Switch Input focuses on all things entertainment, including movies, TV, video games, comics, music, and books. We take all the things you love and put our own unique perspective on it. Hosted by Josh Baumbach, Alex Baumbach, and Brad Souza.
This week on Input Switch: Adam and Will talk football, kneeling, Trump, and troops.. This time with 25% hotter takes.Thanks to the talented artists whose music we featured on this episode.http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Will Evans & Adam Berberich による
This week on Input Switch, Adam and Will break down Trump's speech at the UN, and a South Dakota Republican's explicit call for vehicular murder. Finally, we talk through Jimmy Kimmel's double takedown of Bill Cassidy and Brian Kilmeade. Our recommendation for this week is Darron Aronofsky's new film Mother!. We plan on devoting an episode to some …