This is a weekly recording of the sermons preached in the main service at Akigawa Baptist Church in Tokyo, Japan. The sermons are in Japanese. We hope they are an encouragement to you in your Christian walk! 秋川バプテスト教会の日曜礼拝のメッセージのポッドキャストです。皆様のクリスチャンとしての歩みに励ましになるようにお祈りします!どうぞお聞きください。
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of Hope Alive Church with pastors Heath Hubbard and Osamu Sakamoto. Located in Tokorozawa, Japan, HA believes that as you form a relationship with God you can experience freedom, purpose, and fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Each episode on this podcast is a recording of our church service from the previous Sunday. We hope as you listen, you will be filled with encouragement, peace, and the love of Christ. For more information about our church, please check out our ...
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北海道夕張からお届けする夜のゆいろく 聴いてくれてありがとうございます。 検索ワードは「yuimaru」です。配信登録して最新回を受け取ってください。 Twitterで「#夜のゆいろく」でレビュー、ご感想をお寄せください。 ハッシュタグを目印に私がリツイートいたします。 励みになりますのでよろしくお願いします。 This program is in Japanese. I'm talking about my impressions of movies and books. Feed URL is as follows.↓ The search word is "yuimaru". Please subscribe to receive the latest feeds. Please send us your review and feedback on Twitter using #夜のゆいろく. I will retweet it with the hashtag as a marker. T ...
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Did you know Jesus taught on hatred? We know already that we should not hate people. But what do we do if people hate us? Jesus tells us why in today's passage, and also how to respond to it.
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ワカッテサンデー ビッグニュース・Wakkate Sunday - Get this! big news!
Unstoppable: The Story of the Church 誰も僕らを止められない この5週間にわたるシリーズでは、エルサレムの教会から始まり、最終的には地の果てにまで及ぶ福音の驚くべき広がりについて詳しく述べます。弟子たちはイエスによって使命を与えられ、内住する聖霊を受け、今ではイエスのメッセージを大胆に宣べ伝える者たちとなっています。この物語の中で、彼らが直面する大きな試練を目の当たりにしつつ、神の王国がどのように繁栄し続けるかを見ることができるでしょう。今日、私たちは世代から世代へと受け継がれてきた霊的遺産を共有するという驚くべき特権に預かっています。神様の教会という、驚異的で止めることのできない力がここにあります。 This five-week series will…
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Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit." What does fruit actually look like when I'm connected to Jesus? Today we look at the second part of Jesus' answer to that question.
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「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that th…
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Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit." So here's a question. What does fruit actually look like when I'm connected to Jesus?
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「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that th…
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In John 15, Jesus uses the image of a grape vine to illustrate the importance of being connected to Him. Here's the question: how do we know if we are truly connected to Jesus?
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「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that th…
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神がすべてを支配しているのなら、どう生きるかは重要なことなのだろうか?・If God is in control of all things does it matter how I live?
「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that th…
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God created us so that we could display His glory. But how do we do that? Is it just when we praise Him or tell others about Him? Today, we're going to discover that every part of our lives is interwoven with the purpose of glorifying God.
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「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that th…
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「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that th…
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Today we will look at the humble love of Jesus Christ on display as he gives an example for Christians to humbly serve one another. A love that is not like the world’s selfish love, but a humble serving love. And what should our response be to Christ’s example? Will we be like Judas and reject the love of Jesus? Or will we follow his example and sh…
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「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that th…
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神様の助けと守護の揺るぎない原則祝福 ・The Unshakable Principles of God's Help and Protection
召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey. The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that the Jews would s…
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Today as we look in the book of Hosea we will see a beautiful picture of God's faithful love despite our unfaithfulness.
