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Let's face it, sometimes the world feels broken. We can see what needs fixing, yet more and more, it feels like the problems are too big and the bad guys are winning. But the truth is, they’re not. They’re just hoping we stop fighting. Welcome to Assembly Required with Stacey Abrams, a new podcast from Crooked Media and Democratic changemaker Stacey Abrams. Stacey knows better than anyone that societal shifts happen when a group of ordinary people decide that a problem is solvable, and are w ...
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Somos a Associação Brasileira de Linfoma e Leucemia (ABRALE), uma ONG que tem por missão oferecer ajuda e mobilizar parceiros para que todas as pessoas com câncer e doenças do sangue no Brasil tenham acesso ao melhor tratamento. Dispomos de vários serviços gratuitos para o paciente e a sua rede de apoio e trabalhamos as questões relacionadas à educação em saúde da população e dos próprios pacientes. ABRALE CAST é mais um canal da Abrale para você aprender sobre a sua saúde, de uma forma desc ...
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Abran Paso

Abran Paso

Toda la información que necesitas saber para hacer de tu trabajo un lugar digno, para tener más y mejores derechos y para que tus ingresos sean razonables, lo escuchas en este itinerario mañanero a través de las principales plataformas de podcast. Analizamos el impacto de la política y la economía en el mundo del trabajo. Además, todos los jueves publicamos historias de un barrio céntrico y multicultural de Buenos Aires que podrían ocurrir en cualquier parte del planeta.
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My name is Zach Abramowitz and I am Legally Disrupted. This podcast covers the trends disrupting the legal profession. Once a mild mannered practicing attorney, I now am an entrepreneur and investor in disruptive legal startups. My company, Killer Whale Strategies, helps law firms, legal departments, and anyone else capitalize on the wave of disruption sweeping over the legal industry. Join me as I spotlight key players, significant trends, and innovative companies who are shaking up an age ...
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Podcast by Jean Veber

Les belles histoires de l'oncle Jean et ses Ciné-Buddies. Le podcast sur la magie du Cinéma. Le réalisateur/podcasteur Jean Veber est tombé dedans quand il était petit. En compagnie de super invités/co-hôtes , ses « Ciné-Buddies », et souvent aux côtés de son père le cinéaste Francis Veber, il écrit une lettre d'humour au 7eme art et à la Pop Culture en général. Plus qu’un simple show, abracadaPod c’est un esprit ludique et informatif, un véritable network de programmes présent sur toutes le ...
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The ABR Podcast

The ABR Podcast

Welcome to The ABR Podcast, produced by Australian Book Review. Released every Thursday, The ABR Podcast features a range of literary highlights, such as reviews, poetry, fiction, interviews, and commentary. Subscribe on iTunes, Google, or Spotify Podcasts, or whichever app you use to listen to your favourite podcasts. For more information about ABR, visit our website, www.australianbookreview.com.au
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Abraçando o digital esta semana

Darren Pulsipher

Estamos no meio da revolução digital. Durante esse período, pode ser desafiador filtrar todo o hype e descobrir o que funciona, o que ainda será viável daqui a dois anos e o que contribui para a sua organização. Muitas organizações de TI precisam de ajuda com mensagens confusas e tecnologias conflitantes. Nós ajudamos as organizações a filtrar o ruído e abraçar a transformação digital. O mundo da transformação digital está em constante mudança e você precisa saber o que é viável hoje. Ouça o ...
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Have you ever felt so hurt and/or disrespected, but just couldn't understand exactly why or how that could happen? Have you ever felt taken advantage of? Have you ever put in so much work, maybe even gotten praised for it, but you started to feel burnt out? Do you find yourself living a life, that looks nothing like what YOU would love for it to be? Well, if you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, you've come to the right place! Boundaries and More helps you identify areas where you ...
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Ongoing actual play of The Expanse Roleplaying Game based on the books by James S.A. Corey. Follow the crew of the Sin Claire as the future history of humanity unfolds around them in the Solar System and beyond. Game Master John Bultena weaves tales of the folk on periphery of the major powers work their machinations on the fate of humankind. Join cast members Donna Prior, Scott Mitchell, Michael Hsiung, and Claire Lewis on their adventures in this hard science fiction setting using the AGE ...
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Abrazando lo Digital Esta Semana

