好きなこと(朗読)をし続ける場所です。 読む題材は青空文庫から選んでいます。 読む題材の選択は、読んでみたいと思っただけです。 深い意味(複雑な理由)はありません。 セリフは時々声を変えたり、抑揚を強めに読んでいる作品多めです。 BGMやSEは入っていません。毎週1作品ずつUPされます。 ------------★------------★--------------★------------------ I love "rodoku" and keep on reading! Voice is Japanese only.There is reading story every week. The choice of the subject matter was simply because I wanted to read it. There is no deep meaning (or complicated reason). https://listen.style/p/haruca?JGvcSwpF
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映画で学ぶ英会話ETMは、数々の名作映画の中から使える英語表現をご紹介。さらに、健と奈緒が繰り広げる軽快でちょっぴり甘い(?)男女の英会話を毎回収録。楽しみながら英語を身につけたい、そんなあなたに贈るETMのオリジナル英会話コント集です。 *ご紹介する英語表現やコントは弊社書籍「1500語で話せる英会話 Ⅱ あの名作映画「シャレード」に学ぶ」に収録されたものです。http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4881429035
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I’m Yohei Hayakawa, a media journalist in Japan. I think “March 11th, 2011”, that day was the turning point of people in Japan. “What is the most valuable and precious thing?” Not only a few people ask themselves this question.Some of them might have changed their way of living, such as where they work and live to find the answer. They might have already found it.The person, who is reading this interview program, may be one of them.We, Japanese people have kept having our own original mind; ...
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夢野久作「ビルディング」 ------------------------------------------- Yumeno Kyusaku title: The Building
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村山籌子「雪のよる」 ------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title: snowy evening
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中谷宇吉郎「字の書き方」 ------------------------------------------- Nakatani Ukichirou title: How to write the characters
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村山籌子「ゾウトネズミ」 ------------------------------------------- Murayama Kazuko title;elephant and mouse
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小川未明「お母さん」 --------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title; a mother
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寺田虎彦「赤」 ------------------------------------------ Terada Torahiko title; The red
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新美南吉「井戸」 ------------------------------------------- Nimi Nankichi title; the water well
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坂口安吾「復員」 ------------------------------------------------- Sakaguchi Ango title:repatriation
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櫻間中庸「山の驛」 ------------------------------------------ Sakurama Chuyo title: the station of the mountain
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太宰治「青森」 ------------------------------------------- Dazai Osamu title; AomorDazai Osamu title; Aomori
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新美南吉「カタツムリノウタ」 --------------------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi title:song of the snail
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田中貢太郎「朝倉一五〇」 --------------------- Tanaka Kotaro titile:Asakura150
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宮本百合子「雨の日」 -------------------------------- Miyamoto Yuriko title:The rainy day
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山村暮鳥「鳶」 -------------------------- Yamamura Bocho title:scaffold erector
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薄田泣菫「茶話・悪戯」 ------------------------------ Susukida Kyukin title : a practical joke
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宮沢賢治「手紙1」 ------------------------------------------------------- Miyazawa Kenji title:The letter Miyazawa Kenji title:The letter 1
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夢野久作「犬と人形」 --------------------- Yumeno Kyusaku title:The dog and the dool
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薄田泣菫「茶話 独帝の癖」 ------------------------------------- Susukida Kyukin title:Kaiser's habit
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小川未明「泣きんぼうの話」 ------------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:A story about a crying baby
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小川未明「みけのごうがいやさん」 -------------------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:Mike no Gogaiya san Gogai=newspaper extra
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薄田泣菫「茶話・道楽」 ------------------------------ Susukida Kyukin title:a chat over tea/favorite amusement
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小川未明「月が出る」 --------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei titile: the moon comes out
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薄田泣菫「茶話・子供」 ------------------------------ Susukida Kyukin title:a chat over tea/Child
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北大路魯山人「遠州の墨蹟」 --------------------------------- Kitaohji Rosanjin title:Enshu's works
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新美南吉「一年生たちとひよめ」 --------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi title:First-year students and Little grebes
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山村暮鳥「手ぶくろ」 --------------------------------- Yamamura Bocho title:the gloves
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新美南吉「サルト サムライ」 --------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi title:The monkey and samurai
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新美南吉「乳母車」 ------------------------------------------------ Niimi Nankichi title:a baby carriage
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小川未明「赤い鳥」 ---------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:the red bird
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夢野久作「がちゃがちゃ」 ----------------------------------------------- Yumeno Kyusaku title:GACHA GACHA
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宮本百合子「声」 -------------------------------------- Miyamoto Yuriko title:the voice
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大杉栄「僕は精神が好きだ」 ----------------------------------------- Ohsugi Sakae title:I like the spirit of it.
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宮本百合子「未来を築く力」 ------------------------------------------- Miyamoto Yuriko title:The Power to Build the Future
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小川未明「つづれさせ」 --------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:TUZURESASE
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内村鑑三「寒中の木の芽」 --------------------- Uchimura kanzo title:buds from a tree in midwinter
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田中貢太郎「終電車に乗る妖婆」 ----------------------------------------------- Tanaka Kotaro title:"Yobaba" on the last train
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新美南吉「ラッパ」 --------------------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi titile:trumpet
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山村暮鳥「昔語り」 ---------------------------- Yamamura Bochou title:recall the old days
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芥川龍之介「比呂志との問答」 ----------------------------------- Akutagawa Ryunosuke titile:Questions and Answers with Hiroshi
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桜間中庸「レインコートを着たてんと虫」 ---------------------------- Sakurama Chuyou title:Ladybug in raincoat
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柳田国男「母の手毬歌・親棄山④七曲の玉の緒 その他」 -------------------------------------------- Yanagida Kunio titile:The mother‘s traditional ballad OYASUTEYAMA 4th Thread a string through the crystal that bends in seven directions inside./ another story
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河井醉茗「山の歓喜」 ---------------------------- Kawai Suimei title:Mountain Delight
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小川未明「金の輪①」 ----------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei titile:The gold rings
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柳田国男「母の手毬歌・親棄山③老人の知恵」 -------------------------------------------- Yanagida Kunio titile:The mother‘s traditional ballad OYASUTEYAMA 3rd The Wisdom of the Elderly
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村山壽子「川へ落ちた玉ねぎさん」 ------------------------------- Murayama Kazuko titile:Onions that fell into the river
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田中貢太郎「商売の繁昌する家」 --------------------------- Tanaka Kotaro titile:A house where business flourishes
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坂口安吾「甘口辛口」 ----------------------------------------- Sakaguchi Ango title:Sweet and Dry
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柳田国男「母の手毬歌・親棄山②四通りの話し方」 -------------------------------------------- Yanagida Kunio titile:The mother‘s traditional ballad OYASUTEYAMA 2nd Four ways to talk
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小川未明「お母さんはえらいな」 -------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei titile:mother is great.
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薄田泣菫「茶話・結婚」 -------------------------------------------- Susukida Kyukin titile:marriage
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