- největší server o zdraví
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Wir laden euch ein, in die interessante Gedankenwelt unserer Podcast-Gäste rund um die Zukunft des alpinen Tourismus einzutauchen. Hört zu, diskutiert mit und lasst euch informieren und inspirieren. Euer Vitalpin-Team
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🌙 Vitamins for your mind 🌙 這是 Vitamind 製作的正念冥想節目 我們相信 心理健康來自於日常補給 陪伴你度過每個分心焦慮 「每週日更新」歡迎隨時服用 一天一顆 Vitamind,關照自己成為習慣 --- 💫 加入 Vitamind 訂閱計畫 支持我們持續創作: 💫 歡迎任何合作 Instagram: @itsvitamind Email: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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“Way Too Early” covers both the day’s inside-the-beltway political news as well as the critical stories shaping the national conversation leading into “Morning Joe.”
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Value Investing, Life & Philosophy and Classical Music Explained by Vitaliy Katsenelson
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A quick synopsis of the morning financial news and how US equity markets could react to it. Published by Vital Knowledge and intended to compliment the company's website (
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Alimentación complementaria
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Slow down, relax and let go with Insight Timer meditation guide, Bella Vita. Join the journey of finding the light that is already within you. Just being is enough.
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Vita pillret är en familjevänlig show med en borgerlig grundsyn. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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2 Former NFL Scouts breaking down the NFL and College Football in a way you’ve never heard before.
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Elmer Huerta tendrá letra de médico pero te habla en sencillo. A través de este podcast el asesor médico de RPP aborda de manera clara y concisa temas de salud, investigación y actualidad médica. Se convertirá sin duda en tu médico de cabecera.
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Vitamine Tech, c'est votre concentré d'énergie 100% tech, à retrouver toutes les semaines sur Futura Podcast. Tous les mercredis, retrouvez Adèle Ndjaki pour un point sur l'actu du moment, dans un format dynamique et accessible à toutes celles et ceux qui viennent tout juste de se connecter au réseau. Hi-tech, smartphones, intelligence artificielle, ordinateurs, internet, crypto, robots et objets connectés sont à retrouver dans Vitamine Tech.
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Vitamin X, so heißt der politisch inkorrekteste Comedy Podcast Deutschlands. Satire-Nachrichten, gefährliches Halbwissen & Meta-Sarkasmus von Salim Samatou & Marvin Endres. Die beiden bewegen sich irgendwo zwischen Comedy und Wahnsinn.. und definitiv am Rande der Legalität. Forscher betonen immer wieder, dass Vitamin X gut für die Ohren sei! - Jeden Sonntag!
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This is a space for the big questions. The stuff we don’t always make time for. The things that challenge and shape us, that remind us of what truly matters in the end.
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Join Jordan Haines, CFP® and financial vitals specialist at Elements to explore strategies, principles and frameworks to increase the pace of delivering financial advice to people.
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Discussing Ways to Cultivate Family Wellness
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Duane Schulthess is the CEO of Vital Transformation, host and producer of Vital Health Podcast. Vital Transformation understands the implications of new medical procedures, technologies and regulations. We measure their impact upon treatment pathways and the biopharma innovation ecosystem in collaboration with health care professionals, researchers, and regulators. Through our web platform and client network, we are able to communicate our findings with international decision makers and stak ...
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Podcast by Alschner.Klartext
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Catherine Cantey’s goal is to partner with individuals and teams to create positive and measurable change. She brings more than 20 years of professional experience in sales, consulting, and coaching with focus on results. Some of her experiences include strategic planning with board and leadership teams, training, and speaking. Her ability to facilitate, collaborate and share ideas has earned her exceeding results. Business Vitality® and the Business Vitality® podcast are owned by Cantey Adv ...
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Vital Dissent seeks to oppose calamitous escalation in US foreign policy by exposing establishment narratives with well-researched documentary content and insightful guest interviews. Topics include: an antiwar foreign policy, historical revisionism, technocracy, eugenics, government & private corruption, & the use & development of propaganda. Host Patrick MacFarlane is the Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute. He is a practicing attorney. His work has appeared on ...
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Vital Pet Life Podcast cracks the code on pet nutrition, wellness hacks & keeping your fur fam thriving! ✨ Need clean supplements? We got you! Tune in, follow & unleash your pet questions: ➡️ You could be next episode’s superstar!
