好きなこと(朗読)をし続ける場所です。 読む題材は青空文庫から選んでいます。 読む題材の選択は、読んでみたいと思っただけです。 深い意味(複雑な理由)はありません。 セリフは時々声を変えたり、抑揚を強めに読んでいる作品多めです。 BGMやSEは入っていません。毎週1作品ずつUPされます。 ------------★------------★--------------★------------------ I love "rodoku" and keep on reading! Voice is Japanese only.There is reading story every week. The choice of the subject matter was simply because I wanted to read it. There is no deep meaning (or complicated reason). https://listen.style/p/haruca?JGvcSwpF
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村山籌子「あひるさんと時計」 ------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title: Duck and Clock
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小川未明「あかい雲」 ------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title: red clouds
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村山籌子「ライオンの大損」 ------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title: The lion's share of the loss
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小川未明「お江戸は火事だ」 ------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title: Edo is on fire.
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夢野久作「ビルディング」 ------------------------------------------- Yumeno Kyusaku title: The Building
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村山籌子「雪のよる」 ------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title: snowy evening
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中谷宇吉郎「字の書き方」 ------------------------------------------- Nakatani Ukichirou title: How to write the characters
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村山籌子「ゾウトネズミ」 ------------------------------------------- Murayama Kazuko title;elephant and mouse
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小川未明「お母さん」 --------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title; a mother
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寺田虎彦「赤」 ------------------------------------------ Terada Torahiko title; The red
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新美南吉「井戸」 ------------------------------------------- Nimi Nankichi title; the water well
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坂口安吾「復員」 ------------------------------------------------- Sakaguchi Ango title:repatriation
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櫻間中庸「山の驛」 ------------------------------------------ Sakurama Chuyo title: the station of the mountain
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太宰治「青森」 ------------------------------------------- Dazai Osamu title; AomorDazai Osamu title; Aomori
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新美南吉「カタツムリノウタ」 --------------------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi title:song of the snail
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田中貢太郎「朝倉一五〇」 --------------------- Tanaka Kotaro titile:Asakura150
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宮本百合子「雨の日」 -------------------------------- Miyamoto Yuriko title:The rainy day
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山村暮鳥「鳶」 -------------------------- Yamamura Bocho title:scaffold erector
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薄田泣菫「茶話・悪戯」 ------------------------------ Susukida Kyukin title : a practical joke
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宮沢賢治「手紙1」 ------------------------------------------------------- Miyazawa Kenji title:The letter Miyazawa Kenji title:The letter 1
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夢野久作「犬と人形」 --------------------- Yumeno Kyusaku title:The dog and the dool
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薄田泣菫「茶話 独帝の癖」 ------------------------------------- Susukida Kyukin title:Kaiser's habit
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小川未明「泣きんぼうの話」 ------------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:A story about a crying baby
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小川未明「みけのごうがいやさん」 -------------------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:Mike no Gogaiya san Gogai=newspaper extra
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薄田泣菫「茶話・道楽」 ------------------------------ Susukida Kyukin title:a chat over tea/favorite amusement
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小川未明「月が出る」 --------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei titile: the moon comes out
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薄田泣菫「茶話・子供」 ------------------------------ Susukida Kyukin title:a chat over tea/Child
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北大路魯山人「遠州の墨蹟」 --------------------------------- Kitaohji Rosanjin title:Enshu's works
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新美南吉「一年生たちとひよめ」 --------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi title:First-year students and Little grebes
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山村暮鳥「手ぶくろ」 --------------------------------- Yamamura Bocho title:the gloves
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新美南吉「サルト サムライ」 --------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi title:The monkey and samurai
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新美南吉「乳母車」 ------------------------------------------------ Niimi Nankichi title:a baby carriage
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小川未明「赤い鳥」 ---------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:the red bird
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夢野久作「がちゃがちゃ」 ----------------------------------------------- Yumeno Kyusaku title:GACHA GACHA
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宮本百合子「声」 -------------------------------------- Miyamoto Yuriko title:the voice
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大杉栄「僕は精神が好きだ」 ----------------------------------------- Ohsugi Sakae title:I like the spirit of it.
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宮本百合子「未来を築く力」 ------------------------------------------- Miyamoto Yuriko title:The Power to Build the Future
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小川未明「つづれさせ」 --------------------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei title:TUZURESASE
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内村鑑三「寒中の木の芽」 --------------------- Uchimura kanzo title:buds from a tree in midwinter
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田中貢太郎「終電車に乗る妖婆」 ----------------------------------------------- Tanaka Kotaro title:"Yobaba" on the last train
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新美南吉「ラッパ」 --------------------------------------------- Niimi Nankichi titile:trumpet
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山村暮鳥「昔語り」 ---------------------------- Yamamura Bochou title:recall the old days
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芥川龍之介「比呂志との問答」 ----------------------------------- Akutagawa Ryunosuke titile:Questions and Answers with Hiroshi
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桜間中庸「レインコートを着たてんと虫」 ---------------------------- Sakurama Chuyou title:Ladybug in raincoat
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柳田国男「母の手毬歌・親棄山④七曲の玉の緒 その他」 -------------------------------------------- Yanagida Kunio titile:The mother‘s traditional ballad OYASUTEYAMA 4th Thread a string through the crystal that bends in seven directions inside./ another story
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河井醉茗「山の歓喜」 ---------------------------- Kawai Suimei title:Mountain Delight
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小川未明「金の輪①」 ----------------------------------- Ogawa Mimei titile:The gold rings
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柳田国男「母の手毬歌・親棄山③老人の知恵」 -------------------------------------------- Yanagida Kunio titile:The mother‘s traditional ballad OYASUTEYAMA 3rd The Wisdom of the Elderly
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村山壽子「川へ落ちた玉ねぎさん」 ------------------------------- Murayama Kazuko titile:Onions that fell into the river
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田中貢太郎「商売の繁昌する家」 --------------------------- Tanaka Kotaro titile:A house where business flourishes
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