With a special emphasis on finances we talk about things that create wealth in your life. It's like a dinner table conversation once a week.
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Welcome to the Tucci Talks: Wealth, Health and Everything Else Podcast - I'm your host, David Tucci, an educator, a father of 3. Join me as I take you on a journey through life from a reckless young man to a humbled older man - each week I will offer different insights on my life experiences and the experiences of others and how that has shaped our present day realities - so let’s begin the epic journey into improving our wealth, health, and you guessed it... everything else. Support this po ...
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Did you know you can earn a positive average rate of return and still loose money? ...You can! Can IBC be used well in this economic climate? It can, and we are... Ben shares an investment he is doing with The Infinite Banking Concept right now. We read through more reddit questions this week, and you'll get to hear about: The Nelson Nash Golden Ru…
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Today were going to go to Reddit and read what people are saying about Infinite Banking. Then we'll respond to them right here on the Wealth Talks Podcast. You don't want to miss this! Watch this episode on video here: https://www.youtube.com/@wealth-talks-podcast Listen to the Wealth Talks Podcast on: Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/…
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***Watch to the End! Some people have a bad experience with the Infinite Banking Concept. We'll share what happened.*** People ask how much money do you need for Infinite Banking or they assume they need to have more than they do, in order to benefit from Infinite Banking. On the flip side, people who have more money sometimes think Infinite Bankin…
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In this episode of the Wealth Talks Podcast we get to talk about one of the foremost reasons we use the Infinite Banking Concept and that has to do with our family. We explain how we've structured our finances even beyond using the Infinite Banking Concept and how that works for us. The Infinite Banking concept is a wonderful thing for families bec…
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Business owners have the opportunity to use the Infinite Banking concept and Whole Life Insurance in some very creative ways to benefit their business. We're going to talk about how one company is using whole life insurance to create a very nice financial arrangement for the owners. Listen and Enjoy! Dry Cleaning equipment: https://www.sankosha-inc…
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In this episode we are going to talk about how to buy things with the Infinite Banking Concept. We talk about how to use Infinite Banking with a credit card to maximize your returns and create cash flow. We'll share details on things we've financed using IBC, and you'll get ideas on things you can self finance in your life. If you own your own busi…
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In this episode we are talking about Infinite Banking policies.What kind of life insurance policy you want for the Infinite Banking Concept and how to tell the difference between good and bad Policies. We get quite a few policies that come in to our office for review. Sadly a lot of these policies are pretty bad, but that’s also kind of good news i…
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Some people love the infinite banking concept and use it a lot, some people look at it for years without trying it at all, some people never try it and some people start and then stop. There has got to be more than one opinion on whether the Infinite Banking Concept works or not, but today you are going to get our opinions. Please review us on Appl…
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How To Get More Benefits From Infinite Banking in 2025
26:00In this episode we are talking about what people need to know to get the MOST benefit from the Infinite Banking Concept. The most important thing people need to know, to benefit from the Infinite Banking Concept, is how to get started. There are a lot of benefits to be had from the Infinite Banking Concept but you won’t get ANY of them, unless you …
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Getting the Benefits of Infinite Banking in 2025
28:31We NEVER hear people say “I wish I would have waited a little bit longer before I got started with the Infinite Banking concept”. We DO here people say, “I wish I would have known about this sooner.” This begs the question, “How do you “get started” with the infinite banking concept?” We are going to answer that question today and we are going to a…
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Infinite Banking Review and planning for 2025
25:57We have been using the Infinite Banking Concept personally for 19 years at this point. Although the way we have used it changes over the years as the economic environment changes, The Infinite Banking concept still works just as good as ever. The Infinite Banking Concept is an idea, It’s how you think about money. New Years are incredibly popular t…
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Recently Tucker Carlson interviewed Dave Ramsey. Dave Ramsey is a well known name in personal finance. I listened to the interview, I was impressed. Dave has a large personality and although we disagree with him strongly on certain points especially, life insurance and money management, he can be a good wake up call for people who are living in the…
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There is a report showing that over 5800 IRS and contractor employees owe nearly 50 million dollars of overdue taxes. It also appears by the looks of things that many of the employees are wilfully evading taxes… It seems like they know the system well enough to know how much they can get away with and they’re doing it. The IRS acknowledges this is …
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It has been said that the next generation will be able to rise as high as they can rise by standing on the shoulders of the generation before them. My Dad gave my siblings and me the opportunity to rise higher with the foundation he gave us, and in turn, we hope to do the same for our children. It is a beautiful thing to see how the actions of a pe…
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This is a story that my Dad told to me when I was younger, about his Mom (my Grandma) and her next door neighbor who was a thief. My Grandma caught and confronted her neighbor stealing from her, right in front of her nose. The way she put an end to the robbery, was genius. It will bring you a chuckle... and also some wisdom. Here is the story in de…
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It has been said that the healthiest of all human emotions is Gratitude. This is Thanksgiving week, on Thursday we take the whole day off to give thanks for wonderful things in our lives. The more you express your gratitude, the more you have to be grateful for. Kind of like work. The more work you do, the more work you will have to do. What you fo…
