A Simpsons and History Podcast
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Episode 73 – World Trade Centre Bombing From The Same Planet
57:49Garreth witnesses Phil Hartman gives a masterclass in “Brother From The Same Planet”, broadcast on February 4th 1993. It’s a bit of an unsung classic, featuring no less than twenty eight memeable moments. It also features what looks like an obvious parody (“You’ve been out galavanting with that floozy of a bigger brother haven’t you? Haven’t you? L…
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Retrospecticus rides the Whiplash (to be completed in 2026) on January 21st 1993 with Gareth’s thoughts on “Selma’s Choice”, a choice no less impactful for its later reversal, whilst Tom covers the assassination of the fearless Turkish investigative journalist Uğur Mumcu three days later. Along the way we’ll cover the epic history of Türkiye, exclu…
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Episode 71 sees our regular intro finally come to fruition as Garreth tackles “Marge Vs The Monorail”, an all-time top-tier stone cold classic! They’ll tie themself in knots with a mega Leonard Nimoy crossover and discuss the ominous return of some omnipresent nineties chart-botherers. After a record number of Memeable Moments, Tom somehow still ha…
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Episode 70 – The Czech Republic’s Triple Bypass
53:46Episode 70, and it’s accidentally seasonal as Garreth looks at the nearest episode to Christmas 1992, “Homer’s Triple Bypass”, and Tom talks “Velvet Divorce” as we wave goodbye to Czechoslovakia. Along the way we’ll address the Twitter elephant in the room, serve up more defenestrations than is strictly healthy and present possibly the worst Randy …
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It’s episode 69 – nice! – and we’re playing witness to “Lisa’s First Word”, which first aired on 3 December 1992, just as the final word was being said on Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales’ marriage. Yes, we’re taking the most ill-timed trip to Buckingham Palace ever! (It was taped before last Thursday, we swear…) We’ll also take a look a…
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Aliens, bio-duplication, nude conspiracies – none of these are why Retrospecticus took a long break, but we’ll explain why, whilst Garreth ploughs through the stone cold classic, “Mr Plow”, with tons of pure West and a visit to Crazy Vaclav’s! Then Tom will talk about the fire at the Royal Family’s second home, Pizza Express in Woking…sorry, we mea…
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Episode 67, and Bart’s got a crush and Homer’s full of shrimp in “New Kid On The Block”, first aired on 12 November 1992 – one day after the Synod of the Church of England voted to ordain women priests! Along the way we’ll go from C and E to C of E, getting an “Eddie Fact” as we do. Content note: this episode includes a mention of Ann Widdicombe.…
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Episode 66, and we’re gassing Tom Jones in “Marge Gets A Job”, first shown on 5 November 1992 – a mere month after Mortal Kombat first cut a bloody swathe through the arcades! Along the way we’ll fight the creature from the wrong lagoon, complain about sexism in fighting games and finally reveal the blood code for the SNES version!* (* = may be a l…
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Episode 65, and we meet the unforgettable Bang Bang Bart in “Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie”, first aired on November 3rd 1992 – the day of a US Presidential election that elected Bill Clinton! Along the way we’ll drink milkshakes, watch Telemundo, find an unusual L7 cover and talk more Bush than you can shake a stick at!…
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We’re back… And it’s Halloween again! Garreth takes on apes, zombies and a killer doll in “Treehouse of Horror III”, first shown on 29 October 1992, while Tom takes us through Pope John Paul II’s apology to Galileo a few days later. Featuring manboys at number one and a whole lotta biochemistry! If you like the show, please listen and share!…
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This time Retrospecticus heartily endorses “Lisa The Beauty Queen”, which first aired on October 15th 1992, the same day as Charles Taylor launched Operation Octopus in the Liberian Civil War. As you might expect it’s a bloody tale, but there’s a double dip in the nineties charts and acronyms by the bucketload to sweeten the […]…
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Retrospecticus is back, as long as no minor royals have died this week, with Homer’s new ways of worship in “Homer the Heretic”, first shown on October 8 1992, four days after the end of the civil war in Mozambique. We’ve got a none-more-nineties number one, the one reason anyone would want to join Britain, […]…
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Episode 61 – A Streetcar Named Sinéad O’Connor
39:08It’s episode 61, and “A Streetcar Named Marge” sees Marge treading the boards, while Sinéad O’Connor rips up a photo of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live. Along the way we’ll meet a singing dentist and possibly upset the Catholic Church – probably should have stuck with the singing dentist, then… In all […]…
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Season four is upon us! Bart encounters everyone’s favourite non-recurring character Mr Black in “Kamp Krusty”! And meanwhile in Brazil, President Fernando Collor de Mello is in a spot of impeachment bother – so we’ll bring you up to date on the history of Brazil! Anyone got any Vargas? Lovely… If you enjoy the show, […]…
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Episode 59 – Black Wednesday Can You Spare Two Dimes?
