Welcome to the CitySwift’s podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcasts offered by Redline Guiding, North Conway, NH.
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Bollywood Mashups, Mainstream Mixes, Non Stop Mixes!
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Racing for his life, Kal is like any other Ghoul with a life debt, but when a rare opportunity comes his way, Kal finds himself running the deadliest race so that he might win a life worth living. Pop in your earbuds, the world of the future awaits. . .
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Redline Legendz Podcast sheds light on the world of bikers and cars by celebrating its legends
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Immer am Puck mit «am Radio vu do»! Wenn die blaugelben Bündner Hockeyaner alles geben sind unsere Sportreporter live vor Ort. Alle Interviews von den Spielern findest du hier!
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The experiences that isolate us in our working world are also the stories that can unite our community and allow us to heal and move forward. In this series, we dive deeper into the core issues that plague the design profession, and evaluate how they result in everyday conflict, discomfort, and workplace turmoil. Redlines seeks to bring a voice to these stories, those privately endured in a school or workplace but clouded by shame, self-doubt, and questioning of one's professional choices. W ...
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RedLine Radio | The Car Podcast For Everyone On the Modification/Tuning/Racing/Showing of Automotive Vehicles |
Garrrett M, Richard M, Johnny M, and Emmanuel M
A Podcast for the car curious, enthusiasts, and fan-boys alike!
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Navigating Legal Challenges as an Unlicensed Architectural Professional
1:04:24In this episode of Redlines, we hear the sobering story of Joan, an experienced but unlicensed architecture professional who faced a devastating lawsuit that threatened her career and livelihood. Joan shares her journey of running a successful design practice for years, only to have it come crashing down due to a dispute with foreign investors on a…
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Protecting Your Creativity: Lessons from an Architect's Copyright Battle
52:15In this episode of Redlines, we delve into a captivating story of one architect's struggle to defend her intellectual property and creative work. Maya, a rising talent in the design world, shares a harrowing tale of a mentor-like figure who exploited her unique methods and teachings, using them for their own gain without permission or credit. As Ma…
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Deconstructing the Dream: An International Architect's Struggle in America
1:05:03A warning for our listeners, in this episode we discuss sexual misconduct in the workplace and uncomfortable scenarios in a professional setting. We want you to know this in advance, and please take care when listening to this episode. In this episode of Redlines, Jake and Erin speak with Lara (name changed for confidentiality), an international ar…
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From Bootcamp to Burnout: A Veteran's Struggle in Architecture
51:29K* opens up about his experiences entering the architecture profession after serving in the military. K shares with hosts Jake and Erin about his background growing up in a low-income family and joining the Marines to pay for college. After deploying overseas, K left the military to pursue architecture. However, the transition from the military hie…
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Overworked and Undervalued: A Series of Traumatic Experiences In Architecture
1:04:14Chris* faced a series of traumatic and unfair experiences over the course of his architecture career. Despite his lifelong passion for architecture, Chris dealt with difficult bosses, excessive overwork, sexual harassment, lack of appreciation, and ultimately wrongful dismissal. His story highlights the need for positive change in architecture's pr…
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The ‘Gentleman’s Profession’ and the Price We Pay for Our Passion
40:08Welcome to this week's episode of Redlines, where we delve into the intriguing world of architecture and its untold stories. This week, we're taking a unique turn from our usual format. In this episode of Redlines, hosts Jake and Erin revisit stories from the Out of Architecture book that continue to look at the culture of exploitation within archi…
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Breaking the Cycle: To Make Great Architecture You Have to Suffer
49:17In this episode of Redlines, hosts Jake and Erin speak with Cecilia and Elif, two architecture students who took an unpaid summer internship abroad at a famous firm in Spain at the recommendation of their professor. However, instead of gaining valuable experience in an architecture office, they were treated as expendable labor. Cecilia and Elif rec…
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You Don't Look Like You Could Represent the Firm
43:30The Turbulent Journey of an Accomplished Architect This episode of Redlines tells the story of Natasha (a pseudonym), an architect with over 14 years of experience who faced discrimination and career roadblocks at the hands of her employer. Despite her expertise and external recognition, Natasha was excluded from opportunities and advancement. Thre…
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Exploitative Visa Practices and Effects on Immigrant Architects
42:04This episode shines a light on the withholding of critical information by architecture firms to create an uneven power dynamic as firms hold visa sponsorship over young, foreign workers. Our storyteller this week is Cat - a pseudonym - who shares their personal experience with the H1B visa process in the United States and the challenges they faced …
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Ascendant SoV: Intro & Prologue - Ink & Virtue Podcast
21:44Intro * Prologue * Story By Izaic Yorks Narration By Kyle Snyder Learn more at izaicyorks.com or kylesnydervoiceover.com Want the book quicker? Purchase at izaicyorks.com or audible.Ink & Virtue による
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Finding True freedom. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episod…
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The final showdown. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode.…
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Are you. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode. If you hav…
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One shot. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode. If you ha…
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The girl. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode. If you ha…
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That moment when you think you've f*#%ked up. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I h…
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A place only few go. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode…
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A bbq to remember. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode. …
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Kal gets more than he signed up for. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you e…
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A choice made. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode. If y…
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When things don't go well. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the e…
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Training & a mysterious visitor. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy…
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Punishment, fears, hopes, and remembrances. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This episode contains themes of suicidal ideation and mature content ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it's a joy to share these stories with you. I hop…
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Some races you win and others. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it is a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode and if you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas to serve you better please email me at: [email protected] MUSIC…
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The Beginning & The End ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for listening, it is a joy to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy the episode and if you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas to serve you better please email me at: [email protected] MUSIC…
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Episode 33: Mein Dekha Teri Photo (DJ Redline Mashup)
3:31From the Movie Luka Chuppi, thought it needed a little something to make it more enjoyable, hope you like it!
