faz uma série de entrevistas muito interessantes em seu Podcast e no Youtube entrevistando, artistas, cantores, compositores e produtores.
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Aquí tendrás el mejor horóscopo basado en Tarot y Astrología. Para consultas personales comunicarse al número +584140520812
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If you are looking to buy or sell a home, get all the information and the latest updates, tips, and tricks from Lazaro Martinez Real Estate Group - your professional MidFlorida Real Estate Agents.
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Daniel Lazar offers analysis of the six AP CoGoPo countries: Britain, Russia, China, Iran, Nigeria, and Mexico.
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Lazarus Face is a podcast hosted by Topher Edwards, the lunatic saint of the modern world. Listen and discover new perspectives on everything from science and politics to sports and villainy. Help us unite over the world one alternative perspective at a time! Support this podcast:
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Ce podcast est l'endroit idéal pour obtenir votre dose d'inspiration et de motivation… mais pas que ! Vous apprendrez les habitudes, les rituels et le mindset qui ont fait la réussite de ces hommes et femmes d'exceptions. Chaque épisode vous plonge dans des histoires inspirantes de femmes et d'hommes exceptionnels. Les invités sont des auteurs, sportifs de haut niveau, entrepreneurs, artistes, etc. On parle de leur processus créatif, entrainements, prise de décisions, gestion du temps, gesti ...
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EXODUS GAME CHANGES EVERYTHING! How choices will change the RPG genre with Paragon7
Join us as we discuss all things around the Exodus game by architype entertainment with @paragonseven For the Exodus gameplay reveal livestream click the link below and be sure to check out Paragon7s YouTube channel for all your Mass Effect news and upcoming speculations! Be sure to find Atharia on Bluesky and Kraig @kraigtbrya…
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Episode 34- "Step Into Your Purpose, Your Expansion Awaits" with Dr Anemona Peres
Episode 34, Step Into Your Purpose, Your Expansion Awaits. Dr Anemona Peres This episode comes to you in truly divine timing. I feel like I’ve come out of this conversation with Dr Anemona, better connected to source, clearer & with deeper understanding of Truth. The perfect way to kick off 2025! If you are looking for soul recognition & expansion …
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"Right-Wing Revival: Is Fascism Making a Comeback in Europe
In this episode, we dive deep into the resurgence of the radical right across Europe. Is this a new political wave, or are we witnessing the reemergence of fascist ideologies in modern times? From populist movements to far-right parties gaining traction, we explore the factors driving this shift, its historical echoes, and what it means for Europe'…
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As tensions escalate and Iran faces growing internal and external challenges, the question of whether Israel might seize the moment to launch a preemptive strike looms large. In this episode, we delve into the strategic calculations, regional implications, and global reactions that such an action could trigger. Join us for expert analysis and thoug…
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In our latest podcast episode, we tackle the pressing question: Will there be a Palestinian civil war in the West Bank? Join us as we delve into the complex dynamics shaping the region, exploring the political tensions, internal divisions, and external pressures that could ignite conflict. This is a conversation you won’t want to miss—download the …
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Episode 33, The Final Leap Join me in my final days of wrapping up this chapter of my life. With only 5 days to go before the big move, I share my reflections, my thoughts & hopes for the future. Sit back & reflect on your own personal hopes & dreams for 2025. Thank you for being here, see you on the other side!…
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Episode 32-"Loving Yourself Into Wholeness with Renn Wöhr"
Episode 32, Loving Yourself Into Wholeness with Renn Wöhr Join dear Renn & I for the most beautiful, healing & vulnerable episode. This is the first time I’ve hosted a guest for the second time & when you listen, you will know why. Renn shares her experience of having a breast cancer diagnosis, which picks up right after we recorded our last episod…
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The fall of Bashar al-Assad marks a turning point in the Middle East. But what happens next? A new leader has emerged in Syria, and the implications go far beyond its borders. How will this shift affect Iran, Israel, Russia, and Turkey? What does it mean for the region—and the world? This week, join us as we unpack the story behind Syria’s new lead…