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Are you ready to hear from some of the most interesting people in motocross and Supercross? That’s where Vital MX podcasts comes in. The Inside Line series features interesting conversations with riders past and present, as well as movers and shakers in the sport.
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Mujer Vital es un espacio dedicado a mujeres que buscan mejorar su calidad de vida durante la pre-menopausia y menopausia. En cada episodio, entrevistamos a expertas y mujeres inspiradoras que comparten sus experiencias y conocimientos sobre salud, nutrición, bienestar emocional y autocuidado. Desmitificamos los tabúes y proporcionamos técnicas para manejar el estrés y estrategias efectivas para gestionar los síntomas de esta etapa transformadora. Únete a nuestra comunidad y descubre cómo pu ...
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Welcome to the new B2B Revenue Vitals podcast, formerly State of Demand Gen. On this podcast, you’ll learn how to build a high-growth company from Refine Labs' CEO, Chris Walker. From proving new revenue programs to identifying and scaling programs that work, to training your team to operate at scale, you will understand what it takes to create a predictable pipeline of revenue innovation that drives compounding gains. Through interviews, AMAs, and invite-only events, we give you a sneak pee ...
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Vital Views is a weekly podcast created by UNLV School of Nursing to discuss health care from a Rebel Nursing perspective. We share stories and expert information on both nursing-specific and broader healthcare topics to bring attention to the health trends and issues that affect us. New episodes every Tuesday. Feedback? Questions? Episode Ideas? Email
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The Vital Communicator is a podcast dedicated to helping professionals like you improve their leadership and communication skills, one simple strategy at a time. Join host Tommy Re as he explores the most pressing issues in workplace communication with the top experts in leadership and professional development. We drop new episodes every other Friday. Check out our episode catalog on our website at, watch us on YouTube, or listen to us wherever you get your podcasts!
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I böljande samtal om allt från blommor, trädgårdsplanering, kompost och pallkragar till livet i stort och smått får vi följa en växande vänskap. I Röda vita rosen möts en av Sveriges främsta trädgårdsmästare - Victoria Skoglund och en av Sveriges mest entusiastiska nybörjare - Jenny Strömstedt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to Vital Strategies Podcast, where financial and tax expertise meets entrepreneurial success. Join us as we dive deep into the world of high-level entrepreneurship, bringing you top authorities who specialize in cutting-edge financial and tax strategies. Our podcast is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the financial game, offering insights and advice that can optimize your wealth, reduce tax liabilities, and supercharge your business growth. Tune in to gain a competitive edge ...
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Vitamin A ist das Amazon Advertising Update für jeden Seller und Vendor: Der erfolgreichste deutschsprachige Podcast über Trends, Neuigkeiten, Tipps & Tricks für bessere Amazon PPC Kampagnen. Deine Dosis Amazon PPC verabreichen dir die drei leidenschaftlichen PPC-Heads Florian Nottorf (ADFERENCE CEO), Anna Waag und Alex Vorbeck (Customer Onboarding Specialists). Sie sagen: Werbung ist ein lebenswichtiger Baustein eines gesunden Amazon Accounts. Vitamin A ist Amazon Advertising Wissen in Vita ...
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Come il digital può renderci la vita... una vita spaziale! Noi che non siamo millennial, possiamo vivere una vita super digitale, semplificando e migliorando il nostro lavoro e le nostre relazioni... usando il digital, quello utile! Contenuti extra su Telegram :-) Diventa anche tu produttore e finanziatore di questo progetto sostenendolo con 1 caffè al mese! Entra nella community di coloro che vogliono vivere una vita spaziale! Entra nel supporter club!
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Life is a journey filled with many amazing mountain highs and incredible valley lows. While beautiful, it can also be difficult to navigate the adversities we face on a daily basis. Join Marcus Black, a former pastor and current urban missionary, weekly as he aims to flood the world with inspiration, motivation, affirmation, & application to give you all the tools necessary to take back control of your life and set you on your path to purpose and fulfillment! If you’re tired of going through ...
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Der Podcast von VITAL, dem Magazin für Gesundheit & Wellbeing. Unsere Gesundheit ist unser höchstes Gut und diese in schnelllebigen, stressigen Zeiten in einem überlasteten Gesundheitssystem und einer Medienwelt voller "Zaubermittel" zu erhalten, ist oftmals gar nicht leicht! Kein Problem - alle 14 Tage sprechen wir mit wechselnden Gesundheitsexperten aller Fachrichtungen und finden für Dich heraus, was du für deine mentale wie auch körperliche Gesundheit unbedingt wissen musst, was du für d ...
