In this podcast we ask who are we a bigger fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone.
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Bei SLY TIME handelt es sich um die Sylvester Stallone Retrospektive des CINE ENTERTAINMENT TALK. Hier werden wir ab sofort in regelmäßigen Abständen die komplette Filmvita unseres Lieblingsschauspielers durchsprechen. Dabei widmen wir uns mit wechselnden Gästen pro Folge immer ausführlich einen Film aus Slys Filmographie. Also dreht sich bei SLY TIME alles um ROCKY, RAMBO und STALLONE.
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Repasamos la historia del cine entre 1970 y 2020 a través de la figura de Sylvester Stallone. Grabamos en la mítica emisora de Coslada "Radio Jabato" lo que implica que mis colaboradores irán desde expertos y licenciados hasta punkis desarrapados. De ahí el interés sorpresivo de cada programa. Espero disfrutar de vuestra compañía. También colaboro con mis compañeros y amigos en los podcast: - Nivel 426 - Siete Grapas - Las noches de Hill & Hill - Megalomanía Podéis encontrarnos en Facebook e ...
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Sophia and Sistine Stallone are not waxing their eyebrows, they’re baring it all. From adulting to single life and crazy stories including exciting guests joining in on the chaos, this is cheaper than a therapist, less judgmental than your best friend, and more painless than a wax. This is UNfiltered, UNapologetic, UNbelievably, UNWAXED.
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At first glance, Barbra Streisand and Sylvester Stallone would seem to have nothing in common. Yet these two scrappy New Yorkers actually paved similar paths to superstardom, and their filmographies share a surprising number of common themes. In each episode of this podcast, theatre professor Kirk Vichengrad and entertainment journalist Matt Chernov referee an epic matchup between a movie from each star’s canon. Join them as they explore the cinematic imprint and social impact of the Greates ...
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A celebration and analysis of Sylvester Stallone's cinematic career
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In this second solo Stallone episode I talk about 1981s Victory. Soccer, Stallone, Caine, and Pele. Very exciting!arnoldorstallone による
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Stallone de mi vida -119- Tulsa King Temporada 2, tan fan no serás si no la has visto aún
1:37:59Hoy repasamos la segunda temporada de "Tulsa King". Me acompañan Borja desde Finlandia, Edu Godkain desde Ávila y Borja Telesónico desde Toledo. La magia del Skype. Dedicamos la primera hora a hablar sin spoilers de la segunda temporada y hablar un poco de la primera: que nos pareció y que esperábamos de esta segunda. Tras la pausa musical ya anali…
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In Folge 5 von SLY TIME gibt es mächtig FUBAK! Nachdem RAMBO III an den nordamerikanischen Kinokassen enttäuschte, war Sylvester Stallone klar, dass sich die Zeit dermuskelbepackten Actionhelden zu Ende neigte. Aus diesem Grund suchte Sly nach Filmprojekten, die seiner Karriere eine neue Richtung gaben. Einer der Projekte war der Buddy-Actionfilm T…
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Episode 5: Nighthawks or Red Sonja: The Arnold or Stallone podcast
47:47In this episode I discuss 1981's Nighthawks and 1985's Red Sonja.arnoldorstallone による
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Stallone de mi vida -118- Repaso de la temporada 2024 y anécdotas de grabación
2:13:26Como estoy liadísimo no me dio tiempo a hacer este programa en diciembre para repasar toda la temporada. La buena noticia es que por fin lo hemos podido grabar y han podido venir Kalifer de "La cueva de la macaca" junto con Raúl Goodman y Edu Godkain de "Locademia78" Repasamos todos los programas de 2024 , hablamos de la actualidad stalloniana y qu…
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In this episode we revisit 1976s Rocky. This is the beginning of a series of episodes we call solo Stallone. These episodes will just showcase a Stallone movie that we will not be using in the Arnold or Stallone series, but they need to be discussed.arnoldorstallone による
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Episode 3:The Terminator or Rocky II :The Arnold or Stallone Podcast
1:48:44In this episode we discuss 1984s The Terminator or 1979s Rocky II. Please join us as we continue our journey to find out who we are a bigger fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone.arnoldorstallone による
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Ohne ROCKY wäre die Karriere von Sylvester Stallone vermutlich nie so verlaufen wie sie letzten Endes verlaufen ist. Sly hat damals alles auf eine Karte gesetzt und die Studiobosse davon überzeugt, dass nur er die Hauptrolle spielen wird. Das Box-Drama wurde nicht nur ein Kassenhit und Stallone über Nacht zum Star, sondern die Figur Rocky Balboa ha…