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Podcast: My kindergarten teacher hid the Nazi Yosef Mengele
Josef Mengele, known worldwide for unimaginably cruel human experiments and for sending thousands of people to the gas chambers at Auschwitz, was a fugitive in South America for thirty-four years after World War II, sought by the Israeli secret service and Nazi hunters. Hidden for half that time in Brazil, Mengele created his own paradise, a life w…
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Lazán és tudatosan podcast-csatorna: Zakar Anita műsorvezető és Dr. Domján Mihály pszichoterapeuta szakorovos beszélgetése. Tréningek, előadások, események, appok és a támogatásilehetőségek: Iratkozz fel! Ebben a részben elhangzott idézetek: 1. "És végül is azt hiszem, hogy nem kell semmit sem tennünk ahhoz, hogy szeres…
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Itt van Trump, itt van újra... Mi marad és mi változik? A mai adásban Ádámmal elemzünk, aki korábban alapot kezelt, manapság intézményi brókerként éli mindennapjait. Eljött hozzánk, hogy segítsen megérteni, mit várhatunk Trumptól a tőzsdéken, és hozott nekünk egy csomó érdekes statisztikát úgy általában az amerikai gazdaság állapotáról, valamint az…
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"Join us as we unravel the gripping story of Syria’s renewed rebellion—a conflict that is reshaping the Middle East and sending shockwaves across the globe. Why now? What is the connection with the war in Hezbollah? How will Israel be threatened? What about Iran?. Whether you're a seasoned analyst or just starting to explore the region's history, t…
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Episode 31-"Making Conscious Decisions" with Simon Passmore
Join my husband & I as he explains how making conscious decisions to improve his life, has led him to huge success in life & to marrying me! Fresh from his world record successes in Hyrox, I was keen to interview Simon & get his take on endurance. We’re both on the precipice of a huge life transformation so it was beautiful to sit back & reflect on…
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Unpacking the Truth: The Accusations Against Israel’s Prime Minister Welcome to The Israel #Podcast, where facts meet context and clarity in an age of misinformation. In this episode, we dive deep into the explosive allegations accusing the Prime Minister of #Israel of #war crimes. #Headlines spread fast, but the truth often gets buried under sensa…
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V/13. Az örökbefogadás menete és pszichológiája
Az epizód a 2024-ben érvényben levő szabályozás alapján készült el. A saját megélésem az Instagram oldalamon érhető el, kitűzött poszt formájában: @dr.domjan Tréningek, előadások, események, appok és a támogatási lehetőségek: Lazán és tudatosan podcast-csatorna: Zakar Anita műsorvezető és Dr. Domján Mihály pszichote…
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Trump - What now for Israel, Iran and the Palestinians?
Welcome to our latest podcast episode, "Trump: What Now for Israel, Iran, and the Palestinians?" In this episode, we dive deep into the complex and ever-evolving dynamics of the Middle East, exploring the impact of Trump's policies and what the future holds for these key players. Whether you're a seasoned political analyst or just curious about glo…
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Хоба! Не ждали? Это войс/нерафинированный подкаст из моего личного канала в Телеграме (@mxlzr). Делюсь мыслями про отношения с отцом, которые (мысли) выкристаллизовал к этому году. Больше не раскрываю. Слушайте! Любви вам. Жду вас в моем телеграм-канале. P.S. День отца в Эстонии во второе воскресенье ноября, а не как у вас там. P.P.S. Если объявлен…
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Dive into our latest episode as we uncover why Israel decided to ban UNRWA, exposing its ties to Hamas and the impact on security. Understand the real reasons behind this bold move, from tackling incitement in schools to addressing corruption within the organization. We break down the complexities and provide insights into how Israel is navigating …
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Trailer: World of Secrets: Al Fayed, Predator at Harrods
Egyptian billionaire Mohamed Al Fayed – former owner of one of the most famous shops in the world – is accused of rape and attempted rape by women who worked for him. For the full investigation, search for World of Secrets wherever you get your BBC podcasts. This is a story of power and control at the very top of British society. At the time of man…
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Episode 30, Holding Your Vision When life’s tough and it feels like you’re making it even harder on yourself, it’s time to go within. To reconnect to your vision for your life. What needs to be let go of? What’s your soul asking from you? Join me in this latest episode, whereby I share the tears, triumphs and adventures that form the tapestry of my…
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How will is Israel respond to Iran's second attack and when?
