Welcome to Antioch New England's podcast! We are a non-denominational church planting movement in the Boston, MA area. These podcasts will give you a great way to get to know our values, beliefs, and vision. We're so glad you're with us! Check out our website to learn more about us and when and where each of our locations meet: https://antiochchurchboston.org/
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Pierce VanDunk, of Antioch Community Church of Waltham joins us to share what he has seen our ANE Relational Value of Radical Compassion to look like in his own life. Curious what we mean when we say Radical Compassion? Here's how we define and where we see it in the Bible: Radical Compassion | Engaging brokenness with the heart of Jesus Jesus look…
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Antioch Community Church of Beverly Lead Pastor, Brian Carlson, joins us to share what he has seen our ANE Relational Value of Passionate Worship to look like in his own life. Curious what we mean when we say Passionate Worship? Here's how we define and where we see it in the Bible: Passionate Worship | Loving Jesus extravagantly Jesus said that th…
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Antioch Community Church of Quincy Lead Pastor, Danny Pierce, joins us to share what he has seen our ANE Relational Value of Humble Service to look like in his own life. Curious what we mean when we say Humble Service? Here's how we define and where we see it in the Bible: Humble Service | Looking beyond ourselves Jesus came to serve, not to be ser…
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John Prickett, Associate Pastor, and Sophia Ma, Pastoral Resident, of Antioch Community Church of Waltham join us to share what they each have seen our ANE Relational Value of Authentic Relationships to look like in their own lives. Curious what we mean when we say Authentic Relationships? Here's how we define and where we see it in the Bible: Auth…
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Antioch Community Church of Brighton Associate Pastor, John Lux, joins us to share what he has seen our ANE Relational Value of Honoring Collaboration to look like in his own life. Curious what we mean when we say Honoring Collaboration? Here's how we define and where we see it in the Bible: Honoring Collaboration | Empowering the strengths of othe…
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Antioch Community Church of Roxbury Lead Pastor, Alyssa Tocci, joins us to share what she has seen our ANE Relational Value of Courageous Generosity to look like in her own life. Curious what we mean when we say Courageous Generosity? Here's how we define and where we see it in the Bible: Courageous Generosity | Excelling in the joy of giving Jesus…
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Why wouldn't we just try to have one big church? What does church planting even mean, what does it look like and why do we do it? ANE Overseer Mark Buckner shares why we believe we're called to plant churches to and what it has looked like in our Antioch movement.Antioch New England in Boston, MA による
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You Say Vision, I Say Vision. Tomato, Tomato?
Ever received the question, “what’s the vision?” Mark Buckner shares and explains five different potential things people may be needing when they ask for “vision.” (Whether they realize it or not!)Antioch New England in Boston, MA による
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Continuing off the previous episode, we answer the five potential ways to respond to the question, “what’s the vision,” sharing specifically the vision for Antioch New England.Antioch New England in Boston, MA による
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Hear about how the Antioch Movement as a whole got started and follow it to the beginning of Antioch New England. ANE overseer, Mark Buckner, doesn’t skip straight to the success story, but lets us in on some of the messier beginning stages.Antioch New England in Boston, MA による
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Join us for our first Antioch New England (ANE) podcast where we share a little bit of our vision for why we decided to start an official ANE movement podcast! You'll get a peek into what you can expect in future episodes and who this podcast was recorded with in mind.Antioch New England in Boston, MA による
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