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Feeling like life’s thrown you a curveball? You’re not alone. Join host Victoria Vita on ”You Are Not Alone”, where real people share real stories about overcoming life’s toughest challenges. Whether you’re knee-deep in stress, stuck in a rut, or just feeling like everything’s a mess, this podcast is here to remind you that others have been there too — and made it through. Each episode is packed with raw, honest conversations that inspire, uplift, and let you know it’s okay to feel what you’ ...
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Interviews with extraordinary GTD'ers + the best advice for using Getting Things Done® (GTD) to clear your mind, to stay present with whatever you’re doing and to achieve stress free productivity. Vital Learning is the official Crucial Learning Licensee in the Nordics+. Hosted by certified GTD® Master Trainers Morten Røvik and Lars Rothschild Henriksen from Vital Learning.
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore
Le Apostole della Vita Interiore
Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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VitalTalks: Future of Public Health from Vital Strategies looks at how the world around us shapes our health, and how we can shape our environments so that everyone, everywhere has the potential for great health. Vital Strategies is a global public health organization that seeks to accelerate progress on the world’s most pressing health problems. Our team combines evidence-based strategies with innovation to help develop and implement sound public health policies, manage programs efficiently ...
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Looking to learn more about holistic skincare, herbalism, and whole-body vitality? Tune in for expert advice, tips, and interviews with experts in the field. We cover everything from the science of the skin and natural skincare ingredients to lifestyle shifts that connect us more deeply to our natural environment, to how your natural vibrant beauty can shine brightly through your skin. Join us on our journey to discover the power of vitalism.
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A live podcast series originally recorded on Twitch featuring other Vtubers, content creators, and guests with health issues and disabilities. We'll be talking about their condition, their treatment course/procedures/therapies they're undergoing, how they're living with it so far, and their health/wellness goals for the future. Through these series of interviews, we hope to raise awareness about the different health conditions and disabilities that people have by sharing their lived experien ...
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Füra alle, die Italien lieben oder gerade lieben lernen! Sara und Alessandra sind selbst zur Hälfte Italienerinnen und erzählen jeden Mittwoch Insidertipps, lustige und spannende Anekdoten, Erfahrungsberichte und best-practice Beispiele zu unserem Sehnsuchtsort Italien. Dein kleiner Italien Urlaub für zwischendurch. Der Podcast con amore von und mit Sara und Alessandra
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Welcome to Vita with Alita, the show where I invite you to join me as we grow, evolve, and unlock our full potential together. I’m your host, Alita Gideon, and each week, I’ll share my personal stories, struggles, and triumphs along my own self-improvement journey. Through real-life examples, practical tips, scientific discussions, and heartfelt conversations, I’ll dive into the challenges and victories that shape my path to becoming my best self. Whether you’re looking to boost your confide ...
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Jenny fascineras över hur dagens gäster kan vara så ödmjuka – trots att de har odlat runt 200 sorters tomater och dessutom skrivit en bok om ämnet. Veckans gäster är nämligen talmannen Andreas Norlén och översättaren Helena Norlén, som båda stolt kallar sig tomatfantaster. Inför mötet med "tomatmakarna" har Victoria bakat ingefärskakor. Samtidigt r…
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TO JOURNAL OR NOT TO JOURNAL? Is journaling really the solution to all your problems?
