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Delta Tango

De Telegraaf

Delta Tango is de defensie en internationale veiligheidspodcast van De Telegraaf. Van marineschepen tot F-35’s, en van veteranen tot jihadisten. Elke twee weken praten onze deskundigen je bij over nationale en internationale veiligheidsvraagstukken.
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Tango Alpha Lima Podcast

The American Legion

Join us for vibrant camaraderie, playful joking and hot takes on current events, interesting trends and quirky stories of interest to the military and veteran community. The weekly podcast is produced by The American Legion. For more stories and videos please visit www.legion.org/tangoalphalima
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TG Tango

TG Tango

以一個超過25年的資深兄弟棒球迷針對中信兄弟一整季的球賽做賽前、賽後的解讀,希望各位聽眾支持並喜歡我的頻道。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Tango Club

Sergio Mastro

Tango is our passion. We dance it, we sing it, we feel it and we podcast about it. It is inside; you feel your heart beating harder. We found Tango.
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4 to Tango

Fat Tango Productions

Four to Tango is a biweekly podcast where we, the Fat Tango Team, tell jokes, play games, and give you a sneak peek into the twisted minds behind Fat Tango’s shenanigans! Don't forget to check out our website fattangoproductions.com to see everything else going on at our network!
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Sabine Holl und Dieter Ringlstetter

Tango Argentino ist Leidenschaft, Verbindung, Lebensgefühl – und noch so viel mehr! Wir erzählen Geschichten von bekannten und ganz normalen, aber immer interessanten Menschen, die den Tango ebenso lieben wie wir. Und ihn auf ihre ganz eigene, manchmal auch ziemlich ungewöhnliche Weise leben. Lasst Euch vom Tangofieber anstecken, für seine vielen Facetten begeistern – und mitnehmen auf die oft überaschende persönliche "Reise" unserer Gesprächspartner. Jeden zweiten und vierten Freitag im Monat.
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Tango Profiles

Adam Tully

Tango Profiles is a podcast that tells the story of each of the most important composers in the history of Tango. The idea is to put faces to the names of the people who created tango. Adam Tully produces and hosts Tango Profiles from Buenos Aires. These audio essays have appeared on The Death of Tango, a radio show on WPRB Princeton, and are being released in podcast form starting in 2017.
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Whiskey, Tango, CHAOS

Clayton Spakes

Whiskey, Tango, CHAOS is a military lifestyle podcast that brings together friends and family to swap stories and advice over glass of whiskey. **Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the co-hosts and their guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the DoD or the Department of the United States Air Force. This is a personal podcast.**
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Charlie Tango Talks

Tim Frank Andersen

In Charlie Tango Talks I invite the most brilliant digital experts and people I really admire for a conversation about how new technologies impact businesses and how they will change our society. Based on 25 years of experience I still have more questions than answers but my curiosity is intact. The language of my monthly talk will vary between Danish and English.
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Passione Tango

Andrea Paolelli

Passione Tango, il nuovo PodCast dedicato al #Tango, forse penso anche il primo in italiano, sarà un luogo dove cercherò insieme a voi di esplorare questo fantastico universo. Sarà un viaggio sicuramente che ci arricchirà sotto il profilo personale, permettendoci di entrare a fondo e capire meglio la cultura del tango, magari facendoci diventare anche dei migliori tangheri o tanghere! Quindi allacciate le scarpe e vi abbraccio!
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Whiskey Zero Tango is a weekly podcast involving topics within amateur radio ranging from current events, new products, neat projects, and coverage of a multitude of events ranging from ARRL Field Day and Winter Field Day, Hamfests, and many others. You can expect a new take on Ham Radio from a Young Ham. This podcast is for both people who are looking into the hobby, new hams, and experienced hams alike.
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"Danceable Tangos of the Year" is a special programming of Argentine Tango Radio, Budapest: www.argentinetangoradio.com . This 52 episode, weekly series aims to showcase examples of danceable Argentine tangos, valses and milongas, progressing from 1927 up until last year.
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International men’s grooming icon Matty Conrad has travelled the world inspiring countless stylists to be better barbers and better humans. Over the years he has collected a lot of great stories, a lot of friends, and a lot of friends with great stories. He’ll be interviewing these friends (who happen to be other top industry professionals) tackling today’s most interesting and divisive topics, sharing valuable advice on how to achieve success in a highly competitive field, and inspirational ...
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Formerly known as The Line, this podcast follows the story of Jean-Luc Picard, one of Starfleet’s most beloved and decorated figures, and the many faces—familiar and new—who surround him in the early 25th century. Join hosts C Bryan Jones and Matthew Rushing for discussion of each new episode as Season 2 and the fight to save the future unfolds.
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Podcast de Entre Tangos y Tangas