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Episode 32: Hontho Pe Bas...Simply Faded DJ Redline Mix
3:54Hindi Remix, Mika Singh, DJ Redline, Bollywood Mashup, World Music
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In this episode it will be a brief overview of what to expect in the future and what is to come! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theredline/support
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A short story about an experienced hiker dying of hypothermia above tree line on what begins as a simple winter hike in the mountains. Narrated by the author, Mike Cherim. Print version here: https://redlineguiding.com/2017/01/how-i-died-hiking/
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Would you work As The Rocks Ass Wiper? Red, Yellow, Green Go
14:04Would you take a Job As The Rocks Ass Wiper? Red, Yellow, Green Go
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CitySwift Radio ep.2 Heated Debate Between Beyoncé, Prince & Michael Jackson
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CitySwift PodCast ep. 1 with - ChuDaDon, Logik Lito & Spaz
4:35CitySwift Radio with Chu Da Don, Logik Lito & Spaz
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Redline Legendz Podcast episode #1
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Playoff-Finale – Spiel 5: Der HCD ist Schweizer Meister! Dank dem 3:0-Sieg im Zürcher Hallenstadion sichern sich die Bündner den 31. Meistertitel in der Clubgeschichte. Meistertrainier Arno Del Curto im Interview.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Finale – Spiel 4: Der HC Davos schlägt die Lions zu Hause in der Verlängerung mit 4:3. Mit seinem Zuckerpass zum 3:3 war Verteidiger Jan von Arx massgeblich am Sieg beteiligt.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Finale - Spiel 2: Der HCD zeigt eine deutliche Reaktion und besiegt die ZSC Lions mit 5:2. Mauro Jörg, Torschütze zum 4:2 ist zufrieden mit der Mannschafts-Leistung.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Finale - Spiel 3: Dank dem glücklichen Sieg nach Penaltyschiessen führt der HCD in der Serie nun mit 2:1. Massgeblich daran beteiligt war Captain Andres Ambühl.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Finale - Spiel 1: Dem HCD misslingt der Start in den Playoff-Final. Die Bündner verlieren im Hallenstadion mit 0:3. Dino Wieser versucht, die ärgerliche Niederlage zu erklären.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Halbfinale - Spiel 4: Der HC Davos schlägt im vierten Halbfinalspiel zu Hause den SC Bern mit 3:1 und schickt sie mit einer 4:0-Packung in die Ferien. Andres Ambühl mit einem Rückblick auf die Serie und einem Ausblick auf das FinaleRadio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Halbfinale - Spiel 3: Dank dem dritten Sieg im dritten Spiel steht der HCD mit einem Bein im Finale. Beim 2:0-Auswärtssieg entscheidet das Tor von Noah Schneeberger das Spiel, trotzdem bleibt der HCD-Verteidiger selbstkritisch.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Halbfinale - Spiel 2: Schrit 2 von 4 ist gemacht. Der HCD gewinnt das erste Heimspiel in der Halbfinal-Serie mit 6:2. Stürmer Marc Wieser trug sich ebenfalls in die Torschützenliste ein.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Halbfinale - Spiel 1: Der HCD startet mit einem 3:2-Auswärtssieg nach Verlängerung in die Halbfinals und schafft bereits das Break. Matchwinner Samuel Guerra analysiert den wichtigen Sieg.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Viertelfinale - Spiel 6: Der HCD steht nach dem 4:3-Heimsieg in den Playoff-Halbfinals und trifft dort auf Bern. HCD-Verteidiger Félicien Du Bois im Interview.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Viertelfinale - Spiel 5: Fünfter Auswärtssieg im fünften Spiel. Der HCD bezwingt den EVZ auswärts und gehen damit in der Serie wieder in Führung. Stürmer Samuel Walser zum Spiel und zur Ausgangslage vor dem sechsten Spiel.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Viertelfinale - Spiel 4: Erneute Heimniederlage, die Bündner verlieren zu Hause gegen den EVZ mit 3:4. Captain Andres Ambühl erklärt, warum seine Mannschaft das Spiel verloren hat.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Viertelfinale - Spiel 3: Gregory Sciaroni schiesst den HCD in der Verlängerung zum so wichtigen zweiten Auswärtssieg. Der Matchwinner im Interview zum hart umkämpften Spiel.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Viertelfinale - Spiel 2: Ärgerliche Heimniederlage im zweiten Playoff-Spiel, Davos verliert mit 0:1 gegen den EV Zug. Verteidiger Félicien Du Bois versucht zu erklären.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Playoff-Viertelfinale - Spiel 1: Der HC Davos schlägt den EV Zug mit 6:1 und legt damit in der Viertelfinalserie mit 1:0 vor. Stürmer Samuel Walser war einer der Torschützen.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Der HCD verliert das letzte Qualispiel gegen den EV Zug mit 2:3 und beendet die Quali auf dem fünften Platz. Trotzdem schaut Beat Forster zuversichtlich auf die Playoff-Viertelfinalserie gegen Zug.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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Ein verjüngter HCD gewinnt in Kloten mit 2:1 nach Penaltyschiessen. Als einziger Torschütze versenkt Marc Aeschlimann den Penalty.Radio Suedostschweiz による
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