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Every week you will be treated to a new Drifting Ruby episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well.
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CSS-Tricks Screencasts

Chris Coyier

CSS-Tricks Screencasts is focused on showing you tips, tricks, techniques about web design. Code samples can be extremely helpful, but sometimes it is even more helpful to watch someone as they code. In CSS-Tricks Screencasts will show you real live CSS and HTML code being written and tested right on the screen. Topics will vary but will always center around design and usability.
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Le podcast Waluu Cast, est un screencast présenté par les Waluu Twins : Anthony et Benoit. Le but de ces formations vidéos est d'aider les développeurs à terminer leurs applications au travers de tutoriaux sur les logiciels qu'ils sont amenés à utiliser. Anthony, l'ingénieur front-end (HTML/CSS/JS) et l'infographiste de la startup présente, au travers de screencasts Photoshop, Firefox ou Eclipse des formations sur le WebDesign d'application Web ou mobile. Benoit, le développeur et ...
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show series
In this episode, we will upload a CSV file but need to pass it into a background job. This can prove to be difficult based on the hosting infrastructure so we'll explore some mechanisms to work around them. We'll also look to optimize Solid Queue to handle the large number of jobs.Dave Kimura による
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In this lesson, we will pick up where we left off in the last part and package up our script into a gem that we can share. Along the way, we'll look at how we can spread responsibility across a few small classes to separate concerns and hopefully make theChris Oliver による
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In this lesson, we will be looking at getting a v1 of a Ruby script that will fetch, pull, and push across several repositories and remotes to keep our code up-to-date. Hopefully, it will give you ideas for other areas in your workflow where a simple RubyChris Oliver による
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