- největší server o zdraví
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Wir laden euch ein, in die interessante Gedankenwelt unserer Podcast-Gäste rund um die Zukunft des alpinen Tourismus einzutauchen. Hört zu, diskutiert mit und lasst euch informieren und inspirieren. Euer Vitalpin-Team
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🌙 Vitamins for your mind 🌙 這是 Vitamind 製作的正念冥想節目 我們相信 心理健康來自於日常補給 陪伴你度過每個分心焦慮 「每週日更新」歡迎隨時服用 一天一顆 Vitamind,關照自己成為習慣 --- 💫 加入 Vitamind 訂閱計畫 支持我們持續創作: 💫 歡迎任何合作 Instagram: @itsvitamind Email: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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In diesem Podcast sprechen Unternehmer und Gestalter vitaler Organisationen über ihre Praxis. Es geht um effektive Unternehmensführung, Organisationsgestaltung und Strategien.
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A quick synopsis of the morning financial news and how US equity markets could react to it. Published by Vital Knowledge and intended to compliment the company's website (
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A quarterly publication of the Vita Poetica Arts & Faith Collective, our online journal features creative work explored through a spiritual lens. Vita Poetica connects and upholds artists of faith, enlivening spiritual conversations through the arts. Learn more about us at -- Hosted by Vita Poetica Journal Editors Music by John Morris Support this podcast:
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Alimentación complementaria
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Slow down, relax and let go with Insight Timer meditation guide, Bella Vita. Join the journey of finding the light that is already within you. Just being is enough.
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I böljande samtal om allt från blommor, trädgårdsplanering, kompost och pallkragar till livet i stort och smått får vi följa en växande vänskap. I Röda vita rosen möts en av Sveriges främsta trädgårdsmästare - Victoria Skoglund och en av Sveriges mest entusiastiska nybörjare - Jenny Strömstedt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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2 Former NFL Scouts breaking down the NFL and College Football in a way you’ve never heard before.
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Conversations about shaping a new story about what's possible today-and living life with resilience, creativity, and purpose. With veteran writer, coach, and performer Dr. Sally Fox.
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Vitamin X, so heißt der politisch inkorrekteste Comedy Podcast Deutschlands. Satire-Nachrichten, gefährliches Halbwissen & Meta-Sarkasmus von Salim Samatou & Marvin Endres. Die beiden bewegen sich irgendwo zwischen Comedy und Wahnsinn.. und definitiv am Rande der Legalität. Forscher betonen immer wieder, dass Vitamin X gut für die Ohren sei! - Jeden Sonntag!
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Life, laughs and ordinary people’s extraordinary stories
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Vitamine Tech, c'est votre concentré d'énergie 100% tech, à retrouver toutes les semaines sur Futura Podcast. Tous les mercredis, retrouvez Adèle Ndjaki pour un point sur l'actu du moment, dans un format dynamique et accessible à toutes celles et ceux qui viennent tout juste de se connecter au réseau. Hi-tech, smartphones, intelligence artificielle, ordinateurs, internet, crypto, robots et objets connectés sont à retrouver dans Vitamine Tech.
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Duane Schulthess is the CEO of Vital Transformation, host and producer of Vital Health Podcast. Vital Transformation understands the implications of new medical procedures, technologies and regulations. We measure their impact upon treatment pathways and the biopharma innovation ecosystem in collaboration with health care professionals, researchers, and regulators. Through our web platform and client network, we are able to communicate our findings with international decision makers and stak ...
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Join Jordan Haines, CFP® and financial vitals specialist at Elements to explore strategies, principles and frameworks to increase the pace of delivering financial advice to people.
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Le podcast dédié à l'univers de la PlayStation Vita, l'ultime console portable de Sony. Proposé par le site Planète Vita.
