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En podcast hvor jeg snakker om vitenskap, kritisk tenkning, teknologi, samfunn, kultur og politikk, i tillegg til tanker og betraktninger rundt ting som skjer i hverdagen og livet mitt. Kontakt meg på for tips, tilbakemeldinger og spørsmål. Få mer ekslusivt innhold på Patreon! For samarbeid:
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TJ Squared

TJ Squared

Trinidad @airmaxtrin Julio R @ julioriveracomedy Julio D @juliodiazcomedy = 3 Comedians decided to do a podcast about nothing and errthing at the same dam time!
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"Amy & T.J." is hosted by renowned television news anchors Amy Robach and T. J. Holmes. Hosts and executive producers Robach and Holmes are a formidable broadcasting team with decades of experience delivering headline news and captivating viewers nationwide. Now, the duo will get behind the microphone to explore meaningful conversations about current events, pop culture and everything in between. Nothing is off limits. “Amy & T.J.” is guaranteed to be informative, entertaining and above all, ...
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Gött Tjöt om Aktier

Markus Gedda och Erik Lundberg

Gött Tjöt om Aktier är podden som djupdyker i aktiemarknaden med fokus på mindre tillväxtbolag. Vårt fokus ligger på att bjuda på investeringsuppslag och dyker ofta djupt in i olika case. Vi bjuder på spaningar från aktiemarknaden och ett stående inslag är uppdateringar och nyheter kring den globala iGaming-marknaden. Emellanåt dyker det upp gäster för att dela med sig av börserfarenheter och värdefulla insikter. Podden drivs av Markus Gedda och Erik Lundberg. Markus arbetar till vardags ino ...
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Tea With TJ

TJ Bolden

Welcome to Tea with TJ! A Podcast on self-discovery where our love for tea, conversation, a deeper understanding of life, and self-improvement intersect. Life is messy and sometimes you just need a cup of tea!
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Real, powerful, and personal. Hosted by TJ Loeffler, former Goldman Sachs turned pizza intern in Italy - now founder of a faith-based, private coaching company. What you’ll hear is from the heart, rarely scripted and barely edited. Learn more:
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Det er en «første gang» for alt i livet. Men hva betyr det når du har blitt innkalt til førstegangstjeneste? Det er ingen fasit på hvordan dette året skal være, og det er nettopp det vi ønsker å sette søkelys på i denne podkasten. Innrykksreaksjoner, vennskap, regler, disiplin, mestring og utfordringer – er alle opplevelser som hører med i førstegangstjenesten. Her blir det ærlige, rå og ydmyke samtaler, vernepliktig til vernepliktig, som forteller om sitt år i førstegangstjenesten. Har du b ...
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Gamla Tjockpodden


Det här är Tjockpoddens gamla feed. För att hitta den nya, sök på Tjockpodden och börja prenumerera på den nya. Du kan också hitta oss på:
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In this episode of TJ Radio we will be talking about the importance of organ donation. Cover art photo provided by Damon Lam on Unsplash:
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Rebecca Sundvall

Tjejpeppspodden är en podd där jag, Rebecca Sundvall, vill inspirera tjejer att ta sig fram i både karriär och i liv genom att lyfta peppande kvinnors historier. Tjejpeppspodden är inte bara en podd om karriär, självutveckling och jämställdhet. Det är även ett community där vi peppar och lyfter varandra - alltså lever enligt en sann tjejpeppsanda. Häng med på vår resa i Facebook gruppen TjejPepp eller kika in på!
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I tjejtidningstrippen tar komikerna Johanna Samuelson och Jessica Karlén med oss på en riktig nostalgitripp i gamla tjejtidningar från 90-talet. Med humor dyker de ned i vilka trender och vilka kändisar som var hetast och vilka frågor och svar som fanns i expertspalterna. Häng med och återupplev 90-talet!
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TJ Stats