21:41Send us a text Welcome to the second episode of Vita with Alita and thank you for tuning in! In today's episode, we discuss all things journaling: What is it? What are different forms or journaling? Should you journal? We also discuss some points to consider if you do chose to journal, to truly reap all the benefits of the habit. * Paper discussed …
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riflessioni sul Vangelo di Venerdì 7 Marzo 2025 (Mt 9, 14-15) - Apostola Tiziana
7:02- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + In quel tempo, si avvicinarono a Gesù i discepoli di Giovanni e gli dissero: «Perché noi e i farisei digiuniamo molte volte, mentre i tuoi discepoli non digiunano?». E Gesù disse loro: «Possono forse gli invitati a nozze essere in lutto finché lo sposo è …
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Mastering the Art of Change with Maggie Carey
1:06:50Maggie Carey is the founder and CEO of Master It Media, a company dedicated to helping entrepreneurs streamline their social media presence with ease. With over 35 years of experience in information technology, Maggie combines her expertise in IT with her creative passion for storytelling to empower business owners to shine online. As you’ll soon d…
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👉 La coscienza è un’illusione? Il pensiero di Federico Faggin
16:41🔬 Ti sei mai chiesto da dove viene la vita? In questa puntata esploriamo il pensiero di Federico Faggin, il grande inventore italiano che ha rivoluzionato l’informatica e oggi si dedica allo studio della coscienza. Continuo il commento al suo libro Irriducibile, una vera rivoluzione copernicana sul modo di intendere la realtà e la scienza. La cosci…
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Vita Pillret 299-4 - Assistent Bengt tar en för laget
1:34:02Något att hålla er varma medan vi funderar på saker och ting! STÖTTA OSS HÄR: Bli en månadsgivare SWISH: 079-313 72 88 Bitcoin: 37NusdrM1ooJyt9tinR2fiYvbEgsDSSXwo Etherum: 0xAab50798F9741a9D674e212Ee2091dCB5843De0D Monero: 83inddk7TrvRZS5dVbsXaaVsd…
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Send us a text "My greatest spiritual shifts do not come through force, they come through freedom". What is your spirituality? Are you longing to change it? Remember that forcing anything on yourself is a recipe for failure. Give yourself a break and ease into spirituality. Be free. Support the show Bella Sansone (Bella Vita) is a holistic health a…
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THE GRIEF TAPES with Georgia Polly Taylor: Part 1 - January
1:01:09In this first chapter of our recorded meetings, Georgia Polly Taylor offers her honest take on navigating the initial steps of grief. We invite you to join us in sitting with loss, as we listen to its echoes and hold space for what remains beyond death. Recorded just weeks after her mum Sherri’s passing in January 2024, our conversation captures Ge…
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Trump suspends tariffs on Canada and Mexico for one monthMSNBC による
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The full Vital Dawn piece can be found here:
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Jít se najíst do restaurace může být pro hubnoucího naprosto děsivá představa. Co když si špatně vyberu, pokazím svůj dobře nastavený jídelníček, přiberu a budu muset začít znovu? To si raději ten oběd odpustím. Neděste se, v běžné restauraci se můžete najíst bez obav, i když usilujete o to, abyste vážili méně.…
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Po pěti letech od účinnosti příslušného zákona Ministerstvo zdravotnictví poprvé přiznalo odškodné za závažnou újmu na zdraví po povinném očkování. Ani ne roční dívka před dvěma lety zemřela. Advokátka rodiny Barbora Steinlauf v rozhovoru pro vysvětluje, proč úřad žádosti vyhověl, ačkoliv pitva neoznačila jasnou souvislost mezi očkováním…
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57. The Liver-Skin Connection, Part 2: Actionable Ways to Support Detox, Hormones, & Glowing Skin
29:45This is part two of our deep dive into the liver-skin connection, where we move beyond theory and get into practical, sustainable ways to support your liver—without extreme cleanses or gimmicky detoxes. Last week, we explored how the liver influences the skin, from hormonal acne and inflammation to premature aging. We also talked about the liver’s …
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Make Financial Advice More Tangible (Part 2/4) [205]
16:50Jordan explores how to help prospects understand how a financial advisor’s service can solve their core job to be done, rather than just treating symptoms. In this episode you’ll learn the importance of sequencing your service description after problem diagnosis, how to effectively position yourself in the minds of your prospects, and how to achiev…
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Trump pauses auto tariffs for Canada and MexicoMSNBC による
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The full Vital Dawn piece can be found here:
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Pacientky s pokročilou fází endometriózy se budou léčit v centrech specializovaných na toto onemocnění. Jejich vznik ještě letos podpoří ministerstvo. Půjde o pracoviště, kde se o ženy budou starat zdravotníci napříč ( Hana Válková) による