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Welcome to the new B2B Revenue Vitals podcast, formerly State of Demand Gen. On this podcast, you’ll learn how to build a high-growth company from Refine Labs' CEO, Chris Walker. From proving new revenue programs to identifying and scaling programs that work, to training your team to operate at scale, you will understand what it takes to create a predictable pipeline of revenue innovation that drives compounding gains. Through interviews, AMAs, and invite-only events, we give you a sneak pee ...
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Podcast by Alschner.Klartext
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Discussing Ways to Cultivate Family Wellness
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This series was developed to bring together nationally recognized subject matter experts from the health and pharmacy industry as well as top academic and research institutions. Our goal is to provide unbiased information and offer scalable strategies that give you clarity amid the chaos and provide answers to your most burning questions.
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Vital Dissent seeks to oppose calamitous escalation in US foreign policy by exposing establishment narratives with well-researched documentary content and insightful guest interviews. Topics include: an antiwar foreign policy, historical revisionism, technocracy, eugenics, government & private corruption, & the use & development of propaganda. Host Patrick MacFarlane is the Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute. He is a practicing attorney. His work has appeared on ...
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Dr. Dustin & Erika Bosson are growing leaders in the health and wellness industry! In their practice, they truly believe that you deserve health and in the tradition of providing an excellence experience and service, are taking that value to the next level with The Vital Wire! In this podcast, you’ll hear a variety of topics, helping you gain the tools you need with the conversations you desire to have, on your way to better health!
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Are you ready to hear from some of the most interesting people in motocross and Supercross? That’s where Vital MX podcasts comes in. The Inside Line series features interesting conversations with riders past and present, as well as movers and shakers in the sport.
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The future award-winning podcast from the award-winning Las Vegas blogger who brings you all the Las Vegas news, unfounded rumors and WTF you can possibly stomach.
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Mujer Vital es un espacio dedicado a mujeres que buscan mejorar su calidad de vida durante la pre-menopausia y menopausia. En cada episodio, entrevistamos a expertas y mujeres inspiradoras que comparten sus experiencias y conocimientos sobre salud, nutrición, bienestar emocional y autocuidado. Desmitificamos los tabúes y proporcionamos técnicas para manejar el estrés y estrategias efectivas para gestionar los síntomas de esta etapa transformadora. Únete a nuestra comunidad y descubre cómo pu ...
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Elmer Huerta tendrá letra de médico pero te habla en sencillo. A través de este podcast el asesor médico de RPP aborda de manera clara y concisa temas de salud, investigación y actualidad médica. Se convertirá sin duda en tu médico de cabecera.
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Talking about the journey of becoming an M.D. and the experience of doing it at Western Atlantic University School of Medicine.
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Füra alle, die Italien lieben oder gerade lieben lernen! Sara und Alessandra sind selbst zur Hälfte Italienerinnen und erzählen jeden Mittwoch Insidertipps, lustige und spannende Anekdoten, Erfahrungsberichte und best-practice Beispiele zu unserem Sehnsuchtsort Italien. Dein kleiner Italien Urlaub für zwischendurch. Der Podcast con amore von und mit Sara und Alessandra
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Vitamin A ist das Amazon Advertising Update für jeden Seller und Vendor: Der erfolgreichste deutschsprachige Podcast über Trends, Neuigkeiten, Tipps & Tricks für bessere Amazon PPC Kampagnen. Deine Dosis Amazon PPC verabreichen dir die drei leidenschaftlichen PPC-Heads Florian Nottorf (ADFERENCE CEO), Anna Waag und Alex Vorbeck (Customer Onboarding Specialists). Sie sagen: Werbung ist ein lebenswichtiger Baustein eines gesunden Amazon Accounts. Vitamin A ist Amazon Advertising Wissen in Vita ...
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This educational podcast is intent on providing fun, clarity, and perspective shifting, that may or will be the missing clue to skyrocket your success in life full circle.
