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Vulgar Banter

Vulgar Banter

Listen to your hosts, Angel and Eddie talk about Internet stories and current events, along with funny personal stories and sometimes even guests will help keep the VULGAR BANTER rolling for an hour of funny every week...with lots of swearing.
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The Vulgar Burrito Podcast

David Nichols II and Mike Dixon

Two longtime friends covering a wide range of topics, and putting their own twist on them with their unfiltered sense of humor. Find us on social media: Facebook = Instagram = Visit our online store:
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Tópico Vulgar

Vulgar Topic

El equipo de monos redactores de, revista digital dedicada a la cobertura de la escena mexicana de metal-hardcore-punk, repasan lo peor del acontecer musical y traen a la mesa para su discusión, temas relacionados con el ruido que los apasiona.
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Vulgarise-moi ça!

Bruno Marotte

Vulgarise-moi ça! est un podcast où la curiosité est de mise sur la vulgarisation de plusieurs sujets académiques et scientifiques. Nous abordons des sujets complexes avec des experts en leur domaine comme des chercheurs, des journalistes scientifiques, des profs d’université, des docteurs, des philosophes, des scientifiques, des artistes et bien plus. Le tout animé par un animateur curieux qui veut comprendre des sujets complexes.
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Marine Baousson

Vulgaire, c’est un podcast de vulgarisation de trucs, par Marine Baousson & Marie Misset. Chaque semaine, nous recevons des experts qui viennent vulgariser des concepts, des histoires ; et vous, ensuite, vous pouvez tout raconter à la machine à café. Plus de 6,5 millions d'écoutes Prix Radio France de la révélation podcast au Paris Podcast Festival 2020 Podcast de l'année 2020, Apple Petit Vulgaire : Prix du podcast jeunesse, Paris Podcast Festival 2022 Par Marine Baousson & Marie Misset --- ...
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The Explicits

Just somewhat regular college students giving raw and uncut commentary on everyday life. Follow us on our journey as we give you a look behind the scenes of millennials trying to make their own path in life.
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Comic and "POS" Cooper Moore is finally taking the mic to host his first-ever podcast; frankly, it's "a little too vulgar." Listen to Cooper interview some of your favorite influencers, talk about his life and mental health struggles, and discuss the latest in hot topics and pop culture. Stay tuned for Cooper's weekend recaps, embarrassing storytimes, and commentary on life and the crazy things it throws at him.
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Homo Vulgaris

H. Vulgaris

Homo Vulgaris covers a wide variety of topics from fashion to technology, and has been described as "a podcast for the modern aesthete". The podcast was created to explore the idea of aesthetics in today's world and to discuss topics such as digital culture and the way technology is changing our lives. The podcast has been featured in a variety of media outlets including The New York Times and BBC Radio.
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Vulgata Podcast