Entre Tangos y Tangas

Se pretende un momento radial, de carácter porno y corte tanguero. Altanero de la narrativa del deseo, ansiamos poder dar retorno a todxs aquellos personajes de márgenes, creativos malandrines, abusadoras, yiras, ruidosos de las buenas formas. Somos de la mediterránea, pero nos atraviesa el marma, queremos escuchar en nuestra sala del Cordobés, todas esas orquestas, dúos, interpretes, músicos, y quien se anime a darle compás a este presente indecente.
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I invite you to join me in a metaphorical dance where we'll have conversations about how to partner with life in a more meaningful way. I will translate some of the concepts I have learned from Argentine Tango “off the dance floor” - so you can experience the kind of “Bliss” that I experience in partner dancing, in your life and leadership. Hosted by Martina Meyer of https://MartinaHMeyer.com and Nat Couropmitree of https://BoldAliveness.com. Together we are two Life Coaches on a mission to ...
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What is it really like to be in the police? In this podcast, I interview many police officers who’ve dealt with many fascinating, frequently dangerous and sometimes rather weird things. If you‘re interested in policing, this no holds barred podcast is definitely for you. **Warning: graphic content and some swearing** Sponsored by Aquila Intelligence Solutions https://www.aquilatransfer.com
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Papa Tango Sierra Delta

Larry Peyton

Papa Tango Sierra Delta is the phonetic spelling of PTSD. This psychiatric injury, which may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, series of events or set of circumstances, is up to five (5) times more common in first responders. Due to fears of stigmas, stereotypes, negative repercussions at the workplace, inclusive of being discharged, and a plethora of other reasons, many feel alone and acutely uncomfortable about speaking out; this has led to a suicide epid ...
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Historia del tango y del folklore. Canciones que marcaron un antes y un después. La literatura argentina y la música. Por Javier Di Sanzo, guitarrista argentino de tango y folklore, compositor, cantante y docente de Guitarra Folklore en el Profesorado Superior de Arte "Leopoldo Marechal" de La Matanza. Egresado del Profesorado Superior de Arte "Leopoldo Marechal" con el título de Profesor de música popular (guitarra folklore).
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Tangó és Kes - 24.hu


Halálos, de fegyvertelen - A Tangó és Kes nyomon követi a bűnelkövetések sok évtizedes trendjeit, a bűntársadalom mocorgóit és „újításaikat”. Legendás leleplezések, soha el nem kapott elkövetők, eszes és balek tettesek, sorozatgyilkosok és maffiacsaládok, lebukások és lebuktatók itthonról és a világból. Magyar rendszerváltások és azt azokat követő bűntársadalmi, politikai és gazdasági összefonódások.
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Partez à la découverte de lieux qui ont une histoire au travers des liens humains qui s’y créent. Pour la 1ère saison, rendez-vous dans un lieu mythique de la nuit LGBT+ parisienne : Le Tango, la boîte à frissons. Un lieu qui a failli fermé définitivement après la crise du Covid-19 mais qui - grâce à la force des liens humains qui s’y sont noués - va réouvrir dans les prochaines semaines. En attendant la réouverture du Tango, cette première saison vous fera (re-)découvrir - au travers de 5 é ...
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Tangos De La Esquina Sur