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Welcome to Vital Strategies Podcast, where financial and tax expertise meets entrepreneurial success. Join us as we dive deep into the world of high-level entrepreneurship, bringing you top authorities who specialize in cutting-edge financial and tax strategies. Our podcast is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the financial game, offering insights and advice that can optimize your wealth, reduce tax liabilities, and supercharge your business growth. Tune in to gain a competitive edge ...
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Come il digital può renderci la vita... una vita spaziale! Noi che non siamo millennial, possiamo vivere una vita super digitale, semplificando e migliorando il nostro lavoro e le nostre relazioni... usando il digital, quello utile! Contenuti extra su Telegram :-) Diventa anche tu produttore e finanziatore di questo progetto sostenendolo con 1 caffè al mese! Entra nella community di coloro che vogliono vivere una vita spaziale! Entra nel supporter club!
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Der Podcast von VITAL, dem Magazin für Gesundheit & Wellbeing. Unsere Gesundheit ist unser höchstes Gut und diese in schnelllebigen, stressigen Zeiten in einem überlasteten Gesundheitssystem und einer Medienwelt voller "Zaubermittel" zu erhalten, ist oftmals gar nicht leicht! Kein Problem - alle 14 Tage sprechen wir mit wechselnden Gesundheitsexperten aller Fachrichtungen und finden für Dich heraus, was du für deine mentale wie auch körperliche Gesundheit unbedingt wissen musst, was du für d ...
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore
Le Apostole della Vita Interiore
Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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A mountain biking podcast channel featuring in-depth interviews with world class riders and cycling industry professionals.
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Vital Views is a weekly podcast created by UNLV School of Nursing to discuss health care from a Rebel Nursing perspective. We share stories and expert information on both nursing-specific and broader healthcare topics to bring attention to the health trends and issues that affect us. New episodes every Tuesday. Feedback? Questions? Episode Ideas? Email
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Oriented toward being of great service to humanity. The intention of this podcast is to enhance ones quality of life with nothing but good value and wisdom of holistic living that sustains robust health.
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Feeling like life’s thrown you a curveball? You’re not alone. Join host Victoria Vita on ”You Are Not Alone”, where real people share real stories about overcoming life’s toughest challenges. Whether you’re knee-deep in stress, stuck in a rut, or just feeling like everything’s a mess, this podcast is here to remind you that others have been there too — and made it through. Each episode is packed with raw, honest conversations that inspire, uplift, and let you know it’s okay to feel what you’ ...
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Life is a journey filled with many amazing mountain highs and incredible valley lows. While beautiful, it can also be difficult to navigate the adversities we face on a daily basis. Join Marcus Black, a former pastor and current urban missionary, weekly as he aims to flood the world with inspiration, motivation, affirmation, & application to give you all the tools necessary to take back control of your life and set you on your path to purpose and fulfillment! If you’re tired of going through ...
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Interviews with extraordinary GTD'ers + the best advice for using Getting Things Done® (GTD) to clear your mind, to stay present with whatever you’re doing and to achieve stress free productivity. Vital Learning is the official Crucial Learning Licensee in the Nordics+. Hosted by certified GTD® Master Trainers Morten Røvik and Lars Rothschild Henriksen from Vital Learning.
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Product management, technology, investing, healthy way of living, essentialism, and more.
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Prediche ed esortazioni Bibliche da missionario Jesse Schreck per la tua edificazione spirituale e per farti conoscere e amare Dio di più.