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1:07:37Memories of family road trips intersect with the related, and relatable, theme that links this episode’s two cinematic contenders: The Guilt Trip and Over The Top. So take a journey with our hosts as they reminisce about their travel adventures and share their surprising thoughts about this unlikely double-feature. And don’t miss an exciting detour…
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In this premiere episode, you’ll get to know our hosts as they discuss the origin and objective of this fresh and fun new series devoted to Hollywood heavyweights Barbra Streisand and Sylvester Stallone. Whether you’re a fan of these superstars, an avid moviegoer, a pop culture connoisseur or a purveyor of unique podcasts, you’re invited to come al…
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WHAT’S UP, DOC? vs. OSCAR: May The Farce Be With You
1:01:24The elements of farce – that classic comedic genre defined by physical humor and mistaken identities – connect this episode’s battle between Barbra’s What’s Up, Doc? and Sly’s Oscar. Though comedy is especially subjective, our hosts Kirk and Matt appear to be in agreement over the winner of this contest…. and by much more than a hare! We look forwa…
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SEASON THREE FINALE BABY! Welcome to our 150th episode of the unwaxed podcast! What a journey it has been with you all. The girls jump into their 2025 resolutions and 2024 lessons. They make fun of the NYE glasses and how they're spending their New Years under a table with grapes. They play the game "We Listen, and We Don't Judge", outing the sneak…
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Stallone de mi vida -117- Videojuegos de Stallone
1:50:24Hoy me acompañan Lolo y Yoni Terrori de la asociación para hablarnos de las encarnaciones videojueguiles de Sly. Empezamos con los juegos primigenios que robaban impunemente su imagen y nosotros teníamos que imaginarnos al personaje. Tras la pausa musical tenemos toda una lista en orden cronológico detallando cada pinba…
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Episode 2: Paradise Alley or Conan the Destroyer
1:15:24In the second episode of The Arnold or Stallone Podcast, we discuss 1978s Paradise Alley and 1984s Conan the Destroyer. Please join us as we continue our journey to find out who we are a bigger fan of, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone.arnoldorstallone による
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Episode 1:Rocky or Conan the Barbarian. The Arnold or Stallone podcast
44:23In this exciting first official episode of The Arnold or Stallone podcast, we start our journey to find out who we are a bigger fan of. We start at the beginning of both stars starting roles. In one corner we have Conan the Barbarian. And in the other corner we have Rocky. See who we choose.arnoldorstallone による
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Tis the season for Sistine to catch a cold! The girls dive into Timothee Chalamet contest, wearing makeup vs. natural look, what our hobbies are for the slow down from holidays, and why having a crush is the worst thing ever. We end the show with a listener question!Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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#003 - Oscar - Vom Regen in die Traufe (1991)
42:50Sylvester Stallone steckte Anfang der 1990er Jahre in einer beruflichen Krise. Seine letzten Filme OVER THE TOP (1987), RAMBO III (1988) und LOCK UP (1989) liefen nicht so gut wie erwartet beziehungsweise floppten. Nicht mal seine Paraderolle als Rocky Balboa in ROCKY V konnte ihn wieder in die Erfolgsspur verhelfen, sodass sich Sly dafür entschied…
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Stallone de mi vida -116- Cobra en los Razzies de 1986-1987
2:06:43El programa de hoy iba a ser un reencuentro de los integrantes del podcast "Una del oeste" pero César Criado se encontraba indispuesto y lo hemos mutado a "Stallone en los razzies de 1986-1987" donde se disputaban las nominaciones "Cobra", "Howard el pato", "Shangai Surprise", "Maximum Overdrive" y la peli de Prince que arrasó con todo. Hemos conse…
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Sophia and Sistine are BACK and they are here to discuss Sistine's newfound confidence and how she did it - tips and guidance to being your best self. Sophia dives into why she's taking a hiatus from dating to discover truly who she wants in a partner by being alone. Sophia brings in 5 dating trends we are to see in 2025 and how to prepare for them…
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Sophia is out sick with a migraine :( So we have Chris stepping in alongside Sistine to answer all of your submitted questions - getting both the male and female point of view! xoSophia and Sistine Stallone による
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In this second test pilot we choose between 1979s The Villain and 1975s Death race 2000arnoldorstallone による
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Stallone de mi vida -115- Sly en los razzies de 1985-1986
2:04:35En 1985 Stallone empezó su particular cruzada contra el comunismo con "Rocky IV" y "Acorralado 2: Rambo". Con unos resultados de taquilla combinados de 600 millones de dólares y la simpatía de Ronald Reagan debe ser que al ambiente hollywoodiense de izquierdas le incomodó esta situación. La industria del cine le recompensó como solo ellos saben hac…