Dr. Darren Pulsipher

Estamos en plena revolución digital. Durante este tiempo, puede resultar desafiante filtrar toda la exageración y encontrar lo que funciona, lo que seguirá siendo viable dentro de dos años y lo que aporta a tu organización. Muchas organizaciones de TI necesitan ayuda con mensajes confusos y tecnologías conflictivas. Nosotros ayudamos a las organizaciones a discernir entre el ruido y abrazar la transformación digital. El mundo de la transformación digital está en constante cambio y necesitas ...
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The Dan Abrams Podcast


A best of the week's episodes from The Dan Abrams Show on Sirius XM's POTUS 124. The motto of the show is "where politics meets the law." Everyday Dan, a lawyer and media entrepreneur, analyzes the biggest news stories of the day from a legal perspective. With so much of today's breaking news having a legal component, Abrams digs into the issues with a team of experts, including former federal prosecutors and high-profile legal experts. In addition to Abrams' unique insights into the legal s ...
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Luiz H Coelho

Novos contextos trazem novas limitações e novas permissões. Como perceber estas mudanças e nos prepararmos para o novo sem nos preocuparmos com julgamentos de terceiros e sim focarmos em nossas próprias buscas. Enfim, sobre a busca de nossa melhor versão.
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¿Te gustaría mejorar tu vida y tus relaciones y ser feliz en el amor? Este es un podcast semanal en el cual el Dr. Rafael Ramos, psicólogo, trata temas (en solitario o en entrevistas a colegas) que nos ayudan en nuestro desarrollo personal. El objetivo es conversar como amigos sobre aquello que nos impulsa a crecer como personas y/o en nuestras relaciones de pareja o de todo tipo. Hablamos sobre amor hacia otros y hacia nosotros mismos, autoestima, soledad sana y salud emocional y psicológic ...
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Sandy Abrams serves up shots of Breath & Mindfulness to help you tap into the power of your BREATH in small moments everyday. Just like we choose the kind of coffee or tea that we drink (from decaf/herbal to triple shot), we should choose how we breathe because mindful BREATH helps us create that specific energy from calm to balanced or boosted. You'll soon see that your first nourishing breath of the day can be just as coveted as that first sip of morning coffee. How do you take your breath ...
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Do you know how much risk your retirement portfolio is actually exposed to? Whether it’s preservation of capital or an aggressive growth strategy, every investor needs a clearly defined RISK PROFILE. Host Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer at Bulwark Capital Management, will cover all types of investment vehicles and you’ll learn what investing looks like when portfolios aren’t influenced by the corporate objectives of the big banks and Wall Street brokerage houses. Subscribe to the podc ...
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Abrazos 🤗


Wanna laugh? Or relax ? Or enjoy the randomness? Then you’re in the right place if you’re looking to smile and feel at ease, please make yourself at home 💕
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Abrahamsen Show

Juicy Producy og Bauer Media

En podcast hvor stand-up komiker Espen Abrahamsen inviterer kjente og ukjente fjes til en prat om viktige og uviktige temaer. Ny episode hver uke, både som podkast og video på YouTube! Youtube: @espenabrahamsen TikTok: Ezz1993 Instagram: @espen.abrahamsen Mail: [email protected]
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laly Abraham