Vulgata Podcast

Benvingut Vulgata podcast es un podcast para la gente del común, hecho por alguien del común, pero se trata de un espacio para ver a la religión desde un punto de vista no tan estricto y cerrado, o hermético, al contrario, es un lugar de puertas abiertas, aquí son bienvenidas las personas de todas las orillas, sin importar su iglesia, creencia, deidad favorita, o modo de vida, aquí podrá encontrar datos curiosos, hechos históricos, reseñas de artículos, obras como pinturas, esculturas, liter ...
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Como implica el título, esta es una biografía de Doña Juana, conocida como Juana la Loca, hija de Fernando II de Aragón e Isabel I de Castilla, los Reyes Católicos.As the title implies, this is a biography of Doña Juana, known as Juana the Mad, daughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabel I of Castile, the Catholic Monarchs.
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show series
Reanudamos los extras del Tópico Vulgar con un una charla para conocer los detalles del Mortalfest 2025, legendario encuentro jalisciense que regresa luego de una pausa de catorce años. Beto, promotor incansable y figura de la escena subterránea nos da pelos y señales de esta nueva edición del festín que sucederá el 15 de marzo en Guadalajara.…
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Get to know your hosts, as Angel and Eddie take turns asking each other questions, so that you guys can really understand what makes them tick. Hear questions like, Would you switch lives with me for 24 hours? - If you started a popular conspiracy theory, what would it be?- What's the most embarrassing thing you got in trouble for?- What color woul…
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Juana I of Castile (1479-1555) was the third child of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon. She's remembered now for being "Juana La Loca/Juana The Mad" but, in fact, that reputation was just part of a larger scheme that found her caught between her ambitious and terrible husband and her ambitious and terrible father. References: Sister Quee…
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De camino al 8M hablamos con Marielle De León sobre la marcha de putes y: -La comunidad cuir en PR ser una cama twin -Encontrar tu perreadora interior -Falta de educación sobre intimar con una mujer trans y cómo explorar tu placer como mujer trans -Transformar nuestros espacios para poder quedarnos en PR y no tener que irnos para sentirnos vistes y…
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In this episode of The Vulgar Burrito Podcast, Dave dives into a list of real, bizarre facts that sound completely made up—but aren’t. From Lara Croft’s iconic breast size being a programmer’s happy accident to the disturbing truth about baby koalas’ first meals (spoiler: it’s poop), we break down the weirdest facts with our signature brand of dumb…
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Dans cet épisode, Marie reçoit Yohanna Brette, qui est partie civile lors du procès de Nicolas Sarkozy dans le procès des soupçons de financements libyens de Nicolas Sarkozy qui a lieu en ce moment. Elle nous explique de quoi Nicolas Sarkozy (et certains de ses proches) sont accusés (et pour le moment présumés innocents), nous raconte qu'un procès …
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Greetings Vulgar History listeners! We're thrilled to bring you an episode of another show we hope you'll enjoy: Fear Daily! Fear Daily takes you into the shadows of the past, unearthing the 1990's most terrifying tales of monsters, madness, and life after death. Join us as we explore the ghost stories and supernatural encounters left on an old onl…
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After hearing a little about their week, Angel and Eddie introduce the latest addition to The Joint...the new VULGAR BANTER "Am I The Asshole" Judge's Gavel, making all of their statements and opinions, legal and binding! Then comes a couple stories about Music Festivals gone wrong. 1st, the 2017 "FYRE FESTIVAL" which was a Fraudulent, Luxury Music…
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Isabella I of Castile was one of the most significant figures in world history in some of the worst possible ways. in this throwback episode from 2020, we follow her journey from little girl trapped in a ghost castle to teenage war mediator to PR stunt inventor to genocidal dictator! This is a heavy one, so get ready. References: Isabella of Castil…
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Reaccionamos a sus confesiones y les damos los consejos vulgares de Febrero: Léeme esta 1: -Estar en una relación abierta y comenzar algo nuevo con un gym crush -Cuando el primer encuentro se*ual no fue el mejor por “whiskey dck* y no sabes cómo hacerle un acercamiento para volver a intentarlo -El se* planificado muchas veces es mucho más rico que …
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What do you get when a kid gets banned from Nintendo, a grown man gets left alone at a Barbie party, and two dudes accidentally go on a seafood date? An episode full of cringe, laughs, and uncomfortable stares. Mike recounts how his youngest son hilariously violated the Nintendo Online code of conduct, Dave recalls how his wife ditched him at a Bar…
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Aujourd'hui à Vulgarise-moi ça!, Pierre Rogué, un avocat plaideur, vient nous parler du droit, mais dans une certaine approche des droits humains. Cet épisode aborde plusieurs sujets comme le droit, la constitution, la politique et les droits humains. Pour suivre Pierre sur Twitch: Pour me suivre: https:…
