Highland Christian Church - Asheville, North Carolina I Celebrating God With Us
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The disciples were stirred by what they saw when they saw Jesus pray. The disciples knew Jesus had something that they didn't. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to spend time with the Father just like He did. What does Jesus want us to know about this gift of prayer?Highland Media による
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The disciples were stirred by what they saw when they saw Jesus pray. The disciples knew Jesus had something that they didn't. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to spend time with the Father just like He did. What does Jesus want us to know about this gift of prayer?Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - January 9 2022 - Genesis - The World is Made (Jason Garris)
37:54There is great hope in considering how God made all things "good." God created all things, including humanity, with purpose and function.Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - January 16 2022 - Genesis - Made in His Image (Jason Garris)
27:39Where does human value come from? What if it's not found in what we accomplish? What if it's found in understanding what our Creator has said about us?Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - January 23 2022 - Genesis - The Fall (Jason Garris)
36:06We have heard that God made things good, but what we see in us and around us doesn't seem so good. We see hurt, abuses, sorrow, and death. How does the Scripture address pain and is there any hope?Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - January 30 2022 - Genesis - Cain, the Flood, Babel (Jason Garris)
38:30From the moment we turned our backs on God, the world took on a very different look from the Garden. Leaving the presence of God, the place we were made to live, opened the door for the unthinkable. The decision to be our own gods didn't free us. The decision to live our lives without God left us in chains.…
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Highland Christian Church - February 6 2022 - Genesis - God Calls Abram (Jason Garris)
36:11The promise to Abram (Abraham) is a promise that is still impacting the world today. "Blessed to bless" was not only a promise about the Messiah, it's a call to live as a people who trust that God is our provider.Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - December 19 2021 - Advent: Merciful (Jason Garris)
22:44Advent Series. Merciful.Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - December 26 2021 - Advent: Helper (Jason Garris)
22:42Advent Series. Helper.Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - January 2 2022 - Why The Bible (Jason Garris)
32:50As we begin a new year and a new journey through the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, lets start with spending some time considering some reasons WHY we should study the Scripture.Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - December 12 2021 - Advent: Mighty (Jason Garris)
28:10Advent Series. Mighty.Highland Media による
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Highland Christian Church - December 5 2021 - Advent: Savior (Jacob Prater)
21:45Advent Series. Savior.Highland Media による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 10Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 09Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 08Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 07Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 06Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 05Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 04Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 03Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 02Jason Garris による
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A + C = 0 Galatians Ep 01Jason Garris による
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Detour BlessingJason Garris による
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Detour RebellionJason Garris による
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Detour DistractionJason Garris による
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Detour "Ahhh!"Jason Garris による
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Parables Sheep, and Coins, and Sons Oh My! Luke 15Jason Garris による
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Parables The Rich Guy & Lazarus Luke 16:19-31Jason Garris による
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Parables The Religious Man & the IRS Man Luke 18:9-14Joel Edwards による
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Parables The Weeds & the Wheat Matthew 13:24-30Jason Garris による
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Parables The Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32Jason Garris による
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Parables The Speck & the Log Matthew 7:1-5Jason Garris による
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Parables The Two Builders Matthew 7:24-29 This parable comes at the very end of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 6, 7). Jesus ends the sermon not with a pep talk or a funny story, but with a series of warnings. This parable is the final warning. Jesus says that the wise person is the one who not just listens to his words, but also does and that …
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Parables The Good Samaritan Luke 10:29-37 Until we recognize Jesus as our Good Samaritan, we will not understand how to be one. This story is often used to teach ethics. "Help anyone in need" tends to be where we go with this. While that is a true statement, this story can often be summed up as a "change your behavior" story WITHOUT proper context.…
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Parables The Sower Luke 8:4-15 This parable ultimately lays out the work of the parable. The parable reveals how readily our hearts are to receive God's word. Jesus tells the story but then he actually explains the story. He doesn't always do that. And he only lets the disciples understand this story - which is interesting because it's recorded for…
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Pentecost The Sending Acts 2Jason Garris による
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Parables The Visitor at Midnight Luke 11:1-13Jason Garris による
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Parables The Talents Matthew 25:14-30Tim Bryant による
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Parables The Unforgiving Forgiven Guy Matthew 18:21-35Jason Garris による
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Parables The Rich Fool Luke 12:13-21 - The Parable of the Rich Fool. Jesus is inspired to tell this story because of a self-centered demand for justice. Jesus does not entertain the man's request, but Jesus DOES deal with the heart of the man's request: Greed. The story is A GREAT picture of our American culture. The man only speaks to himself (not…
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Parables Hey JudgeJason Garris による
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God With UsJason Garris による
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Easter Sunday Miracles The Welcome In He is Risen!Jason Garris による
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Miracles The Get Out Matthew 14:22-33 - Jesus has just fed the 5000 and Matthew says, “Immediately” Jesus gets his disciples out of there. John’s Gospel tells us why so quickly: “the people wanted to grab him and make him king.” Jesus puts the disciples on a boat to consider all that they had just seen and heard. Jesus, knowing the crowd didn’t get…
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Miracles The Get Loose Luke 13:10-17 - Jesus sees a woman crippled by an evil spirit (Jesus actually tells us WHY this woman has been bent doubled over for 18 years – held in bondage by Satan). This DOES NOT MEAN all illness or disability is from Satan. In this specific instance, we know the reason – because Jesus lets us know. She is unable to eve…
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Miracles The Get Up Luke 7:12-16 - This was an exceptionally sad encounter. A widow (having lost her husband), is leading a funeral procession for her now, dead son. As a woman and a widow, this was incredibly challenging as she had no form of safety or provision. The men in her life had died. This was a huge loss that probably stirred more than on…
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Miracles The Get Down Luke 5:17-26 - Miracles were a HUGE part of Jesus’ ministry… but why? Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God breaking through and arriving and taking up space – Jesus’ miracles displayed and proved that He was binding up the enemy and that His Kingdom truly was invading! (Each week will have a similar intro to help our people un…
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Under Construction God Who Reveals Exodus 34 - Unlike our made up gods, that we tell what to do and what they should be like, God has told us who He is. He has not left us living in darkness and left to guess what He is like. This is why the Scripture is such a treasure. When we understand God is who He says He is, we can see all our false narrativ…
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Under Construction God THE Standard Exodus 20 - God, after His rescue of His people, gives to them a standard that they are to live by. They are to reflect The One who IS the standard. The law was given to reflect the law giver. When we reject these ways, we not only reject God, we actually deny the way we were made to live. In our “breaking” of th…
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Under Construction God Who Is, God Who Delivers Exodus 3 - Moses’ life is one of ups and downs, rising and falling. In the midst of it all, God reveals Himself to Moses in a bush! What God reveals in that encounter is that He is the God who IS! He has no beginning. He has always been. He simply “Is.” Everyone else can point to a time when they WERE…
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