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En djupdykande podcast om HV71 av Carl Andersson och Jonas Ragnarsson. Stöd Vita Gula Blå genom att bli Patreon-medlem här! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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In questa puntata di La mia vita spaziale, esploriamo il significato dell'informazione e l'essenza dell'intelligenza artificiale attraverso le riflessioni di Federico Faggin, padre del microchip. Partendo dalla teoria di Shannon, scopriamo il ruolo dei bit come unità astratte di informazione e come, al contrario, la nostra coscienza attribuisca sig…
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riflessioni sul Vangelo di Sabato 23 Novembre 2024 (Lc 20, 27-40) - Apostola Tiziana
- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Luca + In quel tempo, si avvicinarono a Gesù alcuni sadducèi - i quali dicono che non c'è risurrezione - e gli posero questa domanda: «Maestro, Mosè ci ha prescritto: "Se muore il fratello di qualcuno che ha moglie, ma è senza figli, su…
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Jenny saknar att leva det lilla livet på landet och att sätta händerna i jorden i sin trädgård varje dag. Efter en fullspäckad USA-resa uppskattar hon Sveriges gröna landskap och kyliga väder ännu lite mer. Victoria är mycket nöjd över att ha sin poddkompanjon hemma och att allt är som vanligt igen. Dessutom funderar hon på om det är vitt eller röt…
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Send us a text Are you afraid of taking that next step? What is keeping you from fulfilling your true desires? Take the leap of faith...embrace the art of being judged. Support the show Bella Sansone (Bella Vita) is a holistic health and wellness advocate and meditation guide. She was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. She is currently studying Phys…
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#104 Syrakus – Sonnenuntergänge, Genuss und das Beste aus Italien mit Danilo Campisi
Bist du auch reif für eine Auszeit vom November-Blues? In der heutigen Folge haben Sara und Alessandra genau das Richtige für dich: ein Thema, das dir garantiert die grauen Tage versüßen wird! Es gibt einen Ort in Italien, an dem der Winter kaum eine Chance hat – und wo selbst der November ein Hauch von Sommer verspricht. Die Rede ist von Sizilien!…
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Vill du vara med och stötta Vita Gula Blå. Bli då medlem på Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Co-Editor Caroline Langston introduces our new Autumn 2024 issue. Tune in for a preview of what's to come, and listen to Caroline's editorial letter, "In the Light of Eternity." --- Support this podcast:
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Reignite Your Passion! Embracing Dreams at Any Age With Eileen Caliva
Eileen Caliva is the passionate entrepreneur behind Caliva Cookies, a brand built from cherished family recipes and a love for bringing people together through food. At 50, Eileen took a brave leap, returning to school to study culinary arts and web development. With her newfound skills, she launched a business that embodies both her Italian herita…
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Episode 09 : la fin tragique de LittleBigPlanet
LittleBigPlanet est un jeu de plateformes incontournable sorti pour la première fois sur la PlayStation 3 en 2008. Avec 3 épisodes sur cette console, la franchise s’est également retrouvée sur la PSP, la PS4 et bien évidemment la PS Vita. Cette licence met l’accent sur la création et la personnalisation en permettant au joueur de créer ses propres …
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187: Superando le Difficoltà con Fede: Un Messaggio per Cristiani
In questo episodio del podcast, Iesse condivide un messaggio cruciale per vivere in tempi di difficoltà, sia in questa vita che in questo periodo specifico. Attraverso la fede e la fedeltà alla strada stretta, scopriremo come mantenere la nostra devozione al Signore in qualsiasi circostanza. Questo episodio include un'introduzione, alcuni annunci e…
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Joey Savatgy, Shane McElrath, Coty Schock and Cullin Park discuss all that happened at the third round of the 2024 FIM World Supercross Championship in Perth.Vital MX による
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💫 加入 Vitamind 訂閱計畫 支持我們持續創作: --- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 這是Vitamind專門製作的正念冥想節目,陪你抵抗分心焦慮的情緒。 每週日更新,你隨時服用。 更多資訊: 歡迎來找我們合作聊天~ Instagram: @itsvitamind Email: Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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Episodio # 21 Laila Jiménez y la Realidad Detrás de las Cámaras 📺