46:32It’s the last show of season 3, for both The Simpsons and us! An embittered Uncle Herb returns in “Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?”, and the UK Government could use use those two dimes as Black Wednesday runs wild! Meanwhile, we jump three months and miss the Summer of Rave, explain short-selling (we think), […]…
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Episode 58 – The Space Shuttle Endeavour Falls in Love
47:47Happy 2021 everyone! We’re back to take a look at Bart’s Friend Falls in Love, the episode that sees Milhouse fall in love with Samantha Stinky, sorry, Stanky! It’s the episode that features some excellent sex education courtesy of Fuzzy Bunny, and Homer making use of a metal deely that you use to dig food. […]…
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It’s a Christmas special of Retrospecticus! And a special calls for a special guest: writer and broadcaster Tim Worthington joins us to discuss Spinal Tap, as we reach “The Otto Show”, first aired on 23 April 1992 and coinciding with Betty Boothroyd’s arrival as the Speaker of the House of Commons. Along the way we’ll […]…
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Sideshow Bob makes his first return in “Black Widower”, first shown on 9 April 1992, and we examine the life of Alberto Fujimori, the Peruvian leader who launched a coup against himself four days earlier. Along the way we’ll see the roots of Britpop, solve a mystery about writers that involves mystery writers, and introduce […]…
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We’re looking at “Colonel Homer” this week, the one that introduces country and western singer Lurleen Lumpkin. Along the way we’ll visit Googolplex cinemas, the Beer ‘n Brawl, and Big Shirtless Ron. For the history we’re covering what happened in Iraq after the Gulf War, culminating in the destruction of the Al Atheer nuclear complex. […]…
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It’s Episode 54, and the prognosis is bleak for Santa’s Little Helper in “Dog Of Death”, broadcast on 12 March 1992, but looking better for South Africa after their Apartheid referendum, which came five days later. Along the way we’ll get Covid tested, visit some dogs with evil owners, marvel at a song that lasts […]…
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Well Mr Burns had done it…if by “it” you mean wrecked a perfectly good works softball team in “Homer At The Bat”, aired on February 20 1992, the same day as Ross Perot announced his run as an independent candidate for President of the USA. Along the way we’ll drown in memes, find out which […]Retrospecticus による
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Episode 51, and it’s a doozy from the Simpsons side: “Bart The Lover” from 13 February 1992, featuring Woodrow, the swear jar and a world without zinc! Tom then takes us to meet Hugo Chavez and his attempted coup in Venezuela, which reached a crescendo a few days beforehand. Along the way Garreth will try […]…
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Retrospecticus has reached the big five-oh, so we celebreate by talking about “Homer Alone”, the episode that sees Marge snap through stress and visit Rancho Relaxo, while Homer tries and fails to look after Maggie. The episode was first broastcast the day before the Maastricht treaty was signed, so we tell the story of how […]…
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This week, Lisa and Homer bet on the Washington Football Team in “Lisa The Greek”, and we take a look at the history of Zaire, plus its bloody history as a colony of Belgium. Somehow we also touch on Pinchy the lobster and the Rumble in the Jungle, plus a king for hire, a genius […]Retrospecticus による
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As Britain reels from a Cayman Islands-style heatwave, your perspiring hosts take you back to a colder time – January 9, 1992 – to send our love down the well in “Radio Bart” and witness the merciful end of the Salvadoran Civil War. Along the way we’ll castigate pop stars for their charity efforts, negotiate […]…
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Episode 47 – I Married the Dissolution of the Soviet Union
43:06So it’s come to this: the end of the Soviet Union, with a suitably nostalgic partner in “I Married Marge”. Along the way we’ll impersonate a world leader, say another goodbye to Freddie Mercury, and visit with a different Crazy Otto. And you’ll never believe who’s advertising Pizza Hut. If you enjoy the show, please […]…
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Episode 46 – Belavezha Accords Verkaufen der Kraftwek