Tim Neary

Welcome to TJ Stats, where TJ Squints takes the audio booth and breaks down MLB players and teams and other baseball related subjects . From all-time legends to forgotten platoon players, this podcast will cover the entire spectrum. Let's play ball!
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show series
Cheryl, Kelly, and Alexia continue their conversation with divorce attorney Dennis Vetrano to unpack why women are divorcing more frequently. Plus, why are single childless women the happiest? Email us at: or call us at 844-4-I Do Pod (844-443-6763) Follow I Do, Part 2 on Instagram and TikTok See for p…
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Want to connect with Tj & Plaideau? Send us a text message. Imagine a holiday season brimming with nostalgia, laughter, and a few hilarious technical mishaps. Our latest episode takes you on a merry ride through the warm memories of childhood Christmas traditions, interspersed with tales from our hectic schedules juggling work, auditions, and podca…
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In this episode, TJ and and guest TJ Gibson discuss the power of manifestation and the importance of writing down your desires. They share personal stories of how they have manifested things in their lives and the role of gratitude in the manifestation process. They also discuss the balance between being specific in your manifestations and remainin…
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How would you feel if your Holiday dinner with friends and family got hijacked with a proposal? Amy and T.J. have feelings on what it all means. Plus, do you still get your parents gifts, do they still give you gifts, and what items does T.J, think you should give your situationship? See for privacy information.…
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Vi avslutar året med ett mastodontavsnitt, där vi summerar våra två portföljer. Det har varit en pärs att inte göra några förändringar, utan sitta still i båten. Båda portföljerna underpresterar vårt danska jämförelseindex, trots Novos nedgång. Illa… Vi börjar med ”Gött ös” (00:13:35) där vi går igenom 12 case. Många har gått starkt, men dessvärre …
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Cheryl Burke, Kelly Bensimon, and Alexia Nepola are joined by divorce attorney Dennis Vetrano. With three divorces between them, they know all the right questions. Do "I Do" part 2s have a better success rate than first-timers? When do you make the call to a divorce lawyer? Do trial separations always lead to divorce? The need-to-know info to ease …
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Robach and Holmes cover the latest news headlines and entertainment updates and give perspective on current events in their daily “Morning Run.” See for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Hva gjør du når ønsket om den ene stillingen er så sterk at du tenker på å dimme om du ikke får den? I denne episoden snakker Lilli med presse- og informasjonssoldat Håkon. Han er på besøk fra Bodø, og måtte da naturligvis komme å være gjest hos oss. Håkon forteller om sitt største formål i Forsvaret, og hvordan han disiplinert og iherdig klarte å …
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Jeg har vært på besøk hos en ny bekjent for å røyke sigar og drikke portvin, begynt å bruke ny AI-editor i jobben min, og funnet en app som løser problemet med å sjonglere alle Twitter-kloner jeg har konto på. I tillegg snakker jeg litt om en ny systematisk litteraturgjennomgang på sammenhengen mellom mobilstråling og hjernekreft, hvor dårlig jeg e…
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Robach and Holmes cover the latest news headlines and entertainment updates and give perspective on current events in their daily “Morning Run.” See for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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I vårt senaste poddavsnitt djupdyker vi i ett högaktuellt ämne: resilience inom inköp, med fokus på hur värderingar och kompetens spelar en avgörande roll. Till vår hjälp har vi ingen mindre än Malin Domstad, Head of Procurement Direct Material, Volvo Cars som delar med sig av sin imponerande erfarenhet och insikter från inköpsvärlden. 🔍 Vi diskute…
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Thelma & Louise are back! Is dating long-distance the way to go? Thelma thinks so! Plus, what these besties never anticipated regarding divorce, and they unpack: whether you should or shouldn't be fully healed from your previous relationship before you start dating again. Email us at: or call us at 844-4-I Do Pod (844-443-676…
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Want to connect with Tj & Plaideau? Send us a text message. Julia Crescenzi's journey from ballet dancer to actor is nothing short of inspiring. This week on NOLA Film Scene, we sit down with Julia to uncover her path and how a serious injury pivoted her career towards acting and musical theater in New York. Julia's vibrant stories of snowy escapad…
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Robach and Holmes cover the latest news headlines and entertainment updates and give perspective on current events in their daily “Morning Run.” See for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Amy and TJ are wrapping up one of the most exhausting and exciting weeks of 2024 and have stories to tell! Find out what happened when they attended their first ever “coaching session”. TJ gets an unexpected visit from a family member. And Amy and TJ react to ABC’s $16 million settlement! See for privacy information.…
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Robach and Holmes cover the latest news headlines and entertainment updates and give perspective on current events in their daily “Morning Run.” See for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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