En este episodio de Mujer Vital Podcast, conversamos con Laila Jiménez , una reconocida presentadora de telenoticias matinales, quien nos comparte su visión auténtica sobre los desafíos de ser mujer en el mundo de la televisión, un entorno demandante y a menudo marcado por la presión de la imagen y la edad. 📢 ¡No olvides suscribirte a Mujer Vital P…
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Ken Roczen, Dean Wilson, Enzo Lopes, Coty Schock, Shane McElrath and Joey Savatgy discuss all that happened at the second round of the 2024 FIM World Supercross Championship in Perth.Vital MX による
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S podzimem a zimou přichází období popíjení teplých nápojů. Kávu a čaj jsme si dávno zvykli konzumovat v průběhu celého roku, co si ale zpestřit náš pitný režim v tomto chladném počasí něčím unikátnějším, jako je horké jablko? Toto typicky podzimní ovoce nejen báječně chutná jak v pevné, tak v tekuté podobě, ale navíc disponuje vitamíny a dalšími z…
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Organic Skincare, Natural Glow, und Inner Beauty mit Celebrity Make-Up Artist Karim Sattar
Natürliche Schönheit lebt vor allem vom Einklang von Körper, Geist und Seele. Davon ist Celebrity Make-Up Artist und Kosmetikprofi Karim Sattar überzeugt. Seine Arbeit sticht durch eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung der Haut, der Natürlichkeit, dem Wohlbefinden und somit auch der Schönheit heraus. Worauf es dabei ankommt, wie das mit kleinen Mitteln un…
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In this installment of Industry Insights, we talk to photographer Simon Cudby, who has shot some of the most iconic photos and magazine covers in Supercross and motocross history.Vital MX による
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Opakující se melodii v hlavě zkuste zahnat žvýkačkou. Extrémní případy mohou znamenat i nádor na mozku
Známe to snad všichni: v hlavě se nám dokola opakují čtyři takty otravné písničky a nejde to zastavit. Tento fenomén je tak rozšířený, že ho dokonce studují vědci. Přišlo se už i na pár možných vysvětlení a metod, jak se chytlavých melodií ( Rhiana Horovská) による
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Cukroví bez tuku je stejně chutné jako jeho kaloričtější alternativy. Připravit tak můžete třeba zázvorky
Zřejmě nikomu z nás neuniklo, že v posledních měsících rapidně stouply ceny másla. Tato zpráva je pro nás obzvláště nepříjemná v tomto období, jelikož máslo je základní ingrediencí mnoha druhů cukroví. Zároveň to však pro nás může být i výzva k tomu naučit se péct zdravější variace vánočních dobrot, které nás budou zároveň stát i méně peněz.…
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The full Vital Dawn piece can be found here:
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Welcome to The Vital Wire round 2! Let's get after it together! Follow us on Social:
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Máte letos nevyčerpaný některý z příspěvků z fondu prevence? Pak si ověřte, zda vaše zdravotní pojišťovna nepřijímá žádosti jen do konce listopadu. Pohlídat si lhůty se může vyplatit. Třeba VZP příští rok dva nejvíce oblíbené bonusy sníží, takže letos máte šanci získat až o 1500 Kč více než v roce 2025.…
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riflessioni sul Vangelo di Venerdì 22 Novembre 2024 (Lc 19, 45-48) - Apostola Kate
- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Luca + In quel tempo, Gesù, entrato nel tempio, si mise a scacciare quelli che vendevano, dicendo loro: «Sta scritto: "La mia casa sarà casa di preghiera". Voi invece ne avete fatto un covo di ladri». Ogni giorno insegnava nel tempio. I…
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Šéf Českomoravského svazu mlékárenského, Jiří Kopáček, takové máslo na českém trhu neviděl dvanáct let. Jde o třičtvrtětučné máslo, které, jak už název napovídá, má výrazně nižší obsah tuku. Proč takové máslo kupovat? Nebo ho spíše nekupovat? ( Kateřina Čepelíková) による
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Former Dallas Cowboys College Scouting Director Lionel Vital and former New York Jets Pro Scout Daniel Kelly talk about the state of the Dallas Cowboys.Daniel Kelly and Lionel Vital による
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Why Orientation Is A Faster Value Proposition [192]
Jordan shares how simply helping prospects understand their financial situation can create those powerful "aha" moments. Jordan dives into why orientation might just be your new secret sauce, offering a fresh value proposition that cuts through the noise. Tune in to discover how explaining over advising can transform your practice and foster deeper…