36:47We’re back in the USSR – but not for long! This week, we witness the signing of the Belovezha Accords, one of the last nails in the coffin for the USSR, whilst Springfield says a hearty willkommen bei den Deutschen in “Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk”. Along the way we’ll meet the drummer for every band […]…
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Welcome to the podcast where happiness is just a Flaming Homer away – yes! It’s time for “Flaming Moe’s”, an episode where greed tears a friendship asunder and Aerosmith play nightly. Plus, Tom looks at the life and times of Freddie Mercury, taking in the history of Zanzibar and some horrific behaviour from the UK […]…
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This week we’re telling the tale of one Terry Waite, hostage negotiator turned hostage, whose fascinating story we recount along with “Saturdays Of Thunder”, in which Bart and Homer go soapbox derby racing. Along the way we’ll judge the grimness of the North, have a chance encounter with Idi Amin and probably mention that curling […]…
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It’s episode 43, where Homer pulls double duty in “Lisa’s Pony” and we cover the death of Robert Maxwell, with a dive into his fascinating origins. Along the way we’ll discuss “My Ding-A-Ling” (but not our ding-a-lings, mercifully), the north-east’s top light entertainer, football mergers, Tetris and our old favourites, various totalitarian Eastern…
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Let terror commence as we unleash Treehouse of Horror 2 from Halloween 1991, and the independence of Turkmenistan as declared on October 27, 1991! If you thought the former was bizarre, wait until you hear the latter – how to make a sea disappear! Decree after decree after decree! And – we’re not kidding – […]…
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It’s all about reconciliations this time at Retrospecticus, as we cover Krusty building bridges with his dad in “Like Father Like Clown” and the end of the Cambodia-Vietnam war. Along the way we’ll meet a seemingly never-ending prime minister, see the squarest moat ever and discover the traffic warden who changed 90s pop. Please listen […]…
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We’ve made it all the way to episode 40, and we’re taking a look at Homer’s dumb luck in “Homer Defined” and the history of Azerbaijan, in particular its independence, as officially adopted the day after that episode aired! Along the way we’ll eviscerate a Beatle’s son and give you a great reason never to […]…
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We’re back up to speed this time, with a look at arguably the dawn of the classic era of The Simpsons with “Bart The Murderer”, and the controversial appointment of Clarence Thomas as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the USA! We’ll also take a wider look at said court and say hello to […]Retrospecticus による
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Not even a Covid-19 outbreak can derail Retrospecticus! We’ve gone back to our Skype roots to discuss the opening of the Leftorium in “When Flanders Failed”, first aired as Slick Willie himself, Bill Clinton, announced he was running for the presidency of the USA! We’ll also look at other presidents in The Simpsons, be they […]…
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The Simpsons get political this week, as we discuss Mr Lisa Goes to Washington. Along the way we address the correspondence between Barbara Bush and Marge Simpson, have a thumb through Reading Digest (yes, you read that right) and visit the cesspool on the Potomak. For the history, we go over the history of the […]…
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It’s season three at last, and we’re keeping super cool and staying frosty with Otzi the iceman and then losing said cool over “Stark Raving Dad”. We’ll also tackle Wishbone Ash, mummy ownership and some famous bottoms! Please listen and share! Warning – we discuss the first episode of series three of the Simpsons, and […]…
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We’ve reached “Blood Feud”, the final episode of Season 2 of The Simpsons! Look forward to watered mail, immortal lines and the genealogy of a big ol’ ugly Olmec head! Alon the way we’ll find out what is and what isn’t a real medical condition, and make at least one terrible pun. For the history […]Retrospecticus による
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Episode 34 – Three Men and The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power
59:48It’s festive fury from a raging Retrospecticus, as we discuss paranoid thriller “Three Men And A Comic Book” and taunt Xenu with the New York Times’ expose on Scientology. Along the way we’ll get disgusted with politics, discuss Flanderization and dump a dead sheep outside the Brit awards. Merry Christmas, everyone!…