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riflessioni sul Vangelo di Giovedì 6 Marzo 2025 (Lc 9, 22-25) - Apostola Elena
6:50- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Luca + In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Il Figlio dell'uomo deve soffrire molto, essere rifiutato dagli anziani, dai capi dei sacerdoti e dagli scribi, venire ucciso e risorgere il terzo giorno». Poi, a tutti, diceva: «Se qualcuno vuole venire dietro …
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The Vitalize Podcast S7 E8 - The C4 Strategy: The Formula for Unstoppable Success
18:07What if success wasn’t a mystery but a formula you could follow? 🔥Your friendly neighborhood host, Mr. Marcus Black, is breaking down The C4 Strategy—the four critical elements you need to build the life and business you’ve been dreaming of. The success train runs on two tracks: confidence and competence, and it’s fueled by clarity and communicatio…
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情境:最近莫名的躁或者難過,掐指一算發現原來是生理期快到 來透過正念冥想幫助我們緩和下來~ 💫 加入 Vitamind 訂閱計畫 支持我們持續創作: --- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 這是Vitamind專門製作的正念冥想節目,陪你抵抗分心焦慮的情緒。 每週日更新,你隨時服用。 更多資訊: 歡迎來找我們合作聊天~ Instagram: @itsvitamind Email: hello@…
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Trump delivers speech filled with falsehoods, exaggerated accomplishments and grievancesMSNBC による
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The full Vital Dawn piece can be found here:
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Un géant des communications s'apprête à disparaître sous nos yeux ! Après 22 ans de bons et loyaux services, Skype tire sa révérence. Cette actualité arrive quelques semaines après celle sur les SMS qui devraient également disparaître cette année. Beaucoup de changements dans l’air ces temps-ci ! Mais pourquoi mettre fin à cette plateforme qui cont…
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Státní zemědělská a potravinářská inspekce (SZPI) prověřovala jakost a bezpečnost fritovacích olejů, které provozovatelé restaurací a rychlých občerstvení používají k přípravě jídel. Každý desátý hodnocený vzorek inspektoři vyhodnotili jako přepálený. Nepřijatelný stav fritovacích olejů inspektoři konstatovali v každé dvanácté kontrolované provozov…
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Mnoho let se tradovalo, že sklenička červeného vína denně prospívá zdraví. Nejnovější studie zkoumající vliv alkoholu na lidské tělo tento mýtus vyvrací. Podle nich je nejlepší nepít vůbec. Alkohol působí jako jed, se kterým se musí játra vypořádat a odbourat ho. Pravidelné a časté pití je opravdu hodně zatěžuje a vede k celé řadě zdravotních a men…
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MotoXpod Ep346 | Ft. Aaron Plessinger, Mitchell Oldenburg, & Cheyenne Harmon
2:26:18This week we have Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Aaron Plessinger to talk about getting his first top-five of the year at Daytona. Then Liquid-Moly Beta Factory Racing’s Mitchell Oldenburg will be on the phone to talk about his first full-time 450 season and how he feels things are going. Privateer Cheyenne Harmon will close the guests out to talk a…
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riflessioni sul Vangelo di Mercoledì 5 Marzo 2025 (Mt 6, 1-6. 16-18) - Apostola Tiziana
7:26- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «State attenti a non praticare la vostra giustizia davanti agli uomini per essere ammirati da loro, altrimenti non c'è ricompensa per voi presso il Padre vostro che è nei cieli. Dunque, quando fai l'elemosina, …
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The Vital MX 'MXGP Podcast Show' discusses the first round of the 2025 FIM Motocross World Championship, the Grand Prix of Argentina, which was held at the all-new venue of Cordoba. Hosts Lewis Phillips and Adam Wheeler dive deep into the on-track action with support from Polisport and ProX Racing Parts.…
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RV239 - The Bootstrap Advantage (My CEO Consulting Call)
8:25In this unique episode, Chris shares the unfiltered audio from a consulting call with an entrepreneur. Chris offers advice from his personal experience building multiple businesses to 7 and 8 figures in revenue. Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode: Why raising VC money might be a sign that your business model needs rethinking The advantages of…
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Make America Healthy Again: The Vital Role of Chiropractic in Supporting Nervous System Function
3:11Chiropractic supports Nerve System function by removing a major hindrance to its expression.Jarek Esarco, DC, CACCP による
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Sharing my thoughts on Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian. Vital Dissent website Join my email list and become a premium member: Vital Dissent Merch 10% off with code VD10 Show notes: Support Today | The Libertarian Institute The Greatest, Terrible Book Ever Made - The Story too Disturbing to be a Movie: Blood Meridian Ju…
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Trump set to deliver joint address to CongressMSNBC による
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