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Helsesnakk er en podcast om helse og livsstil fra Gyldendal. Her møter du kostholdseksperter, leger, kokker og forfattere av aktuelle helse- og livsstilsbøker. Sannsynligheten for at du lærer å lage surkål, får mer energi, eller en aldri så liten latter er absolutt til stede.
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Lege og divisjonsdirektør Helen Brandstorp snakker med lege og ass. direktør Espen Rostrup Nakstad om aktuelle temaer som berører helsesektoren under koronakrisen. Podcasten er en del av Helseaktuelt – en digital publikasjon fra Helsedirektoratet.
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Helsemeggene er Lise Askvik og Helen Spro - to megger med en uærbødig, humoristisk og blodseriøs podkast. Dette er ikke en offisiell podkast fra Helsepartiet, men det er ikke til å komme fra at partiets politikk bobler til overflaten. For annonsering, kontakt salg@bauermedia.no.
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Helse- og idrettspraten

Universitetet i Agder

Bli med når forskere fra Fakultet for helse- og idrettsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder deler fra sine forskningsfelt. UiA tilbyr etter- og videreutdanning på flere av temaene i podcasten.
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Ingen vil bli syke. Likevel skjer det. Og da blir det med ett viktig hva og hvem som møter deg. Helsevesenet. Podcasten er en serie samtaler med mennesker som på ulike måter kan noe om helsevesenet og som jobber i det eller med det. Jeg prøver å bli bedre kjent med det systemet vi har bygd rundt oss når vi trenger hjelp.
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show series
In this episode, Jonathan shares about living a life of wholehearted worship and becoming a lover of God for the long-haul. King David cultivated a well-worn path of honest worship with the Lord throughout His whole life. Our dream is that you would be 80 years old, still clinging to Jesus, astonished at who He is. This podcast is full of stories a…
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In this episode, Jonathan sits down with his longtime friend, Adam Cox. They reflect on their decades of friendship, and how Adam's passion for helping people encounter the unfailing love of God has impacted our community, and schools (The 18 Inch Journey). Adam's first book, "The God Story," (co-authored by Alain Emerson) is a compelling and creat…
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This episode was captured live at a recent 18 Inch Journey Fundraiser where Jonathan and Melissa shared on our vision for discipleship, the history and mission of the 18 Inch Journey, and how discipleship can transform the hearts of men and women. Learn more at: https://www.18inchjourney.com If you’d like to be a part of what the Lord is doing thro…
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This episode is a special conversation between Melissa Helser and Chris Miller. Melissa shares about her song, Beautiful Jesus, and a worship moment from the 2023 18 Inch Journey that was recently shared on the Cageless Birds YouTube channel. She reflects on the season of her life during which that song was first written as well as what it’s like t…
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What kind of worshiper do you want to be in 40 years? In this episode, Jonathan unpacks the life of King Saul and King David, and what it means to live a life of radical worship before the Father. One of the most important things about David’s story is how he pursues honesty with God in the midst of the pressures of his life. This message was origi…
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This episode features an excerpt from a conversation Jonathan and Melissa recently had with our friend, Morgan Snyder. In it, the Helsers share song stories from their most recent album: The Land I’m Livin’ In. This episode features the stories behind the songs I Believe, and We Make Space! Morgan Snyder is an entrepreneur, teacher, writer, speaker…
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In our previous episode, Melissa taught from 2 Corinthians 9 on living generous lives without reluctance or compulsion. In this episode she opens up James 1, unpacking the way perseverance produces maturity in us, and how the discipline of the Lord brings us true wisdom and discernment as we walk with him. This message was originally recorded in 20…
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In this episode Melissa unpacks the difference between growth and maturity, and how living a life of generosity is an integral part of maturing in friendship with God. This message was originally recorded in 2022 at Bethel Music Worship School. Our podcast is made possible by the generous support of people all over the world. If you were impacted b…
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We need the perspective of the Lord to overcome the lies that we face and realign us with the truth. In this episode, Jonathan teaches on living defined by the Father’s voice. He shares practical examples from his own life, and ends with a journaling exercise. This message was originally recorded in 2021 at Bethel Music Worship School. Our podcast …
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In this episode, Melissa unpacks the maturity that comes through letting God reframe our understanding of pressure, especially in seasons of suffering. This message was originally recorded in 2021 at Bethel Music Worship School. Our podcast is made possible by the generous support of people all over the world. If you were impacted by this episode, …
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Randi Rosenkvist er engasjert i Nasjonal Aksjon for Bevaring og utvikling av de psykiatriske sykehusene. Man ser en stadig trend der helseforetakene selger unna eiendom knyttet til de psykiatriske institusjonene for å finansiere andre investeringer. For Randi er dette et verdivalg i feil retning for omgivelsene vi gir disse pasientene er en kvalite…
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Aftenposten hadde eit fint portrettintervju av Randi som ble publisert 06.11.21. Randi har skrevet mange publikasjoner. Samme avis publiserte en kronikk av Randi med tittelen: "Flere utilregnelige blir dømt. Det er et resultat av at behandlingstilbudet bygges ned." (Aftenposten Kronikk 04.04.22)Egil Romslo Schistad による
