Word of Encouragement is a weekly Devotional podcast. That encourage us to grow in our relationship with God. Adrian Ramey is a Associate Pastor at Harvest Temple Church of God in King NC.
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God is destroying Sodom and Gomorrah.
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Stay Faithful to God.
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Have we seen God’s Mercy in our lives?
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We see God’s Mercy on Lot and his family.
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How important is God to you?
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Lot see God’s Mercy.
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No one took Lot seriously.
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God sent angels to protect Lot.
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The Angels protect Lot.
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The Angels Rescue Lot.
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Lot protected his guest.
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The men of Sodom came to lot.
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Lot shows Hospitality.
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Angles Visit Lot.
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Abraham ask God Questions
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Worship God in 2024.
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Genesis 18:27,28,29 Encouraging Verse of The Day.
3:06Talk to God.
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Genesis 18:24,25,26 Encouraging Verse Of The Day.
2:48Fifty Righteous People.
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Abraham stood before God and ask him a question.
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God wants you to repent of your sins.
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Keep the way of the Lord.
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Sarah Laughed at God.
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Is anything too hard for the Lord.
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God is going to fulfill his promise.
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Abraham shows Hospitality.
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Abraham Shows Hospitality.
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Abraham and Ishmael and all of the men where circumcised.
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God did not forget Ishmael.
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God’s covenant with Isaac.
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God can do the impossible for His Glory.
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God give Sarah her new name.
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The Male had to be circumcised.
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Every Male had to be circumcised.
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Male child is circumcised.
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Keep God’s covenant.
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Is God number one in your life.
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God’s Covenant with Abraham.
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God change Abram name to Abraham.
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God Told Abram that is covenant is with him.
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God’s Covenant with Abram.
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Live a life that honors God.
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Ishmael is born.
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The God Who Sees.
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God see’s Hagar affliction.
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Face our problems.
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We have Victory in Jesus.
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Sarai is angry.
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Hagar is pregnant.
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Sarai took matters in her own hands.
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Praying for you.
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