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Join us in experiencing synchronicity with the Holy Scriptures: Torah, Prophets, Writings and the New Letters. The content is based on a consistent daily reading amount and begins in the New Year according to Torah. The content for a week ahead is published at the beginning that week to prepare for Who is coming.
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Romemu: Jewish Life, Elevated

Romemu: Jewish Life, Elevated

Romemu is a welcoming, experiential, irreverently pious, intergenerational Jewish community that elevates and transforms individuals and communities into more compassionate human beings. Committed to powerful prayer and transformative spiritual practices, Romemu attempts to engage the heart, mind and body in everything we do, helping us to foster greater levels of compassion. We believe that Judaism offers spiritual seekers and skeptics alike a path that celebrates our wholeness and provides ...
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Durante el período del Primer Templo, cuando las ofrendas en el templo eran posibles, Oseas escribió: “Porque quise Chesed (bondad amorosa), y no Zevach (ofrendas); y Da'as Elohim (sabiduría de Dios) más que olot (holocaustos)”. - Oseas 6:6 La Biblia Judía Ortodoxa (TOJB)danielsantos による
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Dies sagte der Apostel und Gelehrter des Gesetzes Sha’ul (Paulus) zu “den falschen Brüdern der Beschneidung”: Die körperliche Beschneidung darf die erste Glaubensentscheidung nicht ersetzen. „Dein Wort ist ein Ner (Wegweiser) für meine Füße und ein Or (Licht) für meinen Pfad.“ Tehillim (Psa) 119:105danielsantos による
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Esto dijo el apóstol y estudioso de la ley Shaúl (Pablo) a “los falsos hermanos de la circuncisión”: La circuncisión física no debe sustituir la primera decisión de fe. “Tu palabra es Ner (guía) para mis pies, Or (luz) para mi camino”. Tehillim (Salmos) 119:105danielsantos による
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This is what the apostle and scholar of the law Sha’ul (Paul) said to “the false brothers of the circumcision”: Physical circumcision must not replace the first decision of faith. 'Thy word is a Ner (guide) unto my feet, Or (light) unto my path. ' Tehillim (Psa) 119:105danielsantos による
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„Hört auf, euch der Olam Hazeh anzupassen, sondern lasst euch durch die Hitkhadshut (Regeneration, Erneuerung) deines Geistes verwandeln, damit ihr erkennen könnt, was der Ratzon Hashem (der Wille Gottes) ist, was der gute, annehmbare und vollkommene Wille Gottes ist.“ – Römer 12:2danielsantos による
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'Stop allowing yourself to be conformed to the Olam Hazeh, but be transformed by your hitkhadshut (regeneration, renewal) of your mind, so that you may ascertain what is the ratzon Hashem (the will of G-d) , what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of G-d. ' - Romans 12:2danielsantos による
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