Radio campUSCulturae

Programa que se centra en la historia, los musicos, los grupos, que hacen de la musica del tango el sentimiento de una región, y que está tan enlazada con las historias de las migraciones europeas al Río de la Plata, donde encuentra el tango sus raices y hasta una lengua muy característica como lo es el Lunfardo. Generalmente cada programa está dedicado a un interprete, grupo, tema, efemérides, o presentación de los nuevos valores de esta música ciudadana. Tanto de los que lo llevan adelante ...
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show series
Litouwen ziet de kans op Russische agressie toenemen. Wanneer de Russische krijgsmacht zich kan hergroeperen zal het land en de andere Baltische staten hoog op het lijstje staan van Poetin. Silvan Schoonhoven bezocht het door Rusland ingeklemde Litouwen waar de staat van paraatheid met de dag groeit. In een nieuwe aflevering van Delta Tango schetst…
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Retired Col. Sam Whitehurst found his purpose during his nearly 30 years in the Army. Whitehurst developed a passion for uplifting and developing the soldiers around him. That experience smoothed his civilian transition to his role at the Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services where he helps veterans and their families. Whitehurst discusse…
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En el 1999 hace mas de 25 años conocí y entrevisté a uno de los grandes del mundo del tango. Víctor Lavallén nació el 18 de diciembre de 1935 en Rosario, en el seno de una familia de músicos. Primero quería aprender a tocar la trompeta porque le fascinaba la música de jazz. Pero su padre dirigía una orquesta de tango. Y su tío era bandoneonista. Le…
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What's on the menu for “Let’s All Eat Right” day THE INTERVIEW Dr. Columbus Batiste honed his skills as a cardiologist while working for the VA. He is working to reduce the number of deaths from heart disease, which surpassed 702,000 in 2022. In celebration of Heart Health Month, he joins the Tango Alpha Lima podcast to share how veterans can prote…
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Ergens op een geheime locatie in Duitsland worden Oekraïense militairen getraind op de Leopard-tanks door Nederlandse instructeurs. Defensie- en terrorismeverslaggever Silvan Schoonhoven mocht als enige met eigen ogen aanschouwen hoe zo’n training eraan toegaat. In deze nieuwe aflevering van Delta Tango vertelt hij waarom de tanks nog altijd crucia…
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Celebrating National Vet Girls Rise Day THE INTERVIEW Army veteran John Davis lives in the Dominican Republic, scuba dives, plays golf and works as a veteran advocate. In this episode, he shares what veterans need to know about the process to move abroad, what to do in advance, how to take care of their health care, mental wellness and much more. S…
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Army 1st Lt. Austin von Letkemann, better known to his Instagram followers as MandatoryFunDay, shares his unusual rise to fame on the podcast. His Instagram channel, with 20 million monthly views, features comedy videos that poke fun at various parts of military life. SCUTTLEBUTT Medals of Honor, delayed nearly 120 years due to administrative issue…
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„Irak is een kruitvat wat op ieder moment kan exploderen”, die conclusie trekt defensieverslaggever Silvan Schoonhoven na een bezoek aan de Nederlandse militairen die daar op missie zijn. Schoonhoven vertelt in een nieuwe aflevering van Delta Tango hoe de tentakels van Iran diep geworteld zijn in het land. Ook sluit hij niet uit dat de Nederlandse …
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Stacy, Joe and Adam look forward to the holidays and observances in February, including African American History Month, International Women’s Day, Valentines Day, Change Your Password Day, and GI Joe Day. THE INTERVIEW After making history, Kamin Samuel struggled upon leaving the military. Now she is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and documen…
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California Legion members standing strong and supporting communities devastated by wildfires. THE INTERVIEW Patrick Murphy, who joined the Army at 19, worked his way up to become the 32nd Army Under Secretary and America’s first Iraq War veteran to serve in Congress. Today, he continues to serve his brothers and sisters. SCUTTLEBUTT Happy Birthday …
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Vanaf zaterdag 25 januari start De Telegraaf met een reeks verhalen die een onvergetelijke indruk achterlaten. Iedere week blikt een verslaggever terug op het verhaal dat hem of haar altijd zal bijblijven. Deze zaterdag allereerste het verhaal over drie Nederlandse dorpsgenoten die in de zomer van 2017 vermist raken in Turkije, waarna de zaak met d…
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In brand gevlogen Ikea’s, leuzen op muren en een moordpoging – Rusland pleegt steeds meer van dit soort sabotageacties in Europa. Woensdag dook voor onze kust een Russisch verkenningsschip op, wat wijst op een mogelijke sabotagepoging. Hoe ga je om met deze acties, en zijn we wel weerbaar genoeg? Daarover spreekt defensieverslaggever Silvan Schoonh…