In this episode, we dive deep into the unfolding tensions between Israel and Iran. Following Iran's recent attack, the question on everyone’s mind is: how will Israel respond, and what is the potential timeline? We’ll explore Israel’s strategic options, the role of international diplomacy, and the broader regional implications. Join us as we break …
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Tréningek, előadások, események, appok és a támogatási lehetőségek: Lazán és tudatosan podcast-csatorna: Zakar Anita műsorvezető és Dr. Domján Mihály pszichoterapeuta szakorvos, pszichológus, családterapeuta, mindfulness oktató beszélgetése - @dr.domjan Ebben az epizódban érintettük: - Milyen jellemzői vannak a mo…
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Why the Houthis fire at Tel Aviv. Who are they and why they hate the West
In this episode, we'll be unpacking a story that has shocked many: the continual #Houthis’ missile strikes toward #TelAviv. Why would a rebel group in Yemen target Israel? And what fuels their broader animosity toward the West? We'll break down the political, religious, and ideological reasons behind this bold move, exploring how years of regional …
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Today, we turn our focus to a name that's been echoing through political corridors and intelligence circles alike: Hashem Safieddine. Who is this man touted as the potential successor to Hezbollah's longtime leader, Hassan Nasrallah? As Nasrallah’s cousin and a key player in the organization's internal dynamics, Safieddine’s rise could signal signi…
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Welcome to this week's episode, where we dive into one of the most shocking events in Middle Eastern politics – the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, the influential leader of Hezbollah. We'll explore the profound implications this could have on the region, from the ripple effects on Lebanese politics to the broader impact on Israel, Iran, and the…
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Episode 29-"Transcending The Craziness of This Life".
Episode 29, Transcending The Craziness of This Life I can’t believe the multiple things that I’m transcending & experiencing in my life. & I know that many of you are feeling it too - because you’ve written to me! Hang tight for a fast paced - all around the houses - episode where I share an unfiltered story of my life in recent days & weeks. If yo…
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Episode 28-"Following Your Heart..." Especially when it seems scary! Join me as I share my recent life experiences. How I’ve followed my heart’s calling, even when I was afraid. Sometimes we have to do what we’re called to, even when our mind is telling us not to. I hope you enjoy this episode & if you would like to explore more around the topics I…
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Iratkozz fel! Tréningek, előadások, események, appok és a támogatásilehetőségek: Lazán és tudatosan podcast-csatorna: Zakar Anita műsorvezető és Dr. Domján Mihály pszichoterapeutaszakorvos, pszichológus, családterapeuta, mindfulnessoktató beszélgetése - @dr.domjan Ebben az epizódban érintettük:- Az egyszülős családdá …
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Episode 27, Maintaining High Standards If you listened to my last episode on rituals & habits that lead to self mastery, this episode is the antithesis! Join me as I share my experiences of this last week, the highs & the lows + the impact of too much alcohol & not enough self mastery. Enjoy listening to my latest adventures & if you’d like to book…
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#101 Kosaras sztorik – Az NBA háttere: drámák és pénzügyek
A mai adásban Mikesy Gergő volt a vendégünk, aki NBA rajongóként beavatott minket a sport anyagi és egyéb a laikusok számára rejtett bugyraiba. A hangminőségért elnézést kérünk! Bandi új lakása kicsit visszhangos, mi meg még mindig nem költünk technikára.
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The Question 4 Breakdown Edition, Live from SLC
I sat down with esteemed AP CoGoPo teachers Ryan DeMarco and Anthony Peek just as we finished reading AP CoGoPo exams in Salt Lake City. Together we grapple with the dreaded Question 4. Please support the CoGoPod here. Every little bit helps. Thank you! Anthony recommends The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic: Reconstruction, 1860-1920.…
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Episode 26-" Rituals & Habits That Lead To Self Mastery".
Episode 26, Rituals & Habits That Lead To Self Mastery. It’s my birthday week & I’m excited & grateful to share my sparkly Leo energy with you. Join me for an episode dedicated to my journey into self mastery. I share what’s working for me to stay in alignment & I share all the techniques that have lead to my spiritual growth & development. Of cour…
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What is Kamala Harris' Middle East Policy? In What is Kamala Harris' Middle East Policy?, we take a deep dive into the Vice President's evolving role in shaping U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. From navigating complex diplomatic relationships to addressing regional conflicts and security concerns, this podcast unpacks her stance on key issue…
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Tréningek, előadások, események, appok és a támogatásilehetőségek: Lazán és tudatosan podcast-csatorna: Zakar Anita műsorvezető és Dr. Domján Mihály pszichoterapeutaszakorvos, pszichológus, családterapeuta, mindfulnessoktató beszélgetése - @dr.domjan Ebben a részben érintettük: - saját példám, - kritériumok, - kapcsol…
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Dragon Age The Veilguard: EVERYTHING we know so far?!