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Episode 33 – Angolan Civil War of the Simpsons
44:41Things take a turn for the vulgar this week, as we discuss “War of the Simpsons”, an episode written by the non-existent John Schwartzwelder that sees Homer embarrass himself at a party by getting drunk and lecherous, before winding up at a couples retreat where he almost catches a massive catfish. Along the way we […]…
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Episode 32 – Lisa’s Temporary Provisions Against the Communist Rebellion
53:49We’re looking at easily the best episode of season two, as we tackle Lisa’s Substitute, an episode that sees Dustin Hoffman take on the role of substitute teacher Mr Bergstrom, while Bart runs for class president. For the history, we go over the conflict between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China, […]…
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The podcast so good, you’ll hang it on your wall… yes! Enter Ringo Starr in “Brush With Greatness”, the Simpsons episode that starts in Mount Splashmore and culminates with Marge Simpsons painting Mr Burns in the nude. For the history bit, we tell the story of the exit (from the USSR) of Georgia, who declared […]…
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Episode 30 sees us examine Grampa Simpson’s first on-screen romance in “Old Money”, an episode that sees an unjust surplus of Doctor Marvin Monroe, but it does include the debut of one Professor Frink! Tom tells the tale of the Birmingham Six, the six men wrongly imprisoned for the Birmingham pub bombings of 1974 and […]…
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Political tensions are running high in the Retrospecticus powder keg, as we join the Assassins’ conspiracy in “Bart’s Dog Gets An ‘F'” and some police brutality against Rodney King sparks the LA riots. Along the way we’ll take in number ones from jeans adverts, learn some Korean social mores and celebrate animation’s greatest animal noise […]…
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Episode 28 – Oh Brother Where Art the Provisional IRA
53:10It’s brotherly love and terrorism this week, as we discuss “Oh Brother Where Art Thou?”, the episode of the Simpsons that sees Homer reunited with his long lost half brother Herb Powell, voiced by Danny DeVito. For the history we talk about the bombings of Paddington and Victoria stations by the Provisional IRA, part of […]…
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Episode 27 – Principal Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
51:07Love and fury are in the air, as we discuss Valentines Day 1991’s “Principal Charming” and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization between tirades about the death of British democracy. Along the way we’ll take in sodium bonding conundrums, local tapas restaurants and how to invent fictional herbicides without arousing suspicions. You can…
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Episode 26 – Homer versus Lisa and Jean-Bertrand Aristide
52:10Retrospecticus Mobius loops in on itself as we tackle “Homer vs Lisa and the Eighth Commandment” and the democratic elections in Haiti! We’ll hear all about Haiti’s fascinating history, which is not for the weak of heart, see Columbus being a total bastard as usual, and learn both some commandment facts and a dance that’s […]…
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Retrospecticus celebrates a quarter century of episodes by taking a trip to the seventies in “The Way We Was” and a trip to Somalia for a return to your regularly-scheduled tale of genocide and corruption. Along the way Garreth will go full Mr Bergstrom and Tom will introduce us to the land of Steve Punt!…
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Episode 24 – One Fish, Street Fighter 2 Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish
1:04:44It’s a bumper episode of Super Retrospecticus: Turbo Champion Edition, as we tackle Homer’s last day on Earth in “One Fish…” and the release of Street Fighter 2. We’ll teach you all about compound time and tetrodotoxin, stop in with West Brom’s greatest modern forward line, and Tom will sing terrace classics in the opera […]…
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An action-packed Retrospecticus this time as the Gulf War starts and Bart gets hit by a car, and dies! Along the way there’s a ton of debuts, an Alliss fact, Stormin’ Norman’s great left hook, a cheap plug for Salad and a discussion of phallic imagery in the theatre of war!Retrospecticus による
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