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Well... Sophia's migraine decided to make an appearance right at the start of the episode. Sistine takes over and goes right into our (failed) halloween weekend. The girls discuss mean girls and what it takes to make a party fun! Sistine and Sophia write out a list of men they've dated and the trend they've noticed with each: love bombers, playboys…
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In this first test pilot we talk Lords of flat bush and Hercules in New York and decide who we are a bigger fan of. Arnold or Stallone.arnoldorstallone による
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On this spooky episode Sophia and Sistine discuss their Halloween plans and costumes. They dive into why Sophia's mental health was at an all time low and Sistine shares her recent experience running into an ex. From attractive guys on a plane to why he's just not that into you, we have it all. We finish with a listener question!…
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Nachdem wir in Folge 1 über die erste Staffel von TULSA KING geplaudert haben, geht es diesmal zurück zu SLYs Anfängen. Florian, Kevin und Freund des Hauses Murat Ünal (HOLLYWOODTÜRKE, 2019) reisen in die späten 70er-Jahre zurück, um über Stallones Regiedebüt VORHOF ZUM PARADIES zu plaudern. Das Aufsteiger-Drama um drei italienischstämmige Brüder, …
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Yes, you read that right. Sistine and Sophia find themselves in the craziest adventure they've ever stumbled upon and it includes ghosts, witches, death (oh my!). From Salem witch trials to dining in a real life haunted house, the girls are fully invested in the Halloween spirit. Sistine shares her reaction to the response of her assault story. Sop…
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Stallone de mi vida -114 - Víctor Olíd nos habla de Stallone y la relación del rap con Rocky V
1:33:43Hoy nos visita Víctor Olíd de "El hijo del aprendíz de Satanás" para hablarnos de como Stallone se subió al carro del rap para la banda sonora de Rocky V. Aprovechamos que acaba de sacar un libro llamado "Hip Hop movies" que podéis encontrar en para hablar del regreso de Rocky al b…
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The girls are back and are doing horrible fake British accents? From their love of the show Jersey Shore, they quickly fall into their new obsessed "Nobody Wants This" on Netflix. The girls discuss Insecure, Avoidant and Secure Attachment and how to find the right guy to enforce the healthiest one. Sophia explains her time spent on "Are You Smarter…
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Stallone de mi vida -113- Máximo Riesgo ¡Agárrese a la máxima aventura!
2:28:44Volvemos a la senda del buen cine con "Máximo Riesgo" con gran equipo de colaboradores. Tenemos a Xavi Granda de "Salúd y humanidades", Borja de "Lo que faltaba por oír", Raúl Goodman y Edu Godkain de "Locademia 78" Hablamos de la filmografía de Renny Harlin, el reparto, los extras del Dvd y quien era el quinto implicado del caso Arny. Like , suscr…
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Happy October! The girls quickly realize they have zero ability to sing and harmonize. They get tormented, once again, by food poisoning. The fall season is bringing in pumpkin flavor everything... which Sistine doesn't understand but Sophia LOVES. Also, Sistine explains her scary harassment experience she had last week that really shook her up. Fr…
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Sophia and Sistine are back from vacation with a tan and some gained wisdom from older women about life. We ask why men care about a girls' number, Sistine shares her horrible date story, and they review an article posted by the New York Times. Finally, we answer a wild listener question.Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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Stallone de mi vida -112- Stallone como inspiración.
2:03:22Hoy me acompañan el dibujante Raúl Goodman de y Borja de para hablarnos de cómo nos inspira Stallone para sacar adelante nuestra vida y nuestros negocios. Repasamos también la actualidad stalloniana con la segunda temporada de Tulsa King, lo que sabemos de "Máximo riesgo 2", el re…
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Im Zuge des Starts von Staffel 2 befassen wir uns in unserem neu gegründeten Podcast SLY TIME mit Sylvester Stallone‘s ersten Serienhauptrollenauftritt in TULSA KING. Hierzu mischen sich Florian, Kevin und Karl-Martin Pold unter die Gangster und checken die erste Staffel auf Herz und Nieren. Wie macht sich Stallone als Mafiosi Dwight Manfredi und k…
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Sophia speaks about a scary interaction she had at the library, the sisters discuss the rage moments we feel during 'that time of the month', & and so much more!Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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Stallone de mi vida -111- Sly & A-Team en la cultura popular con Ángel Codón.
