Grace Assembly Sermon Series Podcast
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Grace Assembly Sermon Series Podcast
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Grace Assembly of God is a Christ-centered pentecostal church that is dedicated to sharing God's love and developing disciples that live out the passions and priorities of Christ. Visit us on Sunday mornings at 9 or 11am for contemporary worship, gospel-centered preaching, and a loving community. To find out more about us visit us on the web at: Thanks for listening. (Praise the Lord! We have fixed our audio issues! Thank you for your patience.)
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Archived Sermons from Grace Christian Assembly in Smyrna, TN
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Even though we may be free, there can be something in our life that remains opposed to the Spirit. Pastor John looks into Galatians 5 and Ephesians 3 to help us learn to love instead of being consumed by our sins. Then we can experience the fullness of God.Pastor John Thrift による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 056 - Lamenting and Singing - Psalm 87 & 88Grace Christian Assembly による
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Even though we may be free, there can be something in our life that remains opposed to the Spirit. Pastor John looks into Galatians 5 and Ephesians 3 to help us learn to love instead of being consumed by our sins. Then we can experience the fullness of God.Pastor John Thrift による
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Suffering, Frustration, and Glory (Audio)
1:01:00Service begins with Kourtney and Alex Kearney dedicating their baby Raelynn Sue Kearney to the Lord. Pastor John continues in Romans 8, reminding us despite how hard life may seem, any sufferings we go through now pales to the glory God has in store for His children. All of us, even creation, wait in great expectation for the beauty to come. Yet we…
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Suffering, Frustration, and Glory (Audio)
1:01:00Service begins with Kourtney and Alex Kearney dedicating their baby Raelynn Sue Kearney to the Lord. Pastor John continues in Romans 8, reminding us despite how hard life may seem, any sufferings we go through now pales to the glory God has in store for His children. All of us, even creation, wait in great expectation for the beauty to come. Yet we…
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Pastor John starts service by welcoming the rest of our new members. We then celebrate the dedication of Eli and Morgan Brown's baby girl Kinsley to the Lord. Returning to Romans 8, Pastor John reminds us that our flesh, our self, can easily hinder our spiritual growth. Instead we have to live by the Word, for others, and give our lives to them. Ju…
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Pastor John starts service by welcoming the rest of our new members. We then celebrate the dedication of Eli and Morgan Brown's baby girl Kinsley to the Lord. Returning to Romans 8, Pastor John reminds us that our flesh, our self, can easily hinder our spiritual growth. Instead we have to live by the Word, for others, and give our lives to them. Ju…
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Sunday - David Morris - Christ, the Suffering Servant and Our Example - Mark 10Grace Christian Assembly による
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 033 - The Woman and the Pharisees - Luke 7Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 055 - Lovingkindness and Truth - Psalm 85 & 86Grace Christian Assembly による
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Service starts with special music from the Dance team, celebrating who we are in Christ. Pastor John then recognizes and welcomes a bevy of new members to the church. Then starting in 1 John 2:15-20, Pastor John reminds us how easy it is to fall into this world’s temptation - simply by doing nothing and wanting our own way. Instead we must learn ho…
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Service starts with special music from the Dance team, celebrating who we are in Christ. Pastor John then recognizes and welcomes a bevy of new members to the church. Then starting in 1 John 2:15-20, Pastor John reminds us how easy it is to fall into this world’s temptation - simply by doing nothing and wanting our own way. Instead we must learn ho…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 031 - Come To Me - Matthew 11Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 054 - How Lovely Are Your Dwellings - Psalm 83 & 84Grace Christian Assembly による
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Even though we are redeemed, we are still in a broken, dark world. Further, all of our brokenness may not have gone away when we were saved. Pastor John reminds us that even so the Lord wants to deal with our brokenness. Going to Romans 8, he begins to point out that nothing can stop the will of God to make us whole. And even if words fail Him, the…
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Even though we are redeemed, we are still in a broken, dark world. Further, all of our brokenness may not have gone away when we were saved. Pastor John reminds us that even so the Lord wants to deal with our brokenness. Going to Romans 8, he begins to point out that nothing can stop the will of God to make us whole. And even if words fail Him, the…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 030 - Miracles and Authority - Luke 7Grace Christian Assembly による
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Pastor John reminds us God is working; God is always working. What we may miss is that He's working in you. Since the first time you asked for forgiveness until your last breath, the Lord's Spirit is at work in you. But before He fills us, He needs to empty us. Pastor John then instructs us that we need to understand how to grow.…
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Pastor John reminds us God is working; God is always working. What we may miss is that He's working in you. Since the first time you asked for forgiveness until your last breath, the Lord's Spirit is at work in you. But before He fills us, He needs to empty us. Pastor John then instructs us that we need to understand how to grow.…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 029 - Kurios, Kurios - Matthew 7 & Luke 6Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 053 - You Are Elohim - Psalm 82Grace Christian Assembly による
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God’s Fellow Workers, Field, Building, and Temple (Audio)
1:00:00At Grace, we are expecting that God is birthing something in and through us. We don’t know what it is but Pastor John wants to make sure we get prepared. For this he goes to 1 Corinthians 3 and looks at division within the early church. Rather than focus on their mistakes, Pastor John speaks of what the Lord has stirred his heart over. That is we a…
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God’s Fellow Workers, Field, Building, and Temple (Audio)
1:00:00At Grace, we are expecting that God is birthing something in and through us. We don’t know what it is but Pastor John wants to make sure we get prepared. For this he goes to 1 Corinthians 3 and looks at division within the early church. Rather than focus on their mistakes, Pastor John speaks of what the Lord has stirred his heart over. That is we a…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 028 - Blind Men, Pigs, and Dogs - Matthew 7 & Luke 6Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 052 - Pretend Obedience - Psalms 79-81Grace Christian Assembly による
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Pastor John starts by warning us that over time he’s learned four easy steps to failure. Instead, he warns us to not forget our first love. Rather, Pastor John encourages us to delight ourselves in the Lord.Pastor John Thrift による
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Pastor John starts by warning us that over time he’s learned four easy steps to failure. Instead, he warns us to not forget our first love. Rather, Pastor John encourages us to delight ourselves in the Lord.Pastor John Thrift による
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 027 - Love and Do Good - Luke 6Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 051 - Asaph's Riddle - Psalms 78Grace Christian Assembly による
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As a child of God, we need to live in the confidence that we are chosen! Pastor John goes to John 15:16-17 and uses Jesus's words to prove this. Ultimately, we are chosen to be grafted into, abide in, dressed by the Father, and bear much fruit to the glory of God. Pastor John then goes on to describe the fruits we are chosen by God to produce.…
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As a child of God, we need to live in the confidence that we are chosen! Pastor John goes to John 15:16-17 and uses Jesus's words to prove this. Ultimately, we are chosen to be grafted into, abide in, dressed by the Father, and bear much fruit to the glory of God. Pastor John then goes on to describe the fruits we are chosen by God to produce.…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 026 - True Treasure - Matthew 6Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 050 - You Are Resplendent - Psalms 76 & 77Grace Christian Assembly による
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Spiritual Attacks From The Enemy (Audio)
1:02:00To start, Pastor John reminds us Jesus wants a relationship with us. He wants to reveal Himself and so much more to us. But we have to listen. We have to apply it to our lives. We have to accept the fullness He gives in life, including His Holy Spirit. Pastor John then finishes up his three points from Matthew 4 of how Satan may tempt us. He previo…
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Spiritual Attacks From The Enemy (Audio)
1:02:00To start, Pastor John reminds us Jesus wants a relationship with us. He wants to reveal Himself and so much more to us. But we have to listen. We have to apply it to our lives. We have to accept the fullness He gives in life, including His Holy Spirit. Pastor John then finishes up his three points from Matthew 4 of how Satan may tempt us. He previo…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 025 - Do Not Be Like the Hypocrites - Matthew 6Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 049 - God is My King from of Old - Psalms 74 & 75Grace Christian Assembly による
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Pastor John returns to Matthew 4 and this week focuses on tempting God. It can be easy for us to ask the Lord to prove Himself. Instead, if God has addressed the problem, we should never doubt Him. Instead of testing Him, just embrace His words over our life.Pastor John Thrift による
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Pastor John returns to Matthew 4 and this week focuses on tempting God. It can be easy for us to ask the Lord to prove Himself. Instead, if God has addressed the problem, we should never doubt Him. Instead of testing Him, just embrace His words over our life.Pastor John Thrift による
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 024 - But I Say - Matthew 5Grace Christian Assembly による
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Midweek - The Book of Psalms - 048 - Opening Book 3 - Psalm 73Grace Christian Assembly による
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Service starts by looking at one of Satan's favorite tactics - doubt. To help counter it, Pastor John goes to Matthew 4 and shows how Jesus models overcoming for us by first addressing our flesh.Pastor John Thrift による
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Service starts by looking at one of Satan's favorite tactics - doubt. To help counter it, Pastor John goes to Matthew 4 and shows how Jesus models overcoming for us by first addressing our flesh.Pastor John Thrift による
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In preparation for next week and a shifting in the spiritual realm, Pastor John looks at fasting in the Bible. Going to Joel, he emphasizes we need to fast and focus on the Lord so we can get clarity from God. We need to learn to host the Spirit of God; fasting is intended to help us with this essential.…
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In preparation for next week and a shifting in the spiritual realm, Pastor John looks at fasting in the Bible. Going to Joel, he emphasizes we need to fast and focus on the Lord so we can get clarity from God. We need to learn to host the Spirit of God; fasting is intended to help us with this essential.…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 023 - Salt of the Earth - Matthew 5Grace Christian Assembly による
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Going to Luke 1, Pastor John looks at the miraculous births of John and Jesus and contrasts Zechariah's and Mary's responses. Ultimately, we need to adopt Mary's attitude and state “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to [His] word.” Let us embrace the living words God speaks over and to us and do what He says.…
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Going to Luke 1, Pastor John looks at the miraculous births of John and Jesus and contrasts Zechariah's and Mary's responses. Ultimately, we need to adopt Mary's attitude and state “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to [His] word.” Let us embrace the living words God speaks over and to us and do what He says.…
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Sunday - Gospel Harmony - 22 - The Beatitudes - Matthew 5Grace Christian Assembly による
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Guest Speaker Les Lawrence: Consider Simeon (Audio)
41:00Guest Speaker Les Lawrence joins us today and starts by reading a short drama on the prophecy fulfilled almost two thousand years ago. Pastor Les then goes on to speak about Simeon, the man who spoke the prophecy, what he shared, and how even the most anonymous people to bring about the kingdom of God. If we will just allow ourselves to be used.…
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