A companion to your infant feeding journey, this podcast explores how to get breastfeeding off to a good start (and how to end it) in a way that meets everyone's needs. Emma Pickett has been a Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 2011. As an author (of 4 books), trainer, volunteer and breastfeeding counsellor, she has supported thousands of families to reach their infant feeding goals. Breastfeeding/ chest feeding may be natural, but it isn't always easy for everyone. Hearing about oth ...
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Bryony's story - Breastfeeding and aversion
1:06:28My guest this week ticks so many different boxes when it comes to breastfeeding experiences - birth trauma, tongue tie, mixed/triple feeding, tandem feeding, gentle weaning - but what we’re going to focus on in this conversation is aversion. When I asked many of you recently about your experiences of breastfeeding in pregnancy, many of you mentione…
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This week, I’m pleased to be joined by Karly Proverbs, a specialist paediatric osteopath and maternal osteopath. She explains what an osteopath is, what goes into their extensive training, and what you can expect to happen during a consultation. We discuss the applications of osteopathy for breastfeeding babies and parents, including treatment of t…
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Hollie’s story - an eating disorder and postpartum psychosis
50:13Trigger warning - In addition to maternal mental health and a discussion of postpartum psychosis, this episode deals with anorexia and disordered eating, which some listeners may find triggering. I’m honoured that my guest this week, Holly Crawley, is willing to share her story with us. Holly is a mother of three, who was diagnosed with anorexia in…
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Most of us who breastfeed, or work with breastfeeding parents, are on the look out for the symptoms of postnatal depression, but we aren’t always fully informed when it comes to a condition known as D-MER. This week I’m joined by two guests with personal experience of D-MER, experiencing waves of sadness and emptiness that only coincided with breas…
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Lactation for the rest of us - induced lactation and supporting queer and trans parents with Jacob Engelsman
1:02:39This week I’m delighted to be joined by American IBCLC Jacob Engelsman, whose new book, ‘Lactation for the Rest of Us’, is out now. Jacob and I talk about inducing lactation, for birthing parents and non-birthing parents, the drugs and supplements that are used to aid milk supply in different parts of the world, the mental health aspects of breastf…
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Thrush and breastfeeding with Dr Naomi Dow
1:08:55Thrush in a breastfeeding dyad has commonly been diagnosed as a response to pain, but my guest today is a part of an important global conversation asking us to look at the evidence more closely. I’m delighted to be joined by Dr Naomi Dow, GP and IBCLC to talk about her work to better understand what is going on, and reduce the over-diagnosis of nip…
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Dads and breastfeeding with Scott Mair - The Sequel
1:16:57For part two of our Q&A session all about dads and partners, I’m once again joined by the brilliant Scott Mair. In this part, we answer questions on natural term breastfeeding, dealing with comments from family members, where to go for advice, and sex and intimacy after birth. I’m grateful to Scott for joining me in some honest and open, and not al…
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Dads and breastfeeding with Scott Mair - Part 1
1:05:43For this special Q&A session all about dads and partners, I’m delighted to be joined by Scott Mair. Scott is an ex-military dad of seven children, and one grandchild, who specialises in fathers’ mental health and inclusion. Who better to answer your questions about how dads can support breastfeeding, how non-feeding partners can form a bond with th…
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Another candidate for the breastfeeding hall of fame, my guest this week is Metasha who has fed her seven children over 20 years! Unlike many of my guests, Metasha’s story isn’t one of enormous challenges and struggles. Her attitude to breastfeeding and parenting has been to go with the flow, and to respond to her family’s needs, although she does …
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Talking to children about breastfeeding, with Emma Rosen
1:07:48For too many people, the first time they think about breastfeeding is when they are pregnant with their first child. If we are to change this, and normalise breastfeeding in our societies, we need to start with how we talk to children about breasts and babies. That’s why I’m delighted to be joined this week by Emma Rosen, a breastfeeding counsellor…
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Beth's story - my diabetes and breastfeeding
1:05:51Back in episode 21, we explored breastfeeding and diabetes with Lucy Lowe IBCLC, and I’m delighted to be joined this week by Beth, to talk about her personal experience of breastfeeding her two sons, Sage and Jago, with her type 1 diabetes. We talk about how Beth’s long-term health condition affected her pregnancies, births and breastfeeding. We al…
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Francesca’s story - finding attachment parenting, breastfeeding twins and staying strong