Its OFFICIAL, Dragon Age The Veilguard is on the horizon! If thats not exciting you enough, lets break down exactly WHAT there is to get excited about! From backgrounds to love interest and more! Oh, and Tim finished the Trespasser DLC (YAY) you can find us through our personal Twitter handles @ploppy54 and @kraigandhismac Or the full video version…
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Episode 25-"Consistency As A Superpower"- Leslie Collins
Episode 25, Leslie Collins, Consistency As A Superpower Join Leslie & I as we talk about what it takes to make your dreams come true. Leslie is a Vice President & leader in Arbonne. She is a friend whom I respect & admire for her brilliant work ethic, her dedication to her health & fitness & her role as a mother. If you’re curious about how to crea…
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🎙️ **New Podcast Episode: "Israel & Iran: A Love-Hate Relationship"** Join us as we delve into the intricate and often tumultuous relationship between Israel and Iran. On the brink of a potential regional conflict, we explore the historical ties, cultural connections, and political tensions that have shaped these two nations' interactions over the …
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Episode 24, On The Cusp Of Adventure Join me as I share what’s on my mind these days. I’m on a mission to continue to live a life full of freedom & adventure & in today’s episode I share reflections on what it’s taken to get me to this point. & more importantly; what I am cultivating for this big move coming up in the near future! If not already do…
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Tréningek, előadások, események, appok és a támogatásilehetőség: Lazán és tudatosan podcast-csatorna: Zakar Anita műsorvezető és Dr. Domján Mihály pszichoterapeuta szakorvos, pszichológus, családterapeuta, mindfulness oktató beszélgetése - a részben érintettük:- Mi a coachok felada…
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Episode Title: Why Did the Houthis Attack Tel Aviv? Unraveling the Ideology, Alliances, and Motivations Join us in this riveting episode as we delve into the recent Houthi attack on Tel Aviv. Who are the Houthis, and what drives their actions? We'll explore their ideology, uncovering the deep-rooted beliefs that fuel their militant activities. Disc…
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Episode 23, It’s Not Your Fault! Today’s episode is an exciting one - change is in the air dear listeners. Women & Wealth is an essential topic that requires our attention & energy if we want to make this world a better place. This summer I’m launching a community for change, whereby women can come together to shift the dynamics that have held us b…
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#100 Das ist ein Unicum - Közgyűlés, ezüst, urán, kávé
A mai epizód több szempontból is unikális: Először is vendégünk Molnár Péter, aki ma már az egyik nagy bank brókere, de pályáját még az egészségügyben kezdte. Lesz szó kezdő tőzsdés szárnypróbálgatásokról, a közösség erejéről, és a Zwack közgyűlésről is. Az adás második felében mindenféle izgalmas árupiaci terméket fogunk sorravenni De hogy kicsit …
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Episode 22-"A Life ‘Well Lived’ " with Mike Stevenson
Episode 22, A Life ‘Well Lived’ with Mike Stevenson Mike is an international motivational speaker who has lived the most extraordinary life & at 74 is just getting started. In this episode we get to explore, homelessness, being in a rock band, how best to connect to other humans & motivational leadership and few other detours in between. Join us de…
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Welcome to "Politics in Lebanon: The Full Picture," your essential guide to understanding the complex and dynamic world of Lebanese politics. Join us as we unravel the intricacies, spotlight key players, and analyze the latest developments shaping Lebanon's future. Whether you're a political junkie or just curious about the region, this podcast off…
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New Leadership in Iran_ Impacts & Expectations
Dive into "Iran's New Era: What You Need to Know," a must-listen podcast exploring the recent elections in Iran and their far-reaching implications. Join us as we break down the key players, pivotal moments, and potential outcomes of this political shift. From economic policies to international relations, we cover how these changes could reshape Ir…
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Episode 21- "Self Liberation" with Ciara Commins
Episode 21, Self Liberation with Ciara Commins Ciara is a mother, founder & CEO, a personal friend & inspiration in my life. Join Ciara & I as we explore how connecting with our monthly cycles & with the cyclical nature of the seasons, can liberate our energy & habitual ways of being. Ciara shares how she gave up alcohol & coffee & how her life has…
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Tréningek, előadások, események, appok és a támogatási lehetőség egy helyen: Lazán és tudatosan podcast-csatorna: Zakar Anita műsorvezető és Dr. Domján Mihály pszichoterapeuta szakorvos, pszichológus, családterapeuta beszélgetése - @dr.domjanEbben az epizódban érintettük:- Az anorexia nervosa és a bulimia nervosa …
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A satirical meditation recording for the anti Israel protester
Welcome to "Peaceful Protest Meditation," a satirical and humorous take on finding inner calm after a busy day of anti-Israel protesting. This lighthearted meditation is designed to help you unwind and reflect, with a touch of humor, about your antisemitism. Take a deep breath, relax your mind, and let the irony of this guided meditation bring a sm…
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