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In sports, when the whistle blows the play stops. It’s what happens after the whistle blows that determines the course of the game. Blowing the whistle is the first and most monumental step in getting different results in life. What you do, after the sound of the whistle has faded, is the biggest contributing factor to the results you will eventual…
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Today We take a look at the election results, and what we can expect and prepare for financially with a second Donald Trump administration. Please review us on Apple Podcasts: Go to the podcast app and write a review or go to this link, click listen on Apple Podcasts then scroll down and click "write a review" https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast.…
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(Listen before polls close) Voting is a Duty | Episode 495
25:13Voting is a Duty. To use the words of early president John Quincy Adams, "duty is ours, results are God's". Not voting in a U.S. election would be to shirk our duty and let our fellow Americans down. There is no patriotic way to sit on the sidelines and not vote in an election. If you are a citizen of the united states, you have a duty to discharge…
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The topic for today’s podcast is investment banking. We think that if you act like an investment banker in your own life you will be more profitable and get ahead faster financially. The way you think and what you think about is the foundation for what you do. If you can think like an investment banker, and act in accordance, you can have opportuni…
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Some people are pretty well stressed out. Of all the things people stress about, of which there are many, somewhere near the top of the list is money! Financial stress is a big deal and that’s what we are talking about today! Financial stress can be horrible or beneficial, and the effects can reach into all the areas of your life. It's all in how y…
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If you have a small business or entity that requires filing with your state, there’s a new rule you need to comply with by registering with FinCen. The filing is mandatory and the consequences are massive for not complying. It is estimated that 50% or more of small business owners do not know about this rule. Make sure you listen to this episode so…
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How to get more involved with Infinite Banking
26:04Some people have owned whole life insurance for several years and they want to get more involved with infinite banking. They want to make sure that they are using the infinite banking concept and their policy to their best advantage. That’s good. Today we are going to talk about how to do that. Some things we will talk about in this episode will be…
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Investment Grade Life insurance is not an actual product. It is rather, terminology that was created to sell more life insurance. Listening to this episode will help you to better understand what people mean when they use the phrase "Investment Grade Life Insurance". There are lots of different types of life insurance policies out there. Some are g…
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Being in the financial space like we are, we get asked about what will happen if the dollar collapses, we get asked what we think about cryptocurrency. Do we think the dollar is doomed? Do we think Crypto is a good investment? Do we think Crypto will replace the dollar? We’re going to talk about all of this right here right now, buckle up. One of t…
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A lot of people have Trust issues... we're not talking about psychological trust issues, we're talking about issues they have with a legal Trust. One of the Trust issues people have is simply not having any Trust at all. That’s an issue because Trusts keep estates out of probate! There are many legal tools available that can provide specific benefi…
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Are you bored with your budget? Are you tired of feeling frustrated and limited? Budgeting doesn’t have to be boring. If you structure your budget the right way, you can feel free and creative instead of trapped. To be effective, a budget has to be practical and also flexible. Listen to this episode and discover some new creative ways to work your …
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Many people think slavery in America was a thing of the past, we fought a civil war to end it and we’re glad it’s gone, but there are many people today who are enslaved. We are talking about financial slavery and how to escape the bonds of financial slavery today right now on Wealth Talks. Listen to the Wealth Talks Podcast on: Apple Podcasts: http…
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2024 Olympics Ceremonies, Winning the Lottery & Retirement Benefits
25:23Someone asked us to respond to the opening and closing ceremony at the 2024 Olympics, Brett asked us to talk about what someone should do with the money if they win the lottery, and Carlo asks if we had the choice between taking retirement benefits at $7800/mo. with lifetime free medical vs a lump sum of $1.5million dollars which one we would choos…
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Not long ago in podcast 469 we Rebutted a Dave Ramsey video that a podcast listener sent us. That podcast episode has been watched by hundreds of people and the feedback has been really something. A lot of people loved it and some people didn’t, you can see their feedback in the comments on episode 469. But through it all, another listener sent us …
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Credit unions will mail out life insurance offers sometimes. Are they a good deal? Should you buy life insurance through a credit union offer? That’s what we are talking about today. Credit union life insurance is better than nothing, but there are better deals. Listen and learn about the different types of life insurance available for you today. F…
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If you own a business you can absolutely use the infinite banking concept to fund business expenses and that’s what we are going to talk about right now in this episode of the Wealth Talks podcast. A lot of business owners want to use infinite banking to finance business expenses because of the intrinsic benefits. We’re going to talk about the bene…
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In this podcast we are talking about the problems with the infinite banking concept. The infinite banking concept is an idea not a product. The infinite banking concept is a way of thinking about money and finance in a way that allows you to keep more of the money you make, grow your wealth and have financial peace of mind. Some people think the in…