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American Folk singer-songwriter and author Mary Gauthier talks about her addiction recovery, mental health journey and how she uses songwriting to help veterans with PTSD. She works with veterans on their healing through songwriting with SongwritingWith:Soldiers. “What I try to emphasize is that this can be of service to other people — a lifeline a…
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Retired U.S. Air Force fighter pilot Col. Lee Ellis, who was shot down and captured during the Vietnam War, talks about leadership and team building lessons he learned during his five years as a prisoner of war, as well as throughout his military service and his 25 years as a leadership coach. SCUTTLEBUTT Now is the time to plan for the 100th Anniv…
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Maar liefst 24 miljard euro gaat er ieder jaar naar defensie. Als het aan Donald Trump ligt, moeten we dat bedrag verdubbelen. Kan dat zomaar, 5% van het bruto binnenlands product (bbp) naar de krijgsmacht? Volgens parlementair verslaggever Valentijn Bartels is dat op korte termijn onmogelijk én onwenselijk: „Ieder ministerie vraagt in Den Haag om …
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We kick off the new year with a few resolutions and a memory of Sammi, the Iraqi interpreter who worked with Joe and his Marines. THE INTERVIEW Mazin Mozan, who served as an interpreter with Stacy in Iraq shares his story of serving with Coalition forces, gaining a Special Immigrant Visa and moving to the United States, and his enlistment in the U.…
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Hace unas semanas volví a Buenos Aires, porque estoy haciendo un documental sobre el bandoneón para la televisión alemána y francesa. Encontré y entrevisté a muchísimos músicos de tango. Uno de ellos es Ramiro Boero que es el heredero musical del gran Roberto Alvarez fallecido en el 2023 cuya entrevista ya presentamos hace unos años en nuestra seri…
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Navy veteran and Legionnaire Kelley Gilberry shares his knowledge about overcoming heart disease and obesity. After his own health journey, Gilberry is now on a mission to show others how to revolutionize their health without relying on pharmaceuticals. SCUTTLEBUTT Post Falls, Idaho American Legion offering free Christmas trees for veterans Keokuk,…
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De Explosieven Opruimingsdienst Defensie (EOD) krijgt het steeds drukker. Naast het veiligstellen van achtergebleven vliegtuigbommen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog signaleren zij een gevaarlijke toename van geïmproviseerde explosieven. In deze nieuwe aflevering van Delta Tango spreekt terrorisme- en defensieverslaggever Silvan Schoonhoven met EOD-comma…
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THE INTERVIEW National Military Family Association CEO Besa Pinchotti talks about her family roots in Kosovo, and how her time as a journalist led to her advocacy for American military families. She also explains how NMFA helps meet the immediate needs for military spouses and children as well as advocate for legislation to make permanent changes t…
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Wives of the Armed forces co-founders and content creators, Jen Ferrell and Kirst Navaroli, talk about their unique corner of the internet where thousands of military spouses share experiences as they live the chaotic military lifestyle, support their spouses, one another, and the mission. Jen and Kirst share how they became military spouses, how t…
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Department of Veterans Affairs Chief of Innovation, Dr. Indra Sandal, tells the story of how she became a U.S. citizen, why she was drawn to work with veterans and what led to her work to bring new innovations to VA health care. Dr. Sandal talks about how her work led to VA rideshare programs with Uber and Lyft. She also talks about VA's collaborat…
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Drones zijn niet meer van het slagveld weg te denken, de oorlog in Oekraïne heeft dat beeld eens temeer bevestigd. In een nieuwe aflevering van Delta Tango spreken Olof van Joolen en Silvan Schoonhoven met Bram Alkema. Hij bouwt met zijn bedrijf drones die aan het front worden ingezet tegen de Russen. „Soldaten hebben door drones steeds meer het id…
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Abraham Lincoln and the first Thanksgiving THE INTERVIEW Dr. Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, nutritional biologist and author, shares her knowledge of how our diets affect our brains and mental wellness. Dr. Naidoo also talks about the connection between food, culture and community, how to make small modifications that make…