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The full Vital Dawn piece can be found here:
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Kdo by to byl řekl, že něco smrtelně nebezpečného může být i lékem? Medicína samozřejmě pracuje s mikrodávkami ledajakého jedu, ale výbušniny k vnitřnímu užití jsou přece jen vzácný fenomén. Příběh nitroglycerinu ukazuje, že pokusy a omyly mohou vědce leckdy dovést k velmi překvapujícím závěrů ( Rhiana Horovská) による
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Každý sedmý člověk trpí poměrně silným nedostatkem vitamínu D, další spousta lidí ho má méně, než je zdrávo. Studie přitom potvrzují, že pokud ho máme málo, stoupá riziko, že chytíme nějakou infekci. Na zásoby vitamínu D, které si tělo vytvořilo díky slunečným dnům během léta, už se v listopadu a dalších chladných měsících spoléhat nemůžeme.…
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Ačkoliv mnoho supermarketů a hypermarketů nabízí vánoční dekorace a ozdoby, jen co skončí dušičky, většina z nás s vánoční výzdobou ještě vyčkává. Obvykle se totiž tato příjemná aktivita pojí se začátkem adventu, kdy se připravují tradiční adventní vě ( Věra Krásová) による
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riflessioni sul Vangelo di Giovedì 21 Novembre 2024 (Mt 12, 46-50) - Apostola Michela
- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + In quel tempo, mentre Gesù parlava ancora alla folla, ecco, sua madre e i suoi fratelli stavano fuori e cercavano di parlargli. Qualcuno gli disse: «Ecco, tua madre e i tuoi fratelli stanno fuori e cercano di parlarti». Ed egli…
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Vitalize Podcast S6 E26 - The Journey Home: Rediscovering Your True Self
In this transformative episode of the Vitalize Podcast, your friendly neighborhood host, Mr. Marcus Black, reflects on his journey back home—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Through heartfelt stories and powerful insights, Marcus challenges listeners to reconnect with their true selves, embrace authenticity, and rediscover the joy and purp…
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Investing in Health: Pathways to a Well-being Economy and Smarter Healthcare Budgets
In this insightful episode of the Vital Health Podcast, we dive deep into the economic and societal benefits of investing in healthcare. Our esteemed guests, Professor Herwig Ostermann, Executive Director, Austrian National Public Health Institute, Professor Dennis A. Ostwald, CEO, WifOR Institute and Professor at Steinbeis School of International …
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The $81 Billion Toll of Substance Use Disorders on the Workplace: Employer Strategies for Cost Effective Care and Treatment
Substance use disorders related to alcohol and drug addiction are having a heavy emotional and financial toll on the workplace. It’s estimated that addiction costs employers upwards of $81 billion per year and employers struggle with how to provide the correct care. Finding in-network providers is challenging and health plans are paying a significa…
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Former Dallas Cowboys College Scouting Director Lionel Vital and former New York Jets Pro Scout Daniel Kelly discuss the firing of Jets' GM Joe Douglas and what the team needs to do to win another Super Bowl.Daniel Kelly and Lionel Vital による
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The full Vital Dawn piece can be found here:
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Ulcerózní kolitida je nevyléčitelné střevní onemocnění, u kterého neznáme příčinu. Pacienti mají chronický zánět na sliznici tlustého střeva, což jim způsobuje časté průjmy, bolesti břicha a další vážné problémy. Cílem léčby je proto navození co nejdelší remise a omezení vzplanutí příznaků. V minulosti se pacientům podával hlavně sulfasalazin, dnes…
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Bluesky : le nouveau réseau social qui vole la vedette à X
Que se passe-t-il sur le réseau social X ? Alors qu’Elon Musk, son propriétaire, vient d’être nommé à la tête d’un ministère consacré à "l’efficacité gouvernementale", des millions d’utilisateurs ont choisi de migrer vers une nouvelle plateforme : Bluesky. Accusé de favoriser la désinformation et les discours haineux, X se retrouve en pleine tourme…
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#213 - Dayparting bei Amazon PPC: Erfolgsstrategie oder Risiko?
