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東京大学在学中の兄弟が日常の気になることを真面目に分析しながら話します! エンタメから時事ネタ、受験や教育まで広く取り上げます。話して欲しい内容があれば下記リンクからお便りお願いします。TAISHIが兄で、KOSHIが弟です。 【お便りはこちらまで】 【使われている音楽】 BGM: Blue Skies - Silent Partner | エンディング: TheFatRat - Monody (feat. Laura Brehm) |
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英語学習者向けニュースアプリ「ざっくり英語ニュース!StudyNow」で配信されたニュースから毎月2,3個をピックアップして英語のネイティブスピーカーが気軽に話し合う全編英語のみのポッドキャストです。英会話やリスニングの練習にご活用ください。アプリ内でも同じ内容の番組を配信しています。 100万ダウンロードの無料アプリ「ざっくり英語ニュース!StudyNow」もあわせてご利用ください。
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show series
「インディ・ジョーンズ」の新たな冒険譚までもう間もなく。株式会社イード による
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ゲームのアップデートで新たに挑戦が加わり、楽しさが広がります。株式会社イード による
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予備役部隊「K-9」が大活躍、マガダンを巡る激しい攻防が描かれています!株式会社イード による
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今回は、ゲーム中に登場するメニューを期間限定で提供している「めいどりーみん 大阪 日本橋オタロード店」に取材に行ってきました!株式会社イード による
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シューター女子のちょっぴりコミカルでドタバタでだらだらフレンドリーファイアな日常を描いた、Game*Sparkオリジナルの4コマ連載漫画『じゃんげま』。他校の文化祭に視察に来た電子遊戯同好会一同。とある部活の展示が目に入ります。株式会社イード による
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珠玉のローグライク/ローグライトを紹介する特集。第8回はこの系統のゲームとしては珍しい、ストーリー主導型カードバトル『クロノアーク』の魅力をお伝えします。株式会社イード による
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読者参加型アンケートコーナー、Game*Sparkリサーチ。今回は『あなたが最も期待する2025年新作ゲーム』というテーマで皆様からのコメントを募集いたします。株式会社イード による
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週末限定のお気楽企画Game*Spark大喜利、第七百三十四回の審査結果発表です。今回のお題は『ゲーマーすぎる大工さんの特徴とは?』でした。皆様から寄せられた回答を皆様の評価及び担当者の"独断と偏見"により審査しました結果、選ばれたのは…株式会社イード による
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新作カプセルトイ「ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム ゾナウギアマグネット」が2025年春に発売決定!NintendoTOKYO等では先行販売中。株式会社イード による
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ホロライブとコラボしたゲーミングキーボード「REALFORCE × hololive GX1 Keyboard」予約受付中!株式会社イード による
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政治的な理由で販売停止となった本作について、湾岸戦争を描いた『CoD_ BO6』が停止されていないのはダブルスタンダードであるという旨を主張しています。株式会社イード による
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ローグライトRPG『Wizlite』、バランス調整の結果早期アクセス開始の延期を発表しました。株式会社イード による
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App StudyNow. So usually on this podcast, both myself and our guest choose an article from the last month of stories on StudyNow. And we talk about them and have a little conversation. This time, though, we thought we might change things up a little. Instead of talking about…
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App StudyNow. I'm your host Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a light-hearted discussion about them.Today's topics include a special seasonal item at Burger King that everybody seems to go c…
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App StudyNow. I'm your host, Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a light-hearted discussion about them.Today's topics include a misguided travel recommendation from an article written by our o…
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App StudyNow. My name is Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a light-hearted discussion about them. Today's topics include a sport you have maybe never heard of which is experiencing a rise in…
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App StudyNow. I'm your host, Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a light-hearted discussion about them. Today's topics include birds FaceTiming with each other, and later we'll talk about the …
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App, Study Now. I'm your host Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on Study Now and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today's topics include a crazy fight breaking out from a board game, and later we'll ta…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App, StudyNow. I'm your host, Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them.Today's topics include some interesting ways to look at regional differences within the US…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study App, StudyNow. I'm your host, Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them.Today's topics include some interesting ways to look at regional differences within the US…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English study app, StudyNow. I'm your host Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today's topics include a little girl tracking down Santa with a sample of his DNA, and the…
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow. I’m your host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today’s topics include the growing problem of drunk people sleeping in the street and then w…
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow. I'm your host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today's topics include an interesting idea to make driverless cars safer around pedestrians…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow. I'm your host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them.Today's topics include a kayak vacation where you help the environment by picking up garbage a…
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Hello, and welcome to Talking Back the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow I'm your host Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow, and have a light-hearted discussion about them. Today's topics include the increasing popularity of skateboarding among some Chinese women…
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Hello, and welcome to talking back, the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow. I’m your host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today’s topics include wildfires setting off old bombs in Europe, and later we’ll talk abou…
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Hello! And welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow. I’m you host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow, and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today’s topics include Americans moving away from having lush lawns full of green grass and…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow. I'm your host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today's topics include wild boars invading the Seto Islands and Japan is perhaps finally ope…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English study app StudyNow. I'm you host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them.Today's topics include a job opening where you can live alongside penguins in the Arctic and h…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back the companion podcast of English study app Study Now. I'm your host Scott and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them.Today's topics include the oldest wombat in the world, who lives right here in Osaka, and lat…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study app StudyNow. I'm your host, Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them. Today's topics include a woman being saved by a popular new word puzzle game, and the digi…
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Hello and welcome to Talking Back, the companion podcast of English Study app, StudyNow. I'm your host, Scott, and once a month I sit down with a guest and we select a few of the articles that appeared on StudyNow and have a lighthearted discussion about them.Today's topics include a couple of police officers getting fired for playing a Pokemon gam…
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