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Hoy les presento mi charla con uno de los bandoneonistas mas destacados de nuestra época: Pablo Jaurena que he encontrado en Cordoba donde esta viviendo ahora. Pablo nació en Rio Tercero en la provincia de Cordoba en el 1981. Aficionado del rock nacional y fanático de Spinetta había empezado tocando la batería, antes de que se enamore del bandoneón…
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Happy Birthday to the Kindle. THE INTERVIEW Air Force veteran and author Ethan Brown is a Senior Fellow for Defense Studies at the Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress (CSPS), a bipartisan think-tank in Washington D.C. He is also the author of the “Visual Friendlies, Tally Target” trilogy (Casemate Publishers), chronicling the role of …
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Nu het kabinet meer geld uittrekt voor Defensie is de krijgsmacht naarstig opzoek naar nieuwe locaties om neer te strijken. Verslaggever Silvan Schoonhoven bespreekt in een nieuwe aflevering van Delta Tango welke locaties Defensie op het oog heeft. Ook vertelt Schoonhoven dat burgers niet raar moeten opkijken als militairen steeds vaker in het stra…
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Retired Air Force physician, Dr. Mary Anne Kiel, is a Pediatrician and a Food for Life Instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Her work with Lifestyle and Performance medicine has helped servicemembers and their families learn how to make sustainable behavioral changes that improve health and wellness over the course of t…
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We're dropping this episode a few days early in honor of election day. While The American Legion is a non-partisan organization, we have, since our earliest days, believed in the right to vote. Our "Get Out the Vote" program encourages all Americans to register and vote in all elections. In addition, Legionnaires, posts, districts and departments a…
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Filmmaker Jake Rademacher honors his brothers’ service by creating award-winning movies about their deployments and life after the war. Between 2005-2007, Jake risked everything, including his life, to tell the story of his brothers serving in Iraq in the award-winning feature film, Brothers at War – which has led to resiliency workshops and much m…
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Zaterdag is het twintig jaar geleden dat Theo van Gogh werd doodgeschoten in Amsterdam. Had de moord voorkomen kunnen worden met betere beveiliging? De discussie hierover barst altijd los na moorden die de samenleving schokken, zoals die op advocaat Derk Wiersum, de broer van kroongetuige Nabil B. en misdaadverslaggever Peter R. de Vries. In de pod…
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Scary Bad Halloween Dad Jokes THE INTERVIEW Former Navy SEAL Alden Mills finds joy in helping people do more than they originally thought possible. So he’s on a mission to help 100 million people be unstoppable and go after their goals. He talks about staying connected to your military identity, embracing discomfort as a stepping stone toward growt…
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Duct Tape debuts at Paris Fashion Week THE INTERVIEW Danielle Robinson — the surviving spouse of the late Sgt. First Class Heath Robinson, namesake of the PACT Act – joins the podcast to share her family's story and how she and her husband became champions for passage of this historic legislation. Danielle also shares how she honors Heath's legacy …
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Terwijl de ogen van de wereld zijn gericht op Oekraïne bereiden de inwoners van de Baltische staten zich voor op een confrontatie met Rusland. Volgens deskundigen is het niet de vraag of die komt, maar wanneer. Nederland heeft al jaren troepen in Litouwen en wordt militair medeverantwoordelijk voor de verdediging van het land. Verslaggever Silvan S…
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Blue Star Families founder and CEO, Kathy Roth-Douquet, is dedicated to her organization's mission to reshape the way America supports its military. Kathy shares how her own family's military journey led her to help military families by connecting them with their neighbors to create communities of mutual support. She discusses how Blue Star Familie…
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Monica Bassett, founder and CEO of Stronghold Food Pantry, is a Military Food Insecurity Expert and a dedicated advocate for military families facing this issue. A military spouse and the daughter of a Vietnam War veteran, Monica knows first-hand the struggle some families face when it comes to food insecurity. She shares how her own experiences in…
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Afgelopen vrijdag vlogen de laatste twee F-16’s hun laatste ereronde door Nederland. In de defensie- en internationale veiligheidspodcast Delta Tango staan Silvan Schoonhoven en Olof van Joolen stil bij deze historische gebeurtenis, die zelfs koele jachtvliegers niet onberoerd liet. Dat doen de defensieverslaggevers met een kijkje achter de scherme…