laly_fflorito Florito

Welcome to the laly_fflorito Florito podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nahilnaseer
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show series
This week on The ABR Podcast we feature a short story from the ABR Archive. The story, ‘A Body of Water’ by Else Fitzgerald, was commended in the 2011 ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story prize. It opens in the desolate, quiet space of a former steel town on the Franklin River. Fitzgerald writes: ‘The town hunkers on the southernmost tip of a cruel spi…
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La caída del Imperio Persa, tras la eterna lucha frente a griegos y romanos, no será a manos de su secular enemigo. Un nuevo actor aparece en este arranque de la edad media para poner fin a los persas y cambiar la historia para siempre: el islam. En este episodio vamos a narrar la última etapa del Imperio Persa hasta su transformación bajo el signo…
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Découvrez le guide exclusif pour "Transformer votre relation à l'argent avec les conseils d'Emilie Dedieu-Richeton". Un outil clé pour transformer durablement votre relation à l'argent à télécharger ici : XXX -- Comment changer son rapport à l’argent et le mettre au service de ses projets de cœur ? Dans cet épisode inspirant d’Abracadabra, nous rec…
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💔 ¿El amor todo lo puede? Nos han dicho que sí, pero en la vida real hay otros factores que sostienen (o destruyen) una relación. En este episodio Rafael Ramos te cuenta lo que nadie dice sobre el amor real: cuándo es suficiente, cuándo no y qué más hace falta para que una relación funcione. Si alguna vez te preguntaste por qué algunas parejas, aun…
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In this episode, Zach interviews Eleanor Lightbody, the CEO of Luminance, about her journey from working at Darktrace to leading Luminance, a legal tech company. Eleanor shares insights from her four years as CEO, highlighting the transformative impact of AI in the legal tech space. They discuss Luminance's growth strategy, the development of their…
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Wálter Maierovitch fala sobre as últimas movimentações envolvendo o STF e os golpistas de 8 de janeiro. Ele destaca que é necessário que os vícios sejam retirados e o Supremo não pode apenas achar que é imparcial, já que "o povo não está vendo assim".
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President Trump’s affinity for crypto currency has emerged as another vehicle for profit and peddling influence. On today’s episode, we break down the basics of crypto and how the industry infiltrated Trump's world, unpacks the ways this administration is creating a friendly environment for this unregulated market in ways that might impact our econ…
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In this episode, I delve into a few communication styles and how they impact our boundaries and relationships. From those styles that lead to misunderstandings and tension to the sweet spot that transforms your relationships and your life. This episode offers valuable insights and practical guidance to help you on your journey. Let's dive in! CLICK…
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Mario Sergio Cortella faz uma reflexão sobre 26 de fevereiro, data que marca cinco anos do registro do primeiro caso de Covid confirmado no Brasil. O que aprendemos? ‘A primeira coisa que a gente aprendeu é que o nosso nariz humano estava empinado além da conta. Nos considerávamos invulneráveis. A melhor maneira de ficar inseguro é achar que está s…
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Did God tell us how to run our families? Absolutely!In today's episode, we're diving deep into God’s divine design for family life, focusing on the biblical hierarchy that guides us in running our households well. We'll explore practical insights on how to align your family structure with God’s Word. But first, we’ll touch on the latest news surrou…
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Olá, ouvintes! Neste novo episódio do Abrale Cast, batemos um papo com o Dr. Breno Gusmão (médico hematologista da BP - A Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo) sobre leucemias raras. Vem conferir! 🟠🟠 ⬜ Hosts: Tatiane Mota e Heitor Assumpção 🎙 Faça um PIX para a Abrale e nos ajude a tornar o tratamento oncológico mais lúdico para crianças com câncer…
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Transformação Digital para 23 de fevereiro de 2025, inclui notícias de Inteligência Artificial, Cibersegurança e Computação Ubíqua. Descubra como os recentes avanços no treinamento de IA, insights do sistema imunológico e medidas de cibersegurança estão revolucionando as indústrias e aprimorando a privacidade pessoal em nossa paisagem digital em rá…
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La Transformación Digital para el 23 de febrero de 2025, incluye noticias de Inteligencia Artificial, Ciberseguridad y Computación Ubicua. Descubre cómo los recientes avances en el entrenamiento de IA, las percepciones del sistema inmunológico y las medidas de ciberseguridad están revolucionando las industrias y mejorando la privacidad personal en …
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Un icono clásico de la cultura, de la literatura y de la religión medievales, que ha trascendido hasta nuestros días envuelto en el misterio y la fantasía. Hablamos del Grial, un símbolo universal capaz de tomar cuerpo en diversos relatos y tradiciones en muy diferentes formas, y que hunde sus raíces, según algunos, en lo más profundo de la prehist…
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Presentation Coach, Creative Director, and Author, Ben Levy joins Jeff Abracen to break down the art of creative agency presentations, why the best idea doesn’t always win, and how to structure a story that sells. Dig into the biggest mistakes people make in presentations (and how to fix them), why reading slides out loud is killing your pitch, how…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! En época medieval, y nos vamos a la Europa del Siglo XII, ciertos cambios sociales y políticos impulsaron la literatura en lenguas romances. El objetivo, el de siempre. Reflejar la ideología de aquellos que comenzaban a ocupar es…
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Another week, another Trump admin scheme to cripple the government—this time by targeting the very workers who keep it running, from food inspectors to mail carriers to those serving in our military. On today’s episode, Stacey breaks down Trump’s mass firing of probationary government employees and how these layoffs could soon ripple across entire …
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¿Te sorprendiste alguna vez diciendo frases como: "Si me lastimaste una vez, ya no confío en vos", "Las cosas son buenas o malas, no hay punto medio", o "Si no es perfecto, no sirve"? Este tipo de pensamiento en blanco y negro es una trampa mental que nos hace rígidos, nos impide ver soluciones y, sobre todo, nos aleja de una vida más plena y equil…
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This week on The ABR Podcast, Christopher Allen reviews James Fairfax: Portrait of a collector in eleven objects by Alexander Edward Gilly. James Fairfax, who was born in 1933 and died in 2017, was born into the ‘greatest press dynasty Australia had yet seen’. Christopher Allen is the national art critic for The Australian. Listen to Christopher Al…
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More information is found about the fate of the colonist of Tesoro Rosso, but none of it is making sense. The senior crew plan their next moves. Abraxas' Precipice is an actual play of The Expanse Roleplaying Game by Green Ronin Publishing. based on the novels by James S.A. Corey. It airs live on Wednesdays at 6pm PST on twitch.tv/onlyplaywizards G…
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Send us a text Breathe your goals to life by tapping into the power of Breath to release self-sabotaging thoughts/inner dialogue and create new inspired & empowering beliefs that lead to having the mindset of confidence/grit/resilience to take action and reach your goals. BREATHE & BELIEVE. Create an embodied energy as an antidote to the constant c…
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It’s time to take a closer look at how we’re showing up in our lives and relationships. This episode underscores the significance of evaluating how our upbringing and past experiences influence our present-day boundaries. Whether it's stunting our growth, or propelling us forward, we have the power to choose how it impacts our lives. Let's dive in!…
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O jurista Wálter Maierovitch, comentarista da CBN, faz uma análise da denúcia da PGR contra o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro e outras 33 pessoas por tentativa de golpe de Estado. Comentarista destaca que a peça do procurador-geral da República, Paulo Gonet, tem consistência, lastro.
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Mario Sergio Cortella destaca que o Estado Democrático de Direito é aquele que entende a lei como sendo a possibilidade de garantir a nossa convivência. Comentarista ressalta que a democracia carrega uma coisa curiosa. ‘Preserva a integridade daqueles que a repelem’.
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Trump is officially in office and he’s got some radical ideas when it comes to taxes. Are these ideas good? Are they bad? But most importantly, how will they affect us and our families? To answer these questions, we are joined by our friend and tax expert, Jed Kinderknecht, to help us dig deep into tax planning and the wild scenarios floating aroun…
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This week, Dan discusses: What would happen if Elon Musk tried to defy court orders? President Donald Trump called a federal judge's ruling "a disgrace." VP J.D. Vance said judges have no authority to limit a president's "legitimate power." Stephen Vladeck, professor of law at the Georgetown University Law Center, joins Dan. Vladeck is a nationally…
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Les Ciné-Buddies Laurent Vachaud, Philippe Setbon et Jean Veber rendent hommage au regretté Bertrand Blier en parlant de son chef d'oeuvre "Buffet Froid", 1979, avec Gerard Depardieu, Bernard Blier et Jean Carmet.SVP likez et souscrivez à la chaine abracadaPod sur Youtube. La nouvelle fantastique video sur "Buffet Froid" par Romain Lehnhoff mainten…
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