1:07:18Trigger warning - Listeners who would prefer not to hear discussion of maternal suicide should skip from 44:48-46:00 minutes. This episode contains some conversational swearing. Francesca’s inspirational story is one of determination, positivity and courage. Led by attachment parenting philosophy, she tandem fed her twins, while also bringing up he…
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Emma's story - breastfeeding a 35 week old baby
47:24No one expects their motherhood journey to begin in the NICU, but that’s where Emma found herself, after the birth of her daughter Maya, by c-section due to placenta previa. At 35 weeks, Maya did not have a fully developed sucking reflex, and so they began a process of tube feeding, formula, pumping, and eventually breastfeeding. Emma’s determinati…
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This week’s episode has it all - feeding twins, c-sections (both emergency and elective), triple feeding, cross-nursing, tongue tie, vasospasms - but what comes across most from Emily and Ali’s story is their love and support for one another as they breastfeed together. Emily had her son Frankie just weeks before Ali’s twins, Suni and Kiri, were bo…
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Katie's story - Breastfeeding with hypoplasia/IGT
1:05:52Hypoplasia or IGT is not often spoken about, but there are estimates that up to 1 in 10 of us have insufficient breast tissue to exclusively breastfeed. Katie found out that she was one of those people when she sought help after her son, Ezra, lost 11% of his birth rate in a matter of days. The advice she received from midwives and health visitors …
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This episode does contain discussion of miscarriage, stillbirth and infant death. This week, I’m speaking to Charlotte Mills, a midwife and IBCLC, whose third son, Robin, died before his birth at 20 weeks. Charlotte talks about losing Robin and her decision to continue lactating. She donated Robin’s milk to the Hearts Milk Bank where it went on to …
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Ellie's story - breastfeeding with confidence
1:07:38This week, I have the privilege of chatting with Ellie Warner, a hairdresser from Leeds, about her breastfeeding journey with her son, Ezra. Ellie initially knew little about breastfeeding but had an instinctual desire to do it. Ellie faced challenges, including gestational diabetes, a tongue-tie and torticollis, which eventually contributed to a b…
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Eleanor's story - breastfeeding and Bell's Palsy
1:01:16This week, I’m talking to Eleanor Nightingale about her breastfeeding experience with Bell's Palsy. During the birth of her daughter Hattie, Eleanor had an emergency forceps delivery, extensive tearing and haemorrhage. Six days later, the left side of her face became paralysed and after a rushed trip to A&E fearing a stroke, Eleanor was diagnosed a…
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Lara's story - 11 years of breastfeeding
1:21:55If there was a Breastfeeding Hall of Fame, my guest this week would certainly have a place. Laura has breastfed her three children, Beatrice, Joseph and Georgina, for 11 years and 3 months. She talks to me about the challenges she has overcome, including a traumatic NICU experience with her first child, her decision not to pump, the benefits of tan…
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This week, I’m delighted to speak to Sam Petridis, a neonatal nurse and IBCLC, about her breastfeeding and neonatal care. She is Baby Friendly Initiative Lead for her hospital, so we discuss what that means, and what the UNICEF guidelines mean for breastfeeding. Sam explains the different levels of neonatal care (Levels 1, 2, and 3) and the importa…
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WHO code and marketing of breastmilk substitutes - with Vicky Sibson
55:58This week, I’m delighted to be joined by Dr. Vicky Sibson, Director of the First Steps Nutrition Trust, to talk about the challenges and regulations surrounding infant formula marketing. Vicky explains the importance of the WHO Code, which aims to protect infant health by regulating the marketing of breast milk substitutes, and clarifies what infan…
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Louise's story - breastfeeding through PND
1:20:19Louise’s story might be a difficult listen if you have suffered from depression, anxiety, or postnatal depression, but it is a story that she feels is helpful to share, and I am so grateful that she has. Louise Chappell went into her pregnancy and birth excited and happy, but after her son Robin was born, anxiety and trauma surfaced, and she became…
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Sometimes our children can be our greatest teachers. That’s certainly what my guest this week, Bec, believes. Although she was a midwife before she was a mother, Bec has learnt so much about mothering and herself since having Lily two and half years ago. Their journey began with a peaceful water birth at 42 weeks, but continued with vomiting and po…
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It’s a pleasure to have Molly Morgan back with me today, to answer your questions about starting nursery and breastfeeding. You can find out more about Molly on Instagram at @molly_foxandthemoon and www.foxandthemoon.co.uk My new book, ‘Supporting the Transition from Breastfeeding: a Guide to Weaning for Professionals, Supporters and Parents’, is o…
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Natural term breastfeeding working positively