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Dans cet épisode, le cousin de Marie, Quentin Bruet-Ferréol, vient nous parler de la secte Heaven's Gate, dont tous les adeptes se sont suicidés avec une paire de Nike aux pieds, en se filmant, dans les années 90. Son Livre : Dieu est un voleur qui marche dans la nuit…
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In this episode, get the lowdown on our T-SHIRT GIVEAWAY, hear compelling new information on the ZODIAC KILLER that has Eddie and Angel convinced as to who he is, and Angel has 3 more "AM I THE ASSHOLE" stories that will make you laugh. So, come...have a listen! Got something to say? Send us a text!!…
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Fredericka "Marm" Mandelbaum was a Jewish mother of four, a gracious society hostess, a beloved member of her community—and the first widely renowned crime boss in America. Friend of the podcast Allison Epstein joins us to discuss this historical icon. Plus: BIG NEWS!! Order a copy of Allison's new book, Fagin the Thief. — Register to see Allison a…
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Hablamos con Janilka, la artista creadora de La Crica Mía, sobre los líos en los que nos hemos metido por bellacas y: -Cállate la boca un ratito y métemelo -Lo que puedes descubrir al mirarte la crica bien -Probar tu crics en los dedos y boca de otra persona -¿Nos gusta comer o que te comen el c*lo? -Tips para salir de situacions en donde te cogen …
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Dans cet épisode, nous recevons Alia Bengana, Architecte, et autrice de la BD : Béton, enquête en sables mouvants, un livre passionnant auquel on repense souvent, avec Marie. Pour l'acheter : son instagram : https://www.instagr…
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In this, our first Valentine's Day episode we discuss a couple of Crazy Couples, drug riddled punk rockers CID AND NANCY and violent criminals BONNIE AND CLYDE. Then we move on to one of the most famous gangster hits of all time, THE ST. VALENTINES DAY MASSACRE. After that, we discuss 4 Valentine's themed "Am I The Asshole?" stories. Come have a li…
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Empress Matilda (1102 - 1167) was the daughter, wife, and mother of Kings. She also should have been England's first crowned female monarch, but the patriarchy got in the way. She also once escaped by camouflaging herself in white cloaks in the snow!! A true legend. References: Matilda: Empress, Warrior, Queen by Catherine Hanley She-Wolves by Hele…
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Rendimos tributo a Ednita Nazario con @agendahembrista y hacemos un recorrido de su música y aprendizajes en el se*o y el amor que nos forjaron: -Darte cuenta que te equivocaste y esa persona no es el amor de tu vida -¿Quién eres tú sin mí? ¿Quién carajo son estos cab* sin nosotras? -Una le pone atributos a estos manes que no tienen. -Cuernos preve…
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Dans cet épisode, avec Fabrizio Bucella, Scientifique, Physicien, Oenologue et créateur de contenu, on parle de vin, du niveau d'alcool dans le sang de James Bond, et on essaye de savoir s'il vaut mieux prendre le premier ou le second vin le moins cher de la carte... Son Livre OVNI (objet Vinicole non identifié) :…
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Aujourd'hui à Vulgarise-moi ça!, le docteur Yann Becker vient nous parler l'immunologie, c'est-à-dire l'étude du système immunitaire, un système physiologique qui protège les organismes contre les infections. Cet épisode aborde plusieurs sujets comme la vaccination, le cancer, la covid, les médicaments et bien plus. Pour me suivre: https://linktr.e…
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This week we welcome special guest, Timmy Hemmelgarn! Get to know Timmy as we ask him questions about his personal life, super power preferences, work injuries, 100 LB spiders and whether or not Timmy could overpower a bird. Then he adds his opinions to ours on another set of "Am I the Asshole" stories...Come, have a listen and laugh with us! Got s…
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Before the American Civil War, Black opera singer Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield reigned supreme on Northern stages—even performing at Buckingham Palace. Novelist Tiffany L. Warren joins us this week to talk about the Beyoncé of the Antebellum, who features as the star of Tiffany's new novel The Unexpected Diva. Buy a copy of The Unexpected Diva by Ti…
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Hablamos sobre preguntas que debes hacerte cuando intentas que una relación funcione: 1. ¿Esta persona quiere que esto funcione tanto como yo? 2. ¿Esta situación contribuye a mi satisfacción y bienestar general con la vida? 3. ¿Estoy tratando de llenar un vacío o de evitar algo más allá? 4. ¿Se está activando mi ansiedad y/o una vieja herida/trauma…
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Mike brings a list of ridiculous ways to say "we're having sex", and Dave counters with a list of equally absurd nicknames for the female private part. What starts as a simple word exchange quickly spirals into a comedy free-fall of absurd metaphors, mispronunciations, and brand-new phrases no one asked for...but everyone will remember.…
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Dans cet épisode, Julien Alvarez revient sur l'histoire à mille rebondissements de la plus longue chasse au trésor du monde, achevée en 2024 : la chouette d'or... SON LIVRE : Vulgaire, un podcast présenté par Marine Baousson réalisé par Antoine Olier Programmé par Louise Tempéreau Gra…
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Aujourd'hui à Vulgarise-moi ça!, je reçois le premier groupe de l'histoire du Québec, Danger. Les frères Bellemare, Pierre et Polo, me font le cadeau de m'accorder une entrevue exclusive. Cet épisode aborde plusieurs sujets comme le punk, la musique au Québec, le party, la drogue et Jean-Pierre Ferland. Pour me suivre:…