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In 'Van onze verslaggever' gaat oud-correspondent en Telegraafjournalist Eveline Bijlsma iedere twee weken in gesprek met collega’s over hun mooie, boeiende, spannende en soms pittige vak. Ralph Dekkers, correspondent in Tel Aviv, trapt de podcast af. Sinds de gewelddadige terreuraanval van Hamas op Israël reisde hij het land door, sprak hij nabest…
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THE INTERVIEW Román Baca, Artistic Director of Exit12 Dance Company is a classically trained ballet dancer and choreographer who, in 2001, took a hiatus from dance and enlisted in the Marine Corps, where he served as a machine-gunner and fire-team leader in Fallujah, Iraq. Baca shares how he founded Exit 12 Dance Company to give veterans a storytel…
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Suicide awareness advocate Jerri Reed shares the story of losing her son, Iraq War veteran Cody Comacho, who took his own life after a 20-year battle with PTSD. Reed is striving to educate others about the dangers of using psychiatric drugs as PTSD treatment. Special Guest: Jerri Reed. Links: Watch video of this episode on YouTube Veterans Crisis L…
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The gang is back together - and things get a little hairy before our guest arrives. THE INTERVIEW In his role as PACT Act Transitional Executive Director for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Army veteran Steven Miska serves as the senior advisor to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs – providing oversight on the development, adoption and implement…
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De wereld stond versteld van de ingenieuze aanvallen waarbij dinsdag en woensdag piepers en portofoons ontploften in Libanon. Meerdere Hezbollah-strijders kwamen om en velen raakten gewond. De Israëlische geheime dienst zit hoogstwaarschijnlijk achter deze explosies en heeft daarbij een Hongaars bedrijf als dekmantel gebruikt. Maar mogen geheime di…
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Joe marks his “hurt-a-versary” by looking back to the day 20 years ago when he was injured while running to assist a vehicle that had been hit by an IED. THE INTERVIEW Standing at 5'3" and weighing 110 pounds, young Navy recruit David Brown was laughed at and told he'd never make it through BUDS and become a SEAL. But Brown was determined. "If ther…
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How we continue to remember September 11 THE INTERVIEW Marine Corps veteran, endurance athlete, adventurer and author Akshay Nanavati has a picture of a friend he lost in war on his wall and under it he wrote, “This should have been you. Earn this life." This was the fuel to write his book, "Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear i…
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Toen de oorlog in Oekraïne oplaaide en de behoefte aan munitie razendsnel toenam, had ondernemer Gerard Zondervan een visioen. Hij wilde weer munitie en wapens gaan maken in Nederland. Een industrie die decennia eerder werd opgedoekt. Hij ondervond in eerste instantie veel tegenwerking, maar inmiddels gaat het beter. Hij vertelt over zijn plannen a…
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Grab your cowboy hats - Stacy briefly steps out of the recording studio and Adam and Joe launch a three-week "Bro-down" of episodes. IN THIS EPISODE September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and a perfect time to be part of The American Legion Be the One mission by taking part in the online Columbia Training Protocol. THE INTERVIEW Our guest…
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Kevin Hines jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge in 2000 and lived to tell about it. While the suicide attempt broke his body, it did not break his spirit, and he has since dedicated his life to helping others overcome mental health challenges and teach them how to love the life they have. Kevin joins host Amy Forsythe to talk about his own mental-hea…
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En las próximas semanas, me gustaría presentarles las entrevistas que realicé en mi último viaje, en diciembre de 2022, durante el mundial de futbol. Entonces había entrevistado a un montón de jóvenes, muy talentosos músicos! La primera entrevista de esta serie es una conversación que tuve con la cantante y compositora con Rocio Sanjurjo Abalos y q…
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In a special episode recorded live at the Tango Alpha Lima Podcast Outpost at The American Legion National Convention in New Orleans, hosts Stacy Pearsall and Adam Marr catch up with former guests and meet new friends who discuss the exciting things they are sharing with convention attendees. Steve Burke, an Army veteran, West Point grad and Busine…
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Een grote groep anti-overheidsextremisten demonstreerde dinsdag bij de rechtbank in Zutphen. Daar diende een kort geding tegen een ex-politieagente, inmiddels uitgegroeid tot aanjager van complottheorieën over satanisch kindermisbruik in Bodegraven. Het werd de bizarste rechtszaak die terrorismeverslaggever Silvan Schoonhoven ooit heeft meegemaakt.…
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