1:35:34Este verano he gastado todos los programas que me quedaban guardados así que, a partir de ahora, escucharéis grabaciones frescas. Bueno, hoy no, hoy reciclo un programa de "Megalomaní-A" donde me junté con Ángel Codón de "Tiempo de culto" y "Los Aristócratas" donde repasamos la primera temporada de "El equipo A" incidiendo en su último capítulo y l…
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Have you ever been with someone you thought was perfect but wasn't perfect for you? Need help securing a warm body for cuffing season? Ever get caught editing your pictures? We go into it all! From Sophia sharing a time a frat boy edited his date's body, why Sistine thinks dad bods are #1, and signs to recognize whether or not the relationship is r…
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It's Sophia's 28th Birthday today and there will not be any crying in the club (or studio). From lessons in her twenties, our surprise trip to Florida, decoding what men's texts *actually* mean, to physically fighting each other, and a Facebook group that outing dating apps - this episode is everything and more.…
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The girls go into Sistine's emotional breakdown, recap how club culture is dead, engagements, the importance of morning routines, our makeup/skincare hacks, and a listener question with a special guest!Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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Sistine is back with a part 2 of "How to Break a Man's Ego" and Sophia sports her new look: costal grandma. The girls discuss the beauty of aging, 5 questions to ask yourself if you are UNSURE about your RELATIONSHIP, and the time commitment of an 'everything shower'.Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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Sophia runs head first into a pole and it nearly knocks her out. Sistine realizes her favorite bra is 10 years old. If you think that's crazy, the sisters argue how sprinkles on top of ice cream and elliptical machines should be 'only for the girls' (among many other things). Sistine discusses the dangers of dating a guy that's "good on paper" and …
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Stallone de mi vida -110- Schwarzenneger entre 1990 y 2010
2:32:57En nuestro afán por hablar poco de Sly hoy repasamos la filmografía de su amigo y rival Arnold Schwarzenneger entre 1990 y 2010. Como se pasó media década metido en política hemos juntado dos para que nos cunda más. Tenemos hoy un gran equipo de fans de Arnold formado por Ioseba y Nino del podcast "Vamos a peor" y el dibujante Raúl Goodman del podc…
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The ladies dive into their healthy hair care and sleep routine. Sophia explains how singles are now "running" to find love and Sistine dives into all things Olympics. They discuss polter-ghosts on dating apps and finish off with their most interesting Listener Question to date.Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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Well... that was a giant fail. The sister trip we were excited for took a big L. They discuss flight cancelations, clearing a roster, and the scary panic attack Sophia had on the plane (and how Sistine saved the day). They go into cringy things people do after a relationship ends, calories not counting on vacation, and Sophia getting kicked off the…
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They're BACK baby! And coming in hot with haunted stories from the Hamptons, chicken tenders and Diplo, first dates, their upcoming sisters trip, and so much more. Sophia dives into her newfound Brat Summer by incorporating toe rings and anklets while Sistine teaches us the "Taxi Cab" theory in dating. Sophia describes her recent heart check up and…
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Stallone de mi vida -109- Dolph Lundgren en la década 2010
2:09:54La foto de portada ilustra un momento de máxima felicidad de Dolph cuando tenía a la vez en la cartelera del cine "Creed 2" y "Aquaman". Como este es el último programa que vamos a dedicar a su carrera, a no ser que aguante el podcast hasta 2030 o se nos muera, he invitado a Paco Slasherman como experto en su filmografía. Paco es un gran coleccioni…
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The girls recap an exciting week of Sistine's birthday, Sophia's wild wedding weekend, and Sistine's...interesting...body scrub experience. They answer a listener question and get into so much more.Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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Stallone de mi vida -108- Donald Sutherland y Stallone
2:05:09Hoy homenajeamos a Donald Sutherland tras su reciente fallecimiento y recordamos la primera película donde apareció junto a Sylvester Stallone : "Klute" (1971). Os recuerdo que ya hice un programa sobre "Encerrado", el número 4, disponible en este mismo canal para escuchar. Me acompaña Alfonso de "Living in América" para contarnos historias sobre l…
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Sophia discusses the impact your birth order placement has on your personality, Sistine chats about her very fun date that's left a bit of a hangover, and the new trend of men in short shorts.Sophia and Sistine Stallone による
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From tipsy piercings and colic babies, they are all over the place. Sistine dives into why your best friends should be your soulmate and Sophia explains the "Let Them" theory. The sisters reminisce over popular 2000s treats and celebrity gossip columns. Whole milk, sugar cravings, owning your worth, and so on!…
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