1:14:15In this episode I’m talking about natural term breastfeeding with someone who has both personal and professional experience of it. Olivia Hinge is an IBCLC, midwife and mum of three, currently breastfeeding her youngest child (who makes a sleepy appearance in the episode). We talk about the realities of breastfeeding support on the maternity ward a…
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Volunteer breastfeeding peer supporters are among the unsung heroes of the breastfeeding and chest feeding world. This week we’re exploring who they are and what they do. I’m joined by two peer supporters, Hilary and Katrina, who volunteer for Treasure Chest, in York. We talk about how they came to train as supporters, what they enjoy and find chal…
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Rakhee's story - a gradual weaning journey
1:06:19It’s my pleasure to be joined this week by Rakhee to talk about her gradual weaning journey with her daughter Isla. It was lack of sleep and aversion connected to her cycle that made Rakhee consider putting in some boundaries with Isla when she was around 18 months. With the support of her husband, Sandy, she made these changes very slowly, allowin…
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Summer holiday replay - Weaning a booby monster
1:00:14This summer bonus episode is a replay of episode 5, where I explore your motivations for weaning, and whether a refresh on nursing manners could help. I talk about ways you can upskill to meet your child’s needs without the breast, how to cut down on the number of feeds and how you can talk with your child to wean with kindness and authenticity. I’…
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Summer holiday replay - Making the decision to wean
45:12This summer bonus episode is a replay of episode 2, where I explore why you might want to end breastfeeding/chest feeding. I discuss the misleading advice that some parents receive, the societal pressures, and the guilt that you may be feeling, but also the autonomy that you can have to make this decision for yourself and your family. I’m taking a …
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Summer holiday replay - Dealing with family pressure
1:08:47‘You’re not feeding him again are you?’ ‘I’m only saying this because I’m worried about you’ ‘Don’t you think she’s a bit old for that now?’ Unsupportive comments from family members can be hurtful and stressful for you and your child. Especially when you’re trying to relax and enjoy your holiday. This summer bonus episode is a replay of episode 16…
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Today we’re talking about a condition that is surprisingly common in babies, but little known - torticollis. Alessia Testa had already suffered mastitis following a painful latch on one side by the time her son was six weeks old, but it was her insistence that her son had a head tilt that led to him being diagnosed and treated. With the help of phy…
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This week we’re talking about all things childcare and I’m delighted to be joined by Molly Morgan, a holistic sleep coach & maternity nurse. Molly and I discuss choosing between a nursery, childminder or nanny, what to look out for when making your decision, how a setting can support your breastfeeding journey and some of the practicalities of brea…
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This week, I’m honoured to have a true legend of UK breastfeeding support for you - Sarah Oakley, IBCLC, Registered Nurse and Health Visitor and Tongue-Tie Practitioner. Sarah and I discuss how and why tongue-ties happen, what you can expect from a tongue-tie division, if it’s right for your child, how to find a practitioner and what after-care is …
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Katie's story - breastfeeding after fertility treatment
1:13:02Katie had a difficult route to pregnancy, going through two rounds of IVF and several transfers, as well as multiple surgeries to prepare her for conception. Her story is one of struggle, but also of trusting her instincts to continue. Did her route to conception give her more determination to make breastfeeding work? After a c-section delivery, he…
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Breastfeeding and perimenopause both suffer from a lack of research and investment. When you put the two together, mothers in their 40s and 50s are often met with a lack of understanding and no clear path to follow. So this week, I’ve got together two women who know as much as anyone can do about these tricky subjects, Dr Claire Phipps, the Menopau…
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Lucy’s story - saying goodbye to a breastfeeding journey
56:05Few people who practise mostly child-led weaning know when their last feed is. Feeds tend to get few and far between until one day, you realise that it’s probably over. When that happened for today’s guest, Lucy, she chose to mark the occasion by writing a beautiful letter to her daughter, Ivy, which she shares here. However, Ivy had other plans! S…
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This week it’s the return of your questions - this time on the topic of natural term breastfeeding. Questions answered - 2:28How does self weaning happen? 8:57Is there evidence of calories needed to not affect milk supply while pursuing weight loss? 12:47My baby is 13 months old and my health visitor recently said she only needs two feeds a day at …