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Marianne var litt inne på det og viser til kronikken «Bygda 2.0». Den ble publisert 19.des 21 på NRK Ytring. Litt artig er byda kronikken forteller om bare en liten fjellovergang fra der "Valldalgjengen" holder til . En knapp times tur på turistvegen Trollstigen :)Egil Romslo Schistad による
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Siri hevder at psykiatrien blir i praksis nedprioritert i forhold til somatikken. Dette samsvarer med hva Riksrevisjonen tidligere har funnet. Les gjerne "Riksrevisjonen etter gransking: Psykisk helsevern nedprioriteres til fordel for somatikken". Denne ble pubisert i Dagens medisin den 03.juni 2021Egil Romslo Schistad による
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In this episode, Jonathan Helser and Jason Vallotton continue their conversation about living as powerful, healthy men. “Where are you?” This was the first question God asked in the Bible to Adam and Eve after they sinned and were hiding. It is so important for us all to grow in understanding our stories so that we can confess to God and others whe…
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En kronikkene Siri ville anbefale i forkant av samtalen var: "Psykisk helsevern i det blå". Denne kronikken ble publisert i Dagsavisen 18.01.22. Siri har også selv skrevet mye treffende om organisering og prioritering av psykisk helsevern, så det er absolutt verdt et googlesøk!Egil Romslo Schistad による
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In this episode, Jonathan Helser and Jason Vallotton dialogue about the work of living as a healthy man in today’s culture. Taking a season to slow down and strengthen our roots is a courageous and necessary step in the process of becoming who we were made to be. Jason Vallotton is a pastor and counselor in Redding, CA. He is a longtime friend of J…
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Som nevnt i samtalen er Bjarne Jensen redaktør i tidsskriftet Samfunn og Økonomi. Tidsskriftet publiserer om økonomi og offentlig forvaltning og kan kanskje være litt tung lesning ved første øyekast, men det er mye gull i det som utgis her! Sjekk gjerne ut: https://www.samfunnogokonomi.no/Egil Romslo Schistad による
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I etterkant av samtalen vår fant jeg og Tom Willy at vi ønsket å sammenfatte tankene i en kronikk med tittelen "Når fastlegane hiv etter pusten, kvelast helsevesenet". Den ble publisert 26.aug. 2021 i Sunnmørsposten.Egil Romslo Schistad による
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Marit trekte fram denne artikkelen som bakgrunn for samtalen: "Å skrive ut pasienter til kommunene – faglig rasjonalitet under press?", Frisvoll, Aarseth, Kirchhof , Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning , sept 2020.Egil Romslo Schistad による
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En relevant artikkel som Torgeir er medforfatter på heter: "Er vi på vei mot et SENGELØST, HJERTELØST og TODELT HELSEVESEN?" Gisvold, Røe, Wyller. Publisert tidsskriftet i Samfunn og økonomi 31. mars 2021. Artikkelen er åpent tilgjengelig på nett. Torgeir har inntil nylig sittet i styret i HTA og er aktiv debattant i tillegg til å være lege på Ulle…
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This podcast episode continues the conversation between Melissa Helser, Justina Stevens, Jessie Miller & Phyllis Unkefer about living as rooted and empowered women in this day and age. This part of the conversation focuses on the work of being a powerful woman and what that work requires for the long haul of life. Through stories and examples from …
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Bakgrunnen for samtalen vår er Haralds engasjement i det som het "Trønderopprøret" og som nå har utviklet seg til "Fastlegeordningen 2.0". I tillegg til å være fastlege underviser Harald legestudenter ved NTNU i Trondheim.Egil Romslo Schistad による
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What does it mean to be a powerful woman? In this podcast episode, Melissa Helser dialogues with Justina Stevens, Jessie Miller, & Phyllis Unkefer (three core leaders in our community) about living as rooted, powerful women in this day and age. This conversation centers around personal stories from each of the women about the process and reward of …
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Kronikken vi snakker rundt her heter " Krise i norsk eldreomsorg: "Jeg tissa ikke en eneste gang på hele vakta. Jeg pressa ned en karbonade uten å sette meg, bare for energiens skyld, mens jeg planla neste steg»" . Den ble publisert 24.mars 2021 på forskersonen.no Heidis doktorgrad er også interessant lesning! Den heter "Omsorg og styring Kjønn, ar…
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In this podcast episode, Jonathan Helser dialogues with Chris Miller, Jake Stevens & John David Gravitt (three leaders in our community) about living as wholehearted men in this day and age. This conversation centers around personal stories from each of the men about learning to press pause in the race of life, and reaching out with these simple ye…
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This is the third episode in a brand new three-part series. Featuring Jonathan and Melissa with Chris Miller and Phyllis Unkefer, this conversation focuses on doing the hard work of growing and maturing in community, through practicing honesty with the Lord and with others, and finding balance in the rhythms of life. **This month, applications are …
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This is the second episode in a brand new three-part series. Featuring Jonathan and Melissa with Chris Miller and Phyllis Unkefer, this conversation centers around staying with God in the tension of life. They unpack why we teach creative rhythms in our discipleship schools and how discovering God in the ordinary is possible. He desires to offer us…
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This is the first episode in a brand new three-part series. Featuring Jonathan and Melissa with Chris Miller and Phyllis Unkefer, this conversation centers around what it means to do the work of tending to your heart, and embrace the posture of a lifelong learner. ***This month, applications are open for our Men’s Retreat, Women’s Retreat, and our …
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