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If you wonder how much life insurance you need? Or how much life insurance you need for infinite banking? This is your podcast. The most honest answer to the question of, “How much life insurance do I need?” is, “Nobody knows”. And the shortest answer to the question of “how much life insurance should I have” is probably, "MORE!" ... let us explain…
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How Whole Life Insurance Works (Design & Function)
22:23This podcast will be helpful to those who want to keep more of the money they make, grow their wealth and have financial peace of mind. On a side note... We have Jasper here in the studio with us this morning. He’s 9 weeks old German Shepherd Puppy. Jasper is our up and coming guard dog. We have a guard dog up at our house already, her name is Lulu…
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What we wish we knew about money before we turned 18
24:17As we teach people about whole life insurance, how to manage money and the infinite banking concept, time and time again people tell us “I wish I would have known about this sooner”, or, “they should teach this in high school”. When you find something that works so well, it’s hard not to look back and wish you had that knowledge or that product ear…
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Q&A: Infinite banking, life insurance, cash value, policy loans
24:05Today we answer 9 questions we received about life insurance, cash value, money, interest rates, and dividends. These questions and their answers will be helpful to anyone who uses, or plans to use life insurance cash values and the Infinite Banking concept. The questions are: 1. Do I get to choose the interest rate I pay on a policy loan? 2. If th…
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In this podcast you will get specific numbers, and details from two different Whole Life Insurance policies, what the premiums are, how long they can be funded and how much money the owner can borrow. This is a glimpse into infinite banking policy design that many people will never get. Follow the Wealth Talks Podcast on: Instagram: https://www.ins…
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The way you think is the lens through which you observe every situation in life. The way you observe influences how you respond and how you respond makes an enormous impact in your life for better or for worse. Respond… and that’s such an important word, because many people go through life reacting to what life presents to them and that’s not an id…
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Have you ever wondered what the world will look like when today’s young adults become the middle-aged people of the future? The future is full of possibilities for everyone. There will be people who seize the opportunity to make a possibility a reality and there will be people who let the possibilities remain possibilities because they don’t want t…
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What's Happening to the Middle Class? | Episode 472
23:28If the money you save isn’t earning anything, it is losing value. That’s horrible news, but it’s the truth. We were on a business call with Alex just the other day and he asked, what is happening to the middle class? Middle class is defined largely by household income adjusted for household members. Anything from about 50k/150k of income per person…
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Today we have Anna, in the studio with us, to discuss how she has built her baking business from scratch, no pun intended, and to discuss some of the challenges and problems she has faced along the way. We also are of course going to sample one of her famous treats. Anna's business, Bread and Butter baking, makes sourdough bread, cookies, cakes, pi…
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Cash Value Life Insurance is one of the lesser understood financial assets that you can own, but it is also one of the most powerful. In today’s episode of The Wealth Talks Podcast we talk about the cash value of life insurance policies, what it is, where it comes from and how it can be used. This episode is all things cash value. After this episod…
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Josh listens to Wealth Talks on his way to work and he asked us to do a rebuttal to an episode of Dave Ramsey’s show where he is talking about the infinite banking concept. We happen to know a lot about the infinite banking concept, so if anyone can add perspective to Dave Ramsey’s video about the Infinite Banking Concept it would be us. The video …
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There has been a lot of money transferred from the accounts of working Americans into the coffers of the U.S. Government from the income tax alone. But worse than that it has created division among Americans and that is the worst repercussion of the 16th amendment. In this episode we talk about: • Tax avoidance vs. tax evasion• Tax avoidance proced…
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The Richest Man In Babylon Book | Episode 467
23:52The Richest Man in Babylon book has the reputation of being responsible for creating more millionaires than any other book in print. If that is the case, the advice in this book may be the best financial advice in the world. The financial advice given in this book has many aspects. One of the most fundamental of these is the 10-20-70 Rule. The powe…
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The Financial Side of Retirement | Episode 466
25:28In days gone by many private companies could offer pensions that would actually support someone financially in retirement, but those days are gone and so are the pensions. The financial side of retirement is extremely uncertain, many mainstream retirement plans are mediocre at best and while the desire to retire persists among people, the financial…
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Inflation is like a thief that never comes. It is good to protect yourself from inflation in every way you can. The bible says that if the man of the house knew what time the thief was coming he would be on the alert and not let his house be broken into. We know the thief is here, our duty is to protect our financial house to the best of our abilit…
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Infinite Banking For Your Business | Episode 464
28:49This is an example of how someone used the Infinite Banking Concept and the cash value of their life insurance to expand their welding and fabrication business. One of the owners of Brothers Fab Shop joins us in the studio to answer all our questions. We ask about: The expansion opportunity How to borrow from a policy Have they paid the loans back …
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In this episode we review the numbers of the first Infinite Banking policy we bought. We have owned the policy for 18 years now so you could say it’s an adult policy now. Over the years, We have paid lots of premiums on this policy and we have also used policy loans against the cash value for many things. We go over all of it in this episode, episo…
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