Ist Dayparting bei Amazon PPC wirklich der Schlüssel zum Erfolg? In dieser Episode sprechen Alex und Mareike über die Strategie, Kampagnen nur zu bestimmten Zeiten zu schalten. Erfahre, wie du durch gezieltes Timing Conversions steigern kannst – aber auch, welche Risiken für Sichtbarkeit und Sales dabei lauern können. 🎯 Alle Themen der Episode im Ü…
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MotoXpod Show Ep335 | Ft. Austin Forkner and Ryan Breece
This week we have Triumph Racing's Austin Forkner on to talk about switching teams for the first time since he was an amateur, his new program and bike, and what his expectations are for the upcoming season. Then MCR Honda's Ryan Breece joins to discuss the first two rounds of the AMA Arenacross series, working with his new team, and WSX. As always…
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riflessioni sul Vangelo (Rito Ambrosiano) di Mercoledì 20 Novembre 2024 (Mt 9, 9-13) - Apostola Elena
- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + (Rito Ambrosiano) In quel tempo. Andando via di là, il Signore Gesù vide un uomo, chiamato Matteo, seduto al banco delle imposte, e gli disse: «Seguimi». Ed egli si alzò e lo seguì. Mentre sedeva a tavola nella casa, sopraggiun…
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Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Fight Back with $42 MILLION Verdict Win Ep. 279
Patrick dives into the recent trial which found US company CACI liable for damages from it’s work at the Abu Ghraib military prison following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Vital Dissent website Join my email list and become a premium member: Vital Dissent Merch 10% off with code VD10 Show notes: Provoked: How Washington St…
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Send us a text All you need is 3 minutes to ground yourself in the morning. You are truly the creator of your own life...what you say to yourself becomes reality. Affirmations are so powerful and a perfect way to start your morning on the right foot. Support the show Bella Sansone (Bella Vita) is a holistic health and wellness advocate and meditati…
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054 | Unlock Real Estate Profits Without Being a Landlord: The Power of Non-Performing Notes with Scott Carson
What if you could invest in real estate with less risk and more control than traditional property ownership? In this episode of the Vital Strategies Podcast, we dive into the world of buying non-performing mortgage notes—a unique investment strategy that allows you to purchase distressed debt and turn it into a profitable asset. Scott Carson, a sea…
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The full Vital Dawn piece can be found here:
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RV223 - Evolving The CMO Role (Art vs. Science)
In today’s episode, I’m sharing my interview on The Long Game podcast where we covered a variety of great topics like: Being Misunderstood on LinkedIn Attribution is a Tool (Not the Answer) Reimagining the Role of the CMO Demand Creation vs. Brand Awareness Bootstrapping vs. Venture Capital Why SaaS + Services is a Great Model LinkedIn's B2B Potent…
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In dieser Podcast-Episode stellen Philipp Simanek und Anne Gründling das Werkzeug "Capability Canvas" vor. Werkzeug hier kostenfrei downloaden: Das Capability Canvas ermöglicht Dir eine systematische Diagnose einer organisationalen Schwäche und provoziert Ideen für wirksame Veränderungen…
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riflessioni sul Vangelo di Martedì 19 Novembre 2024 (Lc 19, 1-10) - Apostola Tiziana
- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - .. la più grande gioia della vita é la convinzione di essere amati (Victor Hugo) .. + Dal Vangelo secondo Luca + In quel tempo, Gesù entrò nella città di Gèrico e la stava attraversando, quand'ecco un uomo, di nome Zacchèo, capo dei pubblicani e ricco, cerca…
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