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Breastfeeding and medication, with Wendy Jones MBE
1:05:10If you’ve been around breastfeeding support for any amount of time in the UK, you will have benefited from the work of my guest this week. There are few people who have made such an impact on the lives of breastfeeding families. Wendy Jones MBE is a founding member of the Breastfeeding Network (BfN). She ran the Drugs in Breastmilk helpline for man…
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This week’s story from Chloe is about not just breastfeeding through pain and discomfort, but also a wound that seemingly would not heal. Chloe dealt with repeated bouts of mastitis, and an infection, before finally being pain free after 8 months of breastfeeding. She is also a nurse, specialising in wound management, so she’s uniquely placed to ta…
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I’m honoured this week to talk to Leanne Pearce about five of her paintings depicting human milk feeding, and her work in general. You can look at the paintings we focus on as you listen by going to Leanne’s website - www.leannepearce.co.uk/emma-pickett-podcast or by visiting my instagram account @emmapickettibclc. Leanne is a contemporary British …
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Approaches to supporting a weaning journey, with Katy Baker-Cohen
1:09:49There are as many approaches to weaning as there are nurslings, so in this episode, I thought I’d get another perspective from an IBCLC across the pond. Katy Baker-Cohen works with the Nurse Family Partnership and has her own private practice called Crescent Lactation Care based in Pennsylvania. Together we talk about our approaches to transitionin…
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Charlotte's story - a faltering growth journey
58:37In this episode, Charlotte shares her story of her son Noah’s journey with faltering growth and weight gain challenges. Her family struggled with bottle refusal, insufficient NHS support and hospital stays. Thanks partly to the remote support of lactation consultants, Noah is a happy 14 month old today with some great fat rolls, but the journey to …
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Tracey's story - breastfeeding triplets
1:14:46My guest today has achieved something that many people don’t think is possible - breastfeeding triplets. Tracey Chow-Seegoolam was already feeding her son Miles when she found out she was pregnant with three more babies. In our conversation, we talk about how Miles weaned during the pregnancy, where Tracey found support and advice for breastfeeding…
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Today, doula and peer supporter Terri Dell is sharing her breastfeeding story which ends with her night weaning her daughter Riley on attempt number 3. It’s a story that covers some early challenges but ends with a demonstration of how putting some boundaries in place, and getting to grips with nursing manners, can help a breastfeeding journey to c…
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The breadth of experiences that people from the LGBTQI+ community go through cannot possibly be covered in one episode, but today we’re making a start on how to support the community with lactation in its many forms. I’m speaking to BJ Woodstein IBCLC, who is also a doula, an academic and a translator, about the many choices open to Queer parents, …
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This week, I’m speaking to Shona, just three weeks after the birth of her second child, Vaila, who you can hear in the background! We talk about her feeding journey with four year old Jura, anxiety, miscarriage and aversion, and how he weaned during her pregnancy. My new book, ‘Supporting the Transition from Breastfeeding: a Guide to Weaning for Pr…
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Breastfeeding after blood loss - Leanne's story part 2
46:13Although the episode title refers to blood loss, Leanne’s story is about far more than that. It is important to flag up that Leanne’s birth contained trauma and her calm and articulate description of her experience is testament to who she is as a person, and the support and debriefing she has received. It won’t be an easy listen for everyone so ple…
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Breastfeeding after blood loss - Leanne's story part 1
43:31Although the episode title refers to blood loss, Leanne’s story is about far more than that. It is important to flag up that Leanne’s birth contained trauma and her calm and articulate description of her experience is testament to who she is as a person, and the support and debriefing she has received. It won’t be an easy listen for everyone so ple…
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Sometimes you meet someone who you instantly connect with, and it feels like you will never run out of things to talk about! That’s how I felt when I met life coach, Mubareka Virjee. In this episode, Mubareka brings her creative, intuitive, positive attitude to life to our discussion about her breastfeeding journey. We touch on pressure from family…
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Can you breastfeed while taking ibuprofen? What about pseudoephedrine? Or even chemotherapy? The published advice on medications and breastfeeding isn’t always clear, so who do you turn to for advice? Laura Kearney is a clinical lead pharmacist for UKDILAS, an NHS service which provides evidence-based information and advice to healthcare profession…
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