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After a week off, missing guests, and a few upgrades to the JOINT, we have returned! This week we discuss the documentaries "JERRY SPRINGER: FIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION" and "CLASS ACTION PARK" which was a wildly dangerous water park back in the 80's and early 90's, and Angel talks about the psychological thriller, "BLINK TWICE" with Channing Tatum. Aaa…
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In an age when corporations increasingly see people as obstacles to profits, Surekha Davies's book Humans: A Monstrous History traces the long, volatile history of monster-making to chart a better path for the future. The result is a profound, effervescent, empowering retelling of the history of the world for anyone who wants to reverse rising ineq…
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Para estos Léeme estas venimos con la edición ULTIMATUM. Conecta con nosotras: Instagram/Twitter/Tiktok: @vulgarmaravilla @vulgarmaravilla_backup Moni: @soylamoni Leuryck: @leuryck_valentin Melz: @itsmelonmelz Apóyanos en: Paypal: [email protected] Ath movil- 787-587-9259 Venmo- @Melissa-CottoCastro Patreon: Para…
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Ever wondered how a song about love turned into a song about stealing meat? Dave and Mike tackle the funniest misheard lyrics in popular music history, adding their uniquely vulgar twist to every tune. From "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" to "Blinded by the Light", nothing is sacred, and no lyric is safe. Get ready to laugh out loud and never h…
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Dans cet épisode, le passionnant Professeur Jean-Noël Fabiani-Salmon, chirurgien cardiaque, vient nous raconter des anecdotes sur l'histoire de la médecine. Ses Livres : Vulgaire, un podcast présenté par Marie Misset et Marine Baousson réalisé par Antoine Olier Programmé par Louise Tempéreau Graphisme et …
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Aujourd'hui à Vulgarise-moi ça!, la très pertinente Anne Marie Tapp, religiologue, vient nous parler de religion. Cet épisode aborde plusieurs sujets comme les mormons, Jésus, la bible, le contrôle sur les femmes, les sectes et bien plus. Pour me suivre: Nouvelles Racines: #podcast …
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Breasts, clitoris, hymen, and womb. Across history, these body parts have told women who they are and what they should do. Although knowledge of each part has changed through time, none of them tells a simple story. Author Helen King is here to tell all, as we discuss her new book Immaculate Forms: A History of the Female Body in Four Parts. Buy a …
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Barro, se*o y relaciones: ¿Qué paralelos y aprendizajes existen entre trabajar con barro, seducir, k*nk y relaciones? Nivia de @croziers.pottery nos ayuda a descubrirlo. Conecta con Nivia: IG: @croziers.pottery Facebook: @croziers.pottery Conecta con nosotras: Instagram/Twitter/Tiktok: @vulgarmaravilla @vulgarmaravilla_backup Moni: @soylamoni Leury…
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In this hilariously outrageous episode of The Vulgar Burrito Podcast, Dave and Mike tackle another adult version of the classic game ‘Would You Rather?, just like they did in episode 12. While we can’t even hint at the absurd and vulgar scenarios they debate, we promise the duo’s comedic spin makes this one a must-listen for fans of their off-the-w…
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Dans cet épisode, le passionnant Professeur Jean-Noël Fabiani-Salmon, chirurgien cardiaque, vient nous raconter des anecdotes sur l'histoire de la médecine. Ses Livres : Vulgaire, un podcast présenté par Marie Misset et Marine Baousson réalisé par Antoine Olier Programmé par Louise Tempéreau Graphisme et …
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Vulgarise-moi ça est un podcast sur la vulgarisation scientifique sur des sujets complexes pris sur l'angle de la simplicité. L'épisode 1 porte sur l'intelligence artificielle avec Simon De Montigny, docteur en mathématiques appliquées. Lien Linktree #ai #ia #intelligenceartificielle #artificialintelligence …
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In this, our 25th episode, Angel returns from vacation and brings back fan favorite segment, "Am I The Asshole?" stories. Hear a discussion about a very unfortunately named type of music called BUTT ROCK, and Eddie talks about some horrible ways some actual historical people have met their's for fun. Got something to say? Send us a text!…
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Black British history reaches all the way back to the Roman age, so why do many people assume it began with the 20th-century Windrush generation? Author Elle Machray joins us to discuss the real Black British history that inspired their 18th-century historical novel Remember, Remember. Order a copy of Elle's book Remember, Remember. — Sign up for t…
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Nos ponemos las gafas violetas para concientizar sobre la violencia de género en Puerto Rico. Lenna Ramírez Cintrón, la directora ejecutiva de Casa Protegida Julia de Burgos, se une a nosotras para visibilizar la violencia que no ves. Hablamos sobre sobre las formas sutiles pero devastadoras de violencia de género, muchas de las cuales pasan desape…
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Dans cet épisode, Alexandra Bay nous raconte l'histoire du tatouage. Vous pouvez la suivre ici : ou sur instagram : Ou encore acheter son livre : -- VULGAIRE Un podcast de Marine Baou…
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