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霊的な明確さを求める4つのストップ・The 4 Stops for Spiritual Clarity
「召天の歌:旅路の巡礼歌」 召天の歌は、主にイスラエルの民にとって象徴的意味を持つ15の詩篇です。これらは、ユダヤ人たちが年に三度の主要な祭りのために、はるばるエルサレムの高い丘へ旅をする際に歌った巡礼歌です。これらの特別な礼拝歌を深く知り、そして心に刻みつつ、私たちの人生の旅路に思い馳せながら、心を込めて歌いましょう。 Psalms of Ascent: Pilgrim Songs for the Journey The Psalms of Ascent are fifteen songs that have rich, symbolic meaning, especially to the people of Israel. They are pilgrim songs that the…
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As we finish John 14, we're going to look at yet another gift that Jesus gives us through His Spirit in us: the gift of peace. What is it about Jesus' peace that makes it different? Why is it such a wonderful gift?
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地上にあふれる神の祝福 ・God's Blessing Overflowing on Earth
教会はキリストのからだであり、いっさいのものをいっさいのものによって満たす方の満ちておられるところです。 The church is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. For more information about Hope Alive, please check out our website. ホープアライブについて、こちらのリンクをご覧ください。 If you would like prayer or to contact one of our pastors, please click here: 祈ってもらいたいことがある方または牧師とご相談されたい方こちらへお問い合わせください Click here to…
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In our passage for today, Jesus takes care of a very important need through the Holy Spirit being in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we can fully and confidently trust the reliability of the apostles' testimonies.
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アディクションからの解放 テクノロジーが支配している今、それが本当に良いことなのでしょうか?この技術の時代に、私たち はスクリーンと向き合う時間が増え、実際に人と顔を合わせて交流する時間が減っています。どうす れば、テクノロジーを福音のために活用しつつ、より深く、意味のある友情を築くことができるでしょう か?このシリーズでは、現代の偶像から自分の人生を取り戻し、イエス・キリスト中心の人間になる ための方法を見つける手助けをします。 Freedom From Addiction Technology rules – but should it? In this technological age, we spend more time interacting with screens and …
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In our passage for today, Jesus helps us to see how important and wonderful it is that the Holy Spirit lives within us. He does that by showing us the special connection to Jesus and to God the Father that the Holy Spirit gives us.
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Think of the greatest preachers of all time. Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, Billy Graham. Great preachers who preached great sermons from the holy Scriptures. But what if you could hear a sermon from Jesus himself? Surely, it would be the most impactful, practical sermon about the Kingdom of God that you have ever heard. That is the Sermon on the…
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In our passage for today, Jesus tells us about one of the most wonderful blessings He could have given to us to help us as we follow Him. Not just hope for our future, but another Helper who walks with us each day.
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Think of the greatest preachers of all time. Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, Billy Graham. Great preachers who preached great sermons from the holy Scriptures. But what if you could hear a sermon from Jesus himself? Surely, it would be the most impactful, practical sermon about the Kingdom of God that you have ever heard. That is the Sermon on the…
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In our passage, Jesus helps us to see the deep connection between Himself and God the Father. And through that, He helps us to see our deep connection to Him through the work He does through us.
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Think of the greatest preachers of all time. Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, Billy Graham. Great preachers who preached great sermons from the holy Scriptures. But what if you could hear a sermon from Jesus himself? Surely, it would be the most impactful, practical sermon about the Kingdom of God that you have ever heard. That is the Sermon on the…
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Home is an awesome place, isn’t it? If you've been away from home for a long time, there is something amazing about finally getting to be home. It's something that we long for and look forward to. In our passage for today, Jesus introduces us to a new home that we get to look forward to!
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Have you ever messed up big time? Today, we’re going to see someone make one of the biggest regrets of his life. And yet, even though this person messed up big time, we’re also going to see the love and grace that Jesus gives him all throughout his mess-up.
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Let us learn together from Elisha's faith and prayer the secret of how we too can be strengthened in our faith, empowered in our prayer, and victorious in the midst of difficulties.
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Think of the greatest preachers of all time. Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, Billy Graham. Great preachers who preached great sermons from the holy Scriptures. But what if you could hear a sermon from Jesus himself? Surely, it would be the most impactful, practical sermon about the Kingdom of God that you have ever